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    时间:2020-12-18 13:38:17 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     男性冲动购物比女性花费更多 The male urge to shop: Men spend more than women on items they buy on a whim Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed. A study found that men regularly shell out an average of £25-a-week on items they bought on a whim, while women spend close to £19-per-week. Food, beer and DVDs are the most common treats for males while clothes, magazines and wine topped the list for women along with books, shoes and toiletries. The poll of 2,000 customers found that over a typical adult lifetime around £70,217.28 will be frittered away purely to satisfy the overwhelming urge to shop. Researcher Emily Stag said: "Twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a lifetime. "For £70,000 you could easily put a large deposit on a house, pay off all your debits or buy a sports car. "General consensus would suggest consumers are trying to save every penny at the moment, but our research shows we still like to treat ourselves or our loved ones." The study found triggers such as receiving birthday money, coming into an unexpected windfall such as cash back from a company, or a small win on the lottery often result in spur of the moment purchases. Six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation if there is a sale on and six out of ten also cited retail therapy as the main reason for shopping on impulse. Only four out of ten men said the same thing. It also emerged one in three girls admit they don"t bother telling their other half about their recent purchases. Furthermore one in five couples argue as a direct result of overspending each week.


     一项调查发现,男性平均每星期在冲动购物上花费 25 英镑,而女性花费近 19英镑。

     男性冲动购物最常买的是食物、啤酒和 DVD,而女性冲动购物买得最多的是衣服、杂志和红酒,还有书、鞋子和化妆品。

     这项涵盖了 2000 名消费者的调查发现,成年人一生中因一时兴起而消费的东西平均会花掉约 7.02 万英镑。

     研究人员艾米丽•斯泰格说:“每周 20 英镑也许看起来不是很多,但一辈子这么积累起来数额就相当大了。” “有 7 万英镑你可以轻松地给房子付巨额首付,偿还所有的欠款,或是买辆跑车。

     “人们普遍都认为消费者在日常购物中会能省则省,但是我们的研究显示,我们依然愿意花钱满足自己或爱人。” 研究发现,收到生日礼金、或是得到一些意外之财,例如公司返还现金或中了小额彩票等,这些通常都会诱发冲动消费。





     施瓦辛格承认因私生子与妻子分居 Schwarzenegger fathered child outside marriage Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, newly estranged from his wife of 25 years and seeking to resume his Hollywood career, has acknowledged fathering a child more than a decade ago with a member of his household staff. The revelation came a week after Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born former bodybuilder turned film star, and his wife, Maria Shriver, a broadcast journalist and member of the Kennedy dynasty, jointly announced their marital split.

     "After leaving the governor"s office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago," Schwarzenegger said in replying to the Times. A Schwarzenegger spokesman later gave a copy of the statement to reporters. "I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses, and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry," Schwarzenegger, 63, said in the statement. Shriver, 55, in a statement to People magazine released on Tuesday, asked for compassion and privacy. "This is a painful and heartbreaking time," she said. "As a mother, my concern is for the children. I ask for compassion, respect and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment." As one of the most high-profile but improbable couples in American public life -- a powerful Republican politician and a stalwart Democrat -- the pair endured years of persistent allegations about Schwarzenegger"s extramarital dalliances and sexual misconduct. 美国加州前州长阿诺德•施瓦辛格近日承认,自己在十几年前与一位女管家有染,两人育有一个私生子。施瓦辛格前不久宣布和结婚 25 年的妻子分居,他目前正寻求重返好莱坞。



     63 岁的施瓦辛格在声明中说:“我很清楚自己让亲友感到愤慨和失望,这是我应得的下场。没有任何借口,我对我所造成的伤害负全部责任。我已向玛丽娅、我的孩子和家人道歉。真的很对不起。” 施莱弗现年 55 岁。她在本周二写给《人物》杂志的声明中请求得到同情,并希望外界尊重隐私。

     她说:“这是个令人痛苦和心碎的时刻。作为母亲,我很担心孩子们。我请求大家能给我和我的孩子们一些同情,尊重和隐私,让我们可以重建生活,治愈伤痛。今后我不会再回应这件事了。” 施瓦辛格和施莱弗堪称美国公众生活中最高调、但也最离奇的夫妻组合——有权势的共和党丈夫和坚定的民主党妻子。这些年施瓦辛格一直遭到婚外情和性丑闻指控。

