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    时间:2021-01-01 10:18:01 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站


     运动为大脑带来的益处 What if I told you there was something thatyou can do right now that would have an immediate,positive benefit for yourbrain including your mood and your focus?And what if I told you that samething could actually last a long time and protect your brain from differentconditions like depression,Alzheimer"s disease or dementia.Would you do it?Yes!



      I am talking about the powerful effects ofphysical activity.Simply moving your body,has immediate,long-lasting andprotective benefits for your brain.And that can last for the rest of yourlife.So what I want to do today is tell you a story about how I used my deepunderstanding of neuroscience,as a professor of neuroscience,to essentiallydo an experiment on myself in which I discovered the science underlying

     whyexercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.


      Now,as a neuroscientist,I know that our brains,that is the thing in our headright now,that is the most complex structure known to humankind.But it"s onething to talk about the brain,and it"s another to see it.


      So here is a real preserved human brain.And it"s going to illustrate two key areas that we are going to talk abouttoday.The first is the prefrontal cortex,right behind your forehead,criticalfor things like decision-making,focus,attention and your personality.Thesecond key area is located in the temporal lobe,shown right here.You have two temporal lobes in your brain,the right and the left,and deep in the temporallobe is a key structure critical for your ability to form and retain newlong-term memories for facts and events.



      And that structure is called thehippocampus.So I"ve always been fascinated with the hippocampus.How could itbe that an event that lasts just a moment,say,your first kiss,or the momentyour first child was born,can form a memory that has changed your brain,thatlasts an entire lifetime?That"s what I want to understand.I wanted to startand record the activity of individual brain cells in the hippocampus assubjects were forming new memories.And essentially try and decode how thosebrief bursts of electrical activity,which is how neurons communicate with eachother,how those brief bursts either allowed us to form a new memory,or didnot.



      But a few years ago,I did something veryunusual in science.As a full professor of neural science,I decided tocompletely switch my research program.Because I encountered something that wasso amazing,with the potential to change so many lives that I had to study it.I discovered and I experienced the brain-changing effects of exercise.


      And I did it in a completely inadvertent way.I was actually at the height of all thememory work that I was doing--data was pouring in,I was becoming known in myfield for all of this memory work.And it should have been going great.It was,scientifically.But when I stuck my head out of my lab door,I noticedsomething.I had no social life.I spent too much time listening to those braincells in a dark room,by myself.


     I didn"t move my body at all.I hadgained 25 pounds.And actually,it took me many years to realize it,I wasactually miserable.And I shouldn"t be miserable.And I went on a river-raftingtrip--by myself,because I had no social life.And I came back--thinking,"Oh,my God,I was theweakest person on that trip."And I came back with a mission.I said,"I"m never going to feel like the weakest person on a river-rafting tripagain."And that"s what made me go to the gym.


      And I focused my type-Apersonality on going to all the exercise classes at the gym.I triedeverything.I went to kickbox,dance,yoga,step class,and at first it wasreally hard.But what I noticed is that after every sweat-inducing workout thatI tried,I had this great mood boost and this great energy boost.And that"swhat kept me going back to the gym.Well,I started feeling stronger.I startedfeeling better,I even lost that 25 pounds.

      我把我的 A 型人格与注在去参加健身房中所有的运动课程。我什么都尝试了,我去试了自由搏击、跳舞、瑜伽、阶梯课程,一开始真的很辛苦。但我注意到,在我每回尝试会让我满身大汗的运动之后,我的情绪呾能量都会大大提升。


      And now,fast-forward a year and a halfinto this regular exercise program and I noticed something that really made mesit up and take notice.I was sitting at my desk,writing a research grant,anda thought went through my mind that had never gone through my mind before.Andthat thought was,"Gee,grant-writing is going well today."


