时间:2021-01-20 13:40:06 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 人
1. You ladies are living some fucked-up version of the American dream 2. Mace 辣椒水 3. You know, I totally don’t appreciate surprises 4. Hardwood floors 实木地板 5. I don’t like to give out spare change, so you’re on your own 6. Anal 肛门的 7. This stinks. No fair 真是的,不公平,讨厌的东西 8. Tub 浴缸 9. Go have fun at your bogus interview 伪面试 10. What I want is not have to make a dildo out of soap 11. And at first, it was exhilarating 12. The passion was immense 激情无限 13. He’s probably a rapist,大流氓 14. Fine ,but you play by my rules 15. It pulsates on my body 震动 16. Bug spray 杀虫剂 17. Purse---tote 手提包 18. We can spice things up.来电刺激的 19. Fliers 宣传单 20. There’s a keg 一大桶啤酒 21. It’ll be like high school with no curfew,老师管着,夜宵禁止 22. She was a knitting maven 织衣服棒 23. Red bull=Monster 24. You’re some fake nail tech 25. Just cum on my face 26. Except I’m always going over my cell phone minutes 27. I’m sure you’re familiar with what that is structurally 28. Down the hall is my room 29. Don’t mind the odor, it’s a bit pungent 30. She’s still lingering.缓慢消失,徘徊 31. But that’ll be gone, it’ll be dissipated 缓慢消失 32. dick dock 尾巴根部 33. it’s good for your abs 腹部赘肉 34. I would fuck the shit out of them 35. How could you trick me? 36. Then I want to squat over top of it 蹲 37. You’re gonna dangle your boys in there摇晃悬挂在 38. You’re gonna start tugging it really gentle拉 39. Dripping, hole, clenches 滴,洞,抓紧 40. I’m wearing a lacy, pink thong. It slid right up my ass 丝袜,滑,直达 41. Bitch one and bitch two, I need a minute of your time 42. A minute where you are just neutral心态平和 43. Her lips are so luscious and wet 丰满湿润 44. Indulge me, please 给个面子 45. She gives great manicures 修指甲 46. Getting rid of that floral print monstrosity 扔掉印花的大家伙 47. But overtime, yes, I think I’m owed a little thanks,将来 48. Stop queefing 不要放屁 49. I need you both to, like bring it down a notch 你俩不要这么激动 50. Look at that lumberjack, bears here 伐木工,虎背熊腰的 51. There are just my overprotective friends 52. You better not be peeking 别偷看 53. To do the whole tampon tutorial 卫生巾,个人辅导 54. We’re standing there, legs open, flaps open 55. Genital warts 生殖器疣 56. Labia 阴唇 57. I would just like clam up 开不了口 58. Make some guy’s head just pop right off his neck 神魂颠倒 59. Zipper compartment 拉链兜 60. I am a Bond villain007 邦德的大反派 61. Stoop sale 买的旧货 62. Offer me the job right on the spot 当场 63. Oops, cat’s out of the bag, sorry 说漏嘴 64. Excuse me, I have an errand to run 还有事情要做
65. Flip me over and do me from behind 从后面干,弹,轻击 66. I decided to take a little stroll 散步 67. They are grooming me for partner,推荐我做合伙人, 68. Ok, this is a guy we’ve got to make something of 69. I’m gonna shoot you straight 说实话 70. Slap across my face, screaming, and doors slamming 71. Who am I to stand in the way of your dream job?凭什么不让你 72. He can’t do the Rome office stint,忙不过来,节约,定量 73. Pajamas 睡衣 74. When my penis was chafed by your…擦伤 75. There is always a spot for you at here 这里永远欢迎你 76. You can’t just drop in on me like this 77. I can get my book advance 预付款 78. Honey, you have to stop pouting 撅嘴了 79. Her energy is so off 80. Now, I’m gonna drop a real bomb on you说句不中听的话 81. To shack up with some woman named Catalina?去泡意大利美女? 82. Who has perfect teardrop breasts 83. A nice bush that smells like lavender 薰衣草 84. And bonus, it overlooks Zelda 还有呢 85. Could you bum a cigarette off me?