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    时间:2020-07-06 13:47:55 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     今晚想和妈妈一起睡吗 You want to sleep with Mommy tonight? -要

     -睡我的床吗 - Mm-hm. - In my bed? 你保证睡觉不会踢我吗 You promise not to kick me? -我保证

     -好的 - I promise. - Yeah, okay. -要我唱歌♥给你听吗

     -要 - Shall I sing to you? - Yeah. -要听吗

     -要 - Yeah? - Mm-hm. 想听什么歌♥ What song? 你自己的歌♥ One of your songs. 亲爱的

     我的歌♥可不是安眠曲 Oh, well, sugar, those aren"t really meant to put people to sleep. 那我小时候你都唱什么歌♥给我听 What did you sing me when I was little? 像"乖乖睡宝贝"那种歌♥ Um, like, you know, Rock-a-bye Baby. 那是唱给婴儿听的 That"s for babies. 好吧 So? 风儿起摇篮摇

     枝干断摇篮倒 When the wind blows The cradle will rock. When the bough breaks The cradle will fall. 宝宝睡觉觉 Down will come baby Cradle and all. -你困了吗

     -有点 - Are you sleepy? - A little. 你把眼睛闭上试试能不能睡着 Why don"t you just close your eyes and try, okay? -好的

     -真乖 - Okay. - Okay. 闭上眼睛

     闭上眼睛 Close your eyes. Close your eyes. 我会哄你睡着的 I"ll help you fall asleep. 摇呀摇



     Rock-a-bye baby. On the tree top. When the wind blows. The cradle will rock. 枝干断摇篮倒

     宝宝睡觉觉 When the bough breaks. The cradle will fall. And down Will come baby Cradle and all. 送披萨的来了 Pizza man. 你好

     请签收 Hi. Can you sign this, please? -好的

     -等等我 - Sure. - Wait for me. 披萨送来了 Pizza man"s here. 你的生活一点创新都没有 You haven"t had a creative thought in your life. 这五年里你又取得什么成就了呢 What have you done in the last five years? -你妒心太重

     -我怎么会嫉妒你 - How jealous you are. - I"m jealous? -你的小费

     -谢谢 - There"s your tip. - Thanks. -不用谢

     -晚安 - You"re welcome. - Goodnight. 我是已经度过中年危机了 I"ve...I"ve done my mid-life crisis. -你倒还在更年期

     -你说什么 - You should get on with yours. - What? 你不能这么和我说话 Don"t talk to me that way. 你想玩井字棋吗 You want to play Tic-tac-toe? 是一种在 3*3 格子上进行的连珠游戏


     由于棋盘格线排成井字故得名 好啊 Sure. 我们去外面吃吧 Why don"t we eat outside? 走吧 Okay? 你就像以前一样拍屁♥股♥走人吧 Walk a way like you always do. 我能来点披萨吗 Hey, can I have some pizza? 当然

     Sure. 真好吃 Mm. Nice. 我们在玩井字棋


     我赢了 Tic-tac-toe. Look, I won. 梅奇

     你都没让我走棋 Come on, Maisie, you didn"t let me play. 看着我 Look at me. 你作弊了哦 You"re cheating. 梅奇 Maisie, 你有没有想过在玛戈沉静的外表下 do you ever wonder what Margo thinks of us 对我们会有什么想法 behind that hauntingly calm exterior. 好好玩吧 Okay. Enjoy. 你想用 X 还是 O Do you want to be "Xes" Or "Os"? 我用 O 吧 Um, I want to be "Os". 梅奇知道什么 蚂蚁们一个接一个地前进 The ants go marching one by one. 嘿呦

     嘿呦 Hurrah, hurrah. 蚂蚁们一个接一个地前进 The ants go marching one by one. 小蚂蚁停下来啃拇指 The little one stops to suck his thumb. 你不仅是个骗子还是小偷 You"re a liar and a thief. -这简直是浪费时间

     -那你走啊 - This is a colossal waste of time. - Fine, go. 苏珊娜 Susanna. 是爸爸吗 Is that Daddy? 继续睡吧

     Shh, go back to sleep. 开门 Open the door. -把门打开

     -烦人 - Open the damn door. - Damn. 别再制♥造♥噪音了 Stop making that fucking noise. 邻舍都讨厌死我了 They hate me in this building. 你来了嘛 Oh, there you are. 总算来了 At last. 开门 Open the door. -苏珊娜

     -滚开 - Susanna. - Go away. 开门 Open the door. 不开 No. 把门给我打开 Open the fucking door. 不开

     我说过你一走我就会把锁换掉 Not this time. I told you it would happen if you left. 什么

     你当真的吗 What? Are you serious? 没错


     这是我的公♥寓♥ Yes, I"m serious. It"s my apartment. -快开门

     -不 - Open the goddamn door. - No. -你这个疯子

     -你去死 - You"re a fucking headcase. - Fuck you! 记住

     浇完水后土壤应该是湿润的 Now, remember your soil should be damp, 而不是浸透了 not soaked. 你♥爸♥爸来了 Your father"s here. 也许你家狗死了 Maybe your dog died.

