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    时间:2020-08-04 13:28:41 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     突袭 赞美神圣的真♥主♥安♥拉♥ Praise only to The Most Holy and The Most High. 真♥主♥安♥拉♥至高无尚 Allah is The Most Great. 几点啦

     亲爱的 What time is it, sweetheart? 别管几点

     继续睡吧 It"s okay, go back to sleep. 我不是让你叫醒我嘛 I know, but I told you to wake me up. 你需要休息

     你俩都需要 You need to rest, both of you. 我爱你 I love you. 我也爱你 I love you too. 爸爸很快就会回来

     好吗 Daddy will be home soon, all right? 我会带他回家的 I"ll bring him home. 大家听好了 OK, listen guys! 我们的目标是塔玛·瑞雅迪 Our target is Tama Riyadi. 相信在座的各位都知道他 I"m sure all of you here know who he is. 他被全市犯罪分子奉为传奇 All the criminals in the city consider him a legend, 贩毒



     无恶不作 as a drug supplier, a murderer, and a robber. 过去十年里

     他的巢穴已经成了无警区 During the last 10 years his building has become a cop-free zone. 我不管谁罩着他

     他有多大能耐 I don"t care who supports him, and how big-influence he is. 他现在胆敢出租♥房♥♥间 Because now he dares to make his apartment rooms for rent, 给那些通缉犯 as hiding places for wanted criminals. 我们的任务很简单 Our mission is simple.


     再把他揪出来 We enter, and drag him out! 是

     队长 Yes sir! 塔玛组织庞大 Tama is not alone. 情报发现公&hea;寓♥里隐藏着制毒窝点 Intelligence reports there is a big narcotics lab in there, 还有一帮亡命之徒 and a horde of people who 随时准备死守 are ready to do anything to protect that place. 他有两个心腹 He has two trusted servants. 一个叫疯狗 The first one is called Mad Dog. 被他从街上拖回来 A "mad dog" that he dragged from the street, 一条甘心为他丧命的疯狗 whom would die for him. 另一个叫安迪

     是塔玛团伙的军师 Second is named Andi. The brain of Tama"s business. 他是唯一能制约疯狗的人 And he"s the only one who can hold Mad Dog"s chain. 一定要防范他俩 Be cautious of these two people. 若有丝毫大意

     就会成为他们的刀下鬼 If you"re careless, you"ll get slaughtered by them. 不用害怕


     不着急 Hey, no need for shaking, all right? Be patient. 刚才咱们进行到哪儿了 Where were we? 集中注意 Focus is necessary. 逐层排查 Secure the place floor by floor. 小心枪口 Everyone concentrate on each gun-point. 为什么是我们

     为什么选今天 Why us? Why today? 为什么不是

     Why the hell not? 我的问题很吅理 That"s a valid question! 我的答案也很吅理 That"s as valid as my answer! 吵够了吗 Are we finished? 那我继续

     行吗 Should I continue? Yeah? 你要知道这个窝点 You need to know that this is not 不是第一次被突击 the first time that that place has been attacked. 塔玛的对手曾多次试图把他拿下 Many times, Tama"s rivals have tried to overtake him. 但都失败了 But always failed. 听好了 Be advised! 这帮人训练有素

     随时可以战斗 These people are well-trained, and prepared for war. 还有三十秒 30 seconds! 检查武器 Re-check your weapons! 我不希望有任何人落下 I don"t want a single empty seat on our way back home. 出发

     把这些城市垃圾清走 Let"s go! Let"s clean this city"s mess! -早


     -早 - Morning, Sir! - Morning. -他们是谁

     -新兵 - Who are they? - They"re new members. 我负责

     他们不会轻举妄动 My responsibility. They won"t disturb. 你没忘记咱们的任务吧 But you didn"t forget our mission, right? 中尉

     突袭范围这么广 Lieutenant, to cover area that wide, 你该知道我们需要更多人手 you should"ve known that we need more guys.