给我一根烟 86. Why don’t you just chill out 慌个屁阿 87. Urine is sterile 尿是无菌的 88. Dove gray 涂料 89. Tickle my boobies like that 挠 90. Require so much makeup 妆 91. UTI 尿路感染 92. I’d invest in some cranberry juice if I were you 红莓汁 93. You’re gonna be great out there on your own 94. Buns 小圆面包 lamp 台灯 95. The apartment is spectacular, my roommate is whatever,壮观的,非常好,不提也罢 96. I have a lot of outlets for it 途径 97. My top faves include doing nail art 98. You kind of gave it away with the greasy hair and the pajamas 躁乱的头发和睡衣,油腻的 99. With a counterfeit diploma you probably printed at Kinko’s 伪造的 100. I called it , and I nailed my interview,我就应征,通过了面试 101. Sorry , I mean, I don’t really deal with break-ups 102. Lick them all 103. It’s a decent enough living for me, though 体面的 104. This depraved company you work for 黑心公司,堕落的 105. it just sounds like a ton of work 106. and don’t take that the wrong way, you know I like you 没别的意思,别误会 107. was filled via nepotism this morning亲戚 108. from escorting Dawn’s Syndrome children to the Broadway theater 109. these men wanna jerk off to your voice, they don’t need a concept 110. guzzling cum 口爆,暴饮暴食 111. I just watch it all in a row,连着看 112. I got to keep the throat lubed,滋润 113. Dear slut talkers 荡妇 114. You just roll with it and act like it’s sexy 115. Steamy 热气腾腾的 116. Make a little gift deposit 117. Life is full of ups and downs 118. Do you have any potted plants around you?盆栽 119. Now I want you to crack all your toes 掰开你的脚趾 120. I want you to pull each lace out of your shoe very slowly 鞋带 121. Let there be no filth in this 污秽 122. And a bra that is just so tight on my heaving breasts,坚挺,使起伏
123. When they really are so meaty 肉感 124. Essay 散文, cardigan 羊毛衫 125. Uh, a three-way? 3P 126. I am caressing her with my tongue 爱抚 127. They are leopard print 豹纹的 128. She has this luminous skin that I would kill for 如雪的肌肤让我羡慕 129. I think you found my loophole 漏洞 130. I hate lesbians 131. I will make an exception, I’ll get past it for you two 132. It looks like some fuckhead shot his load on a calfskin jacket 133. Laundry detergent or dry cleaning product 134. We’re in a power position, we’ll be waiting word 135. But I bet you guys got a bunch of stories 136. More duct, come on , more duct 137. I feel like you’re eyeballing me 138. Tossed into the lake 139. Don’t even let it rub shoulders with the other bottle 140. Now, big concern for me, at least, we crew up 我们找点帮手 141. Well, just so I get a quote in my head 想法 142. We are thrilled to have him stop by 很荣幸他能来 143. Vegas lounge act turns legitimate thug 游手好闲的人变成了合法的暴徒 144. In its heyday 145. But what he wound up doing was splitting the family into dual factions 一分为二 146. The alone warrants total immunity from prosecution 唯一的证人将不被起诉 147. A recently opened million-dollar escrow account 有附件的契约 148. The heart shit? That’s just for flavor 149. That got squat-fucked, shot to shit, slashed and burned? 150. A lot of folks want this white boy clapped.上西天 151. The bond on him expires 18 hours, after that, it’s a jump ball 听天由命了 152. Learn of his whereabouts 153. You got the semen, ok, you’ve got the human ejaculate 154. Work its way into the fabric fucking fibers 155. To what? Incinerate?焚化厂 156. Some shit, suffice it to say, just don’t wash out 满足,使足够 157. Are you a colossal fucking idiot? 158. Enough said 159. I am pretty much a pantywaist 没男子气概 160. I don’t say this to be self-deprecating 自谦 161. You know, bar fighters and big, swinging dicks, taking care of shit 大口喝酒,大口吃肉 162. Hereditary alcoholism 遗传,嗜酒 163. I’m babbling, I do that drunk 胡说 164. Everyone is gonna leave the theater grinning 皆大欢喜,咧开嘴笑 165. Padlock it and then you put the chain on it 166. Jesus, a scuffle 大混战 167. Wall-to-wall felony offenses 赤裸裸罪行 168. Murder, extortion, arson, grand larceny, blah,blah….