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    can I help you “Air Pollution:What can I help to reduce?”一课双语教学设计

    时间:2019-02-05 03:26:43 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      摘要:以一节双语活动课为例,阐述了如何进行化学双语教学的设计和实施,并对此双语课进行了小结和反思。   关键词:活动课程;双语教学;教学设计   文章编号:1005-6629(2008)03-0050-03中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B
      环境保护是高中化学教材中的一个重要主题,本节课以“Air Pollution:What can I help to reduce”为主题,学生运用实验、调查、分析、讨论和归纳的学习方法,通过图书馆、网络,访问专家等方式查找和了解各种学习资源,收集和分析资料。学生兴趣浓厚、积极活跃地展示自己的观点和实践过程,对很多问题提出了创新性的解决方法。实践表明:学生利用互联网去收索英文信息,作为学科知识的课余补充,不仅可以直接了解国外学科发展的最新动态,更主要的是可以学会一种自主学习的方法和技能。教师在课堂上为学生创造一个真实、宽松的英语环境,鼓励他们用英语表达,培养他们的语感。
      1“空气污染及防治对策(Air Pollution:What can I help to reduce?)”的双语教学设计
      1.1 学情分析
      1.2 教学内容和教材的选择
      为保证活动主题的适宜和可行,选题时应遵循生活性和实践性这两个基本原则。选编的教学内容不追求知识的深度和难度,主要培养学生实践活动能力和兴趣,学生能轻松用英语表达,并积极投入。教师备课参考教材包括“through diagrams CHEMISTRY” (牛津图解中学化学),“麦克米伦中学双语教材系列―化学 教师用书”,美国大学化学教材“General Chemistry”,化学教育英文期刊,如Journal of Chemical Education,Journal of Sciencel Education。提供学生浏览的网络学习资源:Indoor & Outdoor Air Pollution(室内和室外的空气污染),www.lbl.gov/Education/ELSI/pollution-main.html;这是一个以空气污染为主题的网络课堂网站,有资料、讨论、分角色扮演游戏、关于煤炭污染的学生分析实验等;China And The World:Discuss The Environment(中国与世界,环境危机大家谈)www.省略/blog/show/single/en/349-Half-of-Chinese-cities-suffer-from-severe-air-pollution;等。
      1.3 活动教学目标
      1.3.2 学习分析、归纳的方法,形成解决问题的能力。
      1.3.3 学习新单词和词组,练习用所学专业英语表达专业领域中的知识。
      1.4 活动教学模式和手段
      1.5 准备活动
      1.6 教学过程
      Step 1 Introduction[第一部分 导入]
      Teacher: Hello everyone ! Today, we"ll have a well known of the air quality around us , and try our best to improve it.
      Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies healthy. Now please look at these pictures. Would you like to say something about the air quality around us?
      Students1:Many factories were built everywhere, but the waste gases are giving off everyday.
      Students2:The fire power stations give off SO2 (sulfur dioxide) which has terrible smell.
      SO2 makes us uncomfortable, if we inbreathe too much, this kind of gas may does harm to our health. What"s more, SO2 also leads to the acid rain. The acid rain can not only lead to the acidification of soil and river but also damage the buildings.
      Students3: People living in the world should breathe the air everyday, but the quality of the air around us is getting on our nerves nowadays. Some disease such as cough, sore throat, respiratory disease and heart trouble are all caused by the poor air. So the polluted air has becoming a big urgent problem before us.
      Teacher: It can cause health problems and it can also damage the environment and property. It has caused thinning of the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere, which is leading to climate change.
      Students4:(showing the graph)At least 80% residents live in the enviroment of poor air. From the graph, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjing, Xian, Guangzhou are the most polluted cities.
      Teacher: Yes, the air around us is becoming terrible, so we should pay more attention to it and change this situation.
      Then, make a survey of the air pollution near your home and answer these questions.
      Describe the situation of the air you have investigated somewhere. what had happened when air pollution appeared?
      (1) What are the reasons that lead to the air pollution? Then try to classify these reasons with your knowledge
      (2)List your oppinons and discuss on how to solve the problem in group
      Step 2Analyze, discuss and answer questions [第二部分,讨论、分析、回答问题]
      What is air pollution?What are some of the reasons that cause air pollution?[投影问题]
      Teacher: Can you describe what air pollution is?
      What are some of the reasons that cause air pollution?
      I"d like you to have a discussion. And then tell me something about it.
      Now please have the group work!
      Students1: Air pollution refers to contamination of the air by harmful gases or particles. It is harmful to our health and the environment.
      Pollutants can be released by individuals, homes, automobiles, and industries.
