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     这是加利福尼亚州的奥黑尔 This is O"Hare, California. 那时

     这儿不过是一个平静的小渔村 Back then, it was nothing more than a sleepy fishing village 在主街的尽头有一个小山丘 with a hill at the end of Main Street. 风光就如同明信片里的一样美 Like you see in postcards. 我的故事发生在 My story takes place on the home front, 二战中期的国内 in the midst of World War II. 那就是我 That"s me... 一个小家伙 the little fella. 近一点吗 Closer? 别再制♥造♥麻烦了

     你个侏儒 Stop causing trouble, you midget. 镇上的人都不怎么喜欢我 Nobody in that town liked me much. 一


     三 One, two, three. 那时我八岁 I was eight years old. 但故事真正开始是在我和爸爸相遇的那天 But the story really starts the day I met my dad. 他是我唯一的朋友 My only friend. 我的伙伴 My partner. -是个男孩

     -哇哦 -He"s a boy. -Wow. -他太...-什么

     小吗 -He"s so... -What? Little? 嗯


     对吗 Well, he"ll grow. Right? 伦敦

     3 岁 佩珀

     3 岁 我会帮你的

     好吗 I got you covered, okay? 因为我们是伙伴 "Cause we"re partners.

     我想成为和他一样的人 I wanted to be just like him. 做他做过的所有事情 And do everything he did. 我们所做的事都是一次次伟大的冒险 And everything we did became a great adventure. 我为你感到非常骄傲

     伙伴 Very proud of you, partner. 你像一个真正的英雄一样忍♥住了伤痛 You handled the pain like a true hero. 事实上

     你让我想起了另一个英雄 Actually, you remind me of another hero... 《魔术师

     本·伊格尔》 "Ben Eagle, The Magician." 本·伊格尔对他的助手说

     你相信你可以做到吗 Ben Eagle said to his sidekick, "Do you believe you can do this?" "你相信你可以做到吗" "Do you believe you can do this?" 这成为了我们的座右铭 That became our motto. 你相信我们可以做到吗

      Do you believe we can do this?


     我相信我们可以做到 Yes, I believe we can do this. 我们走

     伙伴 Let"s go, partner. 桅杆要断了 The mast is broken. 伙伴

     你相信你可以做到吗 Partner, do you believe you can do this? 是的

     我相信我能做到 Yes, I believe I can do this. 我们是警♥察♥ This is the police. 伙伴

     你相信我们可以做到吗 Partner, do you believe we can do this? 是的

     伙伴 Yes, partner. 佩珀

     佩珀·弗林特·巴斯比 Pepper. Pepper Flynt Busbee, 我已经喊了你二十分钟了 I"ve been yelling for 20 minutes. 这是我的妈妈 That"s my mom.


     我们正在讲一个很棒的故事呢 Come on, we"re in the middle of a great story. 她总是会突然把我们拉回现实 Always there to snap us back to reality. 该上♥床♥睡觉了 It"s time to go to bed. 走吧 Come on. 这是我的哥哥

     伦敦 And that"s my brother, London. 他终于到了能够报名参军的年纪 Finally old enough to sign up for the fight. -再见


     -过去的巴斯比家里一片祥和 -Bye, Mom. -All was good in the old Busbee home. 或者说我认为是这样 Or so I thought. 新一♥期♥的《本·伊格尔》诶 The new "Ben Eagle"! 就看一眼也要给两毛五哦 You gotta bring your quarter for a look-see. 你想剪什么样的

     还是老样子吗 What are you having, your usual today? 是的

     还是老样子 Yeah, give me the usual. 我也是 Me too. 战事还是很激烈 The war was still raging. 敌人已经潜入美国了 The enemy has infiltrated the USA. 愚蠢的美国人

     你们是不会知道我们在做什么的 Stupid American, you know not what Tokyo do. 在我眼皮底下可不行

     你个小东西 Not on my watch, little fella. 每个人都参与到备战中

     各司其职 Everyone was pitching in, doing their part. 山姆大叔[美国政♥府♥]让所有的年轻人列队 Uncle Sam had all the teens lining up, 准备投入战斗 ready to fight. 伦敦·巴斯比 Busbee, London. 对不起


     不合格 Sorry, son. 4F.

     威廉·霍夫曼 Hoffman, William. 警官

     先生 Sergeant, sir? 冒昧地问一句 With all due respect, 扁平足和对付小日本有什么关系吗 what do flat feet have to do with killing Japs? 规定就是这样的

     孩子 That"s just the way it is, kid. 谢谢 Thanks. 欢迎加入美国♥军♥队 Welcome to the US Army. 吉恩·兰德瑞 Landry, Gene. 下面的天气怎么样啊

     小侏儒 How"s the weather down there, "Midget"? 两杯香草味的 Two vanillas. 嘿

     从下边看世界会更大啊 Hey, the world looks bigger from down here. 他真是太小了 He sure is small. 小蒂姆

     狄更斯小说《圣诞颂歌♥》中的一个小男孩 嘿


     小蒂姆 Hey, where"s your cane, "Tiny Tim"? 你这次要买♥♥下它们吗 You think you"re gonna buy "em this time? 不

     不是今天 No, not today. 巴斯比父子修车厂 一堆废物 Piece of junk! 不合格

     愚蠢的战争 4F. Stupid war. 我不能让你去


     这是属于我的战斗 I can"t let you do this, Dad. This is my fight. 但是你知道我们中总有一个人是要去的 But you always knew one of us had to go. 本应该是我去的 It was supposed to be me. 来吧


     你什么都不吃吗 Come on, Lon. Aren"t you gonna eat anything?