敲诈,纵火,盗窃 169. We’re conducting a series of impromptu inspections 170. Surveillance 监视, reconnoiter 侦查 171. Bitches like that make me weep for what could be 痛心疾首 172. If we push this , they are gonna revoke your protective status 撤销 173. It nullifies any agreement we got 作废 174. The dust and debris from the work 175. It’s got to be frustrating 让人头疼 176. Renovate that area 重新装修 177. The security in place is solely to preserve floor integrity 不受干扰,完整,正直,诚信 178. Asphyxiate and pass out 窒息
179. Skank-ass bitches 脏兮兮 180. This is one of them rare moments where you ass get a chance 181. If you think he could twist your shit up 把你怎么样 182. When them tricks hit the lobby, I want you to holler at me 进场后,大厅 183. Blend in real nice 完美入戏 184. Any of them make one false move, these bitches taking dirt naps 185. Fucking Kevlar, the way I had to stitch it, this shit is itchy as hell 186. Fucking wig because this shit is getting on my nerves 假发,心神不宁 187. No signs of trouble, nobody lurking, no threats 埋伏 188. He has been dispatched 启程 189. It’s a matter of who outhustles who 快 190. Something stinks here 这里有问题 191. He just smashed everything 推翻,粉碎 192. The man who were slain here 被杀死 193. Speculate 推测 194. The name of one victim is being withheld 195. He’s had a sustained arrhythmic episode, severe cardiac distress 脉象不稳,心脏衰竭,小插曲,几部分 196. Fate just up and fucks you for no good reason 197. I will maintain a slight limp 维持,跛足 198. Was tossed out 被摒弃 199. Take your verbal resignation 口头辞呈 200. Quit saying that, ok? 201. Whatever, we can bounce out, chill for a little bit 202. Whatever it was, it got way past words 203. Nunchakus 双节棍 204. Got some clarity issues 神志不清 205. Home-invasion, sodomy-torture type stuff 入室抢劫,鸡奸 206. Stakeout 盯梢 207. Zit 青春痘 208. Just stay awake, stay on it ,stay alert 209. Deodorant 除臭剂,香体露 210. Alzheimer if you’re using antiperspirant with aluminum 含铝的除汗剂,老年痴呆 211. Pan to the right and zoom in 212. Dialogue hot 收到 213. Everybody off the walkies, off air 214. He is going to clip Tom 整他 215. I was eavesdropping, so let me lay this thing out neat 偷听 216. Supposedly, he isn’t coming cheap 217. So I’m thinking we jump 抢生意 218. It’s a double-cross 背后捅刀子 219. Ransom him back, pick up that nut 赎回 220. Kidnapping? Can we bring this off?绑架,能行吗 221. We keep our mouth shut, play the part, nobody suspects a thing 222. The old man is on the fade 玩完了 223. Kick ransom for him 撕票 224. One more thing, I should bring it up 225. He’s been snitching to the world 通风报信 226. He is old-school man 传统的 227. Let’s not fuck around, some zip off the boat from Naples 228. This thing’s gonna blow up huge 闹大了 229. If word hits the street that there’s a million dollar bounty 230. Would you give a big round of applause 231. Come on in, come on out here 232. Become the unofficial mob mascot 黑帮幸运符 233. Want to live the mob life for real 234. Fronts some smash –and-grabs, pawn shops, jewelry stores,砸窗抢劫 235. Then he gets his dick wet, strong-arm robbery 236. His little criminal foray shines a floodlight on the entire Carlotta organization 突击 237. Everything goes sideways 偏离正轨 238. People get pinched, snitches snitch 239. Enforcer, extortionist, 团伙犯罪,勒索 240. Infiltrating the mob 渗入内部 241. Everything that is now standard operating procedure