      Teacher: Yes, Good idea! Air pollution is the contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances.
      Students2: There are so many reasons. For instance, smoking, burning leaves, stack gases from cars, factory, food rotting, using drugs.
      Students3:the reasons include: (show this table when talking )
      Flue gas from factories:SO2, chloride, oxidation products with particulates
      Burning coal at home:particulates, SO2, CO2, other oxides.
      Stack gas from cars:SO2, NO2, CO, hydrocarbon
      Smoking: NO2,CO, particulates,mercury, plum- bum
      Burning damps:NOx, CO, SOx, HCl, H2O, HF, compounds of metals, particulates
      Teacher: What are the two types of air pollutant mentioned in the book? Describle them briefly with one or more examples.
      Step3: Find and discuss the appropriate ways to solve the problem 。[第三部分,角色扮演,换位置思考如何解决问题]
      What can you do to reduce air polltuion? [投影问题]
      Teacher: Everyone can play a role in preventing and reducing air pollution.
      Once the sources of air pollution are identified, The methods for preventing the release of pollutants can be explored.
      If you are a mayor, or a factory director, or a parent, or a children, what are your ideas ? Is there anything that you can do to help decrease the amount of air pollution?
      Students1:I am a factory director, I will improve on the equipments and recycling technology. to reduce or minimize the impact of air pollution.
      Students2: I am a middle school student, I will be an enviroment protector, call on farmers to reduce burning damps and grass in the farmland.
      At home or school,I can save electricity by using energy-efficient lighting wherever possible. Make sure that lights and appliances are turned off when not in use.
      Students3: First, I will tell a story. Prior to the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, there was considerable concern that the region"s heavily polluted summer air would adversely affect Olympic competitors. The regional air quality agency, city and county officials, transit companies, and area employers developed a plan for staggered working hours that resulted infewer cars and buses on the road. The driving and riding public cooperated. The result was a twelve percent drop in ground-level ozone (smog) levels during that period!
      If I am a mayor of this city , I will reform the pubic transport and cycle lanes in towns and cities, people would be less likely to use their cars, the overall amount of pollution will be reduced greatly!
      Teacher: Now you know more about reducing air pollution than most people. Try some of the ways described above. It will make a difference. Then, let other people know what you"ve found out。
      Step4: Summary[第四部分,小结]
      Let"s come to a conclusion.
      One of the formal definitions of air pollution is as follows: ‘The presence in the atmosphere of one or more contaminants in such quality and for such duration as is injurious, or tends to be injurious, to human health or welfare, animal or plant life.’
      Listed below are the major air pollutants:
      Carbon monoxide(CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2),Chloroflorocarbons (CFC),Lead,Ozone,Nitrogen oxide (NOx),Suspended particulate matter (SPM),Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
      You can help to reduce global air pollution and climate change bywalking, bicycling, and using mass transit when possible.
      Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs,make you home more energy efficient, and buy only energy efficient appliances.
      Recycle newspapers, aluminum, and other materials.
      Plant trees and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contain CFCs.
      Support much stricter clean air laws and enforcement of international treaties to reduce ozone depletion and slow global warming.
      There are many ways to reduce air pollution. People can contribute significantly to cleaning the air if they take certain simple actions to reduce air pollution.
      2 教学小结和反思

    推荐访问:双语 教学设计 一课 Air

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