     范围大容易出问题 Also, wide is the possibility for mistakes. 他们是新手 They"re beginners. 这里不是训练营 This is not a training camp! 那好

     我会让他们断后 Okay. I"ll put them behind. 断后

     直接撤回 Behind? Way back! 分成两小队 Split the group into two. 我从大门抄进

     另一队找到迂回路线 I"ll enter the main door. Find an alternate path. 两队在门口汇吅

     明白 We"ll meet at the gate. Okay? -瓦宇



     队长 - And Wahyu, you"re with me. - Yes, Sir. 行动 Go! 咱们约定

     好吗 We have a commitment, all right? 只排演最好的节目 Always train and perform the best shows.. 所以安迪和安顿 Therefore, Andi and Anton who... 搞定他 Take him down. 3 安全 B3 clear. 快

     上楼 Let"s go! Upstairs now! 安静

     不许动 Silence! Don"t move! 怎么回事 What the hell?! 我得上楼 I gotta go upstairs. 你♥他♥妈♥就是去跳海

     我也不管 Even if you go to the fucking sea, I don"t care! 我老婆一个人在上面呢

     My wife is alone up there. 她得吃药

     我要上去 She needs this medicine. I gotta go upstairs! 该死 Damn! 再动就把你毙了 One more step and that"ll be your last! 干什么这是 What the hell?! 可以了 That"s enough. 波沃

     够了 Bowo, enough! 想当好人是吧 Wanna be a hero? 随便 Go ahead. 离我远点 Don"t step any closer! -你住哪个房♥间


     -726 - What room are you, sir? - 726. 放松

     我会把你带过去 Relax. I"ll take you to your room. 你得放轻松

     等这里安全了就放你走 You need to be relax. Until this area is secured. 楼上我老婆怎么办 How about my wife up there? 我理解

     但你得保持冷静 I understand. But you need to remain calm. 胡扯 Bullshit! 听着

     你有两个选择 Listen, you only have 2 options. 要么跟他

     要么跟我 With me or with him. 大家注意

     行动 Okay, everyone! We go in now! 你

     看好他 You, keep an eye on him! 抓住他 Stop him!

     搞定 Clear! 把他绑起来 Tie him! 妈的 Fuck! 不许动 Don"t move! 别犯傻

     小孩儿 Don"t be stupid, boy! 站着别动 Stay where you"re at!! 很好 Good. 现在 Now ... 站住 Wait! 警♥察♥ Police! -那他妈有必要吗

     -当然有 - Is that fucking necessary?! - It is! 队长

     又有个小孩 Sergeant, we got another one! 妈的 Fuck!! 警♥察♥ Police! 有情况吗 Problem? 他们来了 They"re here. 关闭一切通讯

     封锁所有出口 Shut all communications down. Lock all accesses! 让邻居们先尽尽兴 I wanna ask the neighbors to play. 有人闯进来了

     怎么办你心里有数 We have visitors. You know what to do. 我对付左边那个

     你对付右边 I"ll take the one on the left, you"ll take the one on the right. 开枪

     Now ... 住手

     让他叫 Hold on! Let him scream. 外♥围♥清理完毕 Outside is secured. 朱诺 Jono! 这有昨晚足球比赛的新闻

     很精彩 News from last night"s football. What a game. 我可是个铁杆球迷 I"m a true football fan, 所以一有比赛

     我就... so all games, I.. 救命

     有人要杀我 Help! They wanna kill me! 站住

     别动 Stop, don"t move! 救命

     有人要杀我 Help! They wanna kill me! 不许动 Don"t move! 五楼清理完毕 Fifth floor is secured. 全力以赴

     干掉他们 Let"s go get them! Focus! 就在这层待着

     当心 Stay in one formation! Be cautious! -是

     -好 - All right. - Okay! -长官


     -好 - Lieutenant, you come with me! - Yep! 拉玛


     归队 Rama, leave him. Return to formation! D1



     收到回答 Deer 1, Deer 1. This is Jaka. Come in. 所有人听好了 To anyone who"s listening to this. 我是杰卡

     收到回答 This is Sergeant Jaka. Come in. 他们死了 They"re dead.


     弟兄们 Good morning, pals! 或许你们已经听说

     有人来这找事了 Maybe you"ve heard, we got uninvited guests. 他们不请自来 It is not me who invited them. 显然这不欢迎他们 And surely they are not welcome here. 为了我们吅作愉快 For the sake of our business, 你们可以伸出援手来消灭这些跳蚤 You may lend your help to terminate these fleas. 任务完成之后房♥租全免 Then you have your reward to stay here for free. 这些不速之客就在六楼 You may meet these uninvited guests at the sixth floor. 开工吧 So get to work! 对了

