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    英语专业八级人文知识1000题 2009年英语专业八级人文知识解析

    时间:2019-01-19 03:35:13 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      从上表中可以看出专八考试对于General knowledge 部分的题型已经固定:英美概况考查4道题;文学3道题;语言学三道题。再进一步解析可以看出美国部分为每年的必考项目,而英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰则为交替考查。文学部分英国为考察重点,每年会出2道关于英国文学方面的题目,美国一道。语言学据所考知识根据统计资料可以看出:导言部分4次,音位学1次,形态学1次,句法学2次,语义学3次,语用学3次,语言变化1次,语言与社会2次,,语言与大脑1次。所考知识点相对分散,但对导言部分基础知识的考查还是比较明显的,以后考生对该部分未考查的知识点应作为重点复习部分。
      General knowledge部分的考查是体现英语专业学生综合素质的表现,扎实的基础是答好这部分题的关键,希望考生做好平日的学习,才能在考试中拿到满意的分数。
      General knowledge
      31. The Head of State of New Zealand is
      A. the governor-general
      B. The Prime Minister
      C. the High Commissioner
      D. the monarch of the United Kingdom
      32. The capital of Scotland is
      A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. Manchester D. London
      33. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and later became the U.S. President?
      A Thomas JeffersonB. George Washington
      C. Thomas PaineD. John Adams
      34. Which of the following cities is located on the eastern coast of Australia?
      A. PerthB. Adelaide C. SydneyD. Melbourne
      35. Ode to the West Wind was written by
      A. William BlakeB. William Wordsworth
      C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. Percy B. Shelly
      36. Who among the following is a poet of free verse?
      A. Ralph Waldo EmersonB. Walt Whitman
      C. Herman MelvilleD. Theodore Dreiser
      37. The novel Sons and Lovers was written by
      A. Thomas Hardy B. John Galsworthy
      C. D.H. Lawrence D. James Joyce
      38. The study of the mental processes of language comprehension and production is
      A. corpus linguisticsB. sociolinguistics
      C. theoretical linguisticsD. psycholinguistics
      39. A special language variety that mixes language and is used by speakersof difference language for purpose of trading is called
      A. dialectB. idiolect C. pidgin D. register
       40. When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing
      A. an illocutionary act
      B. a perlocutionary act
      C. a locutionary act
      D. none of the above
      32 题考查苏格兰的首府,故选B。再看看其他几项Glasgow格拉斯哥是英国第三大城市,苏格兰最大的工商业城市和港口; Manchester是英国的棉纺织业中心,重要的交通枢纽与商业、金融、文化中心,位于英格兰西北部都市群的中心,英格兰西北部平原,东部临近奔宁山脉。也称棉都(Cottonopolis)、北方之都(Capital of the North)、第二城(Second city)、仓库之城(Warehouse City)。London是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)的首都。注意题干的限定范围,不要误选此项。
      35.考查文学知识。《西风颂》Ode to the West Wind是Shelly的著名作品之一,故选D。其他的需要掌握的诗歌还有《麦布女王》Queen Mab、《一朵枯萎的紫罗兰》On A Faded Violet,《含羞草》The Sensitive Plant、《自由颂》Ode To Liberty、《解放的普罗米修斯》Prometheus Unbound等;William Blake《擦烟囱的少年》The chimney sweeper、《天真之歌》 Songs of innocence、《经验之歌》songs of experience、《天国与地狱的婚姻》Marriage of Heaven and Hell; William Wordsworth《水仙花》Daffodils、《孤独的割麦女》Solitary Reaper《我孤独的像一片云》I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud;Samuel Taylor Coleridge《忽必烈汉》Kubla Khan《古舟子咏》The Rime of the Ancient Marine。
      36. Walt Whitman自由体诗人的代表《草叶集》Leaves of Grass.;Ralph Waldo Emerson是超验主义的代表(Transcendentalism)《瓦尔登湖》Walden.;Herman Melville 第一个美国散文史诗诗人(First American Prose Epic)《白鲸》Moby-Dick. Theodore Dreiser 美国文学的自然主义代表者之一(America’s literary naturalist)《嘉莉妹妹》Sister Carrie。
      37. 考查文学知识。《儿子与情人》Sons and Lovers是英国小说家 D.H. Lawrence最优秀的作品之一,其它作品如《查泰莱夫人德情人》Lady Chatterley"s Lover;Thomas Hardy 《德伯家的苔丝》,Tess of the D’Urbervilles 《无名的裘德》Jude the Obscure 《还乡》The Return to the Native; John Galsworthy 《苹果树》The Apple《福尔塞世家》The Forsyte Saga; James Joyce《都柏林人》Dubliners, 《尤利西斯》Ulysses。
      38. 考察语言学知识。D Psycholinguistics(心理语言学) is the study of the relationship between language and the mind.(心里语言学是研究语言与思维之间关系的的学科)
      Corpus linguistics(语料库语言学) is an approach to investigating language and use through the analysis of large databases to real language examples stored on computer.(语料库语言学是通过分析存储在电脑里的语言数据库里的大量的真是言语资料来研究语言结构和使用的学科)
      Sociolinguistics(社会语言学)the study of effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations , context and the way language is used.(社会语言学是对任何一种或全部社会因素的研究,包括文化标准,期望值,语境及语言使用方式等)
      39. 考察语言学知识答案为C。
      Pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.(洋泾浜是将几种语言混合或者融合在意的一种特殊语言变体,它是由操不同语言的人为了有限的目的,如贸易而使用的语言。)
      Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.(个人语言是个人方言,它结合了有关地域、社会、性别、年龄的变体成分)
      Register refers to the type or style, of language selected as appropriate to type of situation. (语域是因具体用途不同产生的语言变体).
      Dialect is a variety of a language, spoken in one part of a country or by people belonging to a particular social class. (方言的某个地区使用或特定社会阶级的人使用的一种语言变体)
      40. 考察语言学知识答案为A。
      Locutionary act : the act of expressing the speaker’s intention.
      It is the act preformed in saying something.(言外行为是通过发出这样一个话语,说话者表达了他说话的意图)
      Perlocutionary act: the act performed by or resulting from saying something.
      It is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.(言后行为是指话语带来的后果)
      Locutionary act: the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses.
      It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.(言内行为就是发出词的动作。它通过句法、词汇和音位学的方式来传达字面意义的行为。)
      (董 娜 陕西中医学院英语系)
      (黄佳乐 陕西科技大学文化传播学院)
      (郭剑青 咸阳师范学院英语系)

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