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    时间:2020-07-31 13:27:52 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     我们回来啦! We are back! 我们走 Let"s go! 糟糕! Nuts! 再给我一把,黑男孩. Gimme the Black Beauty. Alvin, 放松点. 你是全场焦点. Alvin, take it easy up there. You"ve got to share the spotlight. 知道的, Dave. You got it, Dave. - Dave. - 我是认真的, Alvin. 这个是有关慈善的. - Dave. - I"m serious, Alvin. This is a charity benefit. - 这不仅仅是你自己. - Dave,我听不到你说什么 ... - It"s not all about you. - Sorry,Dave. I can"t hear you ... 很多歌♥迷在喊我的名字. over the thousands of fans screaming my name. 我知道. I"ve got

     this. 帮我一把. I need a help, boys. Alvin 你赶紧从那里下来. Alvin, will you please get down from there. 我听不到你说什么. I can"t hear you. - Alvin,我不是开玩笑的. - 什么? - Alvin, I"m not kidding. - What? - Dave 小心! - Dave, look out! - Alviiiiiiiiinnn!!! Oh, Dave. Dave? 这可以减轻疼痛 This should help with the pain. 我想和孩子们说说话. I wannna talk to my boys. 我刚刚给你打的镇静剂将在一分钟后起效 I just gave you a sedative that will take effect in about one minute 所以...让它们进来,快点 so...But, let them in, quickly. - Dave! - 嘿,伙计,你还活着 - Dave! - You are alive! - Hey guys! -.那是一个意外,我发誓 -你还好吗 - It was an accident. I swear. - Are you OK?

     -真抱歉,Dave - .我还好 - I"m really sorry, Dave. - I"ll be fine. 我只是还要呆在这里一段时间 I"m just gonna be stucked here for a while. 在我离开这里之前 And until I get out 我会安排 Jackie 阿姨和你们呆在一起 I made arrangements for my aunt Jackie to come and stay with you. 谁是 Jackie 阿姨 Who is Aunt Jackie? 就是在圣诞节给我们邮递美味的爆米花那个 The one who sent us those mail package of yummy popcorn for Christmas. - 爆米花 Jackie - Seville 先生,你没有多少时间了 - Popcorn Jackie. - You don"t have much time Mr Seville. 听着 Listen 我想你们都回家去过像正常孩子的生活 I want you guys to go home and live a normal childhood. 我甚至已经安排了你们上学的事宜 I even made arrangement

     for you to go to school. - 上学? - 是的,上学 - School? - Yes, school. Simon,我全部托付给你了 Simon, I"m putting you in charge. - 你? -我指望你了 - You are? - I"m counting on you. Dave,等一下 为什么要交付给他? Dave, wait a minute.

     Why is he in charge? 他指望我了 - Dave,求你了,别死啊 - He"s counting on me. - Dave, please, don"t die. 他只是睡觉 他刚刚打了镇定剂 He just sleeping. He had a sedative. 噢,镇定剂 Ah, a sedative. 打扰了, 我来这里是来护送花鼠们回家的 Excuse me, I"m here to escort the Chipmunks home. 我们不离开 Dave 我就呆在这里了 We are not leaving Dave. I"m putting my paw down on this one. 你过来 You come here. .我知道了,我会搞掂!那会更加糟糕 I got it! I"ll fix it! No, made it worse. 求你了,走吧 Please, please go.

     你越是坚持 他就越好不了 More stress you put on persistent the longer will take him to recover. 你太慢了,姥姥 You are too slow, nanny. 你阻止不了我的,没有 Dave 我哪里也不去 You"ll never hit me! I"m not going anywhere without Daaa... 梦信徒,和归国皇后... dream believer, and a homecoming queen... 我希望为了你他能在整个飞行途中都不会醒来 I hope for your sake he stays asleep for the entire flight. 也许你应该再给他打一针,以防万一 Maybe you should give him another shot. Just to be sure. 有什么主意让我们找到 Jackie? Any ideas on how we gonna find aunt Jackie? 跟我来 Follow me. 让一下 Excuse me. Sorry. 让一下 Excuse me, got you. 看,Jackie,Jackie 爆米花 Jackie - Look, aunt Jackie! Aunt Jackie! - Popcorn Jackie. 过来,亲爱的 我们找到你了 - Oh, come on dears. - Yeah, we got you. - !爆米花 -谁去送给 Theodore - Popcorn! - Who"s sending to Theodore"s? 每个人都有份 给我一个拥抱先 Oh, there is a plenty for everyone. Give a hug first. 过来这里,你这个老泰迪熊 Come over here, you old teddy bear. 我不是那么喜欢拥抱 I"m not really much of a hugger. 孩子们,我介绍个人你们认识 Oh, boys, I want you to meet someone. 这是我的孙子 Toby,Toby? This is my grandson Toby. Toby? 嗨,我是 Theodore. Hi, I"m Theodore. - Toby? - 怎么了? - Toby?! - What, what happened? - 孩子们 - .噢 嘿 你好我是托比,很高兴见到你 - The boys! - Oh, hey! Hey,how are you? I"m Toby. Nice to meet you. Toby 现在和我住在一起 Toby is living with me