     对吗 London"s not going to war, right? 那是不是就意味着

     你要代替他去 Does that mean that... you"re going instead? 是的 Yes. 爸爸很快就会回来的 He"ll be back before you know it. 为什么我们不能待在一起 Why can"t we stay together? 伙伴

     我不得不去 Partner, I have to go. 我不想让你去 I don"t want you to go. 时间到了

     士兵们 Time"s up, privates. 你不用为此自责 You have nothing to blame yourself about. -你要照顾好自己


     -没问题 -You take care of yourself, okay? -All right. 我不是个侏儒

     对吗 I"m not a midget, right? 我们不应该用这个词 We shouldn"t use that word. "侏儒"

     是用来形容患有矮小症的人的一个贬义词 "Midget" Is a mean word for people with dwarfism. 我想您儿子与这个绰号♥有些关系 I"m afraid your son had something to do with the nickname. -妈妈


     佩珀 -Mom! -That"s okay, Pepper. 我保证弗雷迪不会再这样做了 I will make sure Freddy makes things right. 詹姆斯那边有什么消息吗 Any news from James? 他十五号♥就会回来了 He should be here on the 15th. 他说他的行程会在夏天之前结束 He said his tour would end by summer. 他最后一封信里是这么说的 That"s what he said in his last letter. 我得了矮小症还是什么别的吗 Do I have dwarfism or what? 我们先密切观察着你的情况 You know what? Let"s just keep an eye on you.


     现在下任何诊断都言之过早了 You know, it"s really too soon to make any type of diagnosis. 但是我还是建议 I will, however, suggest 我们要经常会面 we see each other regularly. 目前


     我们只能说你是一个 But for now, Pepper, let"s just say you"re a... 小男孩 little boy. 茶杯哥 Teacup! 快点

     起床了 Come on, get up. 琼斯先生昨天冲我大吼大叫 Mr. Jones yelled at me yesterday. 他真的对他的车很生气 He really blew a fuse about his car. 他说你是个 He said you were a... -你想知道他怎么称呼你的吗


     不想 -you want to know what he called you? -No, I don"t. 让我们来听一下这个宝贝的声音 Let"s hear this baby hum. 为什么这个东西不动了 Why is this thing not working? 旧的那个挺好用的

     你♥爸♥爸对它很满意 The old one works fine. Your dad was happy with it. 你知道个鬼啊 What do you know? 他会喜欢这个的 He"s gonna love this. 你现在先管好你自己

     去修那辆讨厌的帕卡德汽车吧 Now mind your own and get the lousy Packard ready. -我可以走了吗


     走吧 -Can I go? -Yeah, go. 也不需要你在这烦着我了 Don"t need your pestering, either. -那我的钱呢

     -我没钱给你 -And what about my money? -I don"t have any. -但是妈和你说过了

     -"但是妈妈和你说过了" -But mom told you. -"But mom told you." 现在不是这样花钱的时候 This ain"t time to be spending money like that.

     真是浪费 What a waste. 你♥爸♥爸已经看中这双靴子很久了

     是吧 Dad"s been eyeing these boots for a long time, hasn"t he? 是的

     没错 Yes, he has. 谢谢 Thank you. 嗨


     可以给我两张本·伊格尔秀的票吗 Hi, Jenny. Can I have two tickets for the "Ben Eagle Show"? 这说明你♥爸♥爸要回来了吗 Does this mean your father"s coming back? 是的




     谢谢你 Yeah, he should be here soon. Bye, Jenny. Thank you. 早上好

     巴斯比太太 Good morning, Mrs. Busbee. 在三月十一号♥

     您的丈夫 On March 11th, your husband, 詹姆斯·L·巴斯比 James L. Busbee 参与了一次战术行动 was part of a tactical operation. 他所在的排被派去保卫马拉邦 His platoon was sent to secure Malabang, 那是菲律宾的一个村庄 a village in the Philippines. 我已经等不及要见他了

     他是最棒的 I can"t wait to see him. He"s the best. 嘿


     这就是告我状的那个小侏儒 Hey, look. It"s the midget who ratted on me. -上啊


     -抓住他 -Come on, let"s get him! -Get him! 有好戏看啦 Fight! 侏儒

     侏儒 Midget! Midget! 侏儒


     侏儒 Midget! Midget! Midget! Midget! 打住

     我们不能叫他侏儒 Stop! We can"t call him "Midget." 这样会伤害他幼小的心灵 It could traumatize him. 给我 Gimme that.