     我没养狗 I don"t have a dog. 投资艺术不会赔钱的

     除非你钱出多了 You"re never going to lose money on art unless you overpay. 这个价位很合理 This is a good price. 我想知道你到底要不要这些画 I need to know if you want the paintings, 尽快告诉我

     我这笔生意也能尽快做成 I need to know ASAP. Let me just get rid of this call. 等一下 One second. 这是这个月的时间表 Here is this month"s schedule. 我们希望您能再多等几分钟 We would prefer if you"d wait the few extra minutes 马上就放学了 until the end of the school day 这样我们就不用打断老师上课 so that we don"t have to interrupt class. 好的

     我保证下次不会了 Okay. Okay, I"ll make sure that absolutely doesn"t happen again. 我们出去喝杯咖啡好不好 Listen, why don"t you and me go and get ourselves a nice double espresso? 和妈妈一起吗 With Mommy? 不


     怎么样 No, no, just you and me this time. Eh? Fun, huh? 这些可都是代表作 Hey, so they"re exemplary pieces... 你在搞什么 Are you kidding me? 你想怎样

     带她去阿根廷吗 What were you going to do? Take her to Argentina? -我等会回你电♥话♥

     -需要帮助吗 - I"ll call you back. - People, just do I need to get some help? 不用


     比尔 No. This is not a game, Beale. 我们走吧

     宝贝 Come on, baby. 以后放学爸爸不会再来接你了

     Daddy"s not going to pick you up anymore. 还是我来接你

     你没事吧 I"m just going to pick you up, okay? Are you okay? 没关系

     我不过是她父亲而已 It"s okay. I"m only her father. 酷毙了

     你们家有电视 Wow, cool, you have your own TV? 我们可以等会看电视 Yeah, we can watch it later. 哇

     一只小猴子 Hey, cool. A little monkey. -你的房♥子真不错

     -谢谢 - What a lovely room. - Thanks. 我要走了

     还有事吗 Need anything before I go? -不



     -再见 - No, I"m all set, thanks. - Bye. 佐伊

     你要听梅奇妈妈的话 Zoey, I want you to listen to Maisie"s mother, 否则我就过来接你回家 otherwise I"m going to come back 你就不能在梅奇家过夜了

     知道吗 and there"s not going to be a sleepover, all right? -知道了

     -你看 - Okay. - Look. 把纸杯蛋糕放最上面 Cupcake on the crown. 撒糖霜咯

     撒糖霜最好玩了 Icing. Icing really hot. You got it? 你会撒糖霜吗 You got the icing? 来

     撒点糖 Candy. Oh, candy. 看那块奶油

     滑得好慢 Look at that slide. Slow move. 现在把... Now put the... 第四个呼啦圈加进来 fourth one on me. 抱歉 Oops, sorry.


     红白绿 Look. It"s red, white, and green. 我们进去吧 Let"s go back inside. 听这段

     听出来了吗 Hey, listen to this. You guys hear that? 我特别喜欢他在节奏中加入的民谣金属 I really love how he weighs back on the beat. 是重金属音乐的其中一个分支


     中提琴和竖琴等 -没错

     -就是要这样 - Yeah. - Just want to get down. 那是你 That"s you. -对


     -是的 - Yeah, yeah, it"s good. - Yeah. 我要找点威士忌来喝 I"m going to find a whiskey. 关于你的一切都已经被我抛弃 With your hook and line I still blow away. 关于你的一切都已经被我抛弃 With your hook and line I still blow away. 关于你的一切都已经被我抛弃

      With your hook and line I still blow away. 关于你的一切都已经被我抛弃 With your hook and line I still blow away. 佐伊 Zoey. 别哭了

     佐伊 Don"t cry, Zoey. 这是情感线 This is the heart line. 你即将会遇到一位非常有趣 And you"re going to meet a very interesting man. 非常特别的男性 Extraordinary. 你回来了 Oh, hey. You"re back. 亲爱的

     你应该睡觉了 Hon, you"re supposed to be in bed. 佐伊哭了 Zoey"s crying.

     我真的很抱歉 Oh. I"m really sorry. 这个年纪都会这样 Hey, at this age... 是啊

     这个年纪她们 Yeah, you know, at this age they don"t... 好吧 Um, all right. 谢谢你能来 Thanks for coming. -晚安

     -走吧 - Goodnight. - Go. 再见


     再见 Bye, Zoey. Bye. 再见

     佐伊 Bye, Zoey. 回去睡觉吧

     亲爱的 Go back to bed, baby, okay? 这噪音倒是证明了我没照顾好人家孩子 So much for them testifying for me. 烦人 Fuck it. 反正佐伊她妈也不怎么样

     无所谓了 The mom"s a total Nazi anyway. 梅奇

     穿哪条 Okay, Maisie, come on, which one? 那条 That one. 你衣朋换好了吗 You dressed yet? 没时间挑挑拣拣的了

     迟到了 We don"t have time for that. We"re late. 来

     穿这个 Here. Put these on. 好了 Okay. 你可以说他以前扔过你 You can definitely mention the time he threw you. -有吗

