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    时间:2020-07-31 13:27:47 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     欢迎来到职业骑牛大赛世界总决赛 This is the one and only PBR World Final! 卢克·柯林斯年轻帅气 Luke Collins is young, easy on the eyes, 是牛背上的魔术师 and a magician on a bull. 但现在

     他即将面临终极挑战 But right now, he"s about to face his ultimate demon. 他要骑的这头牛早已家喻户晓 He is about to ride a bull who needs no introduction. 它拥有连续七十四次背摔记录 This bull has 74 consecutive buck-offs. 拉斯维加斯

     你们知道它是谁 Las Vegas, you know who I"m talking about. 它就是兰戈 This is Rango! 他已经准备好大秀一场了 And he is ready to rock and roll! 放手 Let go! 等等 Wait a minute! 卢克·柯林斯被摔下来了 Luke Collins is down. 最长的旅途 一年后 你们知道索菲娅在哪里吗 Hey, do you guys know where Sophia is? 不知道 No, sorry. 让他们给我们留座位 Tell them to save our seats. 你看到索菲娅了吗 Did you see Sophia? 她在屋里学习 She"s in her room studying. 她不会跟你走的 But you"re not gonna get her to go. 严禁打扰 你好


     谢谢你没有打扰我 Hi, Marcia. Thanks for not disturbing. 我有个礼物给你 I have a present for you. 等等


     Wait. You were serious? 我看上去很认真吗 Do I look serious? 不

     你看上去很搞笑 No, you look ridiculous. 得了吧


     很好玩的 Oh, come on, Soph. They"re so much fun. 不行

     我要做功课 I can"t. I have work to do. 都大四下学期了 It"s second semester senior year. 你成绩又超级棒 Your grades are stellar. 你已经在纽约找到工作了 You already have a job lined up in New York. 黑山学院 是实习

     光干活不拿钱 An internship. All of the work and none of the pay. 这里一半的人都要去 Half the house is going. 我不喜欢看牛仔竞技 I don"t see myself as a rodeo gal. 没事


     是骑牛 Fine. It"s not the rodeo, it"s bull riding. 有区别的 There"s a difference. 你没有抓住重点 You"re missing the point. 帅哥

     我知道 Hot guys, I know. 不

     不仅是"帅哥" No, not "Hot guys." 是你这辈子见过的最帅的帅哥 The hottest guys you have ever seen. 求你了 Please. 好吧 Fine. 但我不♥穿♥牛仔靴 But I"m not wearing those cowboy boots. 就是这里了

     对吧 So, this is it, huh? 没错

     "地球上最难的运动" Yeah, this is it. "The toughest sport on dirt"!

     姐就要一个帅牛仔 Yeah, I need a hot cowboy. 我的天啊 Oh, my God! Whoa! 那是什么东西啊 What was that? 看那个围栏上的家伙 Look at that guy in the chute. 粉丝们

     让我们看向围栏 Fans, we"re gonna go now to the Ridin" Dirty bucking chute... 来自北卡罗来纳州沃克顿的 where we have got local hero Luke Collins 本地英雄卢克·柯林斯 from Walkerton, North Carolina! 加油

     卢克 Go, Luke! 他是三届职业骑牛大赛世界总决赛冠军 He"s a three-time PBR World Finals champion. 由于伤病

     他一年多没参赛 For over a year, an injury has sidelined him. 但现在他回来了 But he"s back. 目前世界排名第五十二位 Currently ranked 52nd in the world. 前路漫漫 He has a long way to go. 你准备好了吗 You ready for this? 一会儿就知道了 We"ll see. 今天他要骑的是"小甜心" And today, he will be riding Sweet Thang. 放手 Let"s go! 好样的 Yeah, go! 女士们先生们

     冠军出炉了 Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a champion. 这才是好样的 Yeah! That"s my boy! 我得站起来 I feel like I should stand! 卢克·柯林斯的世界排名 Luke Collins now moves up...

     现在上升为第四十八位 to 48th in the world standings. 留着吧 Keep it. 干得漂亮

     小妞 Work it, girl. -对你来说太大了

     -我知道 - It"s so big on you. - I know. ♪ Lay me down by the old oak tree ♪ Don"t cut my hair when they bury me ♪ Light me up and send me out to sea ♪ One, two, three ♪ In the backwoods company... 公鹿和公牛酒家 骑得不错嘛

     牛仔 Nice riding, cowboy. 不瞒你说 Of course, 我奶奶也可以在"小甜心"背上坚持八秒 my grandma could have made the eight on Sweet Thang. 你重回战场真是太好了

     卢克 It"s good to have you back, Luke. 没有你实在太没劲了 It was getting too easy without you. 杰拉德 Jared! 你好啊

     我一会儿过来 Hey, buddy. I"ll be right back. 你好

     拉里 Hey, Larry. -幸会

     -幸会 - Good to see you. - Good to see you here. 卢克

     你好吗 Luke, hey, man. How are you doing? 恭喜你 Congratulations, man. 赢得比赛的滋味很不错

     对吧 I know it feels good to get a win under your belt, doesn"t it? -当然了

     -是啊 - Sure does. - Yeah. 跟你说件事

     你得跟我们聊聊 Let me ask you. You need to come visit us. 我想把你引荐给一位骑牛大赛的内行 I wanna introduce you to some good folks from PBR.

