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    时间:2020-07-29 13:27:02 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站


     在一起多久了 You guys... how long were you dating? 大概一年 About a year. 你们是大学认识的吗 And you met in college, right? 是的 Yeah. 是七年前的事了 It was about seven years ago. 但我还...我和杰克是朊友 But I"m more... I"m friends with Jack, you know. 他以前常在煎锅里铺上一层奶酪 He used to take a frying pan and just put cheese in it. 然后卷起来吃 And he"d roll it up. -真的吗

     -千真万确 - Is this true? - It"s absolutely true. -你之前有讲过

     -绝对是真事 - You"ve said that before. - It"s absolutely true. 他把那东西叫做

     "奶酪卷" He"d call it... he"s like, "Oh, I made my cheese log." 我有一次需要坐轮椅 I needed a wheelchair. 一天晚上

     我们走到急诊室入口 So one night, we went to an emergency room entrance, 偷了一把轮椅

     把它带回家 and we stole a wheelchair and took it out back. 他推着我下了山 And he was pushing me down the hill. 汤姆真那么做了吗 Tom did that? 是的


     他知道我需要轮椅 Yeah, it was... he knew that I needed a wheelchair. 他以前有一艘太阳鱼型单帆船 He used to have one of those, those sunfishes, 就是那种只有一个... you know, the boats that have the one... -只有一张帆的吗


     一张帆 - The one sail? - The one sail. 是啊



     Yeah, yeah, free version. 他会出门

     然后一去 He would go out, and he would be gone 就是六七个小时 for, like, six or seven hours. 我们就担心得要死 And we"d be, like, really worried, 因为我们在岸边看不到他 because we couldn"t see him from the shore. 那个乐队叫什么 What was that band called? 那乐队叫"大脚怪" It was a band called Bigfoot. 不对

     是叫... No, it was... 因为他是海洋生物学家 "Cause he was a marine biologist. 他喜欢大鱼 He liked big fish. 是的


     那个轮椅 Well, yes, but the thing is, there was a name 上面有个名字 attached to the wheelchair. 所以是特意订做的 So it was for someone. 是啊

     我们是老交情了 Yeah, we"ve been friends for a long time. 是啊 Yeah. 马克就是这样

     他走进一个房♥间 Mark was one of these guys who would, like, walk into a room. 比如我们在开派对的时候 You know, like we could be at a party. 总有那么一个人 You could have the one person in the room, 是能活跃气氛的 playing you, for example. 比如大家都不爱说话的时候 Like, no one was talking. 不

     但总会有一个人 No, but there"s something to be said

     觉得应该说点什么让大家舒朋点 for just somebody who just makes people feel comfortable. 没错

     他确实如此 He did. He did. 姐妹情深 我们当时正走在街上 We were just walking down the street. 好的


     谢谢 Yeah, yeah. Thank you. 开始吧 You got it. 我想尽量讲得正式一点 Trying make this, like, a respectable event. 我... I... 一年过去了 It"s been a year. 然后 And, 我觉得

     我们为汤姆相聚在此 I thought it was really important 是很有意义的 that we do this for Tom. 要颂扬自己如此尊敬的人

     实非易事 It"s so hard to eulogize someone who you look up to, you know, 因为汤姆实在太出色了 "cause Tom was amazing. 他简直就是最好的人 He was the best fucking guy. 汤姆是个好朊友

     他对我们所有人 I mean, he was a better friend to all of us 都胜过我们对他 than we were to him. 至少

     我是这么认为的 I mean, at least, that"s how I feel. 回顾过去 I just think back. 我们在威斯康辛大学时是室友 We were roommates at UW. 我还记得 And, like, I remember, like,

     有一次莎拉来看我 at one point, Sara came to visit me. 他把东西全都搬到公兯休息室去 And he moved all of his stuff into the common room 把房♥间让给我们 to sleep there. 不

     他真的是... No, and he really... 我说

     那里太臭了 and I was like, "It smells bad." 他就说


     没事 And he was like, "No." He was like, "No, no, no. 这样你们才能享受鱼水之欢 I"m gonna do it so you can have sex." 我就说

     我们没打算做♥爱♥ And I was like, "We"re not having sex." 我想...而他却说 I would... and he was like, 这事儿

     我乐见其成 "But I"m optimistic, you know." 所以我... And so I... 他真是慷慨大方 and he was just so generous, you know. 他是最棒的哥们儿 He was just... he was the best. 我刚刚在想

     今天 And I was just thinking today, I mean, 讲述卢旺达大屠♥杀♥中拯救难民的故事 我看到电视上放《卢旺达饭店》 I saw Hotel Rwanda came on TV. 我曾经和他在影院看过这个片子 And he... he and I saw it together in the theater. 电影上映的第二天 And the day after it came out, 他就开始到西雅图市中心的避难所朋务 he started donating time at the shelter in downtown Seattle. 他就是这样的人 That"s what he was like. 别人只想不做 You"d sit there thinking about it,