     -我的天 - He did? - Oh, my God, yeah. 他把你从屋子这边扔到那边的沙发上

     He threw you across the room onto the couch. 他还使劲吼你 He was yelling in your face. 天啊

     你都不记得了吗 Jesus. Don"t you remember? 你那时候可是过得水深火热的 It was like your most earth-shattering moment. 梅奇 Maisie? 你和你妈妈会一起唱歌♥吗 Do you and your mom sing together sometimes? 有时会 Sometimes. 你觉得开心吗 Is it fun? 这简直是个笑话 I hope you get what a farce this is. 太荒谬了

     我们甚至都没结婚 It"s ridiculous. We"re not even married. 听着

     无论他说什么 And listen, you know, whatever he says... 一定要提到他有 30 年的药物滥用史 be sure to factor in thirty years of substance abuse. -你要吃鸡肉吗

     -要 - Do you want the chicken? - Uh-huh. 好

     会有点辣哦 Okay. Might be a little bit spicy. 这是怎么做到的 How does that happen? 给你 Here you go. 你好 Hello? 你看着办吧 If you think it"s all right. 你♥爸♥爸来了 Your dad"s coming up. 我最爱的第六个女孩 Oh, my sixth favorite girl. 其他女孩是谁 Who"s your other girls?

     这我可不能告诉你 Oh, I can"t tell you about those. -为什么啊

     -这是秘密 - Why not?

     - It"s a secret. 你想来点中式鸡块吗 Do you want some Mandarin chicken? 听起来不错呢 Mm, that sounds good. -我想她马上就要回来了

     -我知道 - I think she"s coming back soon.

     - I know. 我只是来拿点东西

      然后 I"m going to grab a few things and then we"ll, uh, 我们一起保密

     好吗 we"ll keep this our little secret. 你不想让玛戈遭殃

     对吧 Don"t want to get Margo decapitated, no? 好了 Okay. 好了

     我得快点 Okay, I got to dash. 别担心


     好吗 But don"t worry. I"m fixing things, okay? 还有

     谢谢你 And, uh, thank you. 你是个百里挑一的好女孩 You"re one in a million. 好的


     你真是个好人 Okay, thanks. You"re a prince. 是楼下的拜伦打来的

     她正上楼呢 That"s Byron downstairs. She"s on her way up. 起床了


     快起床了 Hey, up, up, up. Come on. 我们八点十分以后才开门 The doors don"t open until ten after eight. 我十五分钟之内要赶到法♥院♥ I"ve got to be at court in 15 minutes. -好吧


     -谢谢 - All right, I guess she can come in.

     - Thanks. 我爱你 Love you. 我妈妈让我叫你一起走

     My mum says you"re supposed to come with me. -去你家吗


     我们送你回家 - To your house?

     - No, we"re going to walk you home. -再见

     -再见 - Bye.

     - Bye. 来客请登记 你好

     梅奇 Hi, Maisie. 你好

     拜伦 Hi, Byron. 你根本没有能力去照顾一个孩子 You"re not capable of taking care of a child. -对



     我了解你 - You know better.

     - No, I know you. -真的吗

     -是的 - Really?

     - Yes, yes. 我了解你 I know you. 苏珊娜


     你谁都不了解 Susanna, you don"t know anyone except yourself. -你连呼吸都会痛

     -闭嘴 - You breathe pain wherever you go.

     - Shut up, shut up. 因此法官和专家才会把孩子判给我 That"s why the judge and the expert, they saw that. -他们都知道

     -不 - They saw you.

     - No. 不然他们为什么不把抚养权判给你 Then why are they not giving you sole custody? 因为你有那个女法官帮忙

     这就是原因 Because you got a female judge, that"s why. 如果你非要这么自欺欺人的话

     你随意 If that"s what you want to tell yourself, then fine. -不要带走她

     -不是我要带走她 - Don"t take her, man. - I"m not taking her. 不要带走她 Don"t take her. 不是我要带走她

     是他们判给了我 I"m not taking her. They gave her to me. 宝贝 Hey, baby. 我们想见的小人儿来了

     Just the person we want to see. 宝贝

     你为什么不去收拾一下 Honey, why don"t you get some clothes and things 要带走的衣物呢 and stuff to take with us? 去吧 Just do it. 没关系的

     去吧 It"s okay. It"s okay. 轮不到你来告诉她要不要听我的

     混♥蛋♥ She doesn"t need you telling her what I say is okay, asshole! 冷静点儿 Temper, temper. 去吧 There you go. 我跟着你呢 I"m right behind you. 梅奇 Hi, Maisie. 把包给我吧 Can I take your bag? 想去看看你的房♥间吗 You want to see your room? 你觉得怎么样 So, what do you think? 你应该好好谢谢玛戈 You know, you have Margo to thank 这些大多是她弄的 for...most of the stuff. 你们两个好好聊聊吧 Why don"t I let you two catch up on the world events? 那个 So, 你见到我很意外

     对吗 you surprised to see me? 很搞笑

     是不是 It"s kind of funny, huh? 你好

     你好 Hello. Hello. 你好

     你好 Hello. Hello.