     卢卡斯 石油产品公♥司♥ 一位重要人物

     来跟我们喝一杯 Important folk. Come get a beer. 库珀轮胎 蒙大拿银匠 好的

     这就来 You got it. I"ll be right behind you. 好的 Yes. Okay. 玩得开心 You had a good night. 但要想重回巅峰

     还有好长一段路呢 But it"s a long way back to the top. 我的帽子跟你的一样 I got a hat just like that. 哦

     不好意思 Yeah. Sorry. 送你了

     你戴着比较好看 No, you hold on to it. Looks better on you. 这样吗 Like this? 让我来吧 May I? 好 Sure. -好了

     -行 - Yeah. - Okay. 真漂亮 Beautiful. 卢克 Luke. 索菲娅 Sophia. 很高兴遇见你

     索菲娅 Nice to meet you, Sophia. 我要...我...可以请你喝一杯吗 I"m gonna... Can I... Can I get you a drink? 你才是大赢家

     不是吗 You were the big winner tonight, right? 我觉得该我请你喝酒 I think I should be the one buying you a beer. 不行

     在我老家可没这习俗 Oh, no. Doesn"t work like that where I"m from.

     好吧 Okay. 那你请吧 You"re buying. 索菲娅 Sophia! -嗨

     -你在这啊 - Hi! Whoa. - There you are. 我一直在找你 I"ve been looking all over for you. 这是玛西娅

     她是我的... Um, this is Marcia. She"s my... 姐姐 Sister. 姐妹会里的姐姐 Sorority sister. 其实就是最好的朋友 BFFs, if we"re speaking technically. 你真帅 You are gorgeous. -该把你送上出租车了

     -啥 - Time to put you in a cab. - What? 我得让脑子清醒清醒 I just need everything to stop spinning for a sec. 我要吐了 I"m gonna be sick. -什么

     -我觉得我要吐了 - What? - I think I"m gonna be sick. -你怎么知道

     -发高烧了 - How sure? - High 90s. 没事

     扶住她了 Yeah. We got her. 那个 Okay. 我得带她回去了 I should take her home. 是啊

     这样比较好 Yeah. Probably a good idea. 我想说我会给你打电♥话♥ I would say that I"d call you... 但我感觉

     在你老家 but I have a feeling, where you come from... 没有女生主动打电♥话♥这习俗吧 it just doesn"t work like that.

     没错 That"s right. 那我打给你 I"ll call you? 他给你打了电♥话♥ You"re telling me that he has called you, 你居然不回他 and you haven"t called him back? 还有两个月我就要去纽约了

     有什么意义啊 I"m moving to New York in two months. What"s the point? 有什么意义 What"s the point? 你有没有好好看看他 Have you gotten a good look at him? 那双有力的肩膀

     迷人的眼睛 Those shoulders, those eyes. 这就是意义所在 That"s the point. 听着

     我马上就要拥抱崭新的生活 Okay, look. I am starting a new chapter of my life. 不能分心 I do not need any distractions. 索菲娅

     你是我见过唯一一个 Sophia, you are literally the only girl I know... 不愿和牛仔来段风流韵事的女生 who wouldn"t have a fling with a cowboy. 两个未接来电 卢克·柯林斯 你给他打电♥话♥了吗

     玛西娅 好吧 Okay. 转到语♥音♥信箱 Straight to voice-mail. 快转到语♥音♥信箱 Straight to voice-mail. 喂 Hello? 你好


     我是索菲娅 Hey, Luke. It"s Sophia. 那个

     你想不想什么时候出来玩 I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime... 喝杯咖啡什么的 or grab coffee or something. 没事


     No, I"m okay. 好吧 Okay. 好吧

     那就算了吧 Uh, well, I guess I should just let you go, then. 逗你玩呢

     索菲娅 I"m just messing with you, Sophia. 一起吃晚饭如何 How about dinner? 像约会那样吗 You mean, like a date? 对

     就是约会 Yeah, like a date. 大多数男生会说

     "你等会有什么安排" Most guys, they just say, "What are you doing later?" 或者深夜给你发短♥信♥

     "过来吧" Or they text late at night, "Hey, come over." 因为我比较传统吧 Yeah, well, call me old-school. 要约个地方见面吗 Should I meet you somewhere? 不用

     我来接你 No. I"ll pick you up at your place. 六点可以吗 Does six work for you? 可以 Okay. ♪ I feel a sin comin" on ♪ Please Jesus don"t hold me back ♪ I know it ain"t mine but I want it so bad ♪ The smoke in the whiskey"s got me feeling easy ♪ And after I"ll fade in the glass ♪ And you can see it ♪ All over my face 女士们好 Ladies. ♪ Sweet temptation ♪ All over the place ♪ Give me tall dark and handsome ♪ Mix it up with something strong ♪ I feel a sin comin" on 你好啊 Hi. -你好