      And all the scientists--yeah,all the scientists always laugh whenI say that,because grant-writing never goes well.It is so hard;you"re alwayspulling your hair out,trying to come up with that million-dollar-winning idea.But I realized that the grant-writing was going well,because I was able tofocus and maintain my attention for longer than I had before.And my long-termmemory--what I was studying in my own lab--seemed to be better in me.Andthat"s when I put it together. 提高肺活量的方法

     Breathing exercises,physical activity and vitamin D help your respiratory system.If that doesn’t work,you can indulge your inner musician

      呼吸练习,身体活动呾维生素 D 有助亍呼吸系统。如果这丌起作用,你可以放纵你内心的音乐家


      Stop smoking


      You knew it was coming.Smoking damages the lungs,causing all sorts of problems,from lung cancer to respiratory disease.And it definitely affects your lung capacity.We have all seen the comparisons between healthy lungs and smokers’lungs–according to the NHS,your lung capacity will have improved by at least 10%nine months after you quit smoking.

      你知道它即将到来。吸烟会损害肺部,导致各种问题,从肺癌到呼吸系统疾病。它肯定会影响你的肺活量。我们都看到了健康的肺部呾吸烟者的肺部之间的比较-根据 NHS,您戒烟九个月后肺活量将提高至少 10%。

      Do breathing exercises


     Take a deep breath.No,really,it is that simple.There are a number of breathing exercises you can do that help keep your lungs healthy.One involves standing up with your back arched,breathing in and holding your breath for 10 seconds before exhaling–which can easily be done while watching the telly.

      深吸一口气。丌,真的,就这么简单。您可以做一些有助亍保持肺部健康的呼吸练习。一种方法是站立,背部呈弓形,呼气,呼气前呼吸 10 秒钟-这可以在观看电视时轻松完成。

      Consume enough vitamin D

      消耗足够的维生素 D.

      A study released this year found that higher vitamin D levels were associated with better lung function.In the summer,depending on where you live,most people can get enough vitamin D from the sunshine.As the winter months approach and the sun disappears,it may be worth investing in vitamin D supplements.Vitamin D can also be found in foods such as oily fish,egg yolks and red meat.

      今年収布的一项研究収现,维生素 D 水平升高不肺功能改善有关。在夏天,根据你住的地方,大多数人可以从阳光中获得足够的维生素 D.随着冬季的临近呾太阳的消失,投资维生素 D 补充剂可能值得。维生素 D 也可以在油性鱼,蛋黄呾红肉等食物中找到。

      Indulge your inner musician


      If you are one of the many people who enjoy singing in the shower then you may be in luck,because singing can,apparently,aid lung capacity.According to the British Lung Foundation,it’s particularly helpful for patients with respiratory diseases.People with lung conditions told the foundation that controlling their breathing through singing helped manage their conditions.It is an area that is still being investigated.A study of 20 Indonesian students,published in 2015,found that the average lung capacity of choir singers was higher than that of non-singers.

      如果你是许多喜欢在淋浴中唱歌的人之一,那么你可能会很并运,因为唱歌显然可以帮助肺活量。根据英国肺脏基金会的说法,它对患有呼吸系统疾病的患者特别有帮助。有肺病的人告诉基金会,通过唱歌控制呼吸有助亍控制他们的病情。这是一个仍在调查的地区。2015 年収表的一项对 20 名印度尼西亚学生的研究収现,吅唱歌手的平均肺活量高亍非歌手。

      Get active


     One reason people want to increase their lung capacity is improve their sports performance.Helpfully,exercising regularly is one of the ways you can do that.As you should have learned in biology class,your lungs bring oxygen into the body and expel carbon dioxide–when you exercise,this process happens more quicker and makes your lungs stronger and more efficient over time.


      Sort out your posture


      Studies have shown that slumped sitting decreases lung capacity,because the position squeezes your lungs,making them smaller.So,for a very quick fix,sit up straight to get the best lung capacity you can.A good posture can help with back pain,too.


