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    时间:2020-02-21 11:52:31 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

       【摘要】 定语从句是英语中的最重要语法项目之一,是必须掌握的英语技能,也是学生学习的重点和难点。由于其结构和用法的复杂性,导致学生在运用中时常出现一些共性的问题。本文结合学生学习实际,对定语从句常见错误进行了举例分析。�
      【关键词】 定语从句 关系词 先行词 谓语动词 状语 主语 宾语 定语��
      定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词,起"定语"的作用,修饰说明名词、代词或主句全部内容;通常在被修饰的词语(即先行词)之后,由"关系代词或关系副词(统称关系词)"引导。在学习使用定语从句的过程中,要特别注意关系词的"三重性"功能,即它既起引导词的作用,同时还指代或替代"先行词",并且又在定语从句中充当某个句子成分。关系代词:that指人和物,做主语和宾语;which指物,做主语和宾语;who指人,做主语和宾语;whom指人,做宾语;whose指人和物,做定语。关系副词:when, where, why等,分别做时间、地点、原因状语。在定语从句中用什么引导词,要看先行词指代的是什么,还必须弄清楚该引导词在从句中所充当的成分。�
      关系词既起引导词的作用,同时还指代先行词,因而要避免在定语从句中重复出现与先行词有关的代词或副词。例如:误:The sales manager you want to see him is on another line.正:The sales manager(whom/that)you want to see is on another line.析: 应删去him。因为定语从句的宾语是省略的关系代词whom或that,既是引导词也指代先行词manager, 所以应该去掉代词him。误:Last week I visited the factory where I worked there ten years before.析:关系副词where在从句中作了状语,不再重复使用there,删去。误:I will never forget the days when we worked together on the farm in those days.析:应删去in those days。因为定语从句的时间状语是关系副词when,所以应该去掉重复的状语in those days。�
      当先行词在定语从句中做主语时,应注意谓语动词的人称、数要与先行词保持一致。例如:误:The girl has put all the pictures in a box, which looks pretty.析:looks应改为look。先行词pictures是复数,which在句中做主语,故从句的谓语动词用复数形式。误:Those who has finished homework can go home. 应将has 改为have, 因为who指those, 是复数。误:Tom is one of the students who likes swimming. 误:Tom is the only one of the students who like swimming. 正:Tom is one of the students who like swimming. 正:Tom is the only one of the students who likes swimming. 析:在" one of 复数名词+定语从句"结构中,定语从句的先行词是复数名词,故谓语动词要用复数形式;在" the(only)one of 复数名词+定语从句"结构中,先行词是 one ,故谓语动词要用单数形式。�
      关系词在定语从句中充当宾语(作介词宾语且前置时除外),一般可以省略,做主语等其他成分一般不省略。误:Children eat a lot of sugar often have had teeth.正:Children who/ that eat a lot of sugar often have had teeth.析:应加关系代词who或that, 因为从句缺少主语,且主语不能省略。误:The key opens the bike is missing.正: The key that / which opens the bike is missing.析:应加上关系代词that或which, 因为定语从句中主语不能省略。�
      误:Miss Yang was the only girl in the office which had been invited to the party. 析:应把关系代词which改成who,因为先行词girl和定语从句被状语in the office隔开了。�
      在实际运用中,要分清到底是定语从句,还是并列句、状语从句、强调句或其它句型,然后再来确定关联词。例如 Mr Wu has two sons, and both of them are fond of playing golf. Mr Wu has two sons, both of whom are fond of playing golf. 析:例1中 and连接的是并列句,不能用whom代替them。例2去掉and,就必须用whom代替them构成定语从句。 It was last night that the terrible fire broke out. 析:这里是"It was+被强调部分+that... "构成的强调句型,故连接词不用when。You"d better make a mark at where you have any questions.析:此句应去掉at , 因为该句为where 引导的地点状语从句。�
      在中学英语中,as引导的定语从句必须掌握以下两个要点: 1. 用在the same... as和such... as结构中,as做主语或宾语。 例 I have the same mobile phone as you (have). (as做宾语) 例 He is such a kind man as often helps others.(as做主语) 同时,要区分such... as与such... that...的用法,在后者的结构中,that引导状语从句,且在从句中不做成分。�
      当从句中使用的是不及物动词,且关系代词在句子中做宾语时,不及物动词后必须使用介词。介词可以置于关系代词之前,构成"介词+whom(指人),介词+ which(指物)" 结构,也可以用关系副词代替介词+关系代词。但是一些习惯性搭配或短语(如look for/ take care of/ look after等)中的介词不能与动词分开,属于固定搭配结构,故不能放在关系代词之前。例如:正:Yesterday I went to the school which my father once worked in.正:Yesterday I went to the school where my father once worked.正:Yesterday I went to the school in which my father once worked.上述句子中in +which=where ,即定语从句中介词提前想象。但是 误:The baby after whom she is looking is very well.正:The baby(whom/who/that) she is looking after is very well.析:定语从句中谓语动词是固定的短语动词look after,介词after不能与动词look分开,因此介词for 不能提到关系代词前面。�
      定语从句必须有先行词,否则就不是定语从句。误:Is this farm we visited last week?正:Is this farm the one we visited last week?或Is this the farm we visited last week?析:该句中定语从句就缺少先行词,将句子还原为陈述句:①This farm is ____we visited last week.显然应加上the one作先行词。②This is the farm we visited last week. 此句中the farm为先行词,须加定冠词the。由此可见,学会分析句型是解决问题的关键。��
      [1] 《定语从句易错点拾遗》英语辅导报高一版 04~05年度8期�
      [2] 王宝柱《几种特殊的定语从句浅析》《英语知识》2008.7 �
      [3] 曹仁松《定语从句中"介词+关系代词"的三种情况》《英语知识》2009.10

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