     - Hi. - I know you. 你是玛西娅

     对吧 Marcia, right? 我上次见你的时候 The last time I saw you... 你还是一片模糊 you were a little blurry. 是啊 Yeah. -进来吧

     -谢谢 - You can come in. - Thank you. 她在楼上准备呢 She"s upstairs getting ready. 你们好 Hi. 你好啊 Hi. 嗨 Hi. 谢谢你 Thank you. 真贴心 So sweet. 他居然给她带花了 He"s even bought her flowers. 我们走吧 Shall we? 好 Yeah. -晚安


     -晚安 - Good night, ladies. - Good night, you guys. 我的天啊 Oh, my God! 我也要个牛仔 I want a cowboy! 他怎么那么帅 He is so hot! 你没说过你住在姐妹会公♥寓♥里 You never said you lived in a sorority house. 那个

     因为那里租金最便宜 Uh... Yeah, well, it"s the cheapest rent on campus. 里面是我想的那样吗 Is it like I would imagine? 你怎么想的

     How would you imagine? 穿着内♥裤♥用枕头打架 Pillow fights in your underwear. 才没有呢 No. Come on! 我们不♥穿♥内♥裤♥ We don"t wear underwear. -差点就骗到你了

     -的确 - I got you, a little. - Uh-huh. You did. 我们现在去哪儿 Okay. So where are we going? 给你个惊喜 That"s a surprise. 美得令人窒息 It"s breathtaking. 你哪来的那么多惊喜 Well, aren"t you full of surprises? 真不敢相信你给我做了晚餐 I can"t believe you made dinner for me. 其实是艾米做的 Well, Amy made dinner. -艾米是谁

     -"烟熏艾米" - Who is Amy? - Smokin" Amy"s. 北卡罗来纳州最棒的烧烤店 Best barbecue in North Carolina. 我喜欢那个


     挺奇怪的 I kind of got into that and classical, which is so strange. 我知道很奇怪

     就好像... I know. It"s weird. It"s totally like... 一个来自新泽西州卢瑟福的女孩 How did a girl from Rutherford, New Jersey end up 怎么就漂流到了北卡州 in the middle of North Carolina? 对

     我就想问这个 Yeah, something like that. 我拿到了这里大学的奖学金 I ended up getting a scholarship down here, 我不想错过 so I couldn"t pass it up. 奖学金

     真棒 Scholarship? Pretty fancy. 我知道在爸爸餐馆里挣的小费 I kind of knew that tips from my dad"s diner 是付不起学费的

     weren"t really going to cut it. 我只是... You know, I just... 我喜欢艺术 I love art. 我喜欢一切关于艺术的东西

     我热爱学习艺术 I love everything about it. I love studying it. 我喜欢艺术营造的文化氛围 I love the culture that it brings... 还有整个人文体验 and the whole human experience... 都融为一体 just all wrapped up into one. 愤怒

     悲伤 Anger, sadness... 爱情


     悦纳 love, passion, acceptance... 历史 history. 算了


     你呢 Never mind. I don"t know. What about you? 告诉我你的故事 Tell me about you. What"s your story? 我的故事嘛... No, mine"s, uh... 挺简单的 Mine"s pretty simple. 就是不断赢得比赛 Just keep winning events. 进入前三十五名 Make it to the top 35. 到拉斯维加斯

     杀进决赛 Go to Vegas. Make it to the finals. 我还需要努力一段时间 I got some making up to do. 去年受伤了 I got hurt last year. 什么叫你受伤了 What do you mean you got hurt? 所有骑牛手都会受伤的 All bull riders get hurt. 不在于是否会受伤 It"s not "If." 而是什么时候受伤

     It"s "When." 以及伤得多严重 And how bad. 你的伤有多严重

     很严重吗 How bad was yours? Serious? 在我成为过气选手之前 I"ve got a few more years to ride... 还能再骑几年 before I"m just a washed-up bull rider. 我要成为最棒的 I"m going to be the best. 所以你一心只想着赢比赛 It"s just all about winning? 不是的 No, it"s not all about winning. 不光是赢比赛 Well, not entirely. 我家有个牧场 I"ve got a family ranch. 这几年收益不好 It"s been a tough couple years. 我妈妈又独身一人 My mom is kind of all on her own. 所以我必须努力赚钱 I just gotta keep making money. 你冷吗

     你冷了 Are you cold? You"re cold. 有点 A little. 你去哪儿 Where are you going? 这种指甲油叫什么颜色 What do they call this nail polish color? 叫"透明色" This would be "Clear." -"透明色"

     -是啊 - Clear. - Yeah. 是啊


     原来如此 Right. Clear. That makes sense. 真好 It"s good. 你这个乡野少年还挺温柔的嘛 You are pretty smooth for a country boy. 我吗

