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    时间:2020-07-15 07:24:29 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      编者按:   随着2008年奥运会的临近,民众越来越关心“中国”品牌的树立,学习英语的热情也被点燃。越来越多的外宣干部和业内同行向我们表达了期待看到双语栏目的期望。因此,我们从2006年第一期起开办了《双语视窗》栏目以满足广大读者的需求。
      Ever since I arrived in Beijing almost two years ago I have heard this question: from an English major, from a stranger on the street, from a brave soul standing in the middle of a large lecture hall, from a dark shadow beside me one evening at an English corner.
      It seems a perfectly fair and simple question, and it’s a question I hate.
      I hate it because it seems completely reasonable but is actually a trap, because it seems so easy but is actually a riddle to stump Oedipus. And I’m no Oedipus.
      It is an innocent question invariably asked by earnest students, and every time I hear it I feel that this sincere plea must admit of a clear answer and that I, as an English teacher, should know what this answer is. I always feel I have failed somehow when I have to admit that I don’t.
      Oh, I have answers, and I stumble around in my response, hoping the students won’t notice how unsure I am. I have answers, but I don’t have the answer, not the answer I think they’re looking for.
      Whatever they are really asking for, it feels like they’re asking for a quick fix, a magic bullet which will fix all their mistakes and expand their vocabulary in six easy steps. I can’t provide that. The truth is there’s only one easy way to learn a language: you must be immersed in that language from the time you are two years old until you are four years old. These are the years, linguists tell us, during which children don’t learn a language, but rather catch it like a disease. They pick it up without conscious effort.
      After that mysterious time, learning a language is work. It is exciting and fun work sometimes, but also a matter of discipline and time-work. Some people are naturally better at this work than others; some naturally enjoy this kind of work as others might naturally enjoy jogging or doing math problems. I suspect most people who ask me that question“How can I improve my English?” already know all this. Though they no doubt hope as I would that I might have some secret knowledge to offer, they are probably not expecting as much as I fear they are. I usually give them the following advice:
      (1)Don’t expect to find and easy way to learn. The only way to learn a language is to use a language, to practice day after day. Programs like Crazy English are great and they work for a lot of people because they are fun, because people enjoy them, and making work fun is a great incentive to learn. But don’t think Li Yang’s success story will be your success story because you are not him. Everyone’s success story is his or her own success story. So:
      (2)Find your own success story. Remember, people like Li Yang are only successful now because they found their own way to study English; they figured out a method that works best for them. Now they are trying to make you follow the trail they have blazed when what you should be doing is following their example by blazing your own trail.
      That’s not to say everyone need reinvent the wheel. Textbooks and language learning programs can provide a useful service. I started learning Chinese with a textbook. Crazy English may work great for you. Most language education is based on the reality that people are people, that we share some things in common, that we learn in similar ways, so what works for me might work. at least partly, for you. But each of us is also unique, so know yourself and make your study methods suit yourself.
      I learn well in a classroom setting, from textbooks and homework, with rules and schedules, so I began with a textbook and from there went on to make notebook after notebook of Chinese character flashcards which I add to and review every day.
      Now that I have mastered a small Chinese “alphabet” of characters, the flashcards are getting dull and I’m more interested in trying extensive reading exercises, looking at newspapers, listening to Chinese songs, watching movies. Keep your plans flexible; know your weaknesses and strongpoints; make your scheme match the language you are studying; allow your scheme to change sometimes; but do have a plan!

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