     以世上最畸形之物的名义 In the name of the freakiest thing alive, 我给你施以教名

     小男孩 I baptize you, "Little Boy." 好

     好 Okay. Okay. 我丈夫到底是生是死 Is my husband dead or alive? 我们不知道


     并没有在现场找到他的尸体 We don"t know, ma"am. His body wasn"t located at the scene. 我们相信他已经被抓作战俘了 We believe he"s been taken as a prisoner of war. 希望你能够出来 Good luck getting out. 怎么了 What"s wrong? 他这一星期都基本没吃东西 He"s barely eaten all week. 你就带他去吧

     好吗 Just take him, would you? 他给你♥爸♥爸多买♥♥了一张票 He got the extra ticket for your dad. 好吧 Fine. 戴着高帽子


     他举止优雅 Elegant in his top hat and floating cane, 魔术师本·伊格尔 Ben Eagle, the magician... 在现实中 is in reality... 是一个与罪恶作斗争的超级勇士 a super crime fighter! 在今天这一集中 In today"s episode, 泰拉最终能否逃离庞特先生的魔爪 is Tyra finally safe from the clutches of Sir Pent? 本伊格尔能救到她吗



     我去喝一杯 Hey! Going for a drink. 可接下来就是现场表演了 But the live show is next. 这就是即将发生在 This is what happens

     本·伊格尔最珍贵的宝贝身上的事 to Ben Eagle"s precious interest. 他不会放过你的 You"ll never get away with it. 我们该怎么做

     那里人太多了 What are we gonna do? There are too many. 表演开始

     基德·法尔肯 Interpretation, Kid Falcon. 希望这个能奏效 I hope this works. 本·伊格尔 Ben Eagle! 本·伊格尔 Ben Eagle! 现在

     到了关键时刻 And now, the moment of truth. 我在寻找 I am searching. 寻找那个西♥藏♥大喇♥嘛♥告诉我的 Searching for the one who the High Lama of Tibet told me 将会出现在这个房♥间里的人 would be in this very room. 被选中的那一个 The chosen one. 选我

     选我 Me! Me! 你 You. 看是谁来了 Look who"s here. 伦敦

     我的孩子 London. My boy. -嘿




     照旧吗 -Hey, Sam. -Hey, London. The usual? 你接下来将看到的不是一场幻象 What you are about to see is not an illusion. 你将会亲身经历一次深刻的体验 You will bear witness to a profound experience. 用内力来移♥动♥一个 The movement of an inanimate object 没有生命的物体 through inner power. 但这不是由我来表演 But I"m not gonna perform it.

     而是由我的新搭档来完成 My new colleague will. 现在你有了这种能力 Now you have the power. 将由你 It"s up to you 把不可能变成可能 to achieve the impossible. 可是他们会嘲笑我的 But they"re gonna make fun of me. 如果你能移♥动♥这个瓶子


      Not if you move the bottle, they won"t.

     你只需按我说的去做 You just do as I say. 抬起你的手

     指着这个瓶子 Raise your hands and point them at the bottle. 这里 There. 下台吧

     小矮子 Get off the stage, runt! 无视外面的世界

     无视他们 Ignore the world. Ignore the world. -集中注意力


     小男孩 -Focus. -Stand up, little boy. -他是站着的

     -给他个踏凳吧 -He is standing. -Get him a step stool. 你相信你可以做到吗 Do you believe you can do this? 伙伴

     你相信你可以做到吗 Partner, do you believe you can do this? 你相信你可以移♥动♥它

     对不对 Do you believe you can move it, yes or no? 是的

     我相信我可以移♥动♥这个瓶子 Yes, I believe I can move the bottle. -我不相信你


     我相信我可以移♥动♥它 -I don"t believe you. -Yes, I believe I can move it! -大点声


     我可以移♥动♥这个瓶子 -Louder. -Yes! I can move the bottle! 这就是当摩西分开红海的时候 That"s the kind of faith that Moses had 所存的那种信念 when he parted the Red Sea... 那种在小大卫用一个小石子击败 the kind of faith that little David had

     巨人哥利亚的时候所存的信念 when he defeated Goliath with a little stone. 这就是我们所需要的


     在这些艰难的时刻里 That"s what we need, my friends, in these difficult times. 就像奥利弗神父曾经问过的 So like Father Oliver used to ask, "我们能做什么" "What can we do? 我们能为我们在战争中的亲人做什么 What can we do for our relatives at war? 当我们在这里而他们在战场上时 What can we do if we are here 我们能做什么 and they are there? 答案就是 And the answer is... 只要我们有如芥菜籽大小的信念 if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, 我们就能移♥动♥一座山 we can move a mountain. 如果我们可以移♥动♥一座山 If we can move a mountain, 那么对我们来说就没有什么不可能的事 then nothing will be impossible for us. 更别说结束这场战争 Not even ending this war 让我们深爱的亲人回家了 and having our loved ones back. 我已经知道有人是能移♥动♥一座山的 I already knew someone who could move a mountain. 我想知道他力量的源泉是不是 I wondered if the source of his powers 那个芥菜籽 was the mustard seed. 这就是无限力量的源泉吗 This was a source of unlimited powers? 如果这是真的

     这就是我所需要的 So if this was true, this was all I needed to... 他就是 And there he was... 敌人 the enemy. -伦敦

     -干嘛 -London! -What?