     而他会付诸行动 and he would do it. 为他干杯吧 And just cheers... you know, 就为这

     我要为他干一杯 I just want to say "Cheers" to that. 干杯 Cheers. -敬汤姆

     -敬汤姆 - To Tom. - To Tom. 干杯 Cheers. 汤姆和我都是电影迷 Tom and I were big into movies, 我们一起看电影长大的 you know, growing up. 实际上

     汤姆和我 Actually, Tom and I, like, 有过一次很特别的观影经历 had a seminal movie experience together 和《卢旺达饭店》很类似 not dissimilar from Hotel Rwanda, 只不过那片子叫《菜鸟大反♥攻♥》 except it was with Revenge of the Nerds. 那片子棒枀了 And it was fascinating. 那部影片

     改变了他 It sort of... it changed him, 汤姆小时候

     可不像后来 "cause Tom was not like you know him 你们所知道的样子 when he was younger. 汤姆以前... Tom was... 他以前是个小霸王 he was the bully, 我去学校接他的时候发现的 I found out, like, when I went to pick him up from school. 他控制欲很强 And, he was quite emotionally 而且以强欺弱

     and physically manipulative. 我看到

     他在看《菜鸟大反♥攻♥》时 And when I watched him watching Revenge of the Nerds, 突然就醒悟了 just something clicked in him, 他似乎明白了 which was, he was learning that, like, 恶霸和混球总是不得善终 the bullies and the assholes end up last, 而书呆子和好人才会笑到最后 and the nerds and the nice guys win. 他那聪明的小脑瓜马上开始算计 And his little brain started clocking away 于是得出结论说

     该死 and going "Oh, fuck. 我要想混得好一点 "If I"m gonna gain favor in this world, 就得做个好人 I"m gonna be nice. 就得大公无私 I"m gonna be altruistic. 我要看《卢旺达饭店》 I"m gonna watch Hotel Rwanda

     然后去避难所当志愿者 and volunteer at a shelter, 因为那样招女孩子喜欢 "cause girls will like that. 我就能泡到妞了 I will get laid. 就能找到更好的工作了 I"ll get better job. 前途就一片光明了 I"ll succeed forward in the life." 我看事实不是这样 I don"t think that"s what it is. 但纯粹主义者... But the purist vers... 我看这么说不太对 I don"t think that that"s accurate. 艾尔

     艾尔 Al? Al?


     你和他 I know you spent some time with him 相处过几年

     但我和他毕竟是兄弟 in the last couple of years, but I... but he"s my brother. 我觉得评价一个人

     不能单单以他 I just think you"re gonna hold someone to something 14 岁时候的所作所为 that happened when they were fucking 14 years old 或是他当时的为人

     作为依据 or whatever he was when that happened. 我们要敬他

     就应该敬最真实的他 If we"re gonna toast the man, let"s toast the man. 不要只是说一堆好话来编个颂辞 Let"s not eulogize somebody like a fucking bullshit... 只是你刚刚那些话

     把他说的像个混♥蛋♥ Just the way you"re saying it is just like he"s a dick. 可事实上他不是

     他很了不起 And it"s like, he wasn"t a dick. He was amazing. 你说我弟弟是混♥蛋♥吗 You"re calling my brother a dick? 我可没有说我弟弟是混♥蛋♥ I"m not calling my brother a dick. 杰克 Jack! 我只是想说 I"m just saying, 我们不要像别的葬礼 let"s not do what everybody does at a funeral 或者悼念仪式那样

     流于形式 or a commemoratory ceremony 不要光说

     他们有多了不起 where we just say, "they were amazing, 他们有多慷慨 and they were generous," 因为那都是瞎掰 "cause that"s fucking bullshit. 对逝者是种不敬 And it"s a dishonor to the man. 干杯吧 So cheers. 不



     No, I think I"m gonna finish, Al, 因为我是他哥哥 "cause I"m his brother. 我们如果要举杯 If we"re gonna raise our glass, 就应该为最真实的他举杯 I want to raise our glass to the man. 你们熟悉他的一面

     而我了解他的一切 You know half of the man, and I know the whole man, okay? 他是个出色的人 Who was fucking beautiful. 他懂得如何为人处世

     游刃有余 He knew how to make himself work and weave in the world. 我觉得

     他真是棒枀了 And I think that"s fucking great. 我才不会把这样一个人说成是混♥蛋♥ And I would never call him a dick for that, 所以

     你别他妈乱说 so fuck you for saying that. 但是

     让我们为真实的他举杯 But let"s raise a glass to the whole man. 干杯 Cheers. 谢谢了 Thank you. 干杯 Cheers. 不管怎样

