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    时间:2020-08-05 13:24:44 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     有时最微不足道的东西也能影响你的生活 You know, the smallest thing can change your life. 眨眼之间 In the blink of an eye 那些偶然发生的事情

     虽在意料之外 something happens by chance, when you least expect it 却改变了你的人生轨迹 sets you on a course that you never planned 给你一片崭新的天空 into a future you never imagined. 它会带你走向何方 Where will it take you? 那是我们的生命之旅

     对于希望之光的搜寻 That"s the journey of our lives. Our search for the light. 但有时 But sometimes 欲见凤之流光 finding the light means 必先越万里溟濛 you must pass through the deepest darkness. 至少于我而言便是如此 At least, that"s how it was for me. 分队准备就绪 Security team"s ready to go. 前进 Move them. 准备

     前进 Ready? Move. 准备

     上 Ready? Go. 不许动 Don"t move! -三个平民

     -检查身份 - Three civilians! - Check them! 妇女和儿童 Woman and child! 待在左边

     我来了 Stay left! Coming through! 三名儿童

     三名儿童 Three children, three children! 我去追捕左侧的

     I"m chasing one to my left! 快 Go. 靠 Shit. 在这 Over here. -卡斯特洛

     -我在这 - Castro! - Right here. 与三排碰面


      Bumping heads with third platoon. 别伤着自己人 Get on the horn before somebody shoots somebody. -明白


     -尖头 - I"m on it, Aces. - "Aces"? 你们这些家伙... You guys came... 一人受伤


     在一楼走廊 I got a man down. Need Doc Sanders. First floor corridor. 掩护走廊 Secure the hallway! 快去 Move! 快


     快 Move, move, move! 跟我说话



     我们会把你带出去的 Talk to me, Castro. It"s Aces. We"re gonna get you out of here. 收到

     约 20 人

     我看见直升机了 Roger. About 20 mikes. Helo is inbound. 开始行动 Let"s move out. 坐好 Now just sit. 是迫击炮

     正好击中你坐的地方 Mortar. Right where you were sitting. 另外三个就没这么幸运了 Three other guys didn"t make it. 军医在你的行军包里发现了这个 The corpsman found this in your SAW pouch. 我看你弯腰去捡它 I saw you pick it up.

     好像救了你一命 Looks like it saved you. 祝平安 这是你的守护天使 Got yourself a guardian angel. 不是我的 She"s not mine. -你认识照片上的人吗

     -不认识 - Do you know whose picture that is? - No idea. -你知道这是谁的吗

     -不知道 - You know whose picture this is? - No. -不知道


     -不知道吗 - No. Sorry. - No? 我觉得我不认识她 No, I don"t think so. 我们是垮掉的一代 We"re the wasted generation 八个月后 跟你说

     你总有一天能遇见她 I"m telling you, man, you gotta set eyes on that girl one day. 你得好好谢谢她 You got to thank her. 她保佑着你活到现在 No question. She"s the reason you"re still breathing. 替我亲一下 Give her a kiss for me too. 我还活着是因为我跟在你屁♥股♥后面 I"m only alive because I followed your crazy ass. 我们就是运气好点

     没什么 We just got a couple of breaks. It"s all, man. No big deal. 好个屁

     哪有这么好的 Bullshit. Things like this don"t just happen. 她让你解脱了

     我们要回家了 She"s got you out of this mess. We"re going home. 你废话真多

     维克多 God, you"re full of shit, Victor. 我说你欠她

     绝对的 I say you owe her. Big time. 不错嘛

     看我的 You"re doing good. Now look at my shot. 宙斯

     Zeus! 好兄弟


     过得好吗 Buddy, hey. Come here. How you doing? Hi. 你还好吗


     他们好好照顾你了吗 How you doing? Hey, buddy. They look after you? 快

     问问她 Go on, ask her. 妈妈

     我什么时候能住回我的房♥间 So, Mom, when do I get my room back? 亲爱的

     我们要让罗根叔叔有回家的感觉 Honey, let"s make Uncle Logan feel welcome. 妈妈 Mom. 出去玩 Go outside and play. -别这样


     -出去 - Come on, we were just about to win. - Go outside now. -遵命


     -好吧 - Yes, ma"am. - Oh, fine. -你还好吗

     -还好 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 他要上 Youtube 了 He"s gonna make it on YouTube. 起床时间到 Time to wake up! 妈妈

     妈妈 Mom! Mom! 抱歉


     对不起 Hey, sorry. Tim. Sorry. 你可以向部队寻求帮助 You know, the Corps can get you some help. 为什么那么多人牺牲

     我却幸存下来 Why did I make it out when so many guys didn"t? 但我隐约感觉欠了人点东西 But I feel like there"s this debt that I have to pay. 我不知该何去何从

     我觉得应该去弄清楚 I don"t know where I belong. I guess I should figure that out. 我知道寻求答案并不容易

     妹妹... I know there"s no easy answer, sis... 但也许时间能告诉我 but maybe all I need is time.