     直到他想到他以后要怎么办 "til he figures out what he want to do with his life. 现在看来就成天用他的大拇指 哔哔哔 So far that means going beeoo-beeoo-beeoo with his thumbs the all day. .重要的是我的手指哔-哔-哔 一直保持第一名 For the record goin" beeoo-beeoo-beeoo with my thumbs right now is keeping me in first place, and that"s important. - .Toby 拿上包 - 什么包? - Toby get the bags. - What bags? - 拿行李 ..噢 行李 对了 让我把那些也带上.... - The lighters. Get the luggages. - Oh, the lug, right. Let me get those... - Toby! -快刹车,快刹车 - Toby! - Get the brake! Get the brake! 我很好,不用担心 I"m fine.Don"t worry! 真抱歉,Jackie 阿姨 她还好吗? I"m so sorry, aunt Jackie. I"m so sorry. Is she goin" to be ok? 别担心我,我会很快回去的 Don"t worry about me, I will be home with no time. 我可是不那么肯定 I wouldn"t be so sure. 那是一个意外,我发誓 It was an accident, I swear. 在那里 好几次这样了 Been there, done that. Several times. 我在想他现在会照顾我们吗? I guess he will be taking care of us now? 我坦率的说他肯定会让我们离开的 I"ll take frankly foster of five hundred please-outs. 别担心,我完全能做好 Ain"t no problem. I can totally do this. 我以前把我的猫照顾得很好 I took care of my cat... 直到它跑了 until it ran away. “逃跑”也许是说难听了点 Well, "ran away" is kind of strong wordin" 我想是它想有自己的空间吧 I think he just wanted his space. 但我还在附近看到过它 I still see him around neighbourhood. 你知道吗,它喜欢用爪子抓我 You know, he like hisses and claws at me. 这说明我们还是很亲密的

     But I think that"s his way of saying we"re still tight, you know. 你们真不用担心这个 You guys are nothing to worry about, seriously. 我不会和 Dave 一样的,你们知道,Dave 已经离开了 "Cause, I"m not gonna be like Dave, you know, Dave is gone. 不在了? Gone? 不是不在了 Not gone, not gone, guys 他还没有死,他还活着呢 He is not dead. He"s very much alive. 他肯定还会回来的 我要把他的房♥子弄得很温暖等他回来 He completely coming back. I"m just gonna be in his room, keepin" his bed warm. 你做你的事我做我的事 我意思是说你可以当我不存在的 I"ll be doin"my thing,you"ll be doin" your thing. I mean, you don"t need to know that I"m there. 可我们知道你在这儿 这才是关键 We supposed to know that you there, that"s the whole idea. 是的,你们知道我在,我只是.... Yeah, ok absolutely. You know that I"m there,I"m just... 我不会像这样:

     I"m not gonna be like: 我什么都懂,你去做这些,你去做那些 I know everything, and you do this, and you do that. 真的 I mean that. 好的 那就这样吧 All right, let"s do this. 伙计 Oh, boy! Theodore 我们会很好的 Theodore, we gonna be just fine. 重要的是我们还活着 The important thing is...we"re all still alive. 也许做一张 “康复“卡片会让 Dave 快点好起来 Well, maybe my "Get Well" card will

     help Dave to come faster. 我们拿多点闪粉 It needs just a touch more glitter. 那很好 谁饿了? That should do it. Who"s hungry? 我,我 .我们吃东西吧 - Uh, uh me, me! - Let"s eat. Nada,找到什么了吗 Nada. Find anything? Alvin?这里是美食城吗?

