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    时间:2020-07-06 13:42:26 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     欧罗巴一号♥任务是载人进入外太空的首次尝试 直梯

     1 号♥通道 嗨

     伙计 Hey, buddy. 太空棒极了 Space is great. Umm... 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 想念你们 I miss you guys. 我们驶离很远了

     甚至看不见 We"re a long way away now. I can"t even see, uh 甚至看不见地球 I can"t even see earth anymore. 着陆器

     后镜头 这里很安静 And, uh... It"s peaceful. You know? 轨道飞行器

     侧镜头 别告诉你妈妈 Don"t tell your mom this, 但在这没有她的鼾声 but I think I actually sleep better up here, 我睡得更好了 away from her snoring. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 完毕 Over. 燃料箱 b7 和 b9 Tanks b-7 and b-9 机械臂 B

     后镜头 有早期冻结迹象

     完毕 are showing early signs of freezing. Over. 六个月以来举世瞩目 若你到了那儿什么也没发现怎么办 What would you do if you get out there and you find nothing? 指挥舱

     镜头 E 即使什么也没发现 Well, even if we found nothing, 这也是一次伟大的探索 it"s in effect a discovery. 我会无比沮丧 It would make me very frustrated.

     我觉得那肯定有东西 I know there"s something there. 检查 3 号♥和 4 号♥导航舱 Check on nav bays 3 and 4. 座舱

     镜头 B 可能需要更新 You might want to update... 指挥中心


     完毕 Mission control, repeat please. Over. -要我演示如何解决吗

     -欧罗巴一号♥ - Do you want me to show you how to beat "em? - Europa one. 威廉

     通讯数组中出现静电干扰 William, I"ve got some static in the comm array feed up here. 像是辐射脉冲 It looks like a radiation spike. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 试过重启系统吗 Have you tried recycling the system? 罗莎

     我们失去你的信♥号♥♥了 Rosa, we"ve lost your feed. 座舱

     镜头 C 欧罗巴一号♥

     请回答 Europa one, come in. 欧罗巴一号♥ Europa one. 欧罗巴一号♥ Europa one. 这就是我们从欧罗巴一号♥飞行器收到的 These were the last images we received 最后的影像 from the europa one craft. 那时

     它已经行驶在了 At the time, it had already gone farther than 人类从未触及的太空 any human being had ever traveled before. 16 个月以来

     我常被问到 For 16 long months I"ve been asked 一个简单而又复杂的问题

     发生了什么 the simple but loaded question: "What happened?" 一切...抱歉 All...I"m sorry.

     萨曼莎·昂格尔博士 欧罗巴公♥司♥首席执行官

     任务总策划 通过最近解密的数千小时的影像资料 欧罗巴公♥司♥终于揭开了整个事件的面纱 机械臂 B

     后镜头 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 我们得告知他的家人 We have to tell his family. 通知不了 We can"t. 通讯系统没办法修复 The communication fix was never completed. 系统损坏了 The system is fried! 上一次与指挥中心同步数据 Last sync with mission control 已经是 19 个小时以前了 was 19 hours ago. 我们孤立无援了 We"re all alone now. 那怎么办 So what happens? 任务继续吗 Do we go on? 我当时在一班跨大西洋航线的飞机上

     I was on a plane, a transatlantic flight, 就在那时通讯中断 when the mission feed went dark. 当我着陆时

     指挥中心仍然说 When I landed, mission control was still saying 也许只是通讯延迟 "Maybe it"s just a transmission delay." 但是

     我到达指挥中心时 But, by the time I made it into mission control, 通讯中断已经超过 15 小时了 we were looking at over 15 hours of dead feed. 着陆器

     后镜头 失去詹姆斯后 After James was lost, 执行任务的乐趣 the joy of the mission,

     和高涨的情绪 the exhilaration of it all just 都烟消云散了 it just left. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 我不再像是家庭旅行中愉快的孩子 I stopped feeling like a kid on a family trip. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 我们面对的任务 The mission has stretched on ahead of us, 比之前需要更多时间 somehow longer than it had been before. 没人知道我们是否还活着 No one at home knows we"re alive. 座舱

     镜头 B 我们做得对

     是吧 We"re doing the right thing, right? 当然 Absolutely. 座舱

     镜头 C 任务计时

     6 个月 27 天 22 小时 17 分 安德烈

     你看到木星了吗 Andrei, have you looked out at Jupiter yet? 任务计时

     7 个月 18 天 0 小时 5 分 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 那是件值得兴奋的事 Something to be excited about. 指挥舱

     镜头 A -你还好吧

     -嗯 - Are you okay? - Mmm. 你一周没跟我说话了 You haven"t said a word to me in a week. -我早晨醒来