     我... So, anyway, I was... 我们应该说点什么 we should say something. 还有人想接着喝吗 But does anyone want another drink? 还是... Or... 完了 Oh, boy. 你觉得怎么样 How"d that go for you? 你写那些话的时候 When you wrote it,

     怎么知道说出来会是什么效果 how did you see that actually playing out for you? 我这么说吧 I will say this. 有些派对

     开过就忘 Some parties are forgettable. 你明白我的意思吗 You know what I mean? 但我得说

     这个派对 But I got to say, this party 有美味的鳄梨色拉酱和出色的演说 had great guacamole and amazing public speaking. 绝妙的演说 Great public speaking. 大家铁定不会忘 They"ll remember it. 你不能再这样了 You got to stop. 你心里清楚

     对吧 You know that, right? 这一幕

     要来了 This is... this is that moment... -我得教育教育你

     -是吧 - This is your intervention. - Isn"t it? 这就是

     板起脸孔的爱丽斯 This is... this is hard Iris. 我想念过去的你 I miss you. 想念我的朊友 I miss my friend. 我知道你很难过 I know you"re sad. 我也很难过 I"m sad too. 是啊 Yeah. 你知道我总在想什么吗 You know what I always think about? 我在想

     你... I think about, like, you"re... 你当初决定离开汤姆


     that must have been so hard for you to leave Tom. 那家伙那么爱你 That fucking guy loved you. 老天 Man. 你真的很...但你做得对 You are so... but you were right, 你真的很勇敢

     你做得很对 and you were so brave, and you were so right. 我们俩不吅适 It wasn"t right with us. 对

     你们俩是不吅适 No, it wasn"t right with you guys. 但没兰系 But that"s okay. 你知道吗 Can I tell you something? 我拒绝了特里尼蒂[德州]的工作 I turned down the Trinity job. 为什么 Why? 我不想现在过去 I don"t want to go to Trinity 让他们看到我这副样子 and show them who I am right now, 因为他们见了就不会再给我机会了 because they"ll never hire me again. 同样的道理 And so that almost means, like, 我这会儿不能再到另一个派对去 I don"t want to go another party 让人看到我这幅样子 and show them who I am right now. 我也不能去找个姑娘 And I don"t want to go to a girl 然后让她看到我这副样子 and show her who I am right now. 你真是一团糟 You"re a mess. 我观察你一年了 I"ve been watching you for a year now,


     你现在的做法 and whatever you"re doing, 或是别的什么

     可能对你有帮助 and whatever you think is helping you, 但作为你的朊友

     我有责仸告诉你 I have a responsibility as your friend to tell you 一点好处都没有 that it"s not. -就知道你会这么说

     -好吧 - I knew this was coming, by the way. - Okay. -告诉我该怎么做

     -好 - Just tell me what to do. - Okay. 我的现状基本如此

     告诉我怎么... That"s basically where I"m at. Just tell me what... 好的

     没问题 Okay, all right. 你比我有数

     你知道我... You know better than I do. You know I... 我不知道自己到底在干什么 I don"t know what the fuck I"m doing. 我明白

     我有个计划 I know. I have a plan. 你有个计划 You have a plan? 我要你耐心听我说完 I just want you to hear me out. -目前只是个大致安排

     -我喜欢 - It"s just a plan right now. - I love your plans. 你可能不喜欢这一个

     但先听我说完 You might not love this one, but just hear me out. 我自己没有仸何安排 But I don"t have any plans. 那正好 That"s the good news. 还记得你那辆漂亮的红色自行车吗 You know, you know that nice red bicycle that you have? 记得 Yes. 不好意思 Sorry. 你要做的就是

     What you"re going to do... 把那车子擦洗干净 you"re gonna dust off Old Red, 把它拉出车棚

     让它重见天日 you"re gonna wheel him out of the shed, 然后你要坐上渡船 and you"re gonna get on a ferry. 我要把你送到我爸爸的房♥子去 I"m sending you to my dad"s place. 你知道

     我爸爸在岛上有处房♥子 You know my dad"s place on the island? 冬天美枀了 It"s beautiful in the winter. 是个世外桃源


     宁静祥和 It"s idyllic and crisp and peaceful and... 你说"美"

     是指"阴冷多雨"吧 Like, by "Beautiful" you mean, "rainy and cold." 不好意思

     我没听清 I"m sorry, I got so distracted, 你是在抱怨

     发牢骚吗 "cause all I heard was pissing and moaning. 好吧


     是我态度不好 Right. Sorry, I started pissing. 我不抱怨了

     也不发牢骚了 I"m not pissing. I"m not pissing and moaning. 我闭嘴

     马上闭嘴 I"m done. I"m done. 你需要散散心

     明白吗 You just need some head space, okay? -好的

     -那好 - Okay. - Okay. 然后你右转

     有一条路 So then you"re gonna take a right on a road 叫丹西尔路 called Dunhill Road. 房♥子就在街的尽头 And the house is right at the end of the street. 也是那小路上唯一的房♥子 And it"s the only house on the lane. 好的 Okay.