     和同事和睦相处有助长寿 Getting along with colleagues could help you live longer (but you don"t need to like your boss) Getting along with your work colleagues could actually help you live longer, new research has shown. A study of 820 men and women showed those with good peer-to-peer relationships had a lower risk of mortality than those did not chime with their co-workers. The link between a positive workmate relationship and the risk of mortality was most notable among those aged between 38 and 43. However, positive support from managers or others in senior positions was shown to have no effect on mortality. The study, published by the American Psychology Association, found that "peer social support, which could represent how well a participant is socially integrated in his or her employment context, is a potent predictor of the risk of all causes of mortality." Factors contributing to positive working relationships included helping others to solve problems and friendliness. The research was conducted over 20 years, between 1988 and 2008, at the University of Tel Aviv, in Israel. The case studies were chosen from some of the country"s largest finance, insurance, public utilities, health care and manufacturing firms working on average 8.8 hours a day. One-third of the participants were female while 80 per cent were married with children and 45 per cent had at least 12 years of formal education. The report, in this month"s APA journal Health Psychology , also discovered that male longevity was increased by control and decision authority. However, the same responsibilities in the female sample were found to have the opposite effect, showing an increased risk of mortality. 新研究显示,和同事和睦相处有助于延长你的寿命。

     这项涵盖了 820 名男性和女性的研究显示,那些和同事关系好的人比和同事合不来的人死亡率要低。

     与同事建立积极关系和死亡风险之间的联系在 38 到 43 岁人群当中最为显著。


     美国心理学会发布的这一研究发现,“是否得到来自同事的社会支持,表明一个人在自己的职场环境中能否较好地融入社会。它有力地预示着各种原因导致的死亡风险。” 帮助他人解决问题,以及友好对待他人,这些因素都有助于和同事建立积极的工作关系。

     该研究是 1988 年到 2008 年在以色列的特拉维夫大学进行的,时间跨度长达 20年。

     研究所采用的案例来自以色列的一些大型金融、保险、公共事业、医疗和制造业公司,这些公司平均每天工作时间是 8.8 小时。

     参与该研究的人当中,三分之一是女性,80%已婚有小孩,45%至少受过 12 年的正规教育。



     威廉大婚英国公主“马桶帽”网上拍卖 Bids soar for princess"s "toilet seat" wedding hat The much-mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice to Britain"s royal wedding

     last month -- widely described as looking like a "toilet seat" -- is up for sale on eBay where bids have reached 18,400 pounds ($29,940). The tea rose, silk hat was "the most talked about hat of the whole occasion" Harold Tilman, Chairman of the British Fashion Council, said on eBay. The fuss over the hat worn to the royal wedding of her cousin Prince William to longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton seems to have taken Beatrice -- who is the daughter of William"s uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson -- by surprise too.

     "I"ve been amazed by the amount of attention the hat has attracted," Beatrice said on the auction site. "I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I have." Money raised by the sale of the hat will be equally split between two charities: UNICEF and Children in Crisis. The hat, by milliner Philip Treacy, was given a starting price of 5,000 pounds and 32 bidders have placed 60 bids in the last six days. The eBay site has linked the auction to Facebook where members of the public have celebrated the hat design. Treacy said he was "delighted, flattered and touched by HRH Princess" Beatrice"s decision to donate the hat to charity." 英国公主比特莱斯近日在易趣网公开拍卖自己上月参加 王室婚礼 时所戴的一顶帽子,价格已升至 1.84 万英镑(合 29940 美元)。这顶帽子曾备受嘲讽,不少人认为它看起来像“马桶圈”。



     比特莱斯公主在拍卖网站上说:“我很惊讶这顶帽子受到这么大的关注。我希望无论谁拍得了这顶帽子,都能和我一样为此很开心。” 拍卖帽子所得的善款将平分捐赠给联合国儿童基金会和“救助危机中的儿童”公益项目。