     幸运符 你认识她吗 Any chance you recognize that girl? 抱歉


     祝好运 No, I"m sorry. Not in the boat region. Good luck. 谢谢 Thank you. 罗杰

     有人想知道这女孩是谁 Hey, Roger? Guy wants to know who this girl is. 贝斯·格林 Beth Green. 就在镇外开了一家宠物旅馆 Runs the pet motel just outside of town there. 你认识她吗 Do you know her? 我们地方这么小

     这种大美女当然人人认识 Girl can"t look like that in a town like this and not be known. 她原来嫁了我一个哥们 Used to be married to a buddy of mine. 你为什么要找她 What"s it to you, anyway? 我欠她一个谢谢 Oh, I just owe her thanks is all. 绿犬屋 寄宿

     训练 有人吗 Hello? 你好 Hello. 需要帮助吗 Can I help you? 好漂亮的牧羊犬

     叫什么 What a beautiful Shepherd. What"s his name? 宙斯 Zeus. -真可爱

     -他擅长跟人打交道 - Oh, he"s a sweetheart. - He"s good with people. 比我擅长 Well, better than I am. 至少一般人都不会 Well, at least you don"t introduce


     忘了自己 yourself to the animals before their owners. -我是贝斯

     -罗根 - I"m Beth. - Logan. 我来这... Um... So I, uh, came here... 不好意思

     喂 Excuse me for a second. Hello? 你好


     来 Oh, hi, Mrs. Jackson. Come on. 我正准备给你打电♥话♥ I was just about to call you to confirm 确认塞尔比是于今天 2 点入住 that Selby is coming in 还有他是否要住一周 today at 2 and he"s gonna be with us for a week. 好

     很好 Great. Excellent. 不

     凯文不在这里工作了 No. No, Kevin doesn"t work here anymore. 好


     再见 Okay, see you then. Bye. 我是贝斯 It"s Beth. 没错


     有全套服务 Yes, we do train. We"re full service. 十分抱歉 I"m so sorry. 把拿破仑的证书 Just bring in Napoleon"s papers 和忌口的东西列一张表发过来就行 and any dietary restrictions that he might have. -星期一没问题



     上那里 - Monday is great. Bye. - Oscar, get up here. 宙斯太乖了

     不需要训练 Well, Zeus is way too well behaved to need training 所以我猜你是来办理寄宿的吗 so I"m guessing that you"re here to board him? 不


     昨天才赶完路 No, I"m not going anywhere. I just got off the road yesterday. 你从哪来

     Where from? 科罗拉多 Colorado. 什么风把你吹到姆顿了 And what brings you to Hamden? 说来话长 It"s kind of a long story. 其实我都不知道从何说起 Actually, I don"t really know where to begin. 天啊

     十分抱歉 Oh, gosh. I"m so sorry. 那与我无关 That"s absolutely none of my business. 我能为你做些什么

     罗根 What can I do for you, Logan? 我来这里是为了见你 I"m really here because I came to see you. 瞧

     我找到了这个 You see, I found this. 只是... Oh. It was just... 我们登了广&arts;告♥

     没错 Oh, you saw the ad. Of course. 这工作的工资不高 Okay. So the job doesn"t... It doesn"t pay much. 绿犬屋

     急需帮手 主要工作就是遛狗 Um, mostly you"ll just be walking 喂食和洗笼子 feeding, cleaning cages. 每周工作六天 It"s six days a week. 随时欢迎宙斯来做客 Zeus is welcome anytime. 还有帮忙


     我们需要热心帮助别人的人 And help, Logan. That"s the job. We just need some help. 奥斯卡

     快上去 Oscar. Get up here. 上去 Up. 拜托

     Come on. 能用一下你的笔吗 Can I borrow your pen? 那么除了宙斯 So besides Zeus 你还有没有跟其他狗相处的经验 do you have any experience with working with dogs? 我曾带过嗅弹犬 I worked with some bomb dogs. -你是警...

     -海军陆战队员 - Oh. So you were a cop...- A Marine. 这样吧 You know what? 你不用把整个表都填完 You don"t need to finish filling that out. 留个电♥话♥号♥码就行 Just leave me a number where I 有消息我通知你 can reach you and I will call and let you know. 你们好像很缺人手 Sounds like you"re having trouble finding someone for the job. 为什么会有人为了份狗舍的工作 Why does a person drive from 一路从科罗拉多开车到路易斯安那 Colorado to Louisiana to work in a dog kennel? 不知道

     但我是走来的 I couldn"t tell you. I walked. 你是走来的? You walked? 从科罗拉多走到这里吗 You walked here from Colorado? 我喜欢步行 I like to walk. 抱歉

     我走开一会 Would you excuse me for a minute, please? 你可真倔

     上这里 You are such a stubborn boy. Get up here. 拜托


     你是只好... Come on. You can do this. There"s a good... Unh! 您今早吃药了吗 Did you take your medication this morning?

