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    【源自莎翁的现代英语短语】 莎翁少儿英语

    时间:2020-02-23 07:16:36 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      William Shakespeare gave the world many gifts in his writing, and some of them have stuck1) over the centuries. Many expressions in the English language trace their first appearance in the works of Shakespeare, but people tend to think of his writing as very "fancy" and don"t associate everyday words with classic English.
      Have a look. You just might be surprised to see that you quote Shakespeare every day without even knowing it!
      In a pickle2)
      The term, meaning to be in a difficult position, was coined3) by Shakespeare in The Tempest, 1610. The earliest pickles were spicy sauces made to accompany meat dishes. Later, in the 16th century, the name pickle was also given to a mixture of spiced, salted vinegar that was used as a preservative4). The "in trouble" meaning of "in a pickle" was an allusion5) to being as disoriented6) and mixed up7) as the stewed vegetables that made up pickles.
      Short shrift8)
      In the play Richard III, 1594, the expression was used in its original form, which described the small space of time between condemnation9) and execution. A shrift is a penance10) imposed by a priest in a confession in order to provide absolution11), often when the confessor was near to death. In the 17th century, criminals were sent to the scaffold12) immediately after sentencing and only had time for a "short shrift" before being hanged. Today the term is still in use, but meaning more to make short work of13)―to give little consideration to.
      Salad days
      This expression was first used by Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra in 1606, speaking of her salad days when she was green14) in judgment.
      The phrase "salad days" lay dormant15) for two hundred years or more but became used widely in the 19th century. For example, this citation from the Oregon newspaper The Morning Oregonian, June 1862: "What fools men are in their salad days!" It is commonly used today to speak of someone who is young and inexperienced.
      Green-eyed monster
      Emotions have often been matched with colour. Green is a colour associated with sickness, possibly because people"s skin takes on a slightly green tinge16) when they are seriously ill. The phrase was used by, and possibly coined by, Shakespeare to denote17) jealousy in The Merchant of Venice, 1596. Jealousy was the green-eyed monster 400 years ago when Iago warned of it in Othello. It is still quite common in modern times to hear this phrase used in common conversation to describe the force of jealousy.
      The naked truth
      This expression was first heard in Love"s Labors Lost, when Don Adriano de Armado used the play on words to reveal that he was not wearing a shirt under his clothes.
      Another theory of the origin of this expression comes from a fable in which Truth and Falsehood18) went bathing. Falsehood then dressed in Truth"s clothes, and Truth, refusing to take another"s clothes, went naked.
      这个表达出自《安东尼与克娄巴特拉》(1606年)中的克娄巴特拉之口,她把自己判断力尚不成熟的时期称为salad days。
      短语salad days在沉睡了两百年或更久之后,却在19世纪开始广为使用。例如美国俄勒冈州的一家报纸《俄勒冈早报》在1862年6月期上有一则引述:“男人在阅历尚浅的青少年时期可真是傻瓜!”现在该短语常用来形容某人年少无知、缺乏经验。
      1. stick [stɪk] vi. 停留,留下;长久保留
      2. pickle [ˈpɪkl] n. [常作~s] 腌渍食品;腌菜,泡菜(尤指酸黄瓜)
      3. coin [kɔɪn] vt. 创造,杜撰(新字等)
      4. preservative [prɪˈzɜːvətɪv] n. 防腐剂;保护剂
      5. allusion [əˈluːʒn] n. 暗指,影射
      6. disoriented [dɪsˈɔːrientɪd] adj. 迷失方向的;不知所措的
      7. mix up: 使弄不清,把……弄糊涂
      8. shrift [ʃrɪft] n. (司铎给予赎罪者的)解罪
      9. condemnation [ˌkɒndemˈneɪʃn] n. 定罪,宣告有罪
      10. penance [ˈpenəns] n. (基督教) (表示悔罪或为得到赦罪的)苦修(包括祈祷、斋戒等);(天主教) (东正教) (为得到赦罪的)补赎(一种包括悔罪、告解、自新等的圣事)
      11. absolution [ˌæbsəˈluːʃn] n. 【宗】(教会神职人员所宣告的)赦罪
      12. scaffold [ˈskæfəʊld] n. 断头台;绞刑台
      13. make short work of: 迅速干掉;迅速解决
      14. green [�riːn] adj. 不成熟的,幼稚的
      15. dormant [ˈdɔːmənt] adj. 【生】休眠的;蛰伏的,冬眠的
      16. tinge [tɪndʒ] n. (清淡的)色调,色彩;些许味道(或气息)
      17. denote [dɪˈnəʊt] vt. 表示,是……的标志
      18. falsehood [ˈfɔːlshʊd] n. 谎言;谬误(尤指信仰、学说等)

    推荐访问:英语 短语 源自 源自莎翁的现代英语短语 莎翁英语 莎翁少儿英语

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