     这顶帽子由女帽设计师菲利普•崔西设计,起拍价为五千英镑,在过去六天已有32 名竞拍者进行了 60 轮竞拍。

     易趣网将这次竞拍关联至 Facebook 网站,网站上有很多公众夸赞了帽子的设计。

     崔西表示,“比特莱斯公主殿下拍卖帽子捐赠善款的决定让我很高兴、很荣幸、也很感动。” 拍卖将持续至 5 月 22 日。

     研究:太快乐的人容易早死 Happy people die younger than their more reserved peers, study finds

     People who are too happy die younger than their more downbeat peers, claims new research. A study which followed children from the 1920s to old age showed that people who were rated "highly cheerful" by teachers at school died younger than their more reserved classmates. This was because people who were too happy were more likely to suffer from mental disorders such as bipolar, making them less fearful and more likely to take risks that increase the chance of having a fatal accident. Being too cheerful - especially at inappropriate times - can also rouse anger in others, increasing the risk of a person coming to harm. Researchers from a variety of universities worldwide also discovered that trying too hard to be happy often ended up leaving people feeling more depressed than before, as putting an effort into improving their mood often left people feeling cheated. And magazine articles offering tips on how to be happy were also blamed for worsening depression. One study saw participants asked to read an article offering ways to improve your mood, and follow one of the tips to see how effective it was. Participants then took the advice offered - such as watching an upbeat film - often concentrated too hard on trying to improve their mood rather than letting it lift naturally. This meant that by the time the film had ended, they often felt angry and cheated by the advice given, putting them in a far worse mood than when they had started watching. However, results of the study, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, revealed that the key to true happiness was much more simple: meaningful relationships with friends and family members. Study co-author Professor June Gruber, from the department of psychology at Yale University in the United States, said of people who actively tried to be happy: "When you"re doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness.

     "The strongest predictor of happiness is not money, or external recognition through success or fame. It"s having meaningful social relationships." She added: "That means the best way to increase your happiness is to stop worrying about being happy and instead divert your energy to nurturing the social bonds you have with other people." 新研究称,太快乐的人比悲观的同龄人死得早。

     一项跟踪调查 20 世纪 20 年代的小孩的研究显示,那些在学校被老师评价为“非常开朗”的人比其他较内向的同学死得更早。










     “决定幸福与否最有力的因素不是金钱,也不是成功或名气带来的外界的认可。获得幸福的关键是拥有有意义的社会关系。” 她说道:“这意味着让自己更快乐的最佳方法就是不再为是否快乐而烦恼,转而将精力投入到增强和他人的社会纽带上。”

     奥普拉脱口秀 25 年全剧终 “告别秀”星光云集 A- listers turn Oprah"s farewell show into a star-studded event Oprah Winfrey wiped away tears as celebrity after celebrity surprised her during a farewell double-episode taping of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" that will precede her finale. "Thank you is not enough, but thank you," Winfrey told the crowd of 13,000 gathered at Chicago"s United Center on Tuesday night for "Surprise Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular." "For your love and your support, thank you." The crowd gave Winfrey a standing ovation when she first walked on the stage. Then the stars came out, with Winfrey"s producers making good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies, music and television. Aretha Franklin sang "Amazing Grace." Tom Hanks acted as host for the evening. Michael Jordan, who led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the 1990s, told Winfrey she inspires him. Tom Cruise, famous for his couch jumping on Winfrey"s show, was there. And Madonna said she is among the millions of people who are inspired by Winfrey. Winfrey announced in November 2009 that she would end her popular talk show after 25 years. Tuesday"s taping will air May 23 and 24, before Winfrey"s final show on May 25. Maria Shriver, the TV journalist and Kennedy heiress, appeared on the same day it was revealed her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger, fathered a child with a woman on his household staff more than a decade ago. Shriver did not mention her husband during the taping. "You have given me love, support, wisdom and most of all the truth," Shriver told Winfrey. "And I know I"m not alone in receiving those gifts from you." Beyonce sang her song "Run the World (Girls)" backed by dozens of dancers. Rascal Flatts performed too. Winfrey also received messages from some less-famous admirers. Female American soldiers gave a taped message from Iraq and three female fans from countries around the world came on stage. The show was interspersed with clips of Winfrey"s fans and flashbacks of previous episodes. Fans started lining up outside hours before the taping started. The content of the final episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps.