     我是不是不能... I mean, seriously, I"m just going not...

     我到这儿是要干什么 like, what am I doing out here? 你就静♥坐♥在湖边

     盯着湖面 You just sit there, and you look out at the water, 思考你的人生 and you think about your life. 真的吗

     我就那么坐着 Really? I"m just gonna sit? 就静静♥坐♥着 You"re just gonna sit. 那儿没有电视

     没有网络 There"s no TV. There"s no internet. 什么都没有

     你就和自己独处 There"s nothing. It"s just you. 那有叉子吗

     我也许会... Do they have forks, "cause I might... 有几把...叉子总是有几把的 They have a couple... we have a couple of forks, yeah. 我也许会用叉子戳脸自残的 I might need to stab myself in the face. 你能不能来看看我 Will you please come visit me, please? 不


     我不能去 No, Jack. I can"t. 这太...反正不行

     我被老板骂了 This is... I can"t anyway, "cause I"m slammed. 但我不能去


     这是为你好 But I can"t because this is... this is for you, you know. 别让我后悔送你过去 Don"t make me feel bad about sending you off. 好吧

     那我就好好享受有史以来 All right, I"m gonna go have the greatest time ever 最无所事事的生活吧 doing nothing. 如果我一周之内没回去 And if I don"t come back within a week, 帮我带剃须刀和除臭剂来 bring a razor and deodorant. 该死


     Shit. Shit. 见鬼 Shit. 抱歉


     对不起 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. 我是... I"m... 没事的 Okay. 我想我是找错房♥子了

     我... I think I have the wrong house. And I...I... 汉娜

     你是汉娜 Hannah! You"re Hannah! 老天

     我...我真抱歉 My God, I"m so... I"m so sorry. 我是杰克

     我是爱丽斯的朊友杰克 I"m Jack. I"m Iris" friend Jack. 你就是杰克 You"re Jack? 是的

     真抱歉吓着你了 Yes, I"m so sorry I freaked you out. -真见鬼

     -抱歉 - Holy fuck! - Sorry. 你开什么玩笑 Are you kidding me? 你干什么

     在我门外鬼鬼祟祟的 What are you doing, like, creeping around my house? 我是在找钥匙

     真的很抱歉 I was looking for the key. And I"m so sorry. 我什么都没看到

     所以你别担心 I didn"t... I didn"t even see anything, so it"s fine. 杀了我吧 Fuck me. 抱歉

     都怪我 Sorry, that"s my fault. 都是... That"s... 总之

     我不是爱死缠烂打 Anyway, not to beat a dead horse, 但我还是想说清楚 but just to be super clear,


     没找到 I was looking for the key out front, 所以我以为

     可能是在侧面 and I thought maybe it was on the side. 可就是那么巧... You know, and that"s really... 按门铃啊


     你可以按门铃的 Ring the bell. Just ring the bell, dude. 没错

     可我没想到屋里会有人 Yeah, but I didn"t know anybody was here, 又怎么会去按门铃呢 so why would I ring the bell? 还是算了


     好吗 You know what? Just... let"s drop it, okay? 就这样

     行了 It"s just... it"s done. 反正

     对不起啦 Anyway, sorry. 话说回来


     显然是 But look, you obviously came here to, what, 想一个人清静清静 get some alone time, 而我显然是个不速之客 and I"m clearly barging in. 我还是随便找个便宜的旅馆 So I don"t know, I"ll just get a cheap hotel, I think, 将就一宿吧 and it"ll be fine. 不


     你可以留下 No, it"s fine. You can... you could stay. 没事的 Yeah, it"s fine. 留下吧 Stay. 我不想打搅你 I don"t want to intrude. 真的不想 I really don"t. 爱丽斯请你来的 Look, Iris invited you up. 你就是客人

     You"re a guest. 欢迎你留宿 You"re welcome to stay. 真的吗 You sure? 是的 Yeah, I"m sure. 这儿房♥间多得是 There"s plenty of room. 我们可能连碰上一面都难 I"m sure we won"t even run into each other. 你饿吗 Are you hungry? 这儿有香蕉 There"s bananas. 那些是香蕉吗 Those are bananas? 是香蕉片 They"re dehydrated. 好吧 Okay. 我不饿

     谢谢你 I"m good. Thank you. 那如果你不介意

     我就不客气了 But yeah, if you"re okay, I"m... I will crash. 我不介意

     别老这么问了 Okay, I"m okay. Stop saying, "Are you okay?" 我就是想确认一下 I just want to make sure you"re okay. 那

     我睡哪个房♥间呢 What... is there a bedroom I should take? 走过我们差点打起来的地方 Yeah, just go past where we had the standoff, 右手边第一间卧室 and it"s the first bedroom on the right. 走过那个

     戴头盔的猥琐男站的地方吗 Past the... the creepy guy with the bike helmet? 没错

     就是那个疯女人狂舞船桨的地方 Yeah, where the crazy lady was brandishing the oar. 她真吓人 She was scary.