     我还在给气缸打气 I"m still pumping on all cylinders. 打气重要

     所以 That"s all that matters, so... 怎么了 What is it? 有个人要求职 There"s a man here who came 我不知道怎么拒绝 to apply for the job and I can"t get rid of him. 看起来没什么恶意 He looks harmless. 他从科罗拉多走来的 He walked here from Colorado. 告诉他你雇了其他人之类的 Tell him you hired somebody else or something. 我为什么要这么说

     是你不想要他的 Why do I have to tell him? You"re the one that doesn"t want him. 你想雇一个疯子吗 Do you want to hire a crazy person? 你疯了吗 Are you crazy? 请问这是什么意思

     女士 I beg your pardon, ma"am? 我孙女觉得你疯了 My granddaughter thinks you might be. 我没疯

     女士 No, ma"am. 没错


     也肯定很能干 Yeah, well, you look like a sharp, capable young man. 为什么脑袋好使又能干的小伙子 You tell me why there"s a sharp 要一路跑来给我洗笼子 capable young man wanting a job cleaning cages. 因为这工作应该挺安宁 Because it seems like peaceful work. 我的上一份工作可够折腾的 My last job wasn"t. 你从哪来

     华尔街吗 Oh, where were you? Wall Street? 不



     No, ma"am. I was in the Marine Corps. 海军陆战队 Ah. Marine Corps. 坐下 Hey. Down. -你自己训练的吗


     女士 - Train him yourself? - Yes, ma"am. 真是好小伙 Hmm. You"re a good boy. 你怎么把他支走的 How"d you get him to leave? -我雇他了

     -什么 - I gave him the job. - You what? 我们总得雇个帮手 Well, we gotta hire somebody. 你对他一无所知 You don"t know anything about him. 你不也一样 Neither do you. 只需要稍微用心地打理一下就行 Just needs a little tender loving care. 我要了 I"ll take it. 这里有工具和木材

     随便用 I got tools and lumber and the like. You"re welcome to them. 谢谢 Thanks. 来 Come on. 其实七点半才上班的 You know, you don"t need to be here until 7:30. 我睡不着

     就直接来工作了 I couldn"t sleep. Figured I"d get an early start. 来了一场大暴风雨 Well, we had a whale of a storm. 这个大家伙就倒了 That lovely thing came down. 我们在这里贮存全部的物资 That"s where we store everything up there. -特斯林


     -孩子们好 - Teslin. Here"s your new boss. - Hey, boy. Hey, boy.


     -那是谁 - You ready to go? - Who"s that? 姥姥雇的一个人 That"s just somebody that Nana hired. 有东西落下了吗 Aren"t you forgetting something? 快点


     不能迟到了 Come on, baby, we don"t want to be late. 爸爸不喜欢我在房♥子里练琴 No. Dad doesn"t like it when I practice in the house. 那你可以在走廊练 So maybe you can practice on the porch. -这个小东西

     -你好 - The little one. - Hey. How you doing? 我把小鸭子放到你的包里了

     晚上可以玩 I put Duckie in your backpack for tonight. 他在干什么 What"s he doing? 你相信吗

     他把那个老东西启动起来了 Can you believe that he got that old thing going? 老天啊 Oh, good Lord. 下星期我要替朱莉工作 You know, I"m substituting for Julie next week. 我就去几天

     不过... It"s only a couple days, but... 你为什么不回去做全职

     都快一年了 Why don"t you go back full-time? It"s been almost a year. 我知道快一年了 I know how long it"s been. 他难道不知道累吗 Do you think that he has an off switch? 希望不知道 I hope not. 什么事 Can I help you? 你在这里干什么 What the hell you doing around here? 有问题吗

     长官 Is there a problem, officer? 有


     There will be, you don"t answer my questions when I ask them. 我在这里工作 I work here. 把手放到长凳上 Put your hands on that bench. Ahem. 为什么 Why? 你想在局子里再做这事吗 Boy, you wanna do this at the station? 当兵的 A soldier boy? 罗根·傻波特中士 "Sergeant Logan Thigh-bolt." 是提波特 It"s Thibault. 海军陆战队员 And I"m a Marine. 其他人呢

     傻波特 Well, where"s everyone at, Thigh-bolt? 都出去了

     需要我给贝斯传话吗 They"re all out. Do you want me to give Beth a message? 是因为贝斯

     是吧 So it"s Beth, is it? 告诉贝斯我 4 点来找她 You just tell Beth I"ll see her at 4. 你真的该来

     你会玩得很开心的 You should really just come. You never know, you might have fun. 你一直很喜欢他们的房♥子 You"ve always loved their house. -消停会吧


     -为什么 - Save your breath. I"m not going. - Why not? 我可受不了克莱顿法官 You know I can"t stand Judge Clayton 和他为了筹集资金耍的把戏 and his fundraising extravaganzas. 妈妈

     快看 Mom, check it out. 看起来真不错

     亲爱的 Hey. Oh, that looks great, sweets. 你看上去真帅 You look very handsome.