     艾瑞莎•弗兰克林演唱了《奇异的恩典》。汤姆•汉克斯成为当晚的主持。迈克尔•乔丹告诉温弗瑞,她激励了自己。乔丹曾在上世纪 90 年代率领芝加哥公牛队夺取六次 NBA 冠军。汤姆•克鲁斯也赶来捧场,他曾经在《奥普拉脱口秀》上“跳沙发”,引起轰动。麦当娜说温弗瑞激励了数百万人,也包括自己。

     温弗瑞在 2009 年 11 月宣布,将停播自己已经主持了 25 年的脱口秀节目。本周二录制的特别节目将在 5 月 23 日和 24 日播出。最后一期脱口秀将于 5 月 25 日播出。


     施莱弗告诉温弗瑞:“你给了我爱、支持、智慧,最重要的是让我了解了真相。我知道很多人都接受了你的这些礼物。” 碧昂斯在几十人的伴舞下演唱了自己的 歌曲 《掌控世界(女孩)》。“流氓弗拉德乐队”也在现场表演。

     温弗瑞还收到了一些平民仰慕者的信息。美国驻伊拉克女兵在录制的带子中表达了对她的爱戴。还有来自全球各地的三名女粉丝登台捧场。节目中不时插播温弗瑞粉丝的 视频 片段,以及往期脱口秀的精彩回放。


     美国流行宝宝“性别揭秘”聚会 Is it a boy or a girl? Cut the cake to find out... How "gender reveal" parties are becoming a growing trend Baby s howers have been popular in the UK for a decade or more. But will the bizarre new US trend of ‘gender reveal’ parties for expectant couples catch on in the same way?

     YouTube is flooded with home videos of expectant American couples revealing the sex of their baby in front of throngs of over-excited friends and family - by cutting a cake. So how does a Gender Reveal party work? At the routine 20-week scan (when babies in the womb are checked from head to toe with ultrasound) the couple ask the sonographer to determine the baby’s sex, but to keep it a secret from them. Instead, the gender is written down and sealed in an envelope. The envelope is then passed to a baker or friend who makes a large celebration cake in either pink or blue sponge - depending on whether the couple are expecting a girl or a boy. The cake is iced in a neutral colour, and friends and family are invited over to try to guess the sex of the baby. Guests are encouraged to arrive wearing the colour relating to the sex they think the baby is going to be. The culmination of the party is the cutting of the Gender Reveal cake by the expectant couple. As the cake is cut - and the sex finally revealed by the colour of the sponge - cue congratulations from the throng. Unfortunately, if you look past the mayhem of well-wishers, balloons and popping champagne corks on these videos, you can sometimes see the father-to-be is having to try his hardest to looked thrilled when he hears he’s having a girl. Then there’s the mum-to-be with the tight-lipped smile who’s just found out she’s having her third boy in a row. Sometimes these things are probably best celebrated in private. . . “迎婴聚会”在英国已经流行了十几年了,但新兴起的“性别揭秘”新奇聚会在美国的准爸妈中也会如此风靡吗? YouTube 视频 网站上最近涌现出大量的家庭视频,录下了美国的准爸爸准妈妈们通过切蛋糕来揭秘胎儿性别的一刻,周围聚满了激动的亲友。

     那么“性别揭秘”聚会是如何进行的呢?在例行的 20 周孕检(胎儿在子宫里接受超声全面检查)时,准爸妈会让超声医师判断胎儿性别,但要对他们保密。






     美发布“僵尸预警指南” 指导民众避难 US agency posts zombie apocalypse survival tips With rumors swirling in conspiratorial corners that the end of the world is nigh, the US government last week posted some online counsel on how to be prepared in case of a zombie apocalypse. "There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. " said an official blog post by Assistant Surgeon General Ali Khan on the Centers for Disease Control website. "You may laugh now, but when it happens you"ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you"ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency," says the blog. The tongue- - in- - cheek post makes no reference to fervent allegations by some preachers that the world would end on Saturday May 21. It does however point to numerous examples of "the rise of zombies in pop culture... (giving) credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen." The blog points readers to emergency preparedness tips that the CDC has long advocated, such as having an emergency kit at one"s home containing water, food and supplies "to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp," it says. "(Or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored)." Knowing an evacuation route, having a designated meeting place with family and a list of emergency contacts are also high on the list. "If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak," it promises. 近日,有关“世界末日”即将临近的预言疯传,而美国政府上周则在网上公布了一份“僵尸预警指南”,指导民众应对“僵尸末日”。