     Me? 是啊 Yeah, you. 行了

     那些女孩盯着你看得都快入迷了 Come on, I saw the way those girls stared at you. 你觉得我是那样的男人 You think I"m that type of guy? 不是 No. 从来没有人为我做过这样的事 No one has ever done anything like this for me before. 那个

     你喜欢北卡州吗 So, uh, do you like North Carolina? 当然了 Yeah, I do. -很美

     -是啊 - It"s beautiful. - Yeah. 我下个月底就要搬到纽约去了 I"m actually moving to New York at the end of next month. 我找到了工作 I got this job. 其实是个实习 Well, it"s an internship, actually. 但还是蛮重要的

     在曼哈顿一家画廊 But it"s a pretty big deal. It"s at a gallery in Manhattan. 好吧 Okay. 所以我才这么久没有回你电♥话♥ That"s why it took me so long to call you back. 我觉得最好还是不要打给你 I just didn"t think that this would even be a good idea. 很高兴你打了 I"m glad you did. -是吗

     -是的 - Yeah? - Yeah. 只怪时机不对 This is just bad timing. 是啊 Yeah. 我该送你回去了 Oh, I probably should take you home. 要下雨了 Gonna rain. -你看到了吗


     - Did you see that? - What? 卢克 Luke! 怎么了 What is it? 快报♥警♥ Call 911! 醒醒 Hey! Wake up! 他还活着吗 Is he alive? 拿着 Here, hold this. 箱子 Box. 箱子 Box. 他说什么

     "箱子"吗 What did he say? "Box"? 你救了那个人的命 I think you just saved that guy"s life. 是我们俩 We both did. 不

     我只是拿着手电筒 Oh, come on, I held the flashlight. 你太勇敢了 You were amazing. 希望他没事 I just hope that he"s okay. 我送你回去吧 I"ll take you home. 我留下来吧 I think I"m going to stay. 真的吗 Really? 至少等他从急救室出来吧 Yeah, at least until he gets out of the emergency room. 那我和你一起等 Then I"ll wait with you. 不

     不用了 No, it"s fine. 真不用 Really. 谢谢你今晚带我出来玩

     And thank you for tonight. 今晚真... Yeah, it was a... 今晚真棒 it was a great night. 不算太差 Kind of. 祝你在纽约一切顺利 Good luck with everything in New York. 露丝·普费弗

     收 "1940 年 4 月 10 日 "April 10th, 1940. "我最亲爱的露丝 "My dearest Ruth... "今天跟以往没什么两样 "Today started out like any other day. 莱文森服装店 "但当你走进我父亲的店 "But when you walked in to my father"s store... "你是那么漂亮

     充满活力 "So beautiful, so vibrant... "我知道我的生命将永远改变" "I knew my life would forever be changed." 你们就是拉比说的那户新搬来的吧 You are the new family the Rabbi has told us about. 维也纳来的 From Vienna? 是的 Uh, yes. 我叫汉娜 I am Hannah... 这是我女儿

     露丝 and this is my daughter, Ruth. 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you. 我是萨拉 I"m Sarah... 这是我儿子

     艾拉 and this is my son, Ira. 艾拉 Ira? 艾拉 Ira? -安息日好


     - Good Shabbes. - Good Shabbes. 安息日好 Good Shabbes. 安息... Good Sha... 你在这个小社区安了家 The following days were consumed... 接下来的几天 with plotting ways in which I could talk to you... 我想方设法与你说上话 now that you had found a home in my small community. 但我并不是唯一的追求者 But I wasn"t the only one seeking your attention. 来日方长 This would take some more time. 他醒了

     你可以见他了 He"s awake, if you"d like to see him. 你得吃东西

     莱文森先生 You have to eat something, Mr. Levinson. 只有吃东西你才能康复 It"s the only way you"re going to get better. 我老了 I"m old. 我有心脏病 I"ve had a heart attack... 换过髋关节 a hip replacement... 两边膝盖都动过手术 Surgery in both knees. 我还能怎么康复啊 How much better am I going to get? 你是谁 Who are you? 我来把这个交给你 I, uh... I came to drop this off. 怎么在你那里 How"d you get that? 从你车里拿的 From your car. 你叫我帮你拿好 You asked me to get it for you. 是你... Oh, you... 是你把我拽出来的吗

     You pulled me out? 不

     是我朋友卢克 No, my friend Luke pulled you out... 但你叫我回去拿上箱子 but you asked me to go back and get this box. 你不记得了吗 You don"t remember? 那谢谢你 Well, thank you. 非常感谢 Very much. 看来他喜欢你

