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    时间:2019-04-16 03:22:05 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

       Love: Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)  For years now there’s been a love-hate relationship between schools and technology, embracing traditional digital tools like PCs and Macs, while 1)scorning those that often distract kids from their work, like game systems. Now one Georgia school district is changing that equation by inviting kids to bring their own devices.
      Reporter: Less than two years ago, Forsyth County School District, which is just outside of Atlanta, began a new technology program in seven of its schools. Now all 35 are participating in what one organizer thinks could be the next big thing in education.
      “2)Clickers” in Ohio, “iPads” in Kentucky,“eBooks” in Texas, “tablets” in New Jersey. The technology trend in education has gone viral. Now one district in Georgia is taking it to another level: not just incorporating electronics, but encouraging students to bring their own. It’s called BYOT.
      Tim Clark (Instructional Technology Specialist): BYOT stands for “bring your own technology.”We’re taking away the banning and the blocking and instead trying to help guide students in the appropriate and responsible ways to use their devices.
      Student A: iPhone 4S.
      Student B: The 3)Kindle Fire.
      Student C: Nintendo, ’cause it’s fun.
      Reporter: Using their devices, students research, do assignments, create instructional videos, and even quiz themselves.
      Daisy (Fifth Grader): It’s been amazing ’cause all the teachers say, “oh, wow, I can actually do this.” And they’re also learning with us.
      Reporter: Unlike the students, some teachers were not as quick to sign on.
      Tracy (Fifth Grade Teacher): Honestly, I was terrified. I thought my role was: give them all the knowledge that I’ve got about something. Now I realize that’s not my job at all. My job is to point them in the right direction, give them the tools that they need, and wow, they can do so much more than that textbook.
      Reporter: The benefits go beyond the world of information at students’ fingertips.
      Emily (Fifth Grader): Before, I was really shy. I never wanted to be called on in class. And now it’s better because I can just do things with my device.
      Reporter: There have been concerns among parents.
      Parent A: My concern was that there was gonna to be a lot of texting each other, texting friends.
      Haley (Eighth Grader): The teachers are very good about catching you when you’re texting. They’ve got the eye for it now.   Reporter: Still, some wonder if programs like this could create an electronic overload.
      Parent B: There’s always a place for pen and paper. You take the best of both things, the old and the new.
      Reporter: The district says it has devices for students who don’t have their own, and measures in place to safeguard those brought to school. Not everyone is on board, but organizers say the program is going well. In fact, schools here have been contacted by educators in other districts, states and even countries, who want to see BYOT in action.
      Hate: Calif. School Picks Blackboards over iPads
      And as high technology becomes more and more a part of most school experiences in this country, we have a school that is rejecting technology completely to tell you about and you might be surprised by where it is and who the students are. Reporter: At this Silicon Valley elementary school, technology plays a 4)pivotal role. But just across the valley, in America’s technology 5)Mecca, teachers say high tech and learning don’t mix. At the Waldorf School of the 6)Peninsula, learning is 7)hands-on. Blackboards, chalk, paint, even 8)shovels, but no computers. Oddly enough, the parents of most of these kids are 9)bona fide techies.   Parent: I think we are providing them with a great childhood that is not constrained by technology but where they can just be children.
      Reporter: The Waldorf method is almost 100 years old. Nationwide, there are 30,000 students at 160 schools. Here in Silicon Valley, a Waldorf education with a full garden experience comes at a 10)hefty price. It costs more than $17,000 for kindergarten through eighth grade and $24,000 for each year of high school. In the upper grades, Waldorf students do use computers, but 11)sparingly.
      Lisa Babinet (Math Teacher): When it’s appropriate, when it enhances learning, then we’ll use it.
      Zack Wurtz (Twelfth Grader): Being able to think creatively and imagination are much more important than just being able to know how to Google something.
      Reporter: And education experts say, despite decades of computer use in schools, the benefits are hard to compute.
      Linda Darling-Hammond (Prof., School of Education, Stanford University): Just introducing technology has not been shown to have magical effects on student learning.
      Reporter: Waldorf points to a graduation rate of nearly 100% as proof that old-fashioned teaching still has value in modern education.

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