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    【精彩对白】 国产情侣偷拍福利视频

    时间:2019-04-06 03:16:43 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      A  Jack:Yesterday I saw you running down the street pushing your bicycle.  Jim:Yes. I was late for an appointment(约会)and didn’t have time to get on(上车).
      Amy:Anne kissed me.
      Mother:How nice!Did you kiss her back, dear?
      Amy:Of course not. I kissed her face.
      Teacher:It’s the law of gravity(重力)that keeps us from falling off the earth.
      Sheila:What kept us from falling off before the law was passed?
      Teacher:Now, class, are there any questions?
      Dan:Yes. Where do these words go when you rub them off the blackboard?
      Father:What did you learn in school today, son?
      Son:I learned to say,“Yes, sir; no, sir; thank you, sir.”
      Father:You did?
      Son:Yes, sir.
      Teacher:Sam, if you had three apples and ate one, how many would you have?
      Sam:Three. Two outside and one inside.
      Bud:I’m so late this morning because every step I took, I slipped(滑倒)back two.
      Teacher:At that rate(那样的话), you wouldn’t be here now.
      Bud:Oh, I turned around and walked the other way.
      Ann:I’m saving money to buy one of those small Japanese radios.
      Nan:But can you understand what they’re saying?
      Teacher:If you stood with your back to the north and faced due south(正南), what would you be on your left hand?
      Woman at movies:If my hat prevents you from seeing the picture, I’ll remove it.
      Man:Please don’t bother(操心).Your hat is funnier than the picture.
      Taxi driver:Sorry, I forgot to turn on the meter(计程表)and I don’t know how much to charge you.
      Passenger:That’s OK. I forgot to bring money, so I can’t pay you anyway.
      Customer:What do these coins(硬币)mean in my soup?
      Waiter:Well, sir, you said you’d stop eating here if there wasn’t some change in the food.
      Harry:My face is my fortune(财产).
      Henry:You’ll never have to pay any income tax(所得税).
      Doctor:You’re coughing more easily this mornng.
      Patient:I should. I’ve been practicing all night.
      Mother:Please close the window, son. It’s cold outside.
      Son:If I close the window, will it be warm outside?
      Uncle Jack:Did you catch all those fish by yourself?
      Smart Alex:Oh, no, I had a worm to help me.
      Ned:Pardon me for walking on your feet(踩了脚).
      Ted:That’s okay. I often walk on my own feet.
      Student:Professor, why do you use three pairs of glasses?
      Professor:Well, one is for close, one is for distance, and the third is to look for the other two.
      Bill:Did you hear about the burglar(窃贼)at alarm(响警铃)?
      Marty:No, what about it?
      Bill:The burglar didn’t hear about it either. That’s why he’s in jail(坐牢)now.
      Fred:My teacher does good bird imitations(模仿鸟的动作).
      Ted:What kind of bird?
      Fred:She watches me like a hawk(鹰).
      Harry:Sorry you have a toothache. I’d have that tooth pulled if it were mine.
      Larry:So would I, if it was yours.

    推荐访问:对白 精彩

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