     这还是头一遭呢 He seems to like you, which is a first for him. 劝他吃点东西吧

     好吗 See if you can get him to eat something, would you? 没有人的手像她的那么冷 She has the coldest hands I"ve ever felt. 她肯定在来之前 I think she soaks them in ice water... 把手在冰水里泡过 before she comes by. 你真得吃点东西 You really should eat something. 我快死了 I"m done. 露丝希望看到你这样吗 Is that what Ruth would want? 你怎么知道露丝 How do you know about Ruth? 你读了我的信吗 Did you read my letters? 那又有什么关系 What do you care? 反正你也快死了 You"re done. 写得真好 They"re beautiful. 她很漂亮 She was a beautiful woman. 完美的女人 In every way. 我看得出来你为何如此珍爱她 I can see why they were so precious to you. 这么多年


     I haven"t been able to read them for years. 带着眼镜也看不见 Even with my glasses. 你想让我来给你读吗 Do you want me to read them to you? 但你得先吃饭 But you have to eat first. "1940 年 5 月 25 日 "May 25th, 1940. "我这辈子第一次... "For the first time in my life... "希望会堂仪式能办得久一点" "I was hoping the service at the synagogue would be longer." 失陪 Excuse me. 你到底要不要跟我说话啊 Are you ever going to talk to me? 你说什么 Excuse me? 我总是看到你鬼鬼祟祟的 I always see you there, lurking around. 才没有 I don"t lurk. 你就有 You do lurk. 但你从来不跟我讲话

     我很吓人吗 But then you never talk to me. Am I so frightening? 不

     我... No, I... 你对那支玫瑰花做的事不可原谅 What you did to that poor rose was unforgiveable. 你看到了吗 You saw that? 别尴尬

     其实挺可爱的 Don"t be embarrassed. It was a lovely gesture. 露丝 Ruthie? 你想陪我走回家吗 Want to walk me home? 那大卫·斯坦怎么办 What about David Stein? 让他陪我妈回家吧 He can walk my mother home. 维也纳风景秀丽


     Vienna is beautiful and so cultured. 那儿的艺术家比巴黎还多 It has more artists than Paris. 至少战前是如此 At least it did before the war. 你肯定很舍不得离开吧 It must have been hard for you to leave. 是啊 Yeah. 尤其是我父母 Especially for my parents. 但要是我们留下来

     会更糟的 But it would have been worse if we had stayed. 每个人都觉得我们在犯傻 Everyone thought we were being foolish... 觉得我父亲小题大做 that my father was overreacting. 现在我们连亲戚都联♥系♥不上了 Now we can"t even contact our relatives anymore. 有时我就想 Sometimes I think... 世界上有那么多苦难 what right do I have to be happy 我有什么权利这么幸福呢 when there"s so much suffering in the world? 也可以这么想

     有什么权利不幸福呢 I guess you could say, what right do you have to be unhappy? 是啊 True. 你个"乡下佬"还很懂哲学嘛 For a country pumpkin, you"re quite philosophical. 笑啥 What? 是"乡巴佬"不是"乡下佬" It"s a "Country bumpkin" Not a "Country pumpkin." 什么 What? 还是你说的比较好听 I think I prefer the way you said it. 好了 Well. 谢谢你送我回家 Thank you for walking me home. 不用谢

     Oh, you"re welcome. 乐意效劳 It was a pleasure. 露丝 Ruth... 什么时候有空跟我出去玩吗 Do you want to go out with me sometime? 安息日活动之后我都没事 I"m free after Shabbat. 等等

     你是说今晚就出去玩 Wait. You want to go out tonight? 再不疯狂就老了

     莱文森 We"re not getting any younger, Levinson. 你可以在那儿等着 You can wait there if you want. "爱你永远的 "Forever yours... "艾拉" "Ira." 再读一封吗 You want me to read you another one? 但是 But... 你可不可以 Could you maybe... 改天再来 Could you maybe come back? 抽到"卡罗莱纳雷霆"真幸运啊 Carolina Thunder"s a good draw. 你驾驭得了它吗 Sure you can handle him? 乔治亚萨凡纳的观众们

     掌声有请 Savannah, Georgia fans, put your hands together.. 独一无二的兰戈 For the one, the only, Rango! 让我们将目光转向 We will move our attention 库伯轮胎围栏的方向 down to the Cooper Tires bucking chute... 来自乔治亚州萨莫维尔的埃文·马修斯蓄势待发 where Evan Matthews from Summerville, Georgia is set to go. 他要骑的公牛不需多做介绍 He is about to face a bull that needs no introduction. 连续八十五次背摔

     85 consecutive buck-offs... 他要冲击金皮带扣 He is going for the Gold Buckle. 似曾相识啊 That looks familiar. 现在出场的是卢克·柯林斯 Let"s go to Luke Collins. 如果他顺利驾驭"卡罗莱纳雷霆" If he makes a qualified ride on Carolina Thunder... 就能跻身前三十五位

     拿到去维加斯的资格 he will crack the top 35 and punch his ticket to Vegas! 放手 Let"s go! 他掉下得太早了 He comes down too early 重大失误 in a costly mistake. 这个失误让他无缘世界总决赛 A mistake that could cost him a trip to the World Finals... 最终无缘世界冠军 and ultimately, a World Title. 我们不禁猜测 You really gotta wonder... 这家伙在想什么 where this guy is mentally right now. 之前和兰戈的那场恶战 The incident with Rango before he rode... 骑得好

     卢克 Good ride, Luke. 影响了他的注意力 ...has affected his mental focus. 该死 Damn it! ♪ What I"ve got I don"t want ♪ All it does is hover and taunt ♪ Reminding me what I used to be ♪ What I may never be again ♪ Learn it all again tomorrow ♪ Learn it all again tomorrow ♪ Nothing I have you can borrow or steal 英雄得胜凯♥旋♥了啊 Return of the conquering hero. 妈 Hey, Mom.