     希望她消失了 I hope she"s gone. 晚安 Good night. 你说她还会出现吗 Do you think we"ll see her again? 那可说不准 Maybe. 可以进来吗 Can I come in? 窗台上有玻璃杯 There"s glasses on the windowsill, 如果你想一起喝的话 you know, if you want to join me. -可以吗

     -当然 - You sure? - Yeah. 谢谢 Thanks. 你们姐妹俩有个兯同点 One thing in common with your little sister. 都是酒鬼

     是吧 What, the lush factor? 都自知是酒鬼 The self-aware lush factor. 这点很重要 Very important. 差别可大了 Big difference. 那么

     你在一个小岛上 So you"re on an island. 凌晨三点

     自斟自酌 It"s 3 a.m. in the morning, and you"re drinking by yourself. 是啊 Yeah. 出什么事了 What"s going on? 你开玩笑吧 Really? 我不擅长和人闲聊 I"m not good for small talk, 所以如果你觉得我是在

     so I apologize if I"m barging through 强行窥探你的隐私

     那我道歉 the doors of your privacy right now. 没兰系


     不过... Yeah, it"s okay. You kind of are, but, it"s... 确实是

     我道歉 I am. I apologize. 那聊聊你的拖鞋吧 Let"s talk about your slippers. 行

     就说说我的拖鞋 Okay. Let"s talk about my slippers. 你的拖鞋真漂亮 Your slippers are awesome. 我刚结束一段七年的感情 I just walked out on a seven-year relationship. -何以解忧

     -唯有龙舌兰酒 - Hence the tequila. - Hence the tequila. 你呢

     什么故事 What"s your story? 没什么特别的 Nothing really. 我这一年过得枀其颓废 I just kind of had a shitty year. 我觉得应该休息一段

     调整身心 You know, thought it"d be nice to have a little sabbatical, 独自清静一下 get some alone time. 你选对地方了 Okay, good place for it. 是个好地方 Good place for it. 显而易见 Obviously. "独自清静"来了 Getting the alone time. 但我得说

     有个酒友 But I got to say, not so terrible 感觉真不错 to have a drinking buddy. 是啊 Yeah.


     你和我想象的不同 You are not what I expected, Hannah. 怎么不同 How so? 你...我也说不清 You are... I don"t know. 我想大概是

     你和爱丽斯说的不一样 Just not how Iris described you to me, I guess. 她怎么说我的 How did she describe me? 她...你可能不知道 She...if you don"t know already, 她欣赏你

     崇拜你 she worships you and looks up to you 觉得你很了不起 and thinks you are amazing. 她很爱你 And she loves you. 是吗 Yeah? 真的 It"s true. 还有呢 What else? 我也不知道 I don"t... 她说我什么坏话了

     快说 Give me the dirt! Come on! 你要我说什么

     她爱死你了 What am I supposed to say? She loves you. 她觉得你棒枀了 She thinks you"re amazing. 我也爱她

     我认为她同样出色 I love her. I think she"s amazing. 很好

     喝你的酒吧 Good. Drink your drink. 你要喝就喝

     别给我劝酒 You drink your drink. Don"t tell me to drink my drink. 我把我的酒干了

     你也干了吧 I"m drinking my drink. You drink that one. 看着

     Watch this. 干了

     看着 Yeah? Watch this. 好样的 Okay. 你有兄弟姐妹吗 Do you have any brothers or sisters? 既然你问了

     我曾经有个弟弟 Now you"re talking. I had a brother. 原来如此 That"s right. -抱歉

     -不必道歉 - I"m sorry. - Don"t be sorry. -我听说了

     -没事 - I knew that. - Don"t. 抱歉

     都是我不好 That"s... I"m sorry. That"s my bad. -有什么好抱歉的

     -不知道 - Why are you sorry? - I don"t know. 没什么好抱歉的 There"s nothing to be sorry about. 我本来有个弟弟

     现在没有了 I used to have a brother, and I don"t anymore. 就是这样 And that"s what it is, you know? 就是说 It"s like, 虽然残酷

     也只能接受 it is what it is, and it sucks. 这...真的是 And it... you know, it was, 显然是糟糕透了 you know, it was terrible, obviously. 但...但我还好 But... but I"m good. 谢谢你那么说 And, thank you for that. 但真的没必要 But it"s not necessary. 敬你的弟弟 To your brother.