     有个日本人在吉列姆的杂货店 There"s a Jap at Gilliam"s. 我不明白怎么会有日本人能在奥黑尔自♥由♥活动 I couldn"t understand how one of them was free in O"Hare. 在珍珠港事件之后

     他们把日本人全部关在了兵营里 After Pearl Harbor, they put them all in camps. 世界新闻 经过多年的拘留

     军方深思熟虑 After years of internment, the Army, in its wisdom, 决定释放那些已经 has decided to release those of Japanese ancestry 对美国表明忠心的日本人 who have proven loyal to the US. 他们看起来无害


     但我们可以相信他们吗 They seem harmless, don"t they? But can we trust them? 作为一个记得珍珠港事件的人 Well, I for one, remember Pearl Harbor, 我想说

     保持警惕 so I say, "Remain vigilant." 商店不接待日本人 Store doesn"t serve Japs. 这里一切都好吗 Everything okay here? 你忘记拿洋葱了

     桥本 You forgot the onions, Hashimoto. -这些记在我的帐上


     恕我直言 -Put these on my tab. -Father, with all due respect... 快点

     吉列姆 Now, Gilliam. -还有这些


     神父 -These too. -Of course, Father. 一遍一遍又一遍地听关于珍珠港事件的评论 I"m getting sick and tired of hearing again and again and again 以及我的儿子是怎么为祖国献出了自己的生命 about Pearl Harbor and about 让我十分心烦 how my son "Gave his life for his country." 因为他并没有献出生命 Because he didn"t. 是那些日本鬼子夺走了他的生命 Those Japs took his life. 而且他们用的是你所能想象的最懦夫的那种方式 And they did it in the most cowardly way you can imagine. 我们得对那个日本人做点什么

     We need to do something about that Jap. 如果可以

     我要用双手撕碎每个日本鬼子 If I could, I would smash every Jap with my bare hands. 那就是那个兔崽子的破房♥子 That"s the rat"s dump. 你想用你的手撕碎他

     是吗 You want to smash him with your bare hands, huh? 去吧

     去砸他 Here you go. Have at him. 去吧 Go on. 他在那里 There he is! 尝尝这个

     肮脏的小鬼子 Take that, dirty Jap! 也许这个能让他知道 Maybe this"ll let him know 杂种是不受欢迎的 that "Slants" Ain"t welcome... 我终于明白了为什么他们不让扁平足 I finally understood why they don"t let flat feet 进入军队 into the Army. 说五组十遍"万福玛丽亚"和五遍"天父" Five groups of 10 "Hail Marys" And five "Our Fathers." 用拉丁语 In Latin. 阿门

     现在该你了 Amen. Now you. 用拉丁语吗 In Latin? 感谢主

     桥本没有事 Thank God nothing happened to Hashimoto. -我念完了

     -非常好 -I"ve finished. -Very good. 还有别的事吗 Something else? 种子本身是不能做任何事的 The seed itself doesn"t do anything. 我说的是

     如果你有信念 What I said is, "If you have faith, -那些看不见的力量

     -就像本·伊格尔的力量吗 -the invisible power"... -Like Ben Eagle"s powers? 本·伊格尔是谁

     "Ben Eagle"? 额


     这只是幻象 Well, no, that"s just fantasy. 你怎么能这么说 How can you say that? 我遇到过本·伊格尔 I met Ben Eagle and he showed me 他告诉了我怎样移♥动♥一个瓶子 how to move a bottle. 他也可以移♥动♥一座山

     就像你说的那样 He can also move a mountain, just like you said. 不不不

     这根本不是一回事 No, no, no. That"s not the same thing. 那不是信念

     听好了 That"s not faith. Let"s see. 如果你有信念

     用拉丁语说是"Fides" If you have faith, "Fides" In Latin... 克里斯宾

     让我来给他讲吧 Crispin, I"ll take it from here. 好的 I understand. 请坐 Take a seat. 你为什么不给我展示一下你是如何移♥动♥瓶子的呢 Why don"t you show me how you moved the bottle? -你想看吗


     我想看 -You want to see? -Yes, I do. 我想是我太笨了 I guess that was stupid of me. 为什么你不再试一次呢 Why don"t you try again? 再来 Again. 你看

     它动了 There, it moved. 不

     是你移♥动♥的瓶子 No, you moved it. 是的

     因为你的执着感动了我 Yes, because you moved me to move it. 你看

     我移♥动♥瓶子是因为 See, I moved it because 你太想移♥动♥这个瓶子了 you wanted the bottle to move so much. 这就是信念的力量