     -不 - You want eggs? - No. 怎么样 So, how did it go? 你起码还能走着回来 Well, you left the ring on your own two feet. 对我来说这已经是胜利了 So, it"s a victory for me. 你什么时候才能不再骑牛啊

     卢克 When are you gonna stop the bull riding, Luke? 妈


     我不能 Mom, I told you, I can"t. 是吗

     你忘了你头上的伤了吗 Really? So you forgot about your head injury? 我是成年人 I"m a grown man. 我是想让你更成熟一些 I just want you to get to be an old man. 谢谢 Thanks. 你快把我吓出病来了

     卢克 You"re scaring the hell out of me, Luke. -别再骑牛了

     -不用担心 - Please just give it up. - Don"t worry. 到底出了什么事 So, what"s going on? 没事 Nothing. 真没事 Nothing. 我遇到了个女孩 I met a girl. -你都遇到多少女孩了

     -不 - You meet girls all the time. - No. 这个女孩不一样 This one"s different. 对她的思念停不下来 I can"t stop thinking about her. 所以呢 So? 她两个月后就要去纽约了 She moves to New York in two months. 所以没戏了

     不是吗 So, I guess that"s that, right?

     你的手在冰水里泡过 You soak your hand in ice water. 我才没有 I do no such thing. 我是医院里唯一愿意跟你说话的人 I"m the only person at the hospital who still talks to you. 打扰到你们了吗 Am I interrupting? 我差点就要掐死他了

     但是 I was just about to strangle him! But... 晚饭前掐死我吧 Strangle me before dinner... 这样我就不用吃一顿医院餐再死了 so I don"t have to eat another hospital meal. 越早越好 The sooner the better. 祝你读信愉快 Enjoy his letters. 气色不错 You look good. 我们开始吧 Shall we? 好 Yeah. "1941 年 7 月 12 日" "July 12th, 1941" 那是个好日子 That was a good day. "亲爱的露丝

     关于我们冒险的回忆 "Dearest Ruth, the memories of our adventure... "一直在我脑海中

     难以忘怀" "Are always dancing in my mind." 恍如昨日 Seems like yesterday... 你帮助我用全新的视角审视世界 you helped me see the world in a whole different way. 我不明白

     就看个电影 I don"t know why you insist we get 为什么非要穿得那么正式 all dressed up just to go to a movie. 在维也纳

     人们随时都穿得很正式 In Vienna, everyone always dresses up. 就算是在公园里散步

     这叫优雅 Even just to stroll in the park. It"s elegant.

     这可是北卡州的七月 It is also July in North Carolina. 我带你看个东西

     一定要带你去看 Oh, let me show you something. I have to show you something! 什么 What? 露丝

     我们要迟到了 Ruth, we"re going to be late. 这是黑山一位艺术家的大作 It"s by an artist in Black Mountain. -黑山是啥

     -是一所艺术学院 - What"s Black Mountain? - It"s an arts college. 一个艺术流派

     就在北卡州 A whole movement, right here in North Carolina. 难道不美吗 And isn"t it wonderful? 风景如此个性化 Such a personal landscape. 如此直接坦率 It"s so direct and frank. 简单

     扭曲 Simplified and distorted. 融为一体 All at the same time. 你难道不喜欢吗 Don"t you love it? 你喜欢的

     我都喜欢 I love how much you love it. 来 Come on. 什么

     不不不 What? No, no, no. 借过 Excuse me. 好吧


     那就跳吧 All right. You want to dance? Let"s dance. 那个吻

     我们的初吻 That kiss, our first kiss... 是我们未来的承诺 it was a promise of everything to come. 时间慢慢过去 The days became months. 每个周末我们都去新的地方探险 We ventured on weekends to new places.