     多少钱 How much? 这是学术类的


     没人听说过他 That"s academic. Look, no one in America has heard of him. 我不知道为什么

     不过 I don"t know why but... 好吧


     等着瞧吧 Fine, okay, let"s see. 好吧

     再见 Okay, bye. 你可以画几条直线 You can write in straight lines. 就是这样 You got it. 我可能要去意大利待几个星期 I may need to take off to Italy in the next few weeks. 你可不可以帮我照顾一下梅奇 So, you think you could, uh, keep an eye on Maisie? 当然可以 Okay, sure. 继续

     再来一次 Go on, start again. You know 你只需要把首字母完成就可以了 you"re only supposed to do the first letter, right? 你护照还能用

     对吧 Your passport is in order, right? 我的 Mine? 好的 Good. Yeah. 可能不只是几个星期 Because this work should only take a few days. 我想

     也许我们之后可以一起去 I thought after that maybe we could go on a little cruise 伊奥利亚群岛度假 in the Aeolian Islands, 或者做点别的什么 you know, say something like that. 好啊

     我还从没去过意大利呢 Yeah. I"ve never been to Italy. 也没乘过船

     Or on a boat. 很好

     好极了 Right, great. Well, then, that"s good. 就这么定了 We"ll do that. 我们要去坐船吗

     什么时候 We"re going on a boat? When? 别急着收拾行李

     好吗 Well, don"t start packing just yet, okay? 到时候再说 It"s all depending. 这是什么 What"s all this? 这花是送给梅奇·比尔的 I got a flower delivery for Maisie Beale. 梅奇 Maisie? Oh. 这不合适 That"s just... this is totally inappropriate. 去还给送花的那个人吧 Get them back to the delivery guy. 那个人已经走了 The guy already left. 好吧

     我收下 Okay, I"ll take it. 爱你

     妈妈 就玩十分钟


     好吗 Ten minutes and then homework, okay? 好的 Okay. 宝贝 Sweetie? 这是什么 What are these? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我是说

     你为什么要把它们放在里面 But, I mean, did you put them in there? 梅奇 Maisie? 是妈妈送来的

     Mommy sent them. 我们应该把它们放进水里 Well, we should put them in some water. 不能放在壁橱里吗 Can"t I just keep them in the closet? 为什么 Why? 爸爸把它们扔了 "Cause daddy threw them out. 他对花粉过敏 He"s allergic. 是吗 Really? 听我说 I"ll tell you what. 我们把花压干

     你就可以一直留着了 Why don"t we press a few, and then you can keep them forever? 这是我们之间的小秘密

     好吗 That"ll be our little secret, okay? 来选几朵你最喜欢的花吧 Okay. Why don"t you pick some of your favorites? 好的 Okay. 我喜欢这一朵 I like this one. -这一朵

     -书来了 - This one.

     - Okay, here"s our book. 还有这一朵 And this one. 我们回妈妈家的时候能带斯塔布瑞畜栏吗 When we go back to Mommy"s, can we bring Starbrite"s corral? 宝贝

     我不能陪你回去 Um, sweetie, I"m not going with you. 我会在这儿等你回来 I"ll be here when you get back. 好吧 Okay. 我们应该把花儿放在哪儿呢

     中间吗 So, where do we put the flowers? In the middle? 你应该放在这一边 You put them in this side.

     轻轻地 Gently. 你不在的时候

     爸爸会很难过的 You now, your daddy"s sad when you"re not here, right? 所以 So, um. 最好有人能够陪在他身边 It"s nice for him to have someone around 哄他高兴 to...cheer him up. 陪他购物或是做其他什么事情 And do the shopping and everything, too. 我们两个都很喜欢对方 So, since we like each other, 我们觉得

     也许我可以去陪他 we thought that maybe I could do that. 你觉得怎么样 How does that sound? 很好 Good. -该下一朵了

     -好的 - Let"s do another.

     - Okay. 这些玫瑰太大了 I think the roses would be too big. 是的

     那一朵不错 Yeah. That one"s nice. 试试那个 Try that one. 宝贝

     我想死你了 Oh, my baby, I missed you so much. 我也想你 I missed you, too. 看 Look. 天哪 Jesus. 天哪

     这是怎么搞的 Jesus, how did that happen? 我的胳膊碰到了炉子上 I touched my arm on the stove 我被烫伤了


     and I got burned and I cried. 你肯定会哭的 I bet you did. 这得多痛啊 I bet that hurt. 究竟是怎么搞的 How did it happen? 爸爸让你自己做饭了吗 Did daddy let you cook by yourself or something? 天哪

     好吧 Oh, god. Okay. 法♥院♥说我不能有异议 The court says that I"m not supposed to say anything, 可我真是太大意了

     我忘记嘱咐你 But I would be, like, totally negligent if I didn"t tell you 当你一个人和爸爸在一起的时候 that you really have to watch yourself 一定要学会自己照顾自己

     好吗 when you"re alone with daddy, okay? 玛戈也在 Margo was there. 玛戈

     你是说 Margo? You mean, 我们的玛戈吗 You mean our Margo? 那个在我们家干活的玛戈

     是她吗 Margo who was at our house? That Margo? 爸爸有没有给你准备漂亮的房♥间啊 You have a nice room at daddy"s? 有啊

     还有带纱帐的床 Uh-huh, I have a canopy bed. 那很好 Oh, that"s nice. 玛戈的房♥间也很好吗 Does margo have a nice room? 她的房♥间很小

     窗户外面就是墙 It"s tiny, and when you look out the window, there"s a wall. 那你♥爸♥爸一定不喜欢他 Ooh, daddy must not like her 才会给她准备那样的房♥间 very much if he gives her a room like that.