     And that, you could say, is how faith works. 至少有的时候是这样 At least some of the time. 我只需要这个就可以移♥动♥一座山吗 And this is as much as I need to move a mountain? 理论上

     是的 In theory, yes. 但这取决于上帝 But it"s up to Him. 他掌控着一切 He"s the mover. 我要怎样才能拥有更强大的信念 How could I get bigger faith? 这个清单

     这个古老的清单 The list, the ancient list. 几个世纪以来


     只要你能完成这个清单 For centuries, people believed that if you do this list, 你的信念就能变得强大 it"ll make your faith powerful. 你需要做到这些事 This is what you have to do. 给饥饿者食物 "Feed the hungry, 为无家可归的人提供住所 shelter the homeless, 探望监狱里的囚犯 visit those in prison, -给无衣者衣衫

     -没穿衣服的人吗 -clothe the naked." -Naked? 这要怎么 How is that supposed to... 探望病人 "Visit the sick, 埋葬逝者 bury the dead." 噢

     还有一件事 Oh, just one more thing. 为了让这个清单对你奏效 In order to make this list work for you, 我要加上 I"m gonna add 必需的一条 one essential item. "和桥本做朋友"


     "Befriend Hashimoto"?! Are you crazy? 你自己决定

     佩珀 It"s your choice, Pepper. 这和那个小日本有什么关系吗 What does that Jap have to do with anything? 很有关系 Everything. 只要你心中还留有一丝仇恨 Your faith won"t work 你的信念都不会成功 if you have even the slightest bit of hatred in you. 好吧

     我会照做的 Fine. I"ll do it 只要能让我爸爸平安归来 if that"s what it takes to bring my dad back. -再说一次

     -让我爸爸回来 -Come again? -Bring my dad back. 是的

     但除非这是上帝的意愿 Yes, but only if it"s God"s will. 为什么上帝不想让我爸爸回家 Why wouldn"t God want to bring my dad back? 我不知道 I don"t know. 但只要我有足够的信念


     对吧 But if I get enough faith, nothing"s impossible, right? 对 Yeah. 你想干嘛 What do you want? 对于那天的事情我很抱歉 I"m sorry about the other day. 所以

     你对他友善吗 So, were you nice to him? 当然

     怎么会有人能和小日本做朋友啊 Yeah. How can anyone be friends with a Jap? 为了以示友好

     你应该带一份礼物给他 Take him a gift, as a peace offering. 嘿

     小日本 Hey, Jap. 来瓶汽水吗 Want a soda? 他把汽水丢进了垃圾桶 And all he did was throw it in the trash. 噢


     Oh, I think you"ll be okay. -和他一起出去玩

     -出去玩吗 -Hang out with him. -Hang out? 是的

     试着了解他 Yep. Just get to know him. 奥利

     你为什么要让我参与进来 Ollie, why are you getting me involved in this? 我不明白这能帮到谁 I just don"t see how this helps anyone. 是的


     他来了 Yes, yes, he did, 但我不喜欢喝汽水啊 but I don"t even drink soda. 天啊

     快告诉那孩子别再这样了 Jeez. Just tell the kid to stop. 哦不

     他又来了 Oh, no, he"s back again. 嘿 Hey! 你在我家门口胡闹什么呢 What are you doing monkeying around my house? 我想出去玩 I want to hang out. 那就去别的地方玩 Go hang out somewhere else. 我的意思是和你一起 I meant with you. 好吧

     我们出去玩吧 Okay. Let"s "Hang out." 来吧


     小男孩 Come on, get in, "Little Boy." 在这小镇里

     坏事传千里啊 Bad nicknames travel fast in this town. 我家里人知道我在哪 My family knows where I am. 尤其是我哥哥伦敦 Especially London. 好了

     我们出去玩吧 Okay, let"s hang out. 你先去吧

     我一会再进去找你 Go ahead, I"ll meet you inside. 不

     不要 No, no. 好吧

     Okay. 他在这儿做什么 What"s he doing here? 来吧 Come. 想喝点什么 What can I get you? 我要一份巧克力圣代加 I"ll have a chocolate sundae with... 嘿


     小鬼子 Hey, I ain"t talking to you, Nip. 你想喝点什么

     小男孩 What do you want, Little Boy? 两勺香草冰淇淋 Two scoops of vanilla. 我好多年没吃过冰淇淋了 I haven"t had ice cream in years. 你怎么可以吃我的冰淇淋 Why are you eating my ice cream? 你随时都能吃得到冰淇淋 You can get ice cream anytime. 下次试试巧克力口味的 Next time, try chocolate. -我们现在玩完了吗

     -嗯 -Now are we finished hanging out? -Mm-hmm. 那我可以把你从我的清单上面划掉了吗 Then can I scratch you from my list? -什么清单

     -奥利弗神父的古老清单 -What list? -Father Oliver"s "Ancient list." 不是吧

     奥利 No, Ollie. 你告诉那个小孩他只要挥一挥魔杖 You told the boy that if he waves a magic wand, 他就能让他爸爸回来


     不是吗 he can bring his father back. You don"t believe that, do you? 也许是吧

     也许不是 Maybe. Maybe not. 如果这是上帝的意愿


      If it"s God"s will, yes.