     爸爸 Hey, Dad. 等等

     你这领结都打成一团了 Hey, wait. What in the world is this mess here, now, huh? 我们得教教你怎么打了 We gotta teach you how to tie a proper tie, boy. 你穿这裙子真美 I love you in that dress, huh? 我又后悔不该签离婚协议了 Makes me wish I never would have signed those papers. 给我讲讲你的新男友 Tell me about your new boyfriend. -什么


     是吧 - What? - Soldier boy, huh? 别问我

     我没雇他 Don"t ask me about him. I didn"t hire him. -他跟我无关


     好吧 - He has nothing to do with me. - Okay. Okay. 妈妈 Hey, Mama. 这里看起来不错 Place is looking great. -你看起来真漂亮

     -谢谢 - You look beautiful. - Thank you. 感谢光临 Thank you so much for coming. 真高兴见到你 Really good to see you. Here you go. 我们把州长拉到我们的阵营了

     刚刚得知 We"ve got the governor in our camp. I just heard. 本


     我的孙子在哪 Benny. Wait a second, where"s my grandson? -在那


     本 - There he is. - Come here, Benny. 玩得开心吗

     亲爱的 How you doing, sweetie? 他在为姆顿的未来努力拼搏

     就是这样 He"s fighting the good fight for Hamden"s future. That"s how he"s doing. -告诉你妈妈我们怎么胜出

     -投票支持克莱顿 - Tell your mama how we gonna win this thing. - Vote Clayton. 很好


     All right, and? -你所信任的名号♥

     -然后是知晓 - The name you trust. - And you know. -你所知晓的称呼

     -没错 - The name you know. - Yep. 你所信赖的法官

     我们需要的市长 The judge you trust, the mayor we need. 这孩子脑子真好使 Ha, ha, ha. This kid is sharp as a tack. 他肯定能成大事

     记住我的话 He"s gonna do great things. You mark my word. 这夹克是你从哪里挖出来的 Where did you dig up that jacket? 拜托


     爸爸 Oh, come on. It"s just a garden party, Daddy. 这可不只是公园派对 It"s not just a garden party. -你好吗


     -你好吗 - How you doing, judge? - How are you? -很高兴见到你们


     -很高兴见到你 - Good to see y"all. Thank you so much. - Nice to see you. 来


     去把它叼过来 Come on, Dexter, go get it. 去吧 Go. Yeah. 就是这样 Yes. Whoo! Oh. 就是这样

     叼住它 That"s it, boy, get it, get it. 把它叼起来

     对了 Pick it up. Come on. 那人真让人恼火

     每次我一转身他就... That man is so irritating. Every time I turn around he"s just... 早上好 Good morning. 你说到哪了 So you were saying? 我们搬了很多次家 We moved around a lot 因此我是流浪着长大的

     哪里都是家 so I kind of grew up everywhere, and nowhere.

     一定挺不容易的 Oh, that must have been hard. 不停地转学

     跟朋友离别 Huh? Changing schools, leaving friends. -还好


     -你上过大学吗 - It was okay. It was all I knew. - Mm. But you went to college? 上过


     但就上了一年 Yes, ma"am. Just for a year. 你学的什么专业 What"d you study? 只上一年的话什么都不专业 He didn"t study much if it was just for a year. 伊丽莎白·格林 Elizabeth Green. -我喜欢哲学

     -真的吗 - I liked philosophy. - Really? 是的

     我喜欢读书 Yeah, I like to read. 背一句你最爱的哲学家的名言 Give us a quote of your favorite philosopher. 有时

     问题复杂 "Sometimes the questions 答案却明了 are complicated and the answers are simple." 别说是谁 Don"t tell me. 伏尔泰吗 Voltaire? 就是伏尔泰

     是吧 It"s Voltaire, isn"t it? 是 苏斯博士 It"s Dr. Seuss. 二十世纪卓越儿童文学家

     教育学家 谢谢您请我喝茶

     格林女士 Thank you very much for the tea, Mrs. Green. 我该回去工作了 I should get back to work. 看在上帝的份上

     叫我艾丽好吗 Will you call me "Ellie", For goodness sake? 还伏尔泰 Voltaire.