     大家玩儿得愉快 And don"t forget to have fun. 长官

     我们需要支援 Lieutenant, we need backup. 我们还能应付 We still can handle this. 长官

     恕我直言 With all due respect, Lieutenant. 如果我们继续无动于衷 These bastards are gonna burn us alive, 这帮混♥蛋♥会把我们活活烧死 if we don"t do anything. -我们需要支援

     -不可能 - We need backup now! - Impossible! 去他妈的不可能 The hell with "Impossible"! 这次突袭没有... This raid is not.. 我们在这到底有谁知道 Who the hell knows we"re here?! 你到底做了些什么

     长官 What on earth have you done, Lieutenant? 我们是孤军奋战

     We"re alone. 队长 Sergeant! 待这别动 Stay here. 前进 Go forward. 开枪 Now! 都退后 Everyone back off! 快 Move! -你♥他♥妈♥干了些什么

     -过来 - What the fuck have you done, huh? - Come here! 看那儿 See that. -你♥他♥妈♥疯了吗

     -嘴巴放干净点 - Are you fucking crazy? - Watch your mouth! 我的事我自己解决 This is my business, I"ll take care of it. 动动脑子 Use your brain! 要是他们有支援怎么办 What if they got their backup, huh? 不能射杀♥警♥♥察♥


     解决 You can"t shoot the cops, you buy them! Done! 你以为他们是为钱来的 You think they come here asking for money? 不会有支援

     也不会留下任何证据 There won"t be any backup. There won"t be any evidence. 跟上次交火没啥两样 There"s no difference from the last takeover. 二话不说

     把他们都灭了 No shit! We take them all down. -你确定

     -我认识那个头目 - Are you sure? - I"ve known the culprit. 他妈老不死的 Damn this old motherfucker! 竟敢擅闯老子的地盘 How dare he enter my kingdom.




     破门 Back off! Everybody back off! Hangi, break the door! 安全 Clear! 把好门 Guard the door! 别过去 Don"t! 妈的 Fuck! 想办法离开这儿 Leave this place now! 艾瑞

     给我斧子 Ari, the axe! 队长 Sergeant! 快 Come on! 杰卡 Jaka! 他们来了 They have come. 把我拉上去 Get me the fuck out of here! 阿里

     帮忙 Alee, help! 大谷 Dagu! 往前推

     迅速打开 Get it forward, open fast. 一


     三 One, two, three. 他妈这是怎么回事 What the fuck is this? 看来我们得应付新情况 It"s a news flash for who we"re dealing with. 好办吗 How bad? 已经定位了

     只有两间可能 Localized. Only two rooms. 不难办

     Not bad. 我们这边大概死了三十个租户 And about 30 people who rent from us, lying dead. 去他们房♥间搜搜 Check the rooms where they stay. 拿走他们的家当 Take their stashes. 两清 All paid. 下去吧

     带上你的弟兄 Get down. Bring your guys. 收拾好烂摊子 Clear this shit. 是

     老大 Yes, boss. 你走楼梯

     我走电梯 You take the stairs, I get the elevator. 七楼汇吅

      We meet on the seventh floor. 汤米


     跟他走 Tomi, Angga, come with him. 用不着 No need. 用得着 He"ll go along. 用得着 He"ll go along. 好 Fine. 走 Okay, come on. 咱们去哪儿 Where are we going? 去找之前那个男的

     他住这 That man before, he was here. 不

     不行 No, no. 冷静

     就这样子咱们不可能出去 Relax! We can"t go out like this. 别把我撂在那儿 Don"t leave me there.

     他不跟他们一伙 He is not one of them. 如果那混♥蛋♥把我弄死了 If that son of a bitch tears me apart, 我做鬼也不放过你 I will haunt you. 随便 Whatever. 坚持住 Come on! 上去两层 Up 2 floors. 求求你

     把门打开 Please, open the door! 求求你


     我们受伤了 Please, open the door! We"re wounded. 你要不开门

     我们就死定了 If not, we"ll die. 不要开

     不要开 Don"t open! Don"t open! 他们马上来了 They"re closer. 看在真♥主♥的份上

     看着我 For the sake of God, look at my face. 请把门打开

     求你了 Please open the door. Please. 从那开始搜 Start from there. 这边 Over here. 继续往前走 Keep going. 等等 Wait. 怎么回事 Hey, what"s going on? 他妈闭上你的臭嘴

     想找死啊 Shut the fuck up! You wanna die? 所有橱柜浴室都仔细搜 Check all cupboards and bathroom. 一个死角都不能落下