     -好吧 - I woke up one morning - okay. 有时醒来之后 I woke up at some point and 不知身在何方 didn"t recognize myself. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 客观来说

     虽然我知道零重力 Objectively, I know it"s the zero g

     还有与世隔绝会改变人 and the isolation that changes you. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 但还是难以适应 But that doesn"t make it any less strange. 还是会慢慢崩溃 It doesn"t stop you from slowly breaking. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 任务计时

     8 个月 25 天 6 小时 59 分 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 我的生活开始和任务相协调 I started living my life in tune with the mission 而如我所愿任务仍在继续 that I hoped was still going on. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A -不错

     -很好 - That"s good. - Okay. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 胃口怎么样 How"s your appetite? 我没事 I"m fine. 你的睡眠有点 And you"re sleeping kind of... 没有 I"m not. 我们失去他已经一年了 It"s been a year since we lost him. B 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 告诉我

     我们仍... Tell me we can still... 欧




     告 19 个月 10 天 14 小时之前 直播 重大新闻 欧罗巴一号♥今日发射 上午好

     我非常高兴 Good morning. I am very 是我们都非常高兴今天来到这里

     we are all very excited to be here today. 这无疑是一条漫长的路 It has certainly been a long road 我们在座的各位 and all of us up here 都是因为关于太空和可能性的共同梦想 started with the shared dream 而踏上征程 of space and possibility. 这确实是人类迈出的崭新一步 And this really is a new first-step for mankind. 从某种角度说 From one perspective, 我们的任务 400 年前就开始了 you can say our mission actually began 400 years ago. 木卫二由伽利略于 1610 年发现 那时伽利略通过望远镜 That"s when Galileo first saw Jupiter 第一次看到木星和它的卫星 and its moons through his telescope. 这么重大的任务

     你只有一次机会 For something this big, you get one shot. 无人任务是不够的 An unmanned mission simply wasn"t going to cut it for us. 必须把人类送入太空 You put men and women into space 因为他们有能力应对宇宙中的种种可能 because they have strength in the face of cosmic odds. 欧罗巴一号♥准备发射 Europa one is cleared for launch. 倒计时

     十 T-minus 10, 九

     八 nine, eight, 七

     六 seven, six -五


     -主发动机准备 - five, four - We"re go for main engine. 三


     一 three, two, one. 点火

     Ignition. 升空

     驶向木卫二 Liftoff! On the trek to europa. 发动机百分之九十八推力 Our engines at 98% thrust. 燃料比正常 Fuel rate is nominal. 右旋 0.6 度 Rolling right in zero-point-six degrees. 遥测正常 Telemetry nominal. 发射速度 225 米每秒 Loft at 225 meters-per-second. 高度

     2.3 英里 Altitude, 2.3 nautical Miles. 倒数三


     一 And in three, two, one. 助推器分离成功 We have good booster separation. 飞行器已超音速 Vehicle is supersonic. 指挥舱投弃



     一 Command module jettison in three, two, one. 座舱

     镜头 C 整流罩分离成功 We have a good shell separation. 初始燃料燃尽 Initial burn is complete. 一级分离



     一 Staging in three, two, one. 运载火箭

     镜头 B 收到

     一级分离成功 Copy. We have good stage separation. 指挥舱可见 We have visual of command module. 开始准备对接 Beginning turn for docking. 座舱

     镜头 C 轨道正常

     推力正常 Trajectory is good. Thrust is good. 1972 年以来我们没有离开过近地轨道

     We hadn"t left near-earth orbit since 1972. 我们公♥司♥的任务就是 Our company was tasked with moving forward 把 20 世纪停滞的太空计划向前推进 where the space programs of the 20th century had left off. -十米处对接

     -我相信 - 10 meters to docking. - I believe 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 如果你能明白这次探索的重大意义 if you have the scent of a discovery this big, 五米 Five meters. 你不会只是静观其变的 you do not simply wait and see what happens next. 对接 Contact. 而是追寻其中 You go after it. 座舱

     镜头 A 收到

     硬对接成功 Copy. We are green on hard dock. B 闸门至 D 闸门正常 Locks b through d are green. 连接稳定


     对接成功 Connects are stable. Repeat: We are green on dock. 指挥中心 Mission control, 很荣幸地说

     我们正式起航了 we are proud to report that we are officially underway. 收到 Roger that. 我们在这等你们凯♥旋♥ We"ll be here for you when you get back. 为你们准备了点旅行轻音乐 We"ve prepped some light traveling music for you. 《蓝色多瑙河》 指挥舱

     镜头 B 任务计时

     2 天 3 小时 27 分 指挥舱

     镜头 E 进行内部镜头检查

     Internal cam check is a go. C 座舱

     镜头 A 那里一定很安静 Must be peaceful up there. 座舱

     镜头 B 直梯

     2 号♥通道 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 进行外部镜头检查 External cam check is a go. 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 A