     老虎的叫声是什么样的 What sound does a tiger make? 懒瓢虫不会飞 "This lazy ladybug didn"t know how to fly." 我想翻页 I wanna turn the page. 那你来翻吧 You can turn the page next. 一天

     懒瓢虫想换个地方睡觉 "One day the lazy ladybug wanted to sleep somewhere else." 看起来真不错

     孩子们 Oh, this looks great, you guys. 太漂亮了 Ah. That"s beautiful. 朱莉生完孩子后就不来了 Julie"s not coming back after she has the baby. 我们真心希望你能回来做全职教师 We"d really like to have you back full-time. 现在不行


     真抱歉 I can"t right now, Rhonda. I"m sorry. 一把小提琴 A violin? 小提琴

     女孩子才拉小提琴 A violin? Only girls play violins. 难道你不打篮球之类的吗 Don"t you play, like, basketball or something? 好了

     把提琴还给姑娘吧 Oh, fine. The girl wants back his violin. 他妈妈来了

     快走 It"s his mom. Let"s go. Let"s go. 你还好吗 You okay? 不错 Not bad. 我不知道有人在听 I didn"t think anyone was listening. 很荣幸我听到了 Glad I was. 真完美 That"s perfect. -她来了


     - Here she is. - Hi. 她见到你很开心 Oh, she"s happy to see you. -她表现如何

     -非常好 - How"d she do? - She was great. -别忘了尽快把她带回来

     -谢谢 - Make sure you bring her back soon. Cool. - Thank you. 罗根

     你会开车吗 Logan. Can you drive? 贝斯跟朋友出去了 Beth"s out with a friend 我去唱诗班的座驾就泡汤了 and my ride to choir practice just fell through. 我孙女是老大


     就因为我... My bossy granddaughter won"t let me drive since I... 那都不能叫中风 Well, you can hardly even call it a stroke. 其实就是头蒙一下 It"s more like a tap, really. Heh. 我的生活节奏可是一点都没慢下来 Hasn"t slowed me down in the slightest. 看得出来

     女士 I can see that, ma"am. -你多大了


     -25 岁 - How old are you, dear? - Twenty-five. 出去执行过几次任务 How many tours? 三次 Three. 我孙子第二次出去

     就没能回来 My grandson never finished his second. 他可是个好小伙子 Yeah. You would"ve liked him. 你们两个的性格像一个模子倒出来的 You two, you were cut of the same cloth. 罗根


     失去了各种人 You know, you live long enough, Logan, you lose enough people... 你就学会了珍惜过去 you learn to appreciate the memories you have. 不要嫉妒那些你碰都不会碰的人和事 Stop begrudging the ones you never got to make.

     贝斯走的路还没我过的桥长 Beth hasn"t lived as long as I have. 她并不像看起来那么糟糕 She isn"t as bad as she seems. 我觉得她没那么糟糕 She doesn"t seem so bad to me. 有人吗 Hello? 好


     回头见 All right, thank you. I"ll see you later. 就这样

     动起来 Yes. Here we go. 快来

     快来 Come, come, come. 谢谢你亲爱的


     就是这样 Oh, thank you, honey. Good job. That"s it. 再见各位 Night, all. 你喜欢什锦饭吗 Do you like jambalaya? 本

     罗根肯定有别的安排 No. Ben. Ben, I"m sure that Logan already has plans. 有吗 Do you? 我好像很久都没有过安排了 I can"t remember the last time I had a plan. 好吧

     你会跳舞吗 All right, man. You got dance moves? -会


     你会跳什么 - Yeah. - Yeah? Yeah, what you got? Whoo-hoo. 妈妈以前是搞田径的

     她跑得很快 Mom ran track. She was super-fast. 只是越野赛跑

     而且我没那么厉害 Cross-country, I wasn"t that good. 你就是因为这样才拿到杜兰大学的奖学金的吗 Is that why you got a scholarship to Tulane? 就因为你没那么厉害 Because you weren"t any good? 好吧

     我曾经是很棒 Okay. Once upon a time I was pretty good. 满意了吧

     Are you happy? 你是杜兰大学的 You went to Tulane? 没有


      No, State to be close to home. 因为一些个人原因 Had some personal stuff come up. 她怀上了我 She got pregnant. With me. 谢谢你

     本杰明 Well, thank you, Benjamin. 今晚是不是轮到你洗盘子了 Isn"t it your night for the dishes? 谢谢 Thank you. 你还在参加比赛吗 Do you still run competitively? 不了

     我现在跑步只是为了舒缓情绪 Oh, no, no, no. Now I just do it to clear my head. 这样比看医生便宜多了 It"s a lot cheaper than therapy, so... 我走路也是一样 So is walking. -谁会下象棋

     -我会 - Who plays chess? - Me. 我也会 Me too. 我打赌我能赢你 Bet I can beat you. -赌什么

     -输的人洗盘子 - What"s the bet? - Dishes tonight. 洗盘子

     再加上明天打扫狗粪 Dishes tonight, against the pooper scooper tomorrow. 先警告你

     我下得不错 Gotta warn you, I"m not bad. 将军 Check. 做个后空翻 Let"s do a flip. 真不赖 Oh, that was cool.