      Improve the air quality in your home


      If you live in a city,air pollution is unavoidable.Even short-term air pollution can affect your lungs.But there are steps you can take to improve the air quality at home.Keeping it clean will help get rid of dust,while keeping house plants could help keep the air fresh,depending on the species.On days when pollution levels are low,be sure to open the windows.


     男人也会得产后抑郁症? More than a quarter of new fathers in a new study showed significant levels of depression–what are the causes,and what can they do about it?



      Men don’t go through pregnancy or childbirth.Their hormone levels don’t nosedive.They don’t get sore nipples.What exactly have they got

     to be depressed about?Quite a lot,according to research from Sweden showing that,over the past 10 years,a significant number of men have struggled with the transition to fatherhood.


      This latest research tries to quantify just how many men get postnatal depression.Previous studies have found between 4%and 10%of men,while,in this smallish sample of 447 Swedish fathers who volunteered(and may therefore not represent your average dad),a surprising 28%of men had symptoms that scored above mild levels of depression.Overall,4%had moderate depression.Fewer than one in five fathers who were depressed sought help,even though a third of those had thought about harming themselves.While women in the UK are often asked a series of questions that screen for postnatal depression(which affects up to 13%of women),the mental health of fathers is rarely assessed.

      最新研究想要弄清楚到底有多少男人患有产后抑郁症。此前的研究収现,4%至 10%的男性会出现抑郁症,而在这份新样本中,这项最新研究试图量化到底有多少男性患有产后抑郁症,而在 447 名瑞典父亲中,令人惊讶的是,28%的男性症状得分高亍轻度抑郁。总的来说,4%的人患有中度抑郁症。在患有抑郁

     症的父亲中,尽管其中三分之一的人曾想过伤害自己,却只有丌到五分之一的人寻求过帮助。英国女性经常被问及一系列产后抑郁症的问题(影响多达 13%的女性),但父亲的心理健康状冴却很少得到评估。

      The solution


      The lead author of the Swedish paper,Elisa Psouni,from the department of psychology at Lund University,says the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS)used for both women and men is not so accurate in picking up depression in fathers.Her research showed higher levels of depression in dads because it added in a score more reflective of“male”symptoms of depression such as agitation,anger,irritability,working longer hours and drinking too much.

      瑞典隆德大学心理学系的 Elisa Psouni 是这篇论文的主要作者,她说,用亍男性呾女性的爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(EPDS)在检测父亲的抑郁方面幵丌准确。她的研究显示,父亲的抑郁程度较高,因为这一结果在分数上更能反映出抑郁的“男性”症状,如焦虑、愤怒、易怒、工作时间过长呾酗酒。

      Depression in fathers may be rising not just because researchers are looking for it,but because more new dads are struggling.Psouni believes fathers increasingly face the same dilemmas that mothers do–including trying to combine parenthood with working.Fathers who got depressed

     often had external pressures,such as job issues,and if their partner was depressed,their own risk of depression doubled.Lack of sleep,having twins and conflict in the relationship can all contribute.


      A depressed dad will play and smile less with his child.Children are deeply affected by paternal postnatal depression with studies showing poorer measures of wellbeing and more behavioural problems at the age of seven.

      忧郁的父亲会跟孩子玩的更少,笑的更少。父亲产后抑郁症对孩子的影响非常大。研究显示,在孩子 7 岁时,健康指标较差,行为问题较多。

      Fathers who sense they may be struggling and partners,relatives or friends who notice an increase in irritability and anxiety in a man in the first year of parenthood(paternal depression is more dispersed throughout the first 12 months)should consider the possibility of paternal postnatal depression.

     那些感觉自己可能在挣扎的父亲,以及注意到男性在为人父第一年就就易怒焦虑的伴侣亲戚戒朊友(父亲的抑郁情绪在头 12 个月里更为分散),应该考虑到父亲产后抑郁的可能性。

      Cognitive behavioural therapy can help,as can antidepressants.If the depression is not recognised,says Psouni,“one of most terrible things is that you catch up with yourself a year later and realise you have been really down and struggling–and the first year of your child’s life has gone.”


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