     Don"t leave anything unswept. -你藏什么了

     -什么也没有 - Hey, what are you hiding? - Nothing. 你最好别跟我扯谎 Don"t you dare lie to me, okay? 我没时间听你扯 I have no time for your lies. 我忍♥受你们好久了 I"m fed up with all of you! 等我受够了

     你们就有大♥麻♥烦了 When I"m fed up, I get out of control. 我以真♥主♥安♥拉♥起誓

     我没撒谎 For the sake of Allah, I"m not lying. 走着瞧 We"ll see. 这是什么 What is this? 你们这些混♥蛋♥

     畜生 You are all bastards! Bastards! 你们都是畜生 You are all bastards! 去死

     都去死吧 Go to hell! You"re all going to hell! 能不能把你臭嘴闭上 Hey, can you shut your damn mouth? 这里什么都没有

     全被你们搞乱套了 Nothing"s here. You just destroyed everything! 最好别骗我

     明白 Don"t even try lying to me, okay?! 我骗你干什么 Why should I lie? 你想让我把那娘们剁了吗 You want me to slice that bitch up, huh? 是不是

     老实坐下 You want it, huh? Sit down! 行

     走了 OK, let"s go. 快

     快去拿把刀或是锋利的东西来 Quick, get a knife or anything sharp. 快 Quick!


     你忍♥着点 Okay, it"s pretty bad. I need you to calm down. 我可以的

     不用担心 I can do it. Don"t worry. 只有这个 Only this? 去拿个像样的来

     妈的 Get the right one, shit! 我只找到了这个 I only got this. 勺子行吗

     筷子呢 Or do you need a spoon? Or chopsticks? 来吧

     快 Just do it, quick. 怎么了 Why? 你搞什么鬼 What the heck are you doing? 先生

     你得把这地方的所有情况告诉我 You must tell me everything about this place, Sir. 任何信息

     好帮我把他弄出去 Anything that can be used to help me get him out of here. 我真希望能帮到你 I wish I could. 塔玛在这里布下了严密的监视 Tama has this place under heavy surveillance. 即使你躲得过摄像头 Even if there was a place out of camera angle, 也会被困在这 you"d still be trapped in here. 逃不出去的 There"s no escape. 没有出路

     只能从大门走 There"s no way out. The only way is the entrance, 那戒备森严 with full force. 你一定要小心

     这次行动并非正义之举 You must be careful. You"re not here on a humanitarian mission. 别这么盲目

     我见过你们头儿 Don"t be blind. I"ve seen your boss before. 他和我还有其他人一样


     He knows this building as well as I and others do. 先生

     不是所有警♥察♥都能被收买♥♥ Not every cop can be paid, Sir. 要是我不相信你

     就不会开门了 If I didn"t believe you, I wouldn"t have opened the door. 他很固执

     我不了解他 He is stubborn. I don"t get him. 但他是个好人 But he"s a good man. 照顾好他

     我会尽快回来的 Take care of him, I"ll be back as soon as I can. 饶了我吧

     求你了 Spare me, please! 你这个虐待狂 Hey, you"re too sadistic! 他在这 Hey, that"s him! 上楼 Upstairs! 砍腿 His legs! 这家伙哪儿冒出来的 Where did this man come from? 别动


     冷静点 Stop! Calm down! Calm down! 你♥他♥妈♥的在这干嘛 What the fuck are you doing here? 待在这 Stay here. 他们都死了 They"re all dead. 还不一定 We don"t know that for sure. 想想吧



     一个是菜鸟 Think about it Jaka, one"s a cripple, the other one is a rookie. 必死无疑 They can"t survive. 我可不想牺牲性命去救他们 I don"t wanna sacrifice myself, by saving their lives. 你给我听着

     混♥蛋♥ Listen to me, motherfucker.

     关乎我手下人性命的事 When it comes to the lives of my men, 你最好给老子闭嘴 It"s better for you to shut the fuck up. 你说牺牲 You talk about sacrifice? 他们就是在白白地牺牲 That"s exactly what they"re doing now. 你小命在我手里 Your life is on my hand. -谁下令突袭的

