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    时间:2019-04-26 03:33:39 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      女权主义一直是个富有争议的字眼,很多人对这个术语可能也只是一知半解。而在新时代下,女权主义又被注入了新的定义。就让我们跟着凯特琳·莫伦的新书一起来了解一下吧。  Why is feminism a dirty word? Why is motherhood seen as the ultimate goal for every woman? Why are pants getting smaller?
      In her book, How to Be a Woman, feminist Caitlin Moran demands an answers to these questions.
      The columnist for the British newspaper The Times looks at the problems which still exist for women.
      The book has been hugely popular and has refired feminist debate.
      One reason for its success is that it isn’t an academic analysis. Rather, Moran’s own experiences are hilariously used to shed light on why women still struggle for equality.
      In the book Moran tackles subjects such as high heels, weight, fashion, celebrities, abortion, getting married and having kids.
      The text acts as a guidebook for the life of a modern woman. Moran recognizes that, along with key political issues, what deeply affects women’s lives is their attitudes to themselves, particularly their body image.
      She writes, “For women, finding a sympathetic, non-judgmental arena is just as important as getting the right to vote.”
      Her comic approach is the book’s greatest strength and makes it far more accessible to young people than previous feminist texts.
      Moran says she wants to break down the belief that feminism should be something that’s “good for you, like fiber”.
      Her approach also helps to rebrand the term. She writes that feminism “should be as exciting as rock and roll”.
      Sonia Cala-Lesina, 25, says she used to avoid calling herself a feminist. “I felt quite embarrassed by it, despite being very sympathetic to the underlying politics. Since reading Moran’s book, however, I have described myself as a feminist much more.”
      The negative connotations connected with feminism are primarily why so many people feel uncomfortable using the term.
      “I have to prepare to justify myself,” says Cala-Lesina, a personal assistant to a professor in London. “It’s become such a dirty word that people don’t realize that it’s essentially common sense.”
      Lady Gaga is known for describing herself as a feminist and Moran sees her as an excellent role model.
      Moran writes, “I think it’s going to be very difficult to oppress a generation of teenage girls who’ve grown up with a liberal, literate pop star.”
      For a book that discusses so intimately the experiences of being a woman it could potentially alienate men, but it hasn’t.
      The book has been massively popular with both sexes, because feminism is not a gender specific issue. For example, men and women alike are affected by lack of access to affordable childcare. “I enjoyed the book,” says John Foster, 26, a freelance tour manager from London.
      Cala-Lesina says it’s exciting that the book is so mainstream. “A lot of people who have never thought about feminism, or ever read about it, will be introduced to the concept.”
      feminism n. 女权主义
      columnist n. 专栏作家
      hilariously adv. 引人发笑的
      tackle v. 处理
      例如:Some people tackle the difficult jobs first. 有的人喜欢先做难做的工作。
      abortion n. 流产
      intimately adv. 熟悉地
      alienate vt. 离间;使疏远
      例如:The Prime Minister’s policy alienated many of her followers. 首相的政策使很拥护她的人疏远了她。

    推荐访问:女权主义 新时代 time Feminism

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