     他什么事情都能做到 He can do anything. 只要他想

     他还可以把你变成一只兔子 He could turn you into a rabbit if He wanted to. 要有信念



     Have faith, Hashimoto. You should try it. 哦

     又输了 Oh, not again. 我确实有信念 I do have faith. 对自己 Faith in oneself. 不是对你那位臆想出来的天上的朋友 Not in your imaginary friend in the sky. 我们一起保佑你的这些小伎俩 Let"s hope this little game of yours 不会影响那个小男孩的心智 doesn"t mess with the boy"s mind. 两周吗

     那清单怎么办 Two weeks? But what about the list? 我已经搞定那个小日本了 I already finished with the Jap. 真的吗 Really? 我们现在是朋友了 We"re friends now. 你要继续和桥本先生友好相处 You continue with Mr. Hashimoto 直到你眼中的仇恨消失殆尽 till I can"t see the hate in your eyes anymore. 去探望一个囚犯

     你已经认识一个了 Go and visit a prisoner. You already know one. 我回来时会帮你完成你的清单的 I"ll help you with the list when I get back. 我保证 I promise. 为了让爸爸回来你去和那个兔崽子交朋友 Befriend that rat in order to get dad back? 还要完成什么鬼清单 By doing this stupid list? 和他做朋友

     你这么做是在背叛爸爸 By befriending him, all you"re doing is betraying Dad. 嘿 Hey! 你想往哪儿逃

     小男孩 Where do you think you"re going, Little Boy? 快上来 Come on. 就喜欢小日本

     Jap lover! 在这里放下我就可以了 You can drop me off here. 没有人能帮我完成清单 I don"t have anyone to help me with my list. 嗯

     好吧 Hmm. Okay. 首先你要知道 First things first... 我不叫小日本 my name is not "Jap." 我叫桥本 It"s Hashimoto. 懂了吗 Hmm? 好啦

     进来吧 All right, come in. 好吧

     来 Okay, come. 让我看看那份清单 Show me what you got. 哦

     从哪儿开始呢 Oh. Where do we start? 探望监狱里的囚犯 "Visit those in prison." 为什么这条被划掉了 Why is this crossed out? 我哥 My brother. 好吧

     至少那个笨蛋还有点用处 Well... at least that schmuck was good for something. 探望病人 "Visit the sick." 这我倒是可以帮忙 I can help you with that one. 好吧

     你在这里等等我 Okay, just wait for me over here. 我来做月度体♥检♥ I"m here for my monthly check-up. 你的朋友是谁啊 Who"s your friend? -他不是我的朋友

     -谢谢 -He"s not my friend. -Thank you. 佩珀


     Pepper. Come on. 他还说不是他的朋友 He"s "Not his friend." 嗨 Hi. 我是来探望你的 I was just visiting. 你留着吧 You can keep it. 谢了

     孩子 Thanks, kid. 为无家可归的人提供住所 "Shelter the homeless." 那个独耳怪是不是还在商店工作 Is that one-eared oaf still working at the shop? -茶杯哥吗

     -嗯 -Teacup? -Hmm. 是的

     他在那儿住 Yeah, he sleeps there. 那不能算个家

     对吧 Not quite a home, right? 把伦敦的空床给他睡怎么样 What about London"s vacant bed? 嘿

     很合身啊 Hey, they fit. 我从来没穿过这么好的衣服 I"ve never worn one of these before. 真舒服 It feels... nice. 那你就留着穿吧

     茶杯哥 Then I guess you can keep "em, Teacup. 下一个 The next one... 给无衣者衣衫 "Clothe the naked." 嗯

     蜘蛛女士 Hmm, "Spider ladies." 她们终日编织衣物 They "Knit and Bite" all day. 难道你不应该去别处 Shouldn"t you be somewhere, 和你的小伙伴们 playing with sticks or something, 耍耍棍棒什么的吗

     with your friends? 他没有朋友 He has no friend. 你把这两个 You put these two... 我觉得小宝宝一定会喜欢它的 I think the baby"s gonna like it. 谢谢你 Thank you. 在桥本先生的帮助下 With Hashimoto"s help, 我的清单完成得很快 I"d finished the list in no time. 也许他并不是那么坏 And maybe he wasn"t so bad after all. 情况越来越乐观了 Things were looking up. 下午好

     巴斯比太太 Good afternoon, Mrs. Busbee. 我今天来拜访你是因为我 I took the liberty of stopping by today because I... 我听说了你丈夫的事 I heard about your husband 然后 and... 把帽子摘了 get your hat off. 巴斯比太太


     如果你有什么需要 Mrs. Busbee, I want you to know if you need anything, 可以尽管来找我 you can count on me. 谢谢你