     -什么 - Who ordered this raid? - What?! 显然不是你 Surely it"s not you. 没人愿意亲自来趟这浑水

     没有人 Nobody wants to wash their hands with dirty work, nobody. 记住

     杰卡 Remember, Jaka. -你是什么级别

     -级别 - What is your rank? - Rank? 去你♥妈♥的♥级别

     我们从这出去后 The hell with rank! After we get out of here.. 你下半辈子就在 You"re gonna mop the piss off prison floors, 监狱拖地板吧 for the rest of your life. 我们这次不是来为民除害的 We"re not here on a humanitarian mission. 而是来了某人的私事的 We"re here on behalf of someone"s business. 谁是这一切的幕后黑手 Now, who"s the culprit behind all of this? 时机不对

     也不能在这说 This is not the right time. This is not the right place. 随你便 Whatever. 我们会再上去

     找到活着的队员 We"re going back up there. We"re gonna find our men who survived. 然后一起出去 And then we get out of here. 有意见吗

     Any objections? 各就各位 Everyone get ready. 出发 Go. 保护他

     快去 Protect him! Now!! 事实上

     这根本不够味 Actually, this is not enough. 不好玩 This is not fun. 扣动扳机

     你就归西 Just pull the trigger, and you die. 不过这样 But this ... 才够劲 This is cool. 够意思 This is fun. 正是我喜欢的玩法 This game, is exactly what I like. 你不该来这

     拉玛 You shouldn"t be here, Rama. 你也不该来 Nor should you. 他们是谁 Who are they? 无名小卒 No one. 他们有我们的信息吧

     我们... Don"t you think they have information, that we.. 他们什么证据都没有

     只知道我们的名 They don"t have any evidence. Only our first name. 没人知道我俩关系 Nobody knows anything about us. 他们把你照片贴出来时

     我差点没忍♥住 I almost choked when they placed your photo on the board. 六年都杳无音讯

     现在突然出现在这 Six years without any contact, and now you come out of nowhere. 你得马上离开 You have to leave this place.


     -不行 - Now. - I can"t. 我不会丢下朊友不管 Not without my friend. -什么

     -你听到了 - What?

     - You heard me. 你明白当前这形势

     对吧 But you do understand the situation, don"t you? 我明白

     我又不住这儿 I do. I"m not the one who lives here. 我没事的


     如果你想来 I"m gonna be fine, Rama. If you wanna come here, 拜托抽空给我打个电♥话♥ please, save yourself some time and call me. 是吗

     我整天就听朊友们说 Oh yeah? All day I"ve been hearing my friends.. 要取你人头 talking about cutting your head off! 我能帮你出去 I can help get you out of here 不用在我朊友面前铐手铐 without you getting handcuffed in front of my friends. 搞什么

     你想救我吗 What the hell?! You wanna save me?! 上次我来查看

     我朊友那都快砍完了 Last time I checked, my friends were almost done here. 但是

     看看你那帮朊友 But, look at your friends... -他妈的照我说的做


     回家吗 - Just fucking do what I ask! - And then what? Home? 他对我失望透顶 I am a big disappointment for him. 我相信他一定会为现在的我感到骄傲 And I"m sure he would be very proud of who I am now. 老爸只想让你回家

     我们想你回来 Dad just wants you to go home. We want you to go home. 你不明白

     拉玛 You don"t get it, Rama. 现在的我才是真正的我

     以前的我早没了 I am who you"re looking at right now, not who I was. 你看到我在做错事

     Just because you see what I do is wrong, 并不意味着我做得不好

     拉玛 does not mean I cannot be good at it, Rama. 我今天的地位来之不易 I paid for my place here. 这的人都很尊敬我 I am respected here. 不

     拉玛 No, Rama. 我不会再做回以前的自己 I will not go back to what I was. 你就要当伯伯了 You"re going to be an uncle. 什么 What? 是的


     预产期两个月后 Yes, a boy, due in two months. 你告诉我是因为

     你想让我离开这吗 You tell me this because... Are you expecting me to leave ....? 我告诉你

     因为你是我哥哥 I told you, because you"re my brother! 想想你在做什么吧 Think about what you are doing! 你要是留在这

     就是白白送命 If you choose to stay here, You"re sacrificing your life. -你马上就要当爹了

     -我想了 - Soon, you"ll be a daddy. - I think about that, 接了任务后他♥娘♥的♥天天都在想 every goddamn day since I got this assignment. 想到就怕得要死 And that fucking terrifies me! 真♥他♥妈♥的荒谬

     你这蠢蛋 This is fucking ridiculous! Smart-ass! 我要走了

     时间不多了 I must go, I don"t have much time. 起码换身衣朋再走 At least change your clothing before you leave. 不用