     他喜欢她 He likes her. 是吗 Yeah? 他亲她了吗 Does he... does he give her a kiss? 他有表现出多喜欢她吗 Anything like that? Show her how much he likes her? -我不知道

     -没有吗 - I don"t know.

     - No? 没有是吗 No, huh? 是的


     我确定 Yes, yes, I"m sure. 她刚刚告诉我的

     等一下 She just told me. Hang on a second. 宝贝

     去你房♥间玩一会儿 Hey, baby, go play in your room for a little bit. 我得打完这通电♥话♥

     行吗 I"m going to finish this phone call, okay? 不

     他们都住到一起了 No, he"s got her living with him. 你觉得我想要什么 What do you think I want? 我要你带那个混♥蛋♥上法♥院♥ I want you to take that asshole back to court 然后给我单独监护权 and get me sole custody. 是梅奇吧 Maisie? 小心点

     梅奇 Careful, Maisie. 你为什么怕她 Why would you be afraid of her? 好吧

     也许她看上去是有一点搞笑 I mean, fine, maybe she looks a little funny, 但是你这样有点小心眼 But that"s, like, really narrow minded. 我不想让你成为那种人 I don"t want you to grow up to be one of those people 因为那样一点也不好

     "cause it"s just not cool. 你知道吗 And you know what? 这种保姆才最适合你 She"s the kind of nanny you"re supposed to have. 她不是那种老和爸爸腻在一起的轻浮女人 I mean, she"s not some tramp with a daddy fixation. 她有股很奇怪的味道 She smells funny. 她的味道不奇怪 She does not smell funny. 保姆都应该有这种味道 That"s the way a nanny is supposed to smell. 快点

     咱们走 Come on. Okay, let"s go. 梅奇

     走吧 Come on, Maisie, let"s go. 拿好你的东西

     宝贝 Get your stuff, sweetie. 转过来 Hey, turn around. -你一会就能看他看个够了

     -是吗 - You"re going to see him soon enough. - I will? -你要当一名花童了

     -是吗 - You"re going to be a flower girl. - I am? 没错

     他什么事儿都干的出来 Yeah, there"s nothing he won"t do. 该死的新娘来了 Here comes the fucking bride. 这儿的领子翘起来了 The collar is sticking up a little bit there. 好了 Yeah, good. 比尔夫人

     我是特顿巴姆仙童学校的校长 Mrs. Beale, this is Principal Fairchild Tettenbaum. 这是我第三次给您留言 This is my third message. 希望您能尽快回复 I would appreciate a call back. 谢谢 Thank you.


     你确定你妈妈知道 Maisie, are you sure your mother knows 她应该来接你放学吗 she"s supposed to pick you up? -我不知道

     -好吧 - I don"t know. - All right. 我会弄明白的 I"ll figure something out. 小梅 Oh, Mais. 我以为今天应该是 I thought that Maisie"s mother was supposed to 梅奇的妈妈来接她放学 be doing pick up today. 应该是她

     如果我丈夫在机场没有查留言 She is. If my husband hadn"t checked his messages at the airport, 我们现在应该在飞机上 we"d be on a plane. 我应该度蜜月去了 I"m supposed to be on my honeymoon. 打扰一下

     这里是 Hey, excuse me. Is this, uh... 苏珊娜·努恩

     她让我来接她女儿 Susanna Nun. She sent me to get her daughter. 你是谁 Who are you? 我是她的 Uh, I"m her, uh, 梅奇的继父 sort of like Maisie"s stepfather. -你说什么

     -我和苏珊娜结婚了 - You"re what? - Yeah, I"m married to Susanna. 梅奇


     我是林肯 How- how are you, Maisie? I"m Lincoln. 你记得我吗

     咱们几周前见过 Do you remember me? We met before a few weeks ago. -记得吗

     -这真是... - Remember that? - This is... 我们不能把孩子随便交给来接她的人 We don"t just release children to anyone walking into the office. 不


     Um, no, of course, no. 我接到了梅奇

     我不知道该怎么办 So, I"ve got Maisie, and I don"t know what to do, 你能不能快点给我回电♥话♥ so can you please call me back? 我联♥系♥不上他 I can"t get hold of him. 你想给苏珊娜打电♥话♥吗 Would you want to call Susanna? 如果你想确认一下我不是随便的... Just if you want to make sure I"m not some random... 我不要给苏珊娜打电♥话♥ I"m not going to call Susanna. 你给她打吧 Why don"t you call her? 好的


     我来打 Yeah. Yeah, sure. I can call. 是我 Hey, it"s me. 不

     很好 Yeah, no, it"s good. 我现在和梅奇在学校外面 I"m outside the school here with Maisie, 玛戈也在 and Margo is here. 我明白 I understand. 是的

     她不能确定我是谁 Yeah, well, she doesn"t really know who I am. 好吧

     等一下 Yeah, all right. Just one second. 是苏珊娜 Uh, it"s Susanna. 你好 Hello? 是的 Yes. 我听见了 I heard you. 好的

     那我就带着梅奇 Okay, so I"ll just take Maisie...