     前机械臂 B

     后镜头 进来吧 Come on in 你好 Hello. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 别丢掉我 Please don"t vote me off. 就一个相机

     能知道什么 There"s a camera. What do ya know? 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 真人秀 Reality TV. 杰米

     下面是只属于你的 Okay, Jamie, this is your own 欧罗巴一号♥之旅 personal tour of europa one. 看



     杰米 Oh look. It"s you, Jamie. Hi, Jamie. 你好

     爸爸 "Hi, dad." 丹

     还为分到下铺而伤心呢 Hey, Dan. You still upset that you got the bottom bunk? 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 你怎么知道我在想什么的

     我真是 How"d you know I was thinking about that? I really was... 上铺好多了 The top is so much better. 是啊


     Yeah, I was supposed to have that. 这是丹尼尔 Here"s Daniel down here. 好挤啊


     看我的多宽敞 "Oh, so cramped. I"m so cramped." Look at my spacious bunk. -帮我录一下

     -好的 - Film me for a second. - Okay. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 其实这只是两个住舱中的一个 Okay, so this is actually one of two living quarters. 它们围绕中心舱旋转 What they do is they rotate around the core module 产生出模拟重力 so this gives us simulated gravity. 看着 But watch this. 我们也可以体验到 We also get to experience 真正的零重力的 real gravity-free 太空惊喜 space excitement. 但这样会头晕 And the head rush that goes with it. -一小时后全体会议

     -好的 - Crew meeting in one hour, guys. - Okay. 零重力的问题就是 Now the thing about zero gravity is that 它会让我们的骨骼和肌肉很虚弱 it makes our bones and muscles really weak. 这就是我们尽可能地 This is why we spend as much time as possible 留在住舱的原因 in these living modules. 好


     接住了 Yeah, okay. Just pass it up. I got it. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 这位是可爱的卡佳 Okay. And there"s the lovely Katya. 这些科学工具 Now these are some of the science tools

     是我们用来探测木卫二上的生命的 that we"re using to test for life on europa. 如果哪个坏了

     爸爸就要修好它 And your dad has to fix them if any of them break. 扮完观光客之后 When you"re done playing tourist, 过来帮个忙吧 you can come over here and help me. 如果你不怕拔钉子 If you"re not afraid to chip a nail. 现在看到的是 Now-- whoa-- 座舱 this is the cockpit. 指挥中心 Mission control. 同步 Sync. 收到


     已同步 Copy, Rosa. We have sync. 我们的驾驶员罗莎

      And Rosa, our pilot, 在这之前是开飞机的 used to fly jets before she started flying us around. 她在做什么

     在设置摄像系统 And what"s she doing? She"s setting up the camera system 来监视飞船上发生的一切 which monitors everything that happens on the ship. 给杰米笑一下

     罗莎 Smile for Jamie, Rosa. 最后我要给你看 And now, last thing I want to show you 看这 have a look at this. 这的景色 The view. 确实有点讽刺 Kind of ironic, really. 飞船里这么小 So little space in here 外面的世界却那么大

     and so much space out there. 飞船飞过月球时 As the ship passed the moon, 它已经行驶到 it had already gone farther 着陆器

     后镜头 人类从未触及过的太空了 than any human being had ever traveled before. 想想看 Think about that. 纵观人类历史 Across all of human history, 那一刻已到了人类所触及的最远端 that moment was the farthest anyone had ever gone. 但他们还有漫长的征程 But they still had millions upon millions of Miles to go. 我们的飞行器要去木星的一颗卫星 Our craft was heading for a moon of Jupiter 也就是木卫二 known as europa. 这次任务的重任落在诸多卓越者的肩膀上 This mission is riding on the shoulders of many great men and women. 如果说我们有宝贵的遗产 And so if we have any legacy at all, 我希望那就是 I would hope that it would be 我们能激励那些后来的探索者 that we would inspire those who come after us 坚持不懈地探索 to keep exploring, 突破新的界限 to keep pushing the boundaries, 不断地寻找答案 to keep looking for the answers 那些困惑问题的答案 to those really tough questions, 我们是谁 who are we? 为什么在这里 Why are we here? 从哪里来