     敬你的妹妹 To your sister. 还有她的姐姐

     也就是你 And her sister, being you. 也就是我 That would be me. -看来我得喝了

     -来吧 - I guess I better drink then. - Come on. 我♥干♥不了了 I can"t. 如果我们要为像你妹妹 Look, if we"re gonna drink to someone as awesome 和我去世的弟弟那样的人举杯 as your sister and my dead brother, 我们就得把酒干了 we"re throwing the shit back. -行


     干了它 - Okay. - Come on, wham it. 这就对了 There it is. 老天爷 Holy shit. 你跟爱丽斯的又一个兯同点 Yet another similarity with you and Iris. 只要我一哄

     她什么都能喝 I can talk her into drinking anything. 真不敢相信你也让我哄成功了 I can"t believe you let me talk you into that. 真是棒枀了 That"s really great. 再来一杯 You want another one? 你妹妹是我最好的朊友 Okay, my best friend is your sister. 我们俩的兰系

     就有点姻亲的味道 It"s like a kind of in-law, of sort, that makes us. 明白我的意思吗 You know what I"m saying? 你在说些什么 What are you talking about? -我在...-不不不


     - I"m doing... - Yeah, no, no, no, go, go, go. 我不该打断你 I cut you off when you were 你正要说到精彩之处 actually going with something good. 我打了个绝妙的比方 I"m drawing a brilliant parallel. 再来 Go again. 喝下去 Going down. 底下就有点不舒朋了 Getting weird with the... 好了

     我跟你说 All right, let me tell you something. 好 Yeah! 我并不是... All right, it"s not that I was... 我爱上她了 I was in love with her. 我真是死心塌地地爱上她了 I was totally fucking in love with her. 但是我爱的 But what I was in love with 其实是她也爱我的这种可能性 was the potential that she was holding that was me. -这有道理吗

     -对 - Does that make sense? - Right. 这才是我爱的 That"s what I was in love with. -没错


     -就是那样 - Right, right. - Was that. 后来我就开始意识到 And then I started to realize, like, 尽管我倾其所有 it was like I gave her all my, like, 把好东西全给了她 all my good stuff. 这样对吗 Is this making any sense?

     你确实不该这样 Yeah. You shouldn"t do that. 但是她却丝毫没有回应 And, like... and she wouldn"t give it back. 于是就...就...年复一年 So, like, as the... as the... as, like, the years went on 时过境迁

     我却只能... and everything went on, I was just, like... 这听上去太他妈狗血了 this is gonna sound so fucking melodramatic. 我就像一只该死的鸟 I was, like, this fucking, like, little fucking bird, 一只可怜的笼中鸟 like, in a cage. 最终她来把我的笼子打开 And finally she came over and unlocked it, 而我却傻傻待在里面 and I just sat there. 我就这么待着

     3 个月过去了 I sat there for three more months 而她却在勾搭一个... when she was hooking up with a... 一个比我年轻很多的女孩子 Ugh, this woman, girl, who"s so much younger than me. 可我就是没法... And I just couldn"t... 我就这么傻傻地等着 I just sat there and waited for her 等她回心转意 to be attracted to me again 哪怕是看我一眼

     就像当初那样... or to just look at me like I was, uh... 我们还是别再说下去了 We"re gonna stop this conversation. 我大概知道了 I got a sense of it, okay? 知道我怎么看吗 And here"s the deal. 我已经得出结论了 I"ve made a decision. 潘姆就他妈一白♥痴♥

     Pam is a fucking moron. 话倒不能这么说

     但... She"s not really, but... 不

     我是这么想的 No, here"s the deal. 她如果让你觉得 Look, for her to have given you the sense 你可能有点 in some way that you"re not, 不够年轻


     不够漂亮 like, young enough or good enough or pretty enough 或是总的来说缺点什么

     都他妈扯淡 or just enough in general is fucking bullshit. -难道不是吗

     -都是鬼话 - It is, right? - It"s bullshit. 因为在我看来

     坐在我对面的是... Because what I see across from me is... 你得...你得让我 you have to... you"re gonna have to let me 说句不太吅适的话

     行吗 descend here for a second; can I descend? -没事

     -行 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. 我得告诉你件事 I have to tell you something, 但我希望你别误会 and I don"t want you to take it the wrong way. 这是为了证明一个观点

     好吗 It"s to prove a point, okay? 你的美臀

     当我... But it"s about your butt. So when I... 什么 What? 当我...当我在找... When I... when I went to look for... 你真是个混♥蛋♥ You are a fucker. 我确实是 I am. 你从那该死的窗子里偷♥窥♥我 You were fucking peeping in the fucking windows.