     喂 He... hello? 苏珊娜

     喂 Susanna? Hello? 好吧 Okay. 那就这样吧 Uh, I guess that"s done. 好的 Yeah, I guess. 我得走了 I"ve got to go. -你要叫出租车吗

     -好的 - You need a cab? - Yeah. 我来帮你叫 I"ll get you one. 出租车 Hey, taxi. 好的


     咱们十天后见 Okay, Maisie, I"ll see you in ten days. 我不想让你走 I don"t want you to go. 都会好的

     好吗 It"ll be okay, okay? 我保证 I promise. 我得走了 I have to go. 我不想和他走 I don"t want to go with him. 梅奇 Oh, Maisie. 我真的很爱你

     好吗 I really, really love you. Okay? 好的 Okay. 十天后见

     好吗 See you in ten days, okay? 再见

     宝贝 Bye, sweetie. 蜜月愉快

     Have a nice honeymoon. 再见

     梅奇 Bye, Maisie. 跟我说再见吧 Please say bye. 去肯尼迪国际机场 JFK, please. 咱们得等一会儿 Yeah, we should probably wait. 她给弄丢了 She"s lost it. 不

     咱们需要更多 No, we need some more. 我一会再给你打

     孩子回来了 Oh, I"ll be back. Baby just came home. 我得好好亲亲你 I have to kiss you. -妈妈

     -怎么了 - Mommy? - Yeah? 你真的结婚了吗 Did you really get married? 但是我最爱的还是你 But I still love you the best. 我也还是你的妈妈

     对吗 And I"m still your mommy, right? 而且他就像一个朊友一样 And, you know, he"s just... he"s just like a friend. 你不用叫他爸爸 You don"t have to call him Daddy or anything. 就像你不用叫玛戈妈妈

     对吗 Just like... just like you don"t call Margo Mommy, right? 你可以就叫他林肯 You can just call him Lincoln. 你有花童吗 Did you have a flower girl? 如果我们有

     那一定会是你 Oh, you know what? If we did, it would"ve been you. 但是我们很低调 But we kept it really low key, 我们除了宣誓没弄别的东西 and, it was just like with a Justice of the Peace kind of thing.

     我们都没买♥♥蛋糕 We didn"t even have a cake. -没有蛋糕吗

     -没有 - No cake? - No cake. 很难过

     但是是真的 Sad but true. 给你看个东西 Here, want to see something? 你看看他给了我什么

     看这个 You want to see what he gave me? Look at this. -看看这个

     -这个好小 - Look at that. - It"s tiny. 确实很小 It is tiny, isn"t it? 很小很小的小东西 Tiny, tiny, little one. 对不起 Sorry. 没事

     过来吧 It"s okay. Come on in. 其实我得去上班了 I... I got to go to work actually. 好吧 Okay. 见到你很高兴

     梅奇 It was nice seeing you again, Maisie. 和林肯说再见 Say goodbye to Lincoln. -再见

     -再见 - Bye. - Bye. 看看他多高

     他很高 How tall he is. He"s so tall. -他总是在晚上上班吗

     -是的 - Does he always work at night? - Yeah. 他就是一个酒保

     但是无所谓 He"s pretty much just a bartender, but you know, whatever. 挺好的

     我工作的时候他能照看你 It"s good, so when I"m working, he can watch you. 一切都会好的 It"s going to be good. 我能告诉你一个秘密吗

     Can I tell you a secret? 我是为了你才和他结婚的 I married him for you. 我都是为了你 I married him for you. 在夜间列车上睡个好觉 Sleep tight on the night train 没有痛苦 No pain 我并不记得 I don"t remember 几年的时间 Oh a couple of years 对你确实有好处 Did some good for you 并非你的眼睛 No your eyes 太薄弱了 Hey, it"s too thin. 我想多做几遍 I want to do a couple more, 我想听的是加倍的效果

     好吗 and then I want to hear it doubled, okay? 没问题 You go it. 你在画什么 What are you making? -是一个宫殿吗

     -是城♥堡♥ - Is it a palace? - It"s a castle. 没错


     当然是 Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. 真好看 It"s beautiful. 你画得很好 You"re really good. 我不知道怎么画这些桥 I don"t know how to make one of those... bridges. 吊桥是吗 Like a drawbridge? 如果你在这儿画上一道门 Well, just, um, if you make the doorway here


