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    初二英语阅读题及答案 成考英语阅读理解的解题方法和技巧探微�

    时间:2020-03-02 07:31:43 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

         成考英语阅读理解短文题材涉及日常生活、科技常识、人物传记等;体裁有记叙文、说明文、应用文等。为了提高学生的英语阅读水平,我作了如下总结:�    一、解题步骤
      (3) 细读。逐字逐句地精读有关语段,让“隐含”的意思露出“庐山真面目”。(适用于选标题、隐含性推理)�
      1�细节题 �
      (1)掠读全文,领悟大意。特别要注意以下几方面:①六个W(Who,Where,When,What,Which,Why),一个H(How)以及其他特殊之处,比如转折词处;②数字,日期,时间等;③标点符号――比如破折号,括号,省略号,同位语等;④表示附加说明的词,比如by the way,besides,what’s more,in addition to,including to,as well as,except等;⑤倒装句及加强语气的词,比如above all,mainly,mostly,certainly,indeed,in fact等。�
      Practice time:�
      I go to the barber every three weeks�I don’t like very short hair,so my barber doesn’t cut much�I have known him for almost four years,and when I go to him,we always talk a lot�He tells me all his news and I tell him mine�He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he talks to most of them,so he always has a lot of news for me��
      Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays,and when he comes back to England,he has a lot of interesting news�While he is cutting my hair,he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages,strange food and drinks and many other things�I sit there and listen to the old man with open ears�One minute,my barber’s chair is a seat in a French train,and the next minute it becomes a chair in a restaurant in Praise��
      Although my barber is old,he always tries new things�He never says,“I have never eaten this food before,so I am not going to eat it now�” He says instead,“Try everything once”��
      Choose the best answer:�
      ( )1�How long has the author known the barber?�
      A�Five years�
      B�Almost four years�
      C�Almost six years�
      D�Ten years �
      ( )2�Where does the barber go for his holiday every year?�
      A�England B�American �
      ( )3�Why does the barber never say,“I have never eaten this food before,so I am not going to eat it now”?�
      A�Because he is too old to eat it��
      B�Because he likes to eat��
      C�Because he wants to eat��
      D�Because he always tries new things��
      1�The underlined word“ ” in the…paragraph refers to/means/stands for ��
      2�The expression/phrase“ ”means ��
      3�The word“ ”is closest in meaning to ��
      Practice 1:�
      I go to the barber every three weeks�I don’t like very short hair,so my barber doesn’t cut much��
      ( ) what does the word “barber” mean?�
      Practice 2:�
      A century is a hundred years��
      ( ) What does the word “century” mean?�
      提示:定义或解释说明。信号词:be,be called,means,be defined as等。�
      Practice 3:�
      Because the little girl was the only child in the family,she was the apple of her parents’ eye��
      ( )What does the word“apple”mean?�
      A�苹果 B�掌上明珠 �
      提示:根据上下文中的因果关系。信号词: because,since,as,for,due to,so,therefore,so…that,such…that,thus等。�
      Practice 4:�
      He had been getting better,but during the night his condition(情况)deteriorated��
      ( )What does the word“deteriorated”mean?�
      A�好转 B�恶化 C�正常�
      提示: 通过表示转折的词猜词义。信号词: but,however,yet,otherwise,while ,though等。�
      典型的常用词汇:infer, imply , suggest和conclude;表示推测的情态动词:can,could,would,might 等;表示可能性的副词:probably,most likely等。常用设问形式:�
      1�It can be inferred from the text that ��
      2�From the text we know that ��
      3�The story implies that ��
      4�The passage /story /author /paragraph implies,but does not directly state that ��
      5�The Writer’s attitude toward…is ��
      Practice time:�
      One day,a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches(蟑螂) and two spiders(蜘蛛)�”�
      “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised��
      “Well,” replied the man,“I’m moving out of my apartment(公寓) and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it�”�
      ( )The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the apartment(公寓), it was ��
      A�very clean�
      B�just cleaned by the landlord�
      C�tidy and comfortable�
      D�dirty and full of insects�
      (1)确定主题句。如:“for example” “first” “second”等之前的句子中或者 “all in all” “above all” 等之后的句子后。�
      For example:�
      People have different tastes in food�Some feel that they haven"t eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat�Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal�Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti,eggplant,and fresh fruit�Others could live on what were called fast――foods: a hamburger or hot dog,French fries and a soft drink��
      For example:�
      Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do�Others prefer to be left to work on their own�Still others like a democratic discussion type of class�No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time��
      For example:�
       Nothing is as useful as a flashlight on a dark night if a tire goes flat�Few inventions are so helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark�In fact,the modern flashlight brings light to many dark situations�Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand�A camper also needs one after the light of the campfire has been out��
      1�What is the topic of the text? �
      2�The text is mainly about ��
      3�Which would be the best title for the text?�
      Practice time:�
      You dream each night,even though you may not remember your dreams�While you dream your eyes move and your heart beats faster�Even your brain-wave pattern changes�Some scientists think that dreaming is important for the sake of health�They claim that without dream,people would go crazy��
      ( ) What does the passage mainly tells?�
      A�How people stay healthy�
      B�How sleep is necessary�
      C�Why dreams are important�
      D�When people remember their dreams�
      出题的顺序与行文的顺序是基本一致的,一般每段对应一题。(除推理判断题、主旨大意题) �

    推荐访问:英语 解题 阅读理解 成考英语阅读理解的解题方法和技巧探微� 成考论文题目 2018成考英语必背单词

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