     我之前从没有度过假 Never once had I been on vacation. 就算有 Had I, though... 也肯定不会有这些周末那么令人难忘 it could never have been as memorable as these. 怎么了 What? 我现在才觉得北卡州是我的家 It"s the first time North Carolina has felt like home. 但在我最重要的学生面前 But yet, with my most important student... 我彻底失败了 I am a total failure. 露丝爱上了现代艺术 Ruth has fallen in love with contemporary art. 爸爸觉得马蒂斯和毕加索之后就没有艺术了 Father thinks that art stopped with Matisse and Picasso. 不是没有

     只是沉睡了过去而已 I don"t think it stopped. But it"s taken a long nap. 我尽全力好好抚养女儿

     艾拉 You try and raise your children right, Ira... 到头来她还是长大了

     有了自己的想法 and they grow up and think for themselves. 真行

     真行 Very good. Very good. 真是令人悲伤 It"s tragedy! 看到你那么说话真好 It was nice seeing you talk like that. 要是每天都能和你在一起那该多好 Nothing would make me happier than a lifetime of days like this. 露丝

     我问你个事 Hey, Ruth. I need to ask you something. 等等 Wait. 我想要个大家庭

     很大很大的家 I want a big family. A really big family. 这是我从小的梦想 I"ve always wanted one since I was a little girl. 我们现在都这样了 With everything that"s going on now... 我感到这种需求

     这种责任 I feel this need, this responsibility,

     将新生命带到世界上 to bring life back into the world. 听起来不错 Sounds perfect. 现在可以问了 You can ask me now. 露丝 Ruth... 我知道我并不富有 I know I"m not a rich man. 对艺术也一窍不通 Don"t know the last thing about art. 我只能承诺爱你 All I can do is promise to love you... 用我余生每天每夜每分每秒来爱你 every second of every day for the rest of my life. 真的吗 Really? 你愿意嫁给我吗 Will you marry me? 愿意 Yes! 我愿意

     你怎么等了那么久 Yes, yes, yes! What took you so long? 欢迎来到这个家 Welcome to the family. -谢谢

     -衷心欢迎你 - Thank you. - So good to have you. "爱你的

     艾拉" "With love, Ira." 我明天再来 I"ll come back tomorrow. ♪ I"m gonna set aside my pride ♪ Not gonna be the one to say "Goodbye" ♪ Neither am I ♪ Oh, tonight -莱文森先生吗

     -你谁啊 - Mr. Levinson? - Do I know you? 卢克·柯林斯 Luke Collins. 你还记得吗

     119 公路上 Remember, off 119... 你决定撞断护栏 when you decided to bust open that guard rail?

     你救了我的命 Oh, you saved my life. 谢谢你 Thank you. 你好 Hi. 你好 Hi. 这是你的卢克吗 Is this your Luke? 我朋友卢克 This is my friend Luke. 是的 Yes. 你的朋友吗 Your friend. Hmm. 你来这干嘛 What are you doing here? 我在车地板上发现了这个 I found this on the floor of my truck. 觉得应该对你挺重要的 Figured you might wanna hang on to that one. 1941 年 12 月 7 日 December 7th, 1941. 我们要结婚了

     这比任何事都让我开心 Nothing made me happier than knowing we were going to be married. 但是你和你家人逃离的那场梦魇 But the world you and your family had fled... 还是找上了我们 finally caught up to us. 美♥利♥坚♥合众国 The United States of America... 自助照相

     十五美分 遭到了日本帝国海空军 was suddenly and deliberately attacked... 精心策划的突然袭击 by Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan. -答应我你会回来

     -我会的 - Promise me you"ll come back. - I will. 答应我

     艾拉 Promise me, Ira! 我答应你 I promise. 看着我


     Look at me. I promise. 要回到我身边 Come back to me! 救命 Help! 我们不能把他留在那里 We can"t just leave him out there. 救救我 Help! Help me! 来人救救我 Somebody help me! 我要去救他 I gotta save him. 你疯了吗

     装甲车离我们不到两百米 Are you crazy? Those Panzers are 200 yards away. 去了就回不来了 You"ll never make it back. 我会回来的

     我答应了一定会回来的 I"ll make it back. I made a promise I have to keep. 你的死只会让德国人开心 You getting killed ain"t gonna help anyone but the Germans. 救命啊 Help me! Please! 我的天啊 Oh, my God! 有人能救我吗 Can somebody help me? 该死 Oh, shit. 手臂搂住我脖子 Put your arms around my neck. 我一定要回去

     回到露丝身边 I gotta get back. I gotta get back to Ruth. 你真是疯了


     你知道吗 That was goddamn crazy, Levinson. Do you know that? 该死 Shit! 我很抱歉 I"m very sorry. 离开战场回到家

     我变了 When I came back from the war, I wasn"t the same. 我现在正在打一场更艰苦的仗 I was fighting a bigger battle now. 我无法兑现给你的承诺

     And I couldn"t honor the promise I had made to you. 你妈妈说你星期一就回来了 Your mother says you"ve been home since Monday. 你的遭遇我无法感同身受 I can"t pretend to know what you"ve been through... 但我想帮你 but I want to help. 你不觉得应该给我一个解释吗 Don"t you think I deserve an explanation? 你应该 Well... I do. 你不明白

     不是受伤本身 You don"t understand. It wasn"t the injury itself. 伤口感染了 The wound got infected. 我发了近两个星期的高烧 I ran a high fever for almost two weeks. 你应该去多看几个医生