     Where do we come from? 在宇宙中还有别的生物吗 And... are we alone? 在很长一段时间里 For a very long time, 欧罗巴看上去是实心球状的冰 europa has seemed to be just a solid sphere of ice. 但是仅仅只看它的表面 But even just looking at its surface, 也能看出些蛛丝马迹 there are clues, you know? 冰的下面可能有水的存在 There might be water underneath the ice. 2011 年的秋天 And then in the fall of 2011, 科学家发现...他们用数据表示 scientists realized... they released data 有液体的地下湖泊的存在 showing the presence of sub-surface lakes of liquid! 然后就... And... wow! 找到水的地方 Wherever we have found water, 就能找到生命 we have found life. 接下去发生的 But what came next was, um... 更令人吃惊 even more startling. 美国国家航♥空♥航♥天♥局发现了热量信♥号♥♥ NASA discovered heat signatures 来自一块称为康纳马拉混沌的区域 under an area known as the conamara chaos. 他们调笑说 Well, they teased the idea that... 简单的单细胞生物 that simple mono-cellular life 在太阳系中并非或许存在 in our solar system might not just be possible, 而是很可能存在

     it might be probable. 我想去欧罗巴

     去冰钓 I wanna go to europa and go ice fishing. 穿过冰

     潜到深处 Cut through the ice, lower a submersible, 四处环顾

     看看有什么 look around, see what"s there. 看有什么会游到相机镜头边上舔舔它 See what swims up to the camera lens and licks it. 如果欧罗巴上有生命 If life exists on europa, 这会成为人类历史上 it will be the single most profound 最深刻最伟大的发现 discovery in human history. 着陆器

     后镜头 达斯科呼叫指挥中心

     完毕 Dasque to mission control. Over. 座舱

     镜头 B 收到


     完毕 We read you, Rosa. Over. 数据正在同步 Data sync is live. 大伙都坚持得怎么样 How"s everyone holding up? 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 我想这是土豆汤 I think it"s potato soup. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 我去拿点喝的 Get something to drink. 伙计

     为什么... Dude, why... 为什么你要放大蒜到太空菜里 why would you put garlic into a space dish? 这样很丰盛 It"s very rich. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A -很美味


     我还是要说 - It"s delicious. - I have to say, though... 好了



     Okay, look look... I"ve got another mile to go. 不赖啊 Not bad, eh? 跑完呢 What about after your run? 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 你打算什么时候打电♥话♥给别人 When are you gonna actually call someone? 不关你的事 None of your business. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 时间到了 Hey. It"s time. 我应该来之前学点中文 I should have learned mandarin before we left. -他很有可能在说我

     -加速 - He"s probably talking about me. - Gun it. 一






     一 One, two, one, two, one, two, one... 舱臂 A

     前镜头 你感觉怎么样 How did you feel? 直梯

     2 号♥通道 还没问完我就答应了 I said yes before the question even sunk in. 我还没来得及回答他们就问了四遍了 They had to ask me four times before I could even respond. 指挥舱

     镜头 E 座舱

     镜头 A 命令请求没有问题 No trouble on the ping requests. 计算机视频信♥号♥♥技术 我们看见威泰里有粘滞阀 We see a sticking valve in v-tech. 安德烈已经在修了 Andrei is already working on a fix. 如果它再发生泄漏

     我们会分离管道 If it leaks anymore, we"ll isolate the manifold. 座舱

     镜头 C 在罗莎的站里 Oh, and we have a series


     镜头 A 有一系列的保险丝事件 of fuse events in Rosa"s station. 你能找值班的团队调查一下吗

     完毕 Can you have the team on duty investigate? Over. 收到

     但你要在我们完成审查之前 Copy that. But you might have it fixed 座舱

     镜头 C 把它修好 before we finish the review. 你让我们感觉慢了两个节拍 You"re making us feel two steps behind. 完毕 Over. 你们会让他觉得惭愧

     完毕 You"ll make him blush. Over. B 座舱

     镜头 C 指挥中心

     听见吗 Mission control, can you hear me? 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 安德烈现在在洗澡 Andrei is in the shower right now, 所以我想趁这个机会告诉你们 so I want to take this opportunity 淋浴系统设计得十分不合理 to tell you that your shower system is totally inadequate. 我才不信服你们的理论 And I don"t buy your theories about 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 说什么身体会适应新的卫生制度 the body adjusting to the new hygiene regime. 知道我不能适应什么吗 You know what I can"t adjust to? 我们得喝蒸馏过的尿液 The drinking of the distilled urine. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 詹姆斯 Oh! James! 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 我的意思是

     I"m just saying 你一边说我体臭 you"re worried about my smell 一边却在喝我的尿 and you"re drinking my urine? 你们知道什么让他们如此生气吗 You know what I think they"re really pissed off about? 你们只给了四套衣服 You guys only gave them four outfits. 所以有时候他们早上起来 So sometimes they wake up in the morning, 发现这一整天还要穿同一套衣服 they find out they"re wearing the same thing the entire day. 他们就完全恼火了 They get totally pissed off. 还有鞋子 And the shoes... 你们只给他们女人两双鞋子 You gave them two pairs of shoes for women. 我就是说说 I"m just saying. 罗莎