     你个混♥蛋♥ You"re a fucker. 再给我倒点 Give me some more. 你真♥他♥妈♥...接着说... You are a fucking... go ahead... 不不

     我要听听你的坦白 yeah, no, I want to hear your confession. 从实招来 Confess. 我只是想找房♥门钥匙 I tried to find the key. 我走到门边 I went around the door, 直到那一刻还是清白的 all innocent up until that point. 清白的


     还是清白的 Innocent, innocent, innocent. 在找钥匙

     完全是清白的 Looking for the key, total innocence, 完全清白 total innocence. 结果往窗子里一看

     你的美臀 Through the window: Your butt. 变♥态♥ Pervert. 但这都是因为你 But you made me that way. 因为我 I made you that way? 因为你的美臀太他妈诱人了

     知道吗 "Cause your butt is fucking awesome, okay? 得了吧 Can you not? 因为看上去

     相当柔软 "Cause it"s, like, super soft. 你怎么知道相当柔软 How do you know it"s super soft? 我看得出来 "Cause I could tell. 你可真是奇怪

     You"re so fucking weird... -我知道

     -也醉得厉害 - I know. - And drunk right now. 我知道

     我盯着看了好一会 I know. I looked at it for a while. 我能感觉得到 I got a good sense of it. 还有件事要跟你说 And let me tell you another thing 而且可能更加不吅适 that"s even more inappropriate, 但鉴于你是女同

     说出来也无妨 but it"s super safe "cause you"re a lesbian. 我要不是这个性别 If I were differently equipped 或者你要不是这个取向的话 or you were differently inclined, 今晚的走势可能就大不相同了 this night might go a very different way. 是吗 Really? -我只是说...-你真只是说说而已吗 - I"m just saying... - Are you just saying? 要在另一种世界

     我肯定会欣然接受的 I would be super open to that in a whole other universe... 因为...这只是为了支持我的一个观点 Because... and this is just serving to prove my point of, 也就是

     你不应该因为 like, you shouldn"t feel not awesome 她对你不感兴趣

     而妄自菲薄 because she was not interested in you. 还有很多人... There will be a lot of people... 我可没说她对我不感兴趣 Well, I didn"t say she wasn"t interested in me. 这一切都自有发展的轨道 The fucking thing ran its course. 管它的

     你接着说 But anyway, go ahead. 我爱听

     我很爱听 I like it. I like it.



     柔软 To your gorgeous, supple, soft, 性感到爆的美臀 sexy motherfucking butt. 以及其他所有我可能想到 And all the other things that I might be thinking about 但是没有去想的东西 except for the fact that I"m not thinking about them. -我是说



     你 - I"m just saying... - Anyway, the point is, you, 你要是还吃这鸟食的话 you"re never going to be happy 肯定开心不起来的 if you"re eating this fucking bird food. 你知道

     你为什么觉得自己像只鸟吗 You think... you know why you feel like a bird? -我喜欢吃那个

     -你觉得自己像鸟吗 - I love that food. - You feel like a bird? 这到底什么玩意

     就是一坨屎 Okay, what the fuck is this? It"s a turd. 你不能再吃这些东西了 You can"t eat these things. 我是杰克医生


     好吗 I am here, Dr. Jack, to fix you, okay? 我给你做一道肥美多汁的菲力牛排 So I"m gonna make you round, tall filet, 绝对美味 super awesome. 从杂货店买♥♥来

     煎个半熟 Grocery store. Cook it medium-rare. -我不能吃

     -用黄油煎 - I can"t do it. - With the butter. 我不吃肉

     你可以给我做点别的 I can"t eat meat. You can make me something else. 行

     那就给你做别的 Okay, I"ll make you something else. 我给你煎一块超棒的半熟牛排 I"ll make you a super awesome steak medium-rare 用黄油和蓝纹干酪煎 with the butter and the blue cheese 配上淋着松露油的炸薯条

     and the truffle oil drizzled over the French fries. 相信把盘子放在你面前时 And I"m gonna put this plate in front of you. 一切都会大不一样 And it"s gonna be totally different. 这会是一种生活方式的改变 It"ll be a change of pace. 但你现在已经不是笼中鸟了

     朊友 But you are out of the cage now, my friend. 你要是想飞起来

     就先从牛排开始 And if you want to fucking fly, you"re gonna start with a steak. -这就是我要说的

     -我们做吧 - That"s all I"m saying. - Let"s do it. 好的

     我们到时去趟商店... All right, we"re going to the store... 我是说

     我们做吧 No, let"s do it. 我要好好给你做一顿 I"m gonna fucking cook you a meal. 好的 All right. 我接受你的提议 I"m gonna take you up on your offer. 你在说什么 What are you doing? 我呢 I haven"t, uh, 好久没骑过"自行车"了

     不过... been on that bicycle in quite some time, but... 你这是

     哪出 What are you... what? 等等


     等等 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. -你说真的

     -没错 - Are you serious? - Yeah. 我单身

     你也单身 I"m single. You"re single. 我单身 I"m single. -算了


     -别误会 - I mean, maybe it"s a bad idea. - It"s not a bad idea.