     多听听不同意见 You need to see more doctors. Get a second opinion. 你以为我没有试过吗 Don"t you think I"ve already done that? 他们也无能为力 There"s nothing they can do. 这就是我的命

     我只能接受 This is my life, I have to accept it. 但我不想让这成为你的命 But I don"t want it to be yours. 但还是有希望的 But there is still a chance. 我想和你结婚 I want to marry you. 如果你和我结婚

     你可能就不会有孩子了 If you marry me, you may never have a family. 你真的愿意做出这样的牺牲吗 Are you honestly willing to give that up? 战争结束了 The war was over... 在我看来 and as far as I was concerned... 我的生命也结束了 so was my life. 我们打烊了 We"re closed! 我知道你想干嘛

     I know what you"re doing! 我要牺牲什么

     不用你来告诉我 You cannot tell me what I"m willing to give up! 你去打仗之后 When you went to war... 我待在这里

     满怀希望 I was here, clinging to the hope 你会回家

     然后我们结婚 that you would come home and we would get married. 没错



     艾拉 Yes, and have kids. But that"s a dream, Ira. 你才是现实 You"re real. 我不知道未来会如何 I don"t know what the future holds... 但我知道没有你就没有未来 but I know there"s no future without you. 除非你已经不爱我了 Unless you don"t love me anymore. 那一刻 And in that moment... 我们都知道 we both knew... 与其选择分手

     不如一辈子在一起 a chance at life together was greater than the risk of being apart. 你把照片带来了

     真好心 It was really nice of you to bring that photo. 他肯定经历了不少事 He sure has been through a lot. 是啊 Yeah. 你多保重 Well, you take it easy. 卢克 Luke. 见到你很高兴 It was really good to see you. 你现在有什么安排 What are you doing right now? 不错 That looks good. 当然 Yeah. -我准备好了


     - I"m ready. - All right. 万事俱备 I"m so ready. 给你小杆吧 I"ll give you the little stick. -谢谢你

     -没事 - Thank you. - Yeah. 女士优先 Ladies first. 我还不是很习惯你南方绅士的做派 I"m still getting used to your Southern gentlemanly ways. 我还是想打动你的心 I"m still trying to impress you. 起了点作用 It"s kind of working. 一点点 A little. 别故意让我赢 Just don"t let me win. 我喜欢公平竞争 I enjoy good, healthy competition. 明白 Noted. 你要干嘛 What are you doing? 你叫我别让你赢 You told me not to let you win. 所以我就用 B 计划

     分你的心 So I"m going with plan B. Distraction. 棒 Yes! 棒极了

     不好意思 Yes! Sorry! -谢谢你

     -谢谢 - Oh, thank you. - Thank you very much. 我超爱芝士通心粉 Oh, I love mac and cheese. 安慰食品吗 Comfort food? 是啊 Yeah. 你难过时吃什么安慰食品 What"s your comfort food? 科多尼[一种东欧饺子]

     Kolduny. -科什么

     -科多尼 - Kol-what? - Kolduny. 就是那种我妈做的 They"re these super, super delicious... 超好吃的波兰肉馅饺子 Polish meat dumplings that my mom makes. 我们餐厅就有 We serve them at the diner... 我保证

     只要一口 and I promise you, with one bite of those... 你的芝士通心粉就会黯然失色 it would put your mac and cheese to shame. 你这是邀请我吗 Is that an invitation? 可能吧 Maybe. 别客气

     吃吧 Oh. No, no. Help yourself. -不

     -吃吧 - No! - Yeah. 就一口 Just a bite. 你父母什么时候来美国的 When did your parents come to the States? 我出生之前就来了 Uh, before I was born. 真是疯狂

     换我肯定不会 That"s crazy. I couldn"t have done that. -真的吗

     -不会 - Really? - No. 你靠骑牛过活

     还有什么事不会做 You ride bulls for a living. You could do anything. 骑牛跟满世界跑没有任何关系 Riding bulls has got nothing on moving clear across the world. -什么

     -是啊 - What? - Yeah. 你的父母要适应全新的生活 Your parents had to adjust their whole life. 才没有

     他们没有改变 No, they didn"t adjust anything. 在移♥民♥家庭长大 Growing up with immigrant parents, 我的生活总是与众不同

     my life was always really different. 每个人嘴里都嚷着奇怪的语言 Everyone was always screaming in weird languages... 我带到学校的点心又臭又奇怪 I brought smelly, strange snacks to school. 我的裤子永远都太短 My pants were too short always. 现在也没长到那里去 Pants still are too short. 我在牧场长大

     认识的就那几个人 Growing up on a cattle ranch, everybody I knew was the same. 我认识的都是第♥四♥代♥牧场主 Everybody you know is fourth generation cattle ranchers. -真羡慕你

     -为啥 - I"m jealous. - Why? 我小时候就想和别人一样 I wanted to be like everyone else when I was little. 我之所以喜欢你 The reason I like you is 就是因为你与众不...

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