     这衣朋正吅适 No, this suits me. 我先走


      I"ll go first. After the situation is good,

     你再走 You can go. 等等

     留着门 Wait! Hold the door. -你手下呢


     你的呢 - Where are your men? - Still hunting. And yours? 一样 The same. -你要把他带哪儿去

     -头儿那 - Where are you taking him? - To the Boss. 那不是他要的人 That"s not the guy. -就是他


     绝对不是 - It is. - No, definitely isn"t. 况且这家伙已经死了 Plus this guy is already dead. 反正我要带过去 Well, I"m taking him anyway. 你拿什么去 What do you get? 拉玛

     进来 Rama. Get in. -波沃在哪儿

     -他很安全 - Where is Bowo? - He is safe. 我们失去了队长


     他死了 We lost the Sergeant. They got him. He"s Dead. 那混账把他像拖畜生一样在地上拖着 That motherfucker dragged him across the floor like an animal. 发生什么事了

     你们怎么会走散 What happened? Why did you get split up? 我们遭到埋伏

     他们冲进来了 We have fallen in the ambush. They got in. 他跑了

     队长命我保护他 And he ran. Sergeant ordered me to protect him. 现在我们只能自求多福 Now we can only try to survive this. 我们得赶紧离开这 We must get out of here, quick. 是你让这里血流成河 You are the cause of every drop of blood spilled in this place. 现在


     But now, you don"t have any choice. 你必须跟着我们行动 You must follow us on every step. 不管要付出什么代价

     直到逃离这噩梦 Whatever it takes, until this nightmare is over. -然后呢


     出击 - What then? - We go upstairs. Attack. 我们把目标揪出来

     出去时拿他当人♥质♥ We pull out the target, and use him as our way out of here. -要找到他可不容易

     -在十五楼 - Finding him won"t be easy. - 15th floor. 那是他们的控制层 It"s where they control everything. 但很难上去 But it is hard to get there. 假设我们能上去

     你又能做什么 And assuming we do get there... What will you do? Huh? What? -我们威胁他

     -怎么威胁 - We force him. - How? 那样的人应该下跪谢罪 Man like him should be kneeled. 怎么做到 By what? 用刀



     随便什么方法 A knife, a chair leg, bare hands, anything. 用尽一切办法让他屈朋 Do whatever needs to be done to make him ours. 要出去还来得及 We still have time to get out. -这算啥


     不是这家伙 - What is this? - I told you, that is not the guy. 是啊



     你呢 Yeah. He wears a uniform, and I got something important. You? 他说得不对吗

     安迪 Isn"t it right, Andi? 你什么意思 What do you mean? 通常你都会带点什么回来 Usually you come bringing something. 你是唯一一个不会浪费我时间的人 You"re the only one who doesn"t waste my time.


     什么都没搞到 What can I say? I got nothing. 让我看看你的手

      Let me see your hands. 过来 Come here. -什么

     -过来 - What? - Come here. 啥都没有 Empty. 你一定有搞到什么

     翻过来 You must have something. Flip them. 我看错你了

     你真是浪费老子时间 I was wrong. You did waste my fucking time. -我看见楼下有好多尸体


     然后呢 - I saw a lot of dead bodies, downstairs. - Oh yeah? Then? 我想楼下应该只有 20 个警♥察♥了吧 I think only 20 cops are left downstairs. 我觉得是 3 个

     你说呢 I think it is 3. What do you think? 大概是吧

     要查的楼层太多 Approximately. Too many floors to be covered. 大概 Approximately? 听着

     混♥蛋♥ Listen up, asshole! 我承认你有种

     我很尊敬你这点 I admit you have a gut. I salute you for it. 但绝不要小看我做的事 But never underestimate my business. 你看见了吗 You see that? 看到这个之后

     我眼睛再没从屏幕上移开过 After seeing that, I never took my eyes off the screen. 看来我只能信这个监视器了

     混♥蛋♥ Looks like this is the only monitor I can trust, asshole! 就这让我明白了所有事 Only this thing, lets me know everything. 我想问你 I wanted to ask you.. 为什么

     Why? 你这是吃了雄心豹子胆 You did such a bold move ... 这应该不会是什么良心发现 Usually it"s not because of the clash of conscience. 一定另有原因 Must be something more. 可又一想"何必呢"