     来个转轮 Wheelie. 翻筋斗 Somersault. 将死 Checkmate. 清洁剂在水槽下面 Detergent is under the sink. 什么

     你作弊吧 What? Did I just get hustled? 你得承认

     我第二盘下得不错 Have to admit, I played better the second time. 是的

     就第一步下的不错 Sure. Until your second move. 你还有什么我不知道的秘密才艺呢 You have any other secret talents I should know about? 你才是有秘密的 You"re the one with the secret. 我见过他弹钢琴 I saw him playing the piano. 是吗 Really? 是啊 Yeah. 我进来放钥匙的时候看到的 I saw it when I put the keys back. 他弹得很好 He"s really good. 你也不赖啊 Hey, you"re not too bad yourself. 为什么不拉首给我们听 Why don"t you play something for us? 给你变个魔术怎么样 How about a magic trick instead? 好吧 Yeah, okay. 他不喜欢当众表演 He hates playing for people. 他觉得他拉得不够好 He doesn"t think that he"s good enough. 一幅普通的牌

     Ordinary deck. 好的 Wow, okay, cool. 没关系 Oh. It"s all right. 重新来 Show me again. -你说停就停

     -停 - Tell me when to stop. - Stop. 记住这张牌

     我没有偷看 Memorize the card, and I am not looking. 好了

     记住了 Okay, I got it. 接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻 Let me give it a little magic. 你竟然还会变魔术 I didn"t know you were a magician too. 再看看这个 Wait till you see this one. 本


     该睡觉了 Ben, sweetie, it"s past your bedtime. -等下


     -明天再看吧 - Wait, this is the best one. - Show me tomorrow. 本

     快跟罗根说晚安 Ben, say good night to Logan, now. -乖了


     我只是想给他表演魔术 - Come on. - No. I just wanted to show him a trick. 对不起

     他不是经常这样 I"m sorry. He"s not usually... 没关系

     没关系 It"s fine. It"s fine. 我哥哥教了他一些魔术 My brother taught him a few tricks. 他俩学这个都很快 Magic was kind of their thing. 他去年去世了 We lost him last year. 他也是海军陆战队的 He was a marine too. 对本的打击很大 It"s been hard on Ben.

     对我们也是 It"s been hard on all of us. 谢谢你 Thank you. 很高兴你能来 Well, I"m glad you came. 你真好


     你真 Aren"t you helpful, dear, and chivalrous? You are so...? 他是不是很有骑士精神 Isn"t he chivalrous? 你喝酒了吗 Have you been drinking? 我喝了一点叫莫斯科驴子的酒 I had a little something called a Moscow Mule. 听起来很恶心

     但是很好喝 It sounds terrible, but it was so good. -我给你泡杯茶

     -太好了 - I"ll make you a cup of tea. - Oh, good. 好吧 Okay. 有件事我一直想告诉你 Look, there"s something that I"ve been meaning to tell you. 我从来没有好好解释 I never fully explained how... 对不起

     我不知道该怎么说 And I"m sorry, I can"t find the right words. 没关系 It"s all right. 下次吧 Another time, maybe. 反正我一直都在这 After all, I"m not going anywhere. 好吧 Okay. 晚安罗根 Good night, Logan. 德雷克·格林中士 不

     不 No. No! 老天 Jesus!

     不 No! 贝斯

     贝斯 Beth! Beth! 不

     不要 No! Stop it! 不要 No. 没事了 It"s okay. 没事了 It"s okay. 一开始他们什么都不说 At first they wouldn"t tell us anything. 只说有可能是被友军误伤 Just that friendly fire was a possibility. 所以虽然已经整一年了 So it"s a year ago today... 但是官方说法是

     中士 ...and the official investigation into the death of Sergeant... 德雷克 ...Drake... 格林 ...Green... 死因的调查还在进行中 ...is still ongoing. 我们一无所知

     这才是最痛苦的 That"s the worst part. Not knowing. 我愿意放弃一切 I would give anything... 只要知道他不是白死的 I would give anything to know that he didn"t die for nothing. 我们从小就形影不离 We were inseparable as kids, 无论做什么都在一起 you know? We did everything together. 我们还一起修了这面墙 We even built that wall together. 其实是德雷克修的 Well, Drake built the wall... 我是监理

     ...and I supervised... 也就是说 ...which consisted mostly 我基本上一直在喝茶

     看小说 of drinking iced teas and reading the Brontes. 记得有一天 Oh. This one day... 我找不到我的书了 ...I couldn"t find my book anywhere. 我就问他在哪 So I asked him about it. 他指了指这里 And he just pointed. 来看 Look. Look. 老天

     我当时被他气疯了 God, I was so mad. I was so mad at him. 他就只知道笑 And he just laughed. 真是太 It was... 对不起 I"m sorry. 没事的 It"s okay. 你知道吗

     你的笑声很好听 You got a great laugh, you know that? 我希望多听到你的笑声 I wish I could hear it more. 那你给我讲个笑话吧 Why don"t you try telling me a joke? 我得先被灌上几杯 Because you"re gonna have to get 才能讲得出笑话 a few beers in me before I start telling you jokes. 好吧 Okay. -好吧

     -好吧 - Okay. - Okay. 除了罗恩和赫敏缓慢而低沉的呼吸声 "...Except for Ron and Hermione"s slow, deep breathing.

