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    第一名是冠军第二名是 [第二名”冠军]

    时间:2020-02-23 07:16:31 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      Paxton pushed his foot down hard on the gas pedal1) as he steered his go-kart2) out of turn six and onto the racetrack"s long straightaway3). Even with his crash helmet4) and earplugs, the roar of the engine was loud. Paxton loved the sound. At the speed he was going, spectators flashed by as fast as thoughts.
      Nothing beats racing, Paxton said to himself.
      Paxton hadn"t come from a "racing family", and he had no sponsors for his kart. But with the help of his uncle Bobby, who worked as a mechanic at the local repair shop, Paxton"s kart was fast enough to compete.
      On the long straightaway, Paxton pulled alongside the race"s leader, Mark, who so far had stayed just out of Paxton"s reach.
      Only five laps5) to go. Paxton glanced over. Mark had so many sponsors that his go-kart looked like a rolling billboard6). Mark turned, and for a moment his eyes met Paxton"s. Both boys wanted to win. No other karts were close to the two leaders.
      Paxton returned his attention to the road and pressed harder on the gas, but his go-kart was already at top speed. Mark"s kart pulled away. Paxton had no choice but to fall behind7) him as they slowed to go into the next turn.
      A moment later, the boys roared past the pits8).
      Uncle Bobby gave Paxton a thumbs-up and held a sign that said "Go Get Him!" Paxton had never finished higher than fifth in a race. Still, he wasn"t going to be satisfied with second place today. The winner would get tickets to the pro championship race―presented9) by two-time champion L.J. Richards!
      Mark pulled farther ahead of Paxton as they entered the S-curves10)―a series of quick right and left turns. Paxton"s kart fishtailed11) as he came out of the last short turn. He"d almost lost control. But Paxton wasn"t ready to give up. He concentrated as he made a long right-hand turn, then accelerated onto the straightaway, his foot pressed hard against the pedal. Still, the engine on Mark"s kart was too powerful, and Mark pulled away.
      In the curves, Paxton would catch up, sometimes almost tapping the back end of Mark"s kart. But in the straightaways, he"d fall behind.
      Meanwhile, the laps counted off: four to go, three to go, two to go, one to go.
      On the last turn, Paxton drew directly behind Mark. As they rounded out of the turn and onto the final straightaway, Paxton floored12) it. He pulled beside Mark"s kart. Their engines screamed. Then, as it had so many times before, Mark"s kart pulled ahead.
      The finish line was zooming13) toward them. Closer, closer ...
      The race was over.
      It was not Paxton who would hoist14) the winner"s trophy15). Paxton had come in second.
      As Paxton pulled into the pits, his vision blurred16) with tears.
      "Good race, Paxton," Uncle Bobby said, helping him climb out of the kart.
      Paxton flipped up the visor17) on his helmet. "Thanks, but I didn"t win, Uncle Bobby." Nothing could alter the fact that he"d crossed the finish line looking at the back of Mark"s kart, not at a checkered flag18). Good race? He remembered what other drivers had sometimes said: "Second place is just first loser."
      "Great work, kid," said a man"s voice.
      Paxton turned. He couldn"t believe it. The man was L.J. Richards!
      L.J. Richards reached out to shake Paxton"s hand.
      "Thank you, Mr. Richards. But I only came in second." Paxton looked around, wondering if the great driver had mistaken him for Mark, who was now jumping up and down in celebration on pit row. Paxton pointed in Mark"s direction. "You"re probably looking for him, Mr. Richards."
      "Oh, I"ll get there," L.J. Richards shrugged. "Every race has a winner, Paxton. But that"s not the only thing racing is about."
      Paxton was surprised to hear such words from a two-time champion.
      "Getting 100 percent out of your kart is the most important thing," L.J. Richards said. "And to do that, you have to get 100 percent out of yourself. That"s what it"s all about."
      Paxton nodded.
      L.J. Richards continued, "And today, you got 100 percent."
      Paxton thought about this. Had he done the best he could do? After a moment, he smiled. "Yeah, I guess I did."
      博比叔叔朝帕克斯顿竖起了大拇指,还举了个牌子,上面写着“追上他!”帕克斯顿还从未在比赛中拿过第五名以上的成绩。今天,他仍然不会满足于第二名的位置,因为冠军将会得到职业车王争霸赛的门票,而且门票将由蝉联两届卡丁车比赛冠军的L.J. 理查兹颁发!
      帕克斯顿转过身。他简直不敢相信,说话的这位男士竟然是L.J. 理查兹!
      L.J. 理查兹伸出手,与帕克斯顿握手。
      “哦,我会过去的,”L.J. 理查兹先生耸耸肩说,“帕克斯顿,每场赛车都有一个获胜者,但那并不是赛车的唯一目的。”
      “将你的卡丁车用到极致才是最重要的,”L.J. 理查兹说,“为了做到这点,你必须全力以赴,这才是赛车的真谛。”
      L.J. 理查兹继续说:“而今天,你已经全力以赴了。”
      1. pedal [ˈpedl] n. (自行车、摩托车等下部用脚蹬的)踏板,脚蹬子
      2. go-kart [ˈ�əʊ k�ːt] n. 卡丁车
      3. straightaway [ˌstreɪtəˈweɪ] n. (跑道的)直道
      4. crash helmet: (摩托车手等戴的)防撞头盔,安全帽
      5. lap [læp] n. (跑道的)一圈
      6. billboard [ˈbɪlbɔːd] n. (户外)告示牌,广告牌,招贴板
      7. fall behind: 落在(……)后面
      8. pit [pɪt] n. [常作the ~s] (赛车道旁的)检修加油站
      9. present [prɪˈzent] vt. 授予
      10. S-curve [ˈeskɜːv] n. S形曲线;S形弯道
      11. fishtail [ˈfɪʃteɪl] vi. (车)摆尾行驶
      12. floor [flɔː(r)] vt. 踩足(汽车的油门踏板)
      13. zoom [zuːm] vi. 迅速接近
      14. hoist [hɔɪst] vt. 举起
      15. trophy [ˈtrəʊfi] n. (体育比赛等的)奖杯,奖盾;奖品
      16. blur [blɜː(r)] vt. 使(视线、感觉、形状、界线等)模糊不清
      17. visor [ˈvaɪzə(r)] n. (头盔上的)面甲;面罩,护面
      18. checkered flag: (表示赛车获胜的)格子旗

    推荐访问:冠军 第二名”冠军 第一名是状元第二名是 前三名是冠军亚军

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