     还有一些铁链 and then like the bridge going down and then some chains. 这就行了

     再画上护城河 That"s it. With a moat. 我不会画 I can"t do it. 你来画 You do it. 但这是你的画 But it"s your drawing. 真的吗

     好吧 Really? Okay. 也许你可以在护城河里画上些动物 Maybe you can draw some animals in the moat, 危险的动物

     这样人们就不会游过去了 some dangerous animals so people can"t swim across. 鳄鱼

     还有几头北极熊 Crocodiles and some polar bears 那些会吃人的动物 and stuff that will eat you. 好的 Okay. 我都很久很久没用过蜡笔了 I haven"t used a crayon in a really, really long time. 我小的时候听过一个故事

     关于一家人 When I was a kid, I read this story about a family, 他们的车在沙漠中出故障了 and their car broke down in the desert. -你知道他们怎么活下来的吗

     -怎么 - And do- do you know how they survived? - How? 他们吃蜡笔和胶水 They ate crayons and paste. -好恶心

     -我觉得听上去不错 - Ew. - It sounded pretty good to me. -我小时候曾经偷吃过胶水

     -是吗 - I used to sneak paste to eat when I was a kid. - You did? 我并不记得 I don"t remember 几年 Ooh a couple of... 那些东西很不错

     The stuff we had was really good. -挺好吃的


     -不要 - Delicious. You should try it. - No. 不要吗 No? 你想和我一起进录音棚唱歌♥吗 You want to come in the booth with me while I sing? -好的

     -来吧 - Okay. - Come on. 你没跟我说再见 Hey. You didn"t say goodbye. -我说了

     -你没说 - Yes, I did. - No, you didn"t. 我会想你的

     我会非常想你的 I"m going to miss you. I"m going to miss you so much. 好了

     去吧 Okay. All right. 十天后见



     宝贝 I"ll see you in ten days, okay? Bye, baby. 你不能告诉他

     也不能让他看到 You cannot tell him, so that you really can"t show him. -抱歉

     -抱歉 - Excuse me. - Excuse me. 那是谁啊 Who"s that? 你怎么还在这儿 Hey. What are you still doing here? 好吧


     咱们去看看是什么情况 Um, ok... Le...let"s go. Let"s go and check. 不



     他知道今天接孩子 No, no, he didn"t forget. He knows it"s his pick up day. 蜜月个屁

     他就是在跟我过不去 Honeymoon my ass. He"s messing with me. 这是违反法庭命令的 Look, it"s a violation of the court order, 他走之前对时间没有仸何异议 and he agreed to those dates before he left. 你开玩笑吧 You got to be kidding me. 很好

     好 Great, okay.

     他说如果我们不让他接女儿 So, he says it"s a violation of the court order 就是违反法庭命令 for them to not let us pick her up. 但是不接走女儿

     却不违反法庭命令 But if they don"t pick her up, it"s not a violation, okay? 他知道那天应该接女儿的 He knows it"s his pick up day. -也许


     也许什么 - Maybe...

     - What, what, what? -我们可以再上一次法庭


     不行 - We could go back to the court again.

     - No, no. 我才不能把自己绑到这件破事儿上 I"m not subjecting myself to that bullshit. 我的烟呢 Where are my cigarettes? 天哪 Jesus. 简直就是赶不走的魔咒啊 A witch hunt, that"s what it is. 饿了吗 Hey, are you hungry? 你要为所有人准备食物吗 Do you get to make all the food for everyone? 不 Uh, no. 我只是

     我只是酒保 I"m just...I"m just a bartender. 那你挣钱多吗 Do you get lots of money? 我可以赚点小费 Well, I get tips. 但没多少钱

     赚的不多 But not lots of money. I wouldn"t say that, no. 你觉得挣很多钱重要吗 Do you think it"s important to make lots of money? 为什么 How come? -那你就有钱了啊


     你就有钱了 - So you can be rich.

     - Oh, of course, so you can be rich. 那如果你喜欢做的事让你赚不了很多钱怎么办

     What if you like doing something where you don"t make lots of money? -比如说

     -比如说做老师 - Like what?

     - Like being a teacher. 或者你想做个护士 Or maybe you want to be a nurse. -或消防队员

     -或酒保 - Or a fireman.

     - Or a bartender. 对

     或者酒保 Yeah, or a bartender. 只是目前 For now. 做好了 Here we go. 用餐愉快 Bon appetit. 我

     我记得你说喜欢吃鸡蛋的 I...I thought you said you liked eggs. 我不忍♥心破坏它的美感 I don"t want to ruin it. 好了

     再见吧 Okay, see you later. 你应该把我送进去 You"re supposed to walk me in. 你确定不在这说再见吗 Are you sure we don"t say bye here? 真的吗 Really? 好吧 Okay. 梅奇想跟全班同学分享一些事情 Maisie has something she"d like to share with the class. 这是我的继父 This is my new stepfather. 我爸爸跟我家的保姆结婚了 My father married my nanny, 所以法庭让我的妈妈也再婚了 so court made my mommy get married, too. -泰勒

     -我有两个继父 - Tyler.

     - I"ve two stepfathers. 但有一个快死了 But one is almost dead.