     网络日志中写道:“你现在可能觉得好笑,但真遇到僵尸时,你会非常高兴自己读过这些。而且,你也许可以学学如何应对真正的突发状况。” 某些传教士近日预言 5 月 21 日(上周六)是世界末日,这篇半开玩笑的日志没有提到这一狂热的论调。



     “或者遇到自然灾害时,它能帮你争取一些时间,直到你可以前往避难地,或者熬到补给线修好。” 日志中提到的重要措施还有:熟知疏散路线、与家人有一个指定的集合地点、紧急联络名单等等。

     作者在文中承诺:“如果僵尸真的开始走上街头,美国疾控中心将展开调查,就像其它疾病爆发时那样。” 调查:大多数美国人支持同性婚姻 Majority of Americans support gay marriage in poll Fifty-three percent of Americans support making gay marriage legal, a Gallup poll showed on Friday, a marked reversal from just a year ago when an equal majority opposed same-sex matrimony. The latest Gallup findings are in line with two earlier national polls this spring that show support for legally recognized gay marriage has, in recent months, gained a newfound majority among Americans. Gallup said Democrats and political independents accounted for the entire shift in its survey compared to last year, when only 44 percent of all respondents favored gay marriage, while 53 percent were opposed. The percentage of Republicans favoring same-sex matrimony held steady at 28 percent. Same-sex marriage remains a highly contested issue in U.S. politics, but homosexual couples have won the right to legally wed in five states -- Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Iowa -- and the District of Columbia. Gay couples have faced setbacks elsewhere, and no statewide initiative to legalize gay marriage has ever won a majority vote.

     The growing support for gay marriage comes after President Barack Obama signed into law legislation in December to repeal the ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military under a 17-year-old law known as "Don"t Ask, Don"t Tell." Gallup noted the policy change, but said it was unclear if that influenced Americans" attitudes about same-sex unions. "The trend toward marriage equality is undeniable -- and irreversible," Joe Solmonese, president of the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement. Maggie Gallagher, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said the poll shows her fellow opponents of gay matrimony have been "shamed" into silence. "Polls are becoming very sensitive to wording, and the wording being used in the media are not predicting accurately what happens at the actual polls when people vote," she said. In a sign of a generation gap, Gallup found 70 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 support gay marriage, compared to only 39 percent among those 55 and older. 上周五发布的一项盖洛普民意调查显示,53%的美国人支持同性婚姻合法化,而在一年之前,有同样多的人对同性婚姻表示反对,形势发生了明显的逆转。


     盖洛普称,和去年的调查相比,民主党人和无党派人士的态度转变是造成这一逆转的主要原因。去年受访者中只有 44%支持同性婚姻,而有 53%反对同性婚姻。支持同性婚姻的共和党人比例稳定地保持在 28%。


     同性婚姻的支持率是在贝拉克•奥巴马总统去年 12 月签署法案废除 “不问不说”禁令后开始上升的。这项 17 年前订立的禁令禁止在军中服役的同性恋男性和女性公开自己的性取向,否则将被军方开除。


     同性恋权利保护组织“人权运动”主席乔•索尔蒙内赛在一项声明中说:“婚姻平等化的趋势是不可否认的,也是不可逆转的。” 全国保护婚姻组织的主席玛姬•盖拉格尔说,从民意调查结果来看,和她一样反对同性婚姻的盟友们在压力下羞于表达观点,只好保持沉默。

     她说:“民意调查在措辞上变得十分谨慎,单凭媒体所用的措辞并不能准确地知道人们实际投票时发生的情况。” 盖洛普的调查结果反映出在同性婚姻观点上的代沟。调查发现,年龄在 18 岁至34 岁之间的受访者中有 70%支持同性婚姻,而 55 岁及以上的受访者只有 39%支持同性婚姻。

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