     她人呢 Rosa, dinner! Where is she? -来了

     -谁的千层面 - Coming. - Who"s the lasagna? -我的

     -那是你的吗 - Yeah. - That"s you? -天哪


     伊施的吗 - Oh God. - Who"s the pod macaroni and cheese.Ish? -我来吃

     -敬六个月 - I guess I"ll take that. - To six months! 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 B -好嘞



     -等下 - Okay, eyes. Eyes. - Wait, 你没有看我的眼睛 you"re not looking into my eyes. 抱歉 Oh, sorry. -我能看看吗

     -能看见北极熊吗 - Can I see? - Did you see any polar bears? 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A

     真的没有 No, really. 我们从全球最棒的太空项目中 We pooled our astronauts 欧罗巴飞船今天发射 直播 挑选了这些宇航员 from the very best space programs across the globe. 队长叫徐威廉 Our captain is William Xu. 我认为这个任务会告诉人们 I think this mission will show people that 我们还是能完成不可能的任务 we"re still capable of achieving impossible things. 丹尼尔·卢森堡博士 Dr. Daniel Luxembourg. 我把成年生活都奉献给了 My entire adult life has been dedicated to 极端环境的探索 exploring extreme environments. 我成为宇航员就是特别地想 I became an astronaut specifically 有机会做这样的事 to have the opportunity to do something like this. 卡佳·彼得罗夫娜博士 Dr. Katya petrovna. 生命的起源于海洋

     所以从某种程度上说 Life on earth began in the ocean, so in some ways 这个任务是追溯起源的旅程 this mission will be like taking a trip back in time. 我的专业是海洋生物学和海洋学 My background is in marine biology and oceanography. 说实话

     有时候我很害怕飞行 To be honest, sometimes I"m terrified of flying. 安德烈·勃洛克 Andrei blok. 我在外太空度过了 349 天 I think I have 349 days in outer space, 所以我是你们所说的老手了 so I"m what you call a veteran. 唯一我不能接受的是

     The only thing I can"t face is... 食物 the food. 詹姆斯·里根 James corrigan. 我记得我在学校看的一个 I remember watching footage at school 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗登月的镜头 of Neil Armstrong on the moon, 就想好了

     "我也要像他那样" and just... just knowing "I want to do this." 罗莎·达斯科 Rosa dasque. 说我不成熟的


     傲慢的 Call me immature, reckless, arrogant. 我只想比前人走得更快更远 I just want to go faster and farther than anyone has before. 我们要设计一个前无古人的宇宙飞船 We had to design a spacecraft unlike by any before it. 当然

     一旦做出载人的这个决定 Of course, once the decision was made to put people onboard, 对它的要求就激增了 the requirements ballooned. 人需要食物

     住所 Human beings need food, shelter. 他们需要一个能生存的环境 They need an environment that is survivable 满足一定程度的舒适度 and has some level of comfort. 它在破坏冰层 It"s cracking the ice. 任务计时 12 个月 27 天 10 小时 51 分 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 着陆器

     后镜头 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 我们出发一个月了

      安德烈 We"re a month away, Andrei. 我们还是很担心你的康复状况 We"re still concerned about your recovery. 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 到底怎么样我才算康复了

     So how should I be recovering, exactly? 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 B 借过 Excuse me. 你怎么想 So what do you think? 2 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 我还是不建议 I still wouldn"t advise 把他一个人留在轨道飞行器里三星期 leaving him in the orbiter alone for three weeks. 我不想把唯一的工程师丢下 I"d rather not leave our only engineer behind. 那我们就带他一起降落 So we take him down with us then. 好 Yeah. 木星 Jupiter. 离目的地如此近

     让我们士气大振 Being so close to our destination lifted our spirits. 感觉一切又回归正常了 It felt that everything made sense again. 厚重的空气变得清晰 The thickness in the air cleared. 但让它清晰的纯粹是肾上腺素 But what cleared it was sheer adrenaline. 准备轨道转移 Prep for orbital transfer. 舱臂 B

     后镜头 完成指标设定 We"re gonna feel some gs here. 座舱

     镜头 B 轨道飞行器

     侧镜头 任务计时

     21 个月 16 天 23 小时 38 分 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 螺距机动 Pitch maneuver. 我们清楚木星的轨道 We are clear of Jupiter"s orbit. 开始轨道转移

     Beginning orbital transfer. 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 俯仰电力下降 Pitching for power descent. 丹尼尔

     让安德烈随时监控 Daniel, can you keep Andrei abreast 数据显示的变化好吗 of any of those changes in the readouts, please? -收到


     清晰 - Roger that. - Orbit trajectory, clear. 目前速度是每秒 60 公里 Current speed 60 kilometers per second. -准备好了吗