     反正你要死在这 But then I think, "It"s useless..". You"re gonna die here anyway. 我♥干♥嘛还要问你"刚才去哪了" Why should I ask you "Where were you just now?" 但我就想知道 But I wanna know.. 是哪个狗东西让我这鸡犬不宁 Who is the dog that brings a hurricane to my kingdom? 我还想知道如果当着他的面 And I wanna know his reaction.. 宰了你

     他会作何反应 If I slaughtered you in front of him.. 或是在你面前杀了他 Or, if I slaughtered him in front of you.. 去你♥妈♥的♥ Fuck you! 来啊 Come on! 不许动

     把枪放下 Don"t move! Drop your gun! 为什么非得走到这一步 Why does everything gotta be like this, now? 到这来 Get over here! 快点 Quick! 怎么了

     警官 What"s wrong, officer? 闭嘴

     举起手来 Shut the fuck up! Raise your hands! 大谷

     把他绑起来 Dagu, tie him! 现在带我出去 Now, get me outta here!

     好枀了 Amazing. 你在干什么

     大谷 What the hell are you doing? Dagu! 他死了 He didn"t make it. 妈的


     为什么 Fuck you, motherfucker! Why?! 算了吧

     这一切马上就要结束了 Let it go. This will be over soon. 很快就没事了 Soon everything is gonna be fine. -你出不去的

     -闭嘴 - You cannot leave this place! - Shut up! 你以为要 Did you think it was easy 毫发无伤地出去这么容易吗 to sneak around here, without getting busted? 你以为我这么蠢吗 Did you think that I was that stupid? 我在等你

     我们都在等你 I was waiting for you. Everyone was. 这样就能抓住你了 So we can get you. 不幸的是

     你抓不住 Unfortunately, you didn"t make it. 别那么肯定

     你手下都死了 18 个了 Don"t be so sure. Eighteen of your men are now dead bodies. 还有你的车 Plus your car. 别再做垂死挣扎了 You"d be better off giving up. 你就剩那么几号♥人了 You only have a few men left. 我手下比你多

     老大 Mine outnumber yours, boss. 我只要一颗子弹就能打爆你的头 I only need a single bullet to blow your brains out! 你还没明白吗

     你死定了 You don"t get it, do you? You"re already dead. 莱扎打电♥话♥给我后你就死定了

     You"re dead after Reza called me. 怎么了


     是吧 What"s wrong? You"re shocked? Hearing his name? Yeah? 莱扎和他那帮朊友从未对我说过"不"字 Reza and his fancy friends never say "no" to me. 我知道该给什么

     给多少 I know what I have to pay, and how much.. 同时

     你从我这还能拿点折扣 Meanwhile, you can get some discounts from me. 这次行动不是来杀我的 This is not about killing me. 是让你来送死的

     你完蛋了 But you were sent here to die, screw you! -混账


     -他妈的 - Motherfucker, fuck you! - Fuck you! 听我说

     没你的份 Listen to me! You won"t count. 永远都不会有

     这是条不归路 Never! You can only look above. 你以为这一切结束后

     还能回去领奖吗 Did you think when all of this is over, you"ll get a medal? 成为大英雄


     你这狗♥娘♥养♥的 Be a hero?! No, you son of a bitch! 你会被不断追杀 You"ll be haunted by bullets.. 睡不上安稳觉 You won"t get a wink of sleep, 睡着了就会被人捂死 You"ll suffocate on your own pillow! 你的职业生涯结束了

     早晚的事 Your ceer is over. Just a matter of time. 我♥操♥你妈 Fuck you! 闭嘴 Shut up. 朊友们

     请回到各自的房♥间 My friends, please return to your rooms. 一切都结束了 Everything is over. 他知道有一天会被人废了 He has always known that someone would dethrone him someday.

     这是证据 Here is the evidence. 这上面有黑名单 It will show you who is on the black list. 不是每个你认识的人都是坏人

     拉玛 Not everyone you know is bad, Rama. 把这给布纳沃 Give it to Bunawar. 他是好人 He is a good man. 打开大门 Open the gate! 继续走 Keep walking. 跟着我 Follow me. 我确保能在这个世界救你一命 I"m sure I can save your life in this world 保护你 to protect you.. 但你在那能救得了我吗 But can you save me out there? 那会有警♥察♥

     他们会捣毁这个地方 The cops are gonna be here. They will destroy this place. 我知道 I know. 那你为什么还要留下来 Then why do you stay? 就像你为什么穿着制♥朋♥一样 For the same reason why you stayed in that uniform. 因为适吅 Because it fits.

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