     哈利环顾四周 Harry glanced over at the 地板上映出他们的黑影 dark shapes they made on the floor beside him. 罗恩开始 Ron had had a fit of..." 妈妈 Mom. -妈妈


     赫敏的 - Mom. - Yes. "On the sofa. Hermione"s..." 所以她的轮 "...So that her silotee..." 轮廓 Silhouette. 过来布鲁图斯

     你好伙计 Come on, Brutus. Hi, buddy. 好了


     过来 All right. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. 拜托

     别 Ha-ha. Oh, come on. What...? 抖一下 Shake. 这个黑色的狗牌是干什么的 What"s the black dog tag for? 这个是我的 This one"s mine, and the 这个是纪念我最好的朋友维克多 black one is in memory of my best buddy, Victor. 就像好朋友手镯一样 So they"re like friendship bracelets. 是啊

     也可以这么说 Yeah. Yeah, you could say that. 好了

     他已经干了 No... Oh, man, he"s toast. -该给你刷了

     -不要 - Your turn. - Don"t. No. 你要去哪 Where you going? 你很能跑啊

     我可以训练你进海军陆战队 Hey. You can run, man, I"m gonna make a Marine out of you. 穿过去

     Get over. Go through. 跳 Up! 注意了 See. 我整个星期都在练习发球 I"ve been working on my pop-ups all week. -这才像样


     上车 - All right. That"s my boy. - There you go. Get in the car. 注意了 See. 老傻波特跟你处的怎么样 How"s old Thigh-Bolt working out for you? 帮我个忙行吗 Do me a favor, okay? 记住这只是个慈善比赛 Try and remember this is a charity game. 什么意思 What the hell"s that supposed to mean? 不要给他太多压力 Don"t push him too hard, okay? 你知道吗 Hey, you know what? 本归你的时候

     你想干什么就干什么 When Benny"s on your time, you guys do what you want. 你可以种花 You can plant your flowers, 可以编织


     什么都行 you can do your crochet, play the fiddle, whatever. 他跟我的时候就照我的安排 When he"s with me we do it my way. 开心点

     Have fun, sweetie. -再见妈妈

     -系好安全带 - Bye, Mom.

     - Seat belt. 要给孩子多一点空间 Need to give the kid some room to breathe. 不要 No. 库珀 Cooper.


     停下 Cooper, stop. 九块钱

     谢谢 That"s $9. Thank you. 我要走了 I"m gonna get going. 我晚点回来帮你收拾 I"ll be back later to help you pack up. 怎么了 Hey. What"s up? 下车吧 Unh. There you go. -怎么了

     -我们赢了 - What happened? - We won! 他接球的时候没注意 Oh, he took his eye off a ground ball. 没那么严重

     只是流了点鼻血 It"s not as bad as it looks. He just got a little nosebleed. 我还是接住了

     我手伸的很低 I still stopped it. Got my glove down, 身子用力往前探

     只有一个跑垒得分 kept my body in front. Only one run scored. 那是整场的两点 Ha, ha. It was the play of the game. 他已经长成男子汉了 Tell you what, might make a man out of him yet. 进去冲个澡吧

     我马上就进来 Why don"t you go on inside? Take a shower. I"ll be right there. -再见

     -再见爸爸 - See you later, buddy. - Bye, dad. 怎么了

     这只是个意外 What? It was an accident. 你真的不懂 You really don"t see it. 不懂什么 See what? 他为了你什么都愿意做 That boy would run through a brick wall for you. 这跟他接不到球 What does that gotta do with him 有什么关系

     not being able to field a ground ball? 好吧 Okay. 没什么

     回去吧基斯 Don"t worry about it. Please go home, Keith. 等一下 Hey, wait a second. Hey. 别跟我用这口气讲话 Who do you think you"re talking to, huh? 基斯

     冷静点 Keith, calm down. 你才要冷静点

     我告诉你 You calm down. Let me tell you something. 他也是我儿子 That"s my son in there too, 我随时都能带他走

     你明白吗 and I can take that boy anytime I want. You got that? 放开我的手

     放开我的手 Let go of my arm. Let go of my arm. -怎么了

     -你该听她的 - What"s the matter? - You should do as she says. 放开她的手 Let go of her arm. 我的天 God! 天啊

     希望在你生日之前能好 Gosh, I hope that this heals up before your birthday. 你朋友的妈妈们一定以为是我打了你 Your friends" parents are going to think that I beat you. 我不需要办生日会 I don"t have to have a party. 爸爸说我已经长大了 Dad says I"m kind of getting old for them. 太可笑了 That is ridiculous. Of course 你当然要办生日会

     一辈子只有一个八岁生日 you"re gonna have a party. You only turn 8 once. 不管几岁的生日都只有一个 You only turn every age once. 快去洗澡 Shower. Now.