     福克斯医生 Thank you, Dr. Fox. 没事 Yeah. 啊

     闻起来真香 Boy, it smells good in here. 锅里正煮着菜吗 Is that a casserole I smell? 是的 It is. 是啊

     我想我能... Yeah, I thought I could... 你想和我们一起吗

     Would you like to join us? 当然啦 Yeah. 看来福克斯医生总能心想事成 Seems Dr. Fox always gets what he wants. 福克斯医生 Dr. Fox? 真棒

     非常感谢你 This is great. Thank you so much. 开餐咯 Here we go. 嗯 Mmm. 艾玛

     自从克拉丽斯走了以后 Emma... Freddy and I 我和弗雷迪就没吃过 haven"t eaten like this since, 这么像样的饭菜了 well, Clarice passed. 额 Um... 谢谢你把我从监狱里弄出来 thank you for getting me out of jail. 不用客气

     孩子 No trouble at all, son. 为了你妈我什么都愿意做 I would do anything for your mother. 你知道吗

     这是我爸爸的座位 That"s my dad"s seat, you know. 我知道为什么了 I can see why. 真是最佳视角 Best view in the house. 我可以离开一下吗 May I be excused? 好

     你去吧 Yes, you may. 嘿

     你在干嘛 Hey! What are you doing... 我听说你那愚蠢的魔力清单了 I heard about your stupid "Magic list." 你要是想拿回去 And if you want it back, 得先过我这一关

     you"re gonna have to get it from me. 小日本快滚 但那可是我的清单啊

     那个古老清单 But that was the list... the ancient list. 我只要那一份 I need that one. 如果你那么想拿回来

     就去找他要吧 If you need it so bad, take it back from him. 怎么要

     他比我大只 How? He"s bigger than me. 每个人都比我大只 Everybody"s bigger than me. 好吧

     站起来 Okay, stand up. 让我看看你多小只 Let"s see how small you are. 嗯

     没错 Hmm, right. 你的确挺小只的 You"re a very small boy, indeed. 牙签一样细的胳膊

     蟋蟀一样短的腿 Toothpick arms, cricket legs... 和久米正雄的体格差不多 size of Masao Kume. -谁是久米

     -正雄 -Who"s Masao... -Kume. -他是武士

     -那是什么 -Samurai. -What"s that? 你不知道武士是什么吗 You don"t know what a samurai is? 哦

     这些就是武士 Oh, these are samurai... 日本的勇士 Japanese warriors. 哪一个是久米正雄 What one"s Masao Kume? 嗯

     这个就是 Hmm. This is Masao Kume. -他看起来不像勇士

     -他暂时 -He doesn"t look like a warrior. -He wasn"t. 还不是 Not yet. 久米正雄很矮小 Masao Kume was small.

     没有力量 Powerless. 只是个仆人 Nothing but a servant. 但在每个人的一生里 But in every man"s life, 都有守得云开见月明的一天 there comes a day of truth. 那一天来了 And that day came 当蒙古人入侵了日本时 when the Mongols invaded Japan. 蒙古人是谁 Who are the Mongols? 他们是恶霸 They were bullies. 武士们想要保卫自己的国土 Samurai tried to defend their land, 但蒙古人有大魔王 but Mongols had "Bukha the Immense." 蒙古人发下战书 The Mongols issued a challenge. 如果有人能打败大魔王 If anyone could defeat Bukha in battle, 他们就会离开日本

     永远不回来 they would leave Japan, never to return. 久米正雄相信 Masao Kume believed 没有什么比意志力更强大 that nothing was more powerful than the will. 那是面对自己的恐惧 The will to face one"s fear... 并克服恐惧的意志力 and to act. 站起来 Stand. 现在开始不要用自己的身高丈量自己 Now don"t measure yourself from here to the floor. 要丈量自己到天空的距离 Measure yourself from here to the sky. 这样你就是镇里最高的人了 That makes you the tallest boy in town. 嘿

     弗雷迪 Hey, Freddy.



     有人看你不顺眼呢 -Huh? -Look. Someone"s giving you the stink eye. 你在找东西吗 Looking for something... 小男孩 Little Boy? 是这个吧


     对吗 Maybe this. It"s a magic list, right? 还给我 Give it back. 求你了 Please? 你个没娘养的大肥猪 You fat motherless pig! 啊



     弗雷迪 Ugh! Freddy, Freddy, Freddy! 看你以后还敢不敢惹我 This"ll teach you to never mess with me. 弗雷迪


     弗雷迪 Freddy, Freddy, Freddy! 弗雷迪


     弗雷迪 Freddy, Freddy, Freddy, Freddy... 弗雷迪

     弗雷迪 Freddy, Freddy! 我这次要好好收拾你 I"m finishing you this time. 邀请一位朋友过来 "Invite a friend over." 给饥饿者食物也意味着邀请一位朋友来吃饭 Feed the hungry also means inviting a friend to eat. 用箱子把他揍得很惨 box and whacked him so hard. 我来开门 I"ll get it. 你好啊

     巴斯比太太 Good day, Mrs. Busbee. 看来我不应该来啊 I seem to have made a mistake. 可以请你在这稍等一下吗 Would you wait there a moment? 好的 Yes. 我说让你邀请一位朋友 I said for you to invite a friend.