     -准备好了 - Ready? - Yes. 着陆地带的地面状况 Surface conditions in the l.Z.? 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 我收到了热羽流和辐射分♥析♥ I"ve got heat plume and radiation analysis incoming, 但数据在不断变化

     热度在波动 but the data is variable. Heat is fluctuating. 不远了 Not far now. 所有系统联机 All systems online. 亮绿灯 Showing green light. 起落架就位

     准备部署 Landing gear armed and ready to deploy. 女士先生们

     坚持住 Ladies and gentlemen, hold on. 我们开始啦 Here we go. 轨迹和速度 Trajectory and speed? 朝着 270.3 Heading 270.3. 慢速穿过太阳黑子 Coming in low across thera macula 速度是每秒 458.4 米 at 458.4 meters per second.

     目标站点连成一线 Target site lining up. 起落架部署 Landing gear deployed. 0 秒后... 20 seconds to... 就像热排气阀

     类似于它喷发的特征 It"s like a thermal vent. Sort of an eruptive feature. 座舱

     镜头 B 指挥舱

     镜头 C -你能稳定住我们吗

     -在试 - Can you stabilize us? - I"m trying! B 座舱

     镜头 A 安德烈

     我需要紧急着陆 Andrei, I need an option for emergency landing. 热气阀就来自我们目标点的附近 Vent"s coming from the area around our target site. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 座舱

     镜头 C 经过着陆地带 There"s a low gradation of 有低层的冰

     沿着色雷斯黄斑 ice just past the l.Z., along thrace macula. 指挥舱

     镜头 A 好


     带我们远离热气阀地带 Okay. Land us long. Get us past the vent area. 座舱

     镜头 A -还有 100 米降落

     -燃油 10 秒 - 100 meters to contact - 10 seconds of fuel. 着陆器

     外镜头 途中远离燃烧器 Back off the burners on approach 否则会融化降落点 or we"ll melt our landing site. 收到

     还有 10 米 Roger that. 10 meters. -5 米

     -连接灯 - Five meters. - Contact lights. 关闭 Shut down.


     镜头 B 我想我们成功了 I think we"ve got it. A C A B 座舱

     镜头 C 上面没事吧 Everything okay up here? 不好意思 Sorry. 我止不住盯着它看 I can"t pull my eyes away from it. 它美到让你窒息 It takes your breath away. 那晚我出去 That night I went out 在夜空里找到了木星 and found Jupiter in the night sky and... 我花了很长的时间看它

     然后... I spent a long time looking at it, just... 祈祷 Hoping. 着陆器

     后镜头 任务计时

     22 个月 0 天 15 小时 22 分 指挥舱

     镜头 A 现在这个位置的地面温度 Surface temp in current position 保持在绝对零度 is holding at absolute zero. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 根据服务器初始数据 Prelim service data has us 我们应降落在类似 11 号♥冰床的地方 on a bed of what looks like ice 11. 我们本应到那儿

     现在却降落到这里 We should be there, but we"re here. 我们行驶了 59 亿千米 We flew 590 million kilometers 在离指定位置 100 米远的位置着陆

     and then landed 100 meters off the mark. 这看似无关紧要 It seems insignificant, 目标区域 欧罗巴一号♥ 可是却不利于进行表面分♥析♥ but it will be difficult to get useful surface analysis. 讽刺的是

     使飞船脱离既定轨道的 Ironically, what threw the ship off course from the original target zone 正是我们希望在木卫二上发现的热能现象 was a reconfirmation of what we had hoped for. 如果这样的热量爆发 If such heat-plume eruptions 从冰缝中钻了出来 were escaping through the cracks in the ice, 那就意味着水下有强烈的热运动 it suggested strong underwater 以及生命存在的可能性 thermal activity and the potential for life. 如果他们能够在目标区域内着陆 If they had landed on the target area 那里很适合做地表分♥析♥ which was ripe for surface analysis, 这样就可以用飞船的机械臂 the mission would have begun with extensive surface tests 进行大量的地表探测 using the ship"s robotic arm 之后再花费几个小时的功夫凿穿冰面 followed by a few hours of drilling through the ice 将探测针潜入水下更深处 to deploy a remote underwater probe. 指挥舱

     镜头 C 现在对我们有什么影响吗 So how will that affect procedure? 这样我们就无法轻易拿到想要的数据 What it means is we won"t get the data we want very easily. 因此我希望重做丹尼尔的地表探测 That"s why I want to move back Daniel"s surface test 并立刻开始钻孔 and start the drill immediately. 我们成功的希望都寄托在这块冰下面了

