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    Love,and,Destiny,in,The,Thorn,Birds:The Game Of Love

    时间:2019-04-05 03:18:08 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      Abstract:The Thorn Birds is the masterpiece of the Australian writer Colleen Mccullough, which shows us the heartfelt trauma of the thorn bird to die for love with touching songs as the destiny with the vastness and hollowness of the Australian panorama.
      Key words:the thorn bird; love;destiny
      中图分类号: I106 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2012)04-0008-01
      There is a legend of the thorn birds, whose destiny is to die with the peerless songs as they rush onto the biggest deadly thorn. The bravery to face the expectable tragedy is admirable just as Maggie fulfilled in her lifetime.
      The Clearys moved to Drogheda in New Zealand to support themselves, where the innocent protagonist Maggie made the acquaintance with the ambitious priest Ralph, and love sprouted gradually. But it was doomed when Ralph accepted the inheritance from Mary Carson, Maggie""s aunt, to roar in his career. At last Maggie was cruelly exploited to nothing but the revelation that it was she who was responsible for her pathetic destiny.
      Moderate and introvert outside but obstinate and tough inside, Maggie becomes the rival again church. No matter how many obstacles there are in the way she never abandoned the love till the day she was drained to death. One superlative song is equivalent to the valuable life. "Life is dear, love is dearer. " She is the incarnation of the thorn bird with the mission to die for love, even though Ralph served the Roman Church with all his heart and soul and she was deserted to cherish the precious but exquisite love herself.That reflects the irreconcilable conflict in the humanity that the creatures of society are tend to assert the optimal love world. Ralph surrendered to the reality but Maggie groped alone to verify the well-known result.
      "And, dying, it rises above its own agony to out- carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain."
      The thorn bird is born to lead a vigorous life, tramping along a long uneven road for the destination of true love. The enlightenment is conspicuously described that however desperate the life has turned and whatever sacrifices one must make to gain true love, that is the destiny of the dream-chasers who are born to track down the thorn branch with hardship and exhaust all the sap for the ideal love.
      (1)Colleen McCullough.The Thorn Birds[M].Virago Press,Ltd 2007.08.
      (2)张建明.听,荆棘鸟在歌唱——论《荆棘鸟》的爱情悲剧[J].萍乡高等专科学校学报, 2006-10-30.
      (3)张松炎.爱、荆棘与生命——析《荆棘鸟》[J].河南农业, 2008-01-23.

    推荐访问:Destiny LOVE Birds Thorn

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