     谢谢你 Thank you for that. 他不能真的把本带走

     是吧 He can"t really take Ben away from you, can he? 基斯的爸爸很有权势 You haven"t met Keith"s father. 为什么不离开这里呢 Why don"t you just leave? 如果我带本离开姆顿 If I tried to take Ben out of Hamden, 那我就真的会失去他 I could lose him altogether. 虽然这不关我的事 It"s none of my business, 但是你为什么会 but how did you end up...? I mean, what... 我怎么会疯到嫁给他呢 What possessed me to marry him? 想象一下 Picture this: 那年我们高三

     他是橄榄球队长 Senior year, he was captain of the football team. 我以为我爱上他了 I thought that I was in love. 然后我怀孕了 Then I got pregnant. 他跟我求婚

     我答应了 He asked, I said yes. 但他一直没明白 Only thing is, he didn"t 结了婚就不该跟别的女孩子约会了 quite realize I expected him to stop dating. 我不想去其他地方 I don"t want to go anywhere else. 这就是我家 This is our home. 永远都是 Has been forever. 不管怎么样基斯都是本的爸爸 Whatever else Keith may be, he"ll always be Ben"s dad. 我只想看你有没有事

     I just want to make sure you"re okay. 谢谢 Thank you. 明早见 See you in the morning. 走了伙计

     过来 Come on, buddy. Come on. 我们什么时候去喝个酒吧 When are we gonna get those beers? 我不会忘记的 I won"t forget. 只是跟同事随意喝个酒 It"s just a casual beer between coworkers. 不是约会 It"s not a date. 我说什么了吗 Oh. Did I say anything? -你相信命中注定吗

     -拜托 - Do you think life has a plan for you? - Oh, jeez. 相信吗 Do you? 如果有

     那肯定没有帮我安排 If it does, it hasn"t shared it with me. 你为什么会参军呢 Why did you enlist? 这是家族传统 It was the family business. 我看你从小就是军事迷 Oh, I had you figured for a military brat. 你父亲是海军陆战队的 Your father was a Marine? 我爷爷也是 And his dad before him. 所以参军是为了他们 So you signed up for them? 第一次是为了他们 The first tour was for them. 第二次第三次是为了那些还在前线的伙伴 The second and third were for the guys that were still out there. 现在几点了 What time do you think it is?

     我让你觉得很无聊吗 Am I boring you? 我想给你看点东西 I want to show you something. 快来

     我们得走了 Come on. We have to go now. 我想一个人待着的时候就来这里 This is where I come when I want to be alone. 真漂亮 She"s a beauty. 我爸爸从小就围着船转 Dad grew up around boats. 虽然后来当了兽医

     但是他喜欢钓鱼 He was a vet, but he loved to fish. 妈妈是音乐老师

     她不喜欢钓鱼 Mom was a music teacher. She couldn"t stand it. 你之前从没提过你父母 You"ve never mentioned your parents before. 小时候他们就出车祸了 They died in a car accident when we were very young. -对不起


     -没什么 - Sorry, I was just... - It"s a fair question. 所以我和德雷克一直相依为命 I guess that"s why Drake and I were so close. 很幸运还有祖母 We were so lucky to have nana. 爸爸经常带德雷克去钓鱼 Dad took Drake fishing all the time. 爸爸教他怎么开船的时候 When he taught him how to steer this thing, 他才只有六七岁 he couldn"t have been more than 6 or 7. 那你呢 What about you? 我爱这艘船 I love this boat. 虽然现在看起来不怎么样

     但以前它厉害极了 I know she doesn"t look like much now, but she could really fly. -哪天开它出去兜风

     -不行 - Well, we should take her out sometime. - No. 现在已经发动不了了

     Can"t even get her started now. 太可惜了 That"s too bad. 你确定你还能开吗 Are you sure you"re okay to drive? 我非常清醒

     谢谢 I"m perfectly sober, thank you very much. 等一下 Hold on. 我们还得再出来一次 You do realize we"re gonna have to do this all again? 你还没给我讲笑话呢 You never told me that joke. 有什么补偿的方法吗 Is there any way I can make it up to you? 对不起


     很久没有这样了 I"m sorry. I"m sorry. It"s been so long. -我的天啊

     -没关系 - God. - It"s all right. 你这么可人

     应该有人一直呵护你 You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute. 基斯 Keith? 丹尼 Oh, Danny. 你在干什么

     放下来 What the hell do you think you"re doing? Put that down. 你知道你们刚才在城里超速了吗 You know y"all were doing 50 through town? 希望是这样 Oh, like hell we were. 基斯叫你来的吗 Keith put you up to this, didn"t he? -是吗


     你该回家了 - Didn"t he? - Beth, you need to go home. 就当什么都没发生过 Let"s just say it never happened. -不

     -对不起 - No. - Sorry. 我才该说对不起 No, it"s me that"s sorry.

     再洗锅就漏了 Well, that"s as clean as it"ll ever be. 拜托 Please go. 该死的 Oh, shit. 本 Ben. 我看完了借给你看 You know, you should read this when I"m done. 我觉得这能帮到你 I think it could really hel...

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