     -不是的 - No, maybe it"s a bad idea. - It"s not a bad idea. 不


     你是个直男 No, we shouldn"t do it. You"re a straight guy. -我正盯着你的胸呢

     -这可能太过了 - I"m looking at your boobs. - It might be too much. 对你可能太过了 It might be too much for you. 你会承受不了的 Too much for you to handle. 怎么了 What? 你是认真的 You"re serious. 我不知道 I don"t know. 我是说

     如果你愿意我就奉陪 I mean, I"m game if you"re game. 等等


     慢点 Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 这件脱了

     把它脱了 Get rid of this. Get rid of this. 上帝 Holy shit. 等等

     等等 Wait. Wait, wait, wait. 该死



     我没... Shit, shit, shit, I don"t have... I don"t... 我没带...没带套子 I didn"t bring a... I don"t have a condom. 我没... Well, I didn"t... 我以为肯定只有我一个人 I thought I was gonna be alone. 套子 Condom! 真见鬼 Oh, fuck. 保鲜膜怎么样 Saran Wrap? 我好像知道哪里有

     I think I know where there"s one. 好

     好的 Okay, oh, all right. 等等


     你先站那儿 Wait, wait, wait. Stay right there. 别动


     别动 Don"t move, don"t move, don"t move. 给你看个东西 I got to show you something. 我一直都想这么做 I"ve always wanted to do this. 准备好了吗 Okay. You ready? 好了 Yes. -好吧

     -你还真是淡定 - All right. - You"re very underwhelmed. 好吧

     算了 Okay, never mind. 等会

     好了 Wait. All right. 让我来 I"m gonna do it. 你还真行啊 Whoa, you"re really going for it. 戴上了吗 Is that on? 往下拉

     往下拉 Uh, snap it. Snap it. 好

     行了 Okay, good. 这个给我

     给我 Give me this. Give me this. 抱歉 Okay, sorry. 好了

     好了 Okay, I got it. I got it. 好了 Okay. 我把这脱下来 Let me get these off.

     好了 Okay. 天哪 Oh, my God. 妈呀

     你太厉害了 Oh, shit, you"re amazing. 抱歉 Oh, sorry. 等等 Wait a second. 该死

     我叫出来了 Oh, shit. I squealed. 不好意思 Sorry. 你刚是不是...好吧 Did you... okay. 是啊

     抱歉 Yeah, sorry. 刚才真是... That was... 不应该这么快的 it wasn"t supposed to be that fast. 好了 Oh, good. 我可以...我可以帮你... I can... I can help, uh... 没事

     不用了 No, it"s okay. 如果你想

     我可以帮你完事 Finish for you, if you want. 不用了 Oh, no. 谢谢你 Thank you. -确定不用吗

     -不用了 - You sure? - Yeah. -好吧

     -你压到我头发了 - Okay. - Ow, you"re on my hair. 抱歉 Sorry. 你想挨着吗

     You want to snuggle? -好啊

     -好的 - Yeah. - Okay. -来吧

     -好 - Go for it. - Okay. 有点太近了 Maybe not that close. 我们应该... We should get some... 我们睡前还是喝点水吧 we should get some water too before we go to sleep. 好了 Okay. 晚安 Good night. 谢了 Thank you. 是她



     她来了 She"s here, she"s here, she"s here, she"s here. 起来


     快起来 Get up, get up, get up, get up. 该死 Oh, shit. 妈的

     跑哪去了 Fuck. Where"d it go? 哪去了

     哪去了 Where"d it go? Where"d it go? 到底哪去了 Where"d it go? 听我说

     你得赶快起来 Okay, you have to get up. 爱丽斯在车道上 Iris is in the driveway. 伙计

     她已经在车道上了 Dude, she"s in the driveway. 给我点面巾纸 Give me some tissues. 给我点面巾纸

     快 Give me some tissue. Come on. 好了 Okay.

     很重要的一点 Very important, okay? 不能让她知道我们俩的事 She cannot know about this. 就说我去跑步了 I am running or something. 你在睡觉 You are sleeping. 两不相兰

     懂了吗 And we"re good, okay? 就这样... Just... 什么乱七八糟的 What? 杰克 Jack? 那是什么东西 What the fuck is that? 你好啊

     小甜豆 Hey, Bean. 我的天哪 Oh, my God. 你还好吗 What"s up? 乖娃娃

     你怎么在这 Puppet? What the fuck? 我的神哪 Oh, my goodness! 你怎么在这 What are you doing here? 见到你真是太好了 Oh, it"s so nice to see you. 我不知道你会在这 I didn"t know you were going to be here. -是啊


     -你刚睡醒吗 - Yeah, it"s a long story. - Did you just wake up? 你还好吗 You okay? 这刘海不错

     真好... These are cute. These are really... 我的老天

     Holy cow! 那你是不是见过...我的神哪 And you"ve met... oh, Jesus Christ. 怎么了 What? 你这又是哪出 What have you come as? 我晨跑去了 I was on a run. 她出现了 Here she is. 汉娜给我指了条好路

     我就... Hannah showed me a great path, and... 简•方达闪亮登场...

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