     Our best hopes of success lies under the ice. 丹尼尔

     你觉得呢 Daniel, what do you think? 指挥舱

     镜头 B -我不太赞成

     -我就知道你有意见 - I wanna argue... - I"m sure you would. 可我们在冰面上当前这个位置 But with our current position in the ice, 指挥舱

     镜头 C 是拿不到关键数据的 we won"t get key data. 咱们只能游过去 Let"s go for a swim. 指挥舱

     镜头 E 着陆器

     外镜头 指挥舱

     镜头 B 钻头已经锁定并准备就绪 Drill head is locked and prepped. 开始下潜 Beginning extension. 开启热源感知器 Thermal is live. 进入冰层 Entering ice layer now. 着陆器

     外镜头 B 指挥舱

     镜头 C 你听到了吗 Do you hear that? 指挥舱

     镜头 E -你听到了吗

     -听到了 - Are you getting it?

     - Yeah. 只不过是冰层运动罢了 I think that"s just the ice shifting. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 如果温度下降

     冰层运动会更剧烈 We can expect more of that as the temperature drops. 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 任务计时

     22 个月 1 天 1 小时 7 分 座舱

     镜头 C


     镜头 B E 指挥舱

     镜头 A 座舱

     镜头 B 比我们数据显示的还要剧烈 That was stronger than our data projected it. -一切还好吧

     -正在重新分♥析♥ - Are we stable? - Re-working the analysis now. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 卡佳

     从这些震动的频率入手看看 Katya, let"s try the frequency of these quakes. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 潮汐运动的增强意味着 Increased tidal activity means 座舱

     镜头 B 地表下的热量之大已超出预计 there could be more heat than we thought beneath the surface. -记录下了吗

     -嗯 - You"re recording this?

     - Yeah. B 指挥舱

     镜头 C 座舱

     镜头 B 好吧

     咱们诊断一下 Okay, let"s run some diagnostics here, 指挥舱

     镜头 E 数据似乎略有上升 because it seems to be escalating a little bit. 座舱

     镜头 B 也许是地表下的余震吧

     可我们查到的是 Might be some subsurface aftershocks but here we"ll find... 座舱

     镜头 C 你看到了 You saw it. 座舱

     镜头 A 指挥舱

     镜头 E 你来检查一下这个的运行状况 You got to check out this activity. 指挥舱

     镜头 A -太不可思议了


     - It"s incredible. - Everything"s fine here. 欧洲通信卫星呢 What about the E.C.S.? 指挥舱

     镜头 C -还有船体和起落架

     -看到了吗 - How about the hull and landing gear? - You see this? D C 指挥舱

     镜头 E 检查一下这个的运行状况

     真不可思议 Check out the activity. Incredible. 没有偏转 Yeah, no deflection. -欧洲通信卫星


     很好 - E.C.S.? - E.C.S. Okay. 这里没有异常 No problems here. 伙计们

     我看见了一个东西 Guys, I saw something. 你说什么 What do you mean? 指挥舱

     镜头 A 我看见飞船外面有东西 I saw something outside the ship. 从这上面穿过舷窗 From up there, through the porthole. 在飞船外 100 米左右的地方 Maybe 100 meters out. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 我想拍下来

     但是没来得及 I tried to get a video, but I missed it. 线下面还有一道光 It was a light down the linea. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 当冰面摇晃的时候

     我正在修理服务器 I was working one of the servers when the ice shook. 指挥舱

     镜头 C 然后就看见了那东西 And... it was there. -飞船外面的光源吗

     -我真的看见了 - A light source outside the ship? - I know that I saw it.


     镜头 A -那道光在闪烁

     -光线有多强 - It was flickering. - How strong was the light? 指挥舱

     镜头 E 就像一个发光二极管 It was like an L.E.D., 但是并没有光泽 but dull from refraction. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 可是

     这一切发生得太突然了 But the-- oh, it happened so fast. 刚刚还在那儿

     一转眼就没了 It was there and then it was gone. 指挥舱

     镜头 C 你是说它会自己移♥动♥吗 You mean it moved? 是的

     它确实动了 Oh, yeah. Yeah, it moved. 我可以检查一下热信♥号♥♥ I can check the heat signatures. A 指挥舱

     镜头 D 轨道飞行器

     前镜头 有什么发现吗 Do you see anything? 我已经把这段录像查过三遍了 I"ve checked this footage three times. 没有什么发现 There"s nothing to see. 可这并不能证明那里什么都没有 but that doesn"t mean there was nothing there. 如果光线太暗

     摄像头是拍不到的 If it was too dim, these cameras wouldn"t have caught it. 没错

     也许是一种微弱的化合光呢 That"s true. A weak chemiluminescence maybe? 可能是由于冰面移♥动♥引起的 Triggered by shifts in the ice? 指挥舱