     他是我的朋友啊 He is my friend. 误会了 There"s been no mistake. 快请进

     桥本先生 Please come in, Mr. Hashimoto. 谢谢

     巴斯比太太 Thank you, Mrs. Busbee. 在日本有热狗吗

     桥本先生 Do you have hot dogs in Japan, Mr. Hashimoto? 没有

     巴斯比太太 No, Mrs. Busbee. 我已经有四十二年没有回国了 It"s been 42 years since I"ve been in Japan. 真是恍如隔世 Seems like a lifetime ago. 你在那边还有家人吗 And do you still have relatives over there? 我现在和家人有关的记忆 All I have left of all my relatives 就只剩我这两个侄子的照片了 is a photo of my two nephews 武石和浩二 Takeshi and Koji. 他们或许还住在老家 They probably live in my hometown still. 二战以后就失去联♥系♥了 Haven"t heard from them since... 战争改变了一切 The war changed everything. 是啊 Yes, it has. 对每个人来说都是 For everyone. 他们把你送到兵营了吗 And did they send you away to the camps? 佩珀

     你不该问这种问题的 Pepper, that is not the kind of question you ask. 不



     没关系 No, no, Mrs. Busbee, it"s okay. 很简单 It"s simple. 我长着一张敌人的脸 I have the face of the enemy.

     不管这里是不是我的家 Doesn"t matter if this is my home. 我爱不爱这片土地


     都不重要了 Doesn"t matter if I love this land, this country... 妈

     另一副钥匙在哪儿 Mom, where"s that other set of keys? 茶杯哥那笨蛋忘了 That lamebrain Teacup forgot... -也许我们应该


     我来帮你收拾 -Maybe we should... -Yes, I"ll help you clean up. -谢谢

     -嗯 -Thank you. -Mm-hmm. 我很抱歉 Sorry. 伦敦 London? 伦敦


     快把枪放下 London, what are you doing? Put that down right now. 伦敦


     求你了 London, put it down right now. Please? 伦敦

     想想你♥爸♥爸 London, think about your dad. 滚出去 Get out. 伦敦

     要三思啊 London, think about what you"re doing. 求你了

     放下枪 Please stop. Stop. 巴斯比太太 Mrs. Busbee. 佩珀 Pepper. 快给我滚出去 Get out now. 不然我就朝你开枪了 Or I"ll shoot you where you stand. 滚出去 Get out! 小日本不能在我爸爸的桌上吃饭 A Jap will not eat at my father"s table. 这都是你的错 This is all your fault! 爸爸就是因为你不行才得去打仗的 Dad had to go to war because you couldn"t!


     如果让我看到你再跟那个兔崽子混在一起 Listen to me. If I see you hanging out with that rat, -我会当着所有人的面抽你

     -够了 -I will smack you in front of everyone... -Enough! 你应该阻止这场闹剧的 You need to stop this nonsense. 阻止什么

     阻止一个八岁小孩 Stop what? Stop an eight-year-old boy 为他爸爸做点事吗 from thinking that he can do something to help his dad? 告诉我


     这到底有什么不对 Tell me, London, what is so wrong with that? 没什么 Nothing. 直到有一天 Except for when the day 他知道是小日本杀死了他的爸爸 comes to tell him the Japs killed his father. 不准说你♥爸♥爸已经死了 Stop saying your dad is dead. -妈


     -给我闭嘴 -Mom, I"m just trying to be prepared. -Oh, shut up. 看那里 Look at that. 你现在该回家了 You should go home now. 这个人烦到你了吗 Is this man bothering you? 没有 No. 他是我的朋友 He"s my friend. 听着

     我跟你没有任何关系 Look, I have no business here with you. 恕我冒昧

     我还有地方要去 All due respect, I"m going my way. 恕我直言

     你现在哪里都去不了 With all due respect, you"re not going anywhere just yet. 你把我的话当玩笑吗 Am I a joke to you? 给我听着

     如果我再看到你出现在我弟弟身边 Listen to me, if I see you around my brother again, 我会一枪打爆你的头

     听懂了吗 I will put a bullet in your head. Do you understand me?



     已经明白了 That won"t be needed. I think "Mr. Buddha-head" Here understands. 你有一周的时间收拾行李 You got one week to pack 然后滚出这个地方 your crap and get your yellow hide out of here. 怎么

     你不相信我吗 What, you don"t believe me? 那就等着瞧吧 You stay and find out. 嘿


     如果你想为爸爸做点什么的话 Hey, listen to me. You want to do something for Dad, 就别和这杂种呆在一起 then you stop palling around with this rat. 愚蠢的神父教给了你满脑子神话故事 Stupid priest filling your head with a bunch of fairy tales. 如果我能呢

     要是我能让爸爸回来呢 What if I can? What if I can bring Dad back? 让爸爸回来


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