     大多数城♥堡♥都有 50 间房♥子

     而且位于英国 "And most castles had 50 rooms and were in England. 如果有人伤害你的动物

     想要变得富有 "If someone hurt your animal or tried to be rich, 他们会被杀死

     扔进监狱 "They would be killed and put in jail. 监狱里很多人都伤害白己 "A lot of people in jail hurt themselves 他们就可以去医院还能吃饭 "So that they could go to the hospital and have food. 他们吃过期面包

     还把面包分给流浪汉 "They ate stale bread, and then gave the bread to the homeless. 完



     梅奇·伊丽莎白·比尔 The end. Life in a Castle by Maisie Elizabeth Beale." 太棒了 That"s amazing. 当我是透明人吗 What am I, invisible? 让她爱上你我又不会给你钱 You know, you don"t get a bonus for making her fall in love with you. 宝贝

     你回自己房♥间呆一会吧 Hey, baby, why don"t you go to your room for a little while 我和林肯谈谈

     好吗 so Lincoln and I can talk, okay? 哥们

     我怎么可能在你不名一文的时候 Dude, how am I supposed to go away on to work 把她留给你出去工作呢 and leave her with you when you"re full of shit? 说什么呢

     什么时候有巡回演唱会的 What are you talking about? And when did this tour come? 你就是在故意看低我 You deliberately undermine me. 怎么所有事都像噩梦一样 Why does everything have to be such a nightmare ? 你看

     我变得这么爱抱怨... You know, I"ve turned into this like petty... 我都不认识自己了 I don"t recognize myself anymore. 你知道吗


     我只是想 You know, baby, all I wanted 他可以让一切变得简单一些

     was for him to make things easier for us. 你的故事很棒 Your story is very cool. 谢谢 Thank you. 你在想什么 What are you thinking about? 没什么 Nothing. 没什么 No? 明天你想和我一起去工作吗 You want to come to work with me tomorrow? 也许你可以帮我选择巡回表演的朋装 Maybe you could help me pick out my costumes for the tour. 你愿意去吗 Would you like that? 你♥爸♥爸就是个混♥蛋♥

     混♥蛋♥ Your dad"s an asshole. He really is. 一开始消失得无影无踪

     突然又凭空出现了 First he disappears, and then he shows up out of nowhere. 我都不知道怎么应对 I don"t know how to deal with this. 我真的是不知道怎么办 I really don"t. 宝贝

     我得躺一会 Baby, I got to lie down. 林肯

     比尔在楼下 Lincoln, Beale"s downstairs. 过来 Come here. 想我了吗 You missed me? 我们都在想什么时候能再见到你 Yeah, we were wondering when we were going to see you again. -你是她的现仸丈夫

     -没错 - You"re the husband?

     - Yeah. 这是

     这是她现仸丈夫 It"s...it"s the new husband. -我叫林肯


     很高兴见到你 - My name is Lincoln.

     - It"s Beale. Pleased to meet you.

     见到你也很高兴 Nice to meet you. 我本来想给你点建议的

     但是我怀疑 I"d give you a couple of pointers but I doubt that the, uh, 我们之前那种悲催的相处方式 Jacoby and tragedy that was our relationship 是不是适合你们现在的生活 would apply to the farce that you two guys are playing out. -好吧

     -好吧 - Okay.

     - Okay. 总之

     祝你好运 Anyway, good luck. 拜拜

     梅奇 Bye, Maisie. 拜拜 Bye. 谢啦 Thank you. 年轻高大

      Tall and young. Ha. 太搞笑了

     根本不是她的菜 It"s funny. He"s so not her type. 滑天下之大稽 Hilarious. 你妈妈怎么样 How"s your mom? 还好 Fine. 过得开心吗 Happy? 有什么词的发音像猫头鹰的叫声呢 A word that sounds like owl? -泰勒

     -呼儿呼儿 - Tyler.

     - Clown. 呼儿呼儿


     维克多 Clown. Excellent. Victor. 咴儿咴儿 Town. Town. -梅奇

     -咕儿咕儿 - Maisie.

     - Sound. 咕儿咕儿


     Sound. Good. 你最喜欢哪个 Which is your favorite? 那个蓝色的 I like the blue one. 不早了


     我们走吧 It"s getting late, Mais. We should go. 我们还会跟爸爸一起乘船出海吗 Are we still going on a boat with Daddy? 什么船

     宝贝 What boat, sweetie? 他说过

     在意大利 In Italy, like he said. 我不清楚

     可能吧 Um, I don"t know. Maybe. 你是和爸爸结婚了吗 Are you and Daddy still married? 当然了 Of course. 不是假装的 It"s not like pretend? 不是

     为什么这么问 No. Why would you ask that? 我也不知道 I don"t know. 小梅 Oh, Mais. 怎么回事

     比尔 Come on, Beale, 你根本没说过要走的事 you didn"t even tell us you were leaving. 首先

     我们要跟你一起去 First, we were going to be coming with you, 其次

     只有几天而已 and then it was only going to be for a few days. 你什么时候回来 When are you coming back? 你说不知道是什么意思 What do you...

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