     镜头 D 可化学光晕并不符合他的描述 A chemical iridescence doesn"t fit this description. 也许吧


     Maybe. When we prepare the surface test, we"ll know. 指挥舱

     镜头 B 我觉得细菌吸附在冰面下的说法 I find the idea of bacteria clinging to 似乎更为可信 the underside of the ice more likely. 一些材料对放射活动会产生冷光反应 Something that has a luminescent response to radioactivity. 指挥舱

     镜头 E 对

     可是你真的觉得它在动吗 Yeah, but do you think it actually moved? 从科学的角度来讲

     我很怀疑 Scientifically I doubt it. 等等

     你们注意到了吗 Wait, did you notice that? 什么 What? 辐射干扰 Radiation interference. 所有的摄像头都被♥干♥扰了 It"s on all the cameras. 我觉得还有什么被我们遗漏了 I think there"s another version of this that we have to consider. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 安德烈很有可能什么都没有看到 It"s entirely possible Andrei didn"t see anything at all. 外面一片漆黑 It"s very dark out there 指挥舱

     镜头 E 可能是他脑子里自己幻想出来的 and his mind could be filling in the blanks. 但这也可能是我们 But it could also be our first indication 指挥舱

     镜头 B 在这里的第一个发现 of exactly what we came out here to find. 指挥舱

     镜头 A -安德烈睡了吗

     -没有 - Is Andrei sleeping yet? - No. 着陆器

     表面镜头 指挥舱

     镜头 B


     我 In those days there was a raw... 我心里很乱 a raw mix of emotions. 我们走了这么远

     饱经风霜 We"d come so far, weathered so much. 指挥舱

     镜头 A 我们到了一个陌生的地方 I think we were all in a place 怀着敬畏之心看着这些刺♥激♥的新事物 where excitement blended with awe... 座舱

     镜头 B 同时也感到恐惧 And fear. 座舱

     镜头 C 着陆器

     后镜头 好吧

     丹尼尔可以为我作证 Okay, so Daniel is my witness. 如果你找到了一个微生物

     就算我赢 You find a single microbe up there and I win. 如果你找到活着的微生物

     就算你赢 If you find a still-living microbe, you win. 生物灭绝的证据都不能证明我赢了吗 What? Evidence of extinction doesn"t win me the bet? 为了赢

     你总能揪出些学术问题来 You always find a technicality like that for winning. 1 号♥住舱

     镜头 A 不



     这与学术无关 No no no. It"s not a technicality. 这说明在某种意义上

     我们并不孤单 It means that at some point in time we were not alone. 这就是学术问题 It is a technicality. -丹尼尔

     -怎么了 - Daniel. - What? 你干什么呢


     怎么了 What are you doing, buddy? What"s happening? -你丢东西了吗

     -我的牙刷不见了 - You lost something? - I lost my toothbrush. -什么

     -他翻遍了整个铺位 - What? - He"s unpacking his entire bunk.


     -要联♥系♥后勤部门 - We have to return to earth. - We better call housekeeping. 你应该休息一会 You should get some rest. 等我弄清楚我看到的那玩意是什么再说 Not until I know what I saw out there. 座舱

     镜头 C 我们正在查呢 We"re working on it. 我们会弄清楚的 We"ll figure it out. B 座舱

     镜头 C 如果连自己亲眼所见都不敢相信怎么办 What if I can"t believe or trust my own eyes? 你应该去睡一觉 You need to sleep. 我们需要你去睡会儿 We need you to sleep. 指挥舱

     镜头 D 这里有安♥眠♥药♥ There"s pills, sedatives. 我不吃药 No pills. 我要时刻保持警惕

     保持专注 I need to stay alert. I need to stay focused. 任务计时

     22 个月 3 天 0 小时 43 分 着陆器

     表面镜头 你还好吗 How are you holding up? 指挥舱

     镜头 B 很好 Good. 镜头 D 指挥舱 镜头 C 座舱 镜头 C 指挥舱

     镜头 A 我们凿通了

     We"ve broken through. 水 Water. C A E 指挥舱

     镜头 B 探针扩音器接通 Probe microphone live. 指挥舱

     镜头 C 这里完全没有受到外界影响 Wow. This is a completely untouched environment. 等一等 Just waiting. C B 指挥舱

     镜头 E 我们离家如此之远 We"re so far from home, but... 就像在沃斯托克湖[位于俄♥罗♥斯♥] It"s like looking at Lake Vostok right now. 这里的辐射水平呈现出最低值 Radiation levels down here are minimal. 而在我们的目标区域里 And there"s definitely a 有一个热源 heat source somewhere in our target zone. 指挥舱

     镜头 E 距离热源区还有 122 米 122 meters to heat-plume area. 指挥舱

     镜头 C 下面水深 100 千米 There"s 100 kilome...

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