     It"s a food ghost town in here. Alvin? 嘿,奶酪球在烤箱里 Hello, the cheese balls are in the heat house. 晚餐,来了 Bingo. Dinner, she is

     aserved. 嘿,你在干什么? Hey, what are you doing in here? 奶酪球? A cheese ball? 给我点时间,很快 Thumb boy, give me a second, real quick. 我现在真的需要集中精神了 Alvin, I really need to focus, right now 我的重量级冠军已经近在咫尺了 because I"m one knockout away from my heavy weight title. 我们也能玩吗? Can we play as well? 你知道,我不想伤害你 You know, I don"t want to

     hurt your feelings 你也不想看到任何一个受伤是吧 but else you don"t want see anyone get hurt and there gonna be fistsufferean flyin". 我们来玩 MONOPOLY 吧 We can play monopoly. 我们成天都和 Dave 玩这个 We play monopoly with Dave all the time. 听起来不错 我们也应该这样 That sounds funny. We should do that sometime right. 现在,我要回去像蝴蝶蜜蜂一样勤劳工作啦 Now, I got to back and floatin" like a butterfly and stinging like the bee. 我们不需要 Toby,Theodore Who needs Toby, Theodore. 你有我们了 You got us. 是啊,谁需要 Toby。伙计们,这边 Yeah, who needs Toby? Boys, right this way. 我想吐 I"m gonna puke. 如果 Dave 在这里的话他会怎么说呢? Do you know what Dave would say if he were here right now? 我想一定气到他 But I think it means to come more from the belly. 过来 别吵 Get together. Be cool. 大家好 伙计们,是我

     - Helllooooo? - Boys, it"s me. Dave? 我想你接了电♥话♥后 Well, I guess since you"ve answered the phone 应该还没有把房♥子烧了 you haven"t burned down the house yet. Dave.请相信我 好吧 - Have a little faith, Dave. - Yes. 救我 Mayday! 怎么了 What was that? 不要告诉他 Don"t stress him out. 噢...是 Jackie. - Oh, that was... Aunt Jackie. 是,她给我们做了 5 道美味的食物 Yeah, she"s making us a tasty five-course meal. 真的?我能和她聊聊吗 Really? Can I talk to her? 她去练习钢管舞了 She"s practising her pole dancing. 钢管舞? Pole dancing? 但是,那谁做的晚餐? But, what happened with making dinner. 到底怎么了? Guys, what"s going on? Dave.我得挂了 - Alvin 我不是开玩笑的 - Gotta go, Dave. - Alvin, I"m not kidding! 快点好哟 - Alviiiiiiiiinnn!!! - Get better! - Alviiiiiiiiinnn!!! 没人比他做得更好了 Yep, nobody does that better than him. Toby,.醒醒 Toby, Toby wake up. 不好意思 Oh,sorry 没事,怎么了 No, that"s okay. What is it? 我做噩梦了 I...I had a nightmare. 噩梦,我最讨厌做恶梦了 Oh,the nightmares.I hate the nightmares.

     梦到什么了 What was it? 我梦到我们不再有家庭了 I dreamt that we didn"t have a family anymore. Oh,Theodore! Theodore, 那不可能的 Theodore, that couldn"t happen. 不会的,你太紧张了 No, you guys are tight. 没人会把我们分开 Nothing could ever separate you. 就算老鹰来了也不能 Less like an eagle swooped down from the sky like caw-caaaw! 这从没有发生过 Which couldn"t happen ever. 为什么你认为会发生这样的事呢? Why would you think that ever happened? 你知道...老鹰在费城 you know...The Eagles are in Philadelphia. 好梦 Sweet dreams. - Toby,让它停下来 你在干嘛 - Toby, make it stop. - What are you doing? 这钟有点毛病 关不掉了 There is something wrong with the clock. It won"t shut up. 这样我没发睡觉 I can"t sleep. 那是因为它是个闹钟 That"s the point. It"s an alarm clock. 它能让你们早起 It helps you wake up early in the morning. 为什么会有人想要早起? Why anyone wanna wake up early? 去上学啊,你 8 点要到那里 For the school, you got to be there by eight. 早上? In the morning? 听着,我可不想像你一样早起 Look, I don"t like any others early anything more than you do. 但这是我们的事情,Alvin But we are in this together, Alvin 你越早到学校 Soon you get to school 我就能越早回来睡觉

     soon I get to compound and get back to sleep. 你意思是说你不和我们一起呆在学校? You mean you don"t stayin" with us in school? 是的,我学习造句的日子已经过去了 No, no , no.I"ve done my time making very much. 不过学校很有趣,是吧?? But school is fun, right? 有趣?我想是吧? Fun? Well, i guess Maybe, it"s...fun-ish... 嘿,那是我的猫 Hey, it"s my cat! 嘿 小家伙 是我 记得吗 Hey kiddy it"s me, remember? 我对你很好的啊 I treated you good. 我们到了 There, here we go. 第一天上学玩得开心点 3 点左右再来接你们 Enjoy your first day in school. See you around three-ish. 知道了,就像在公园一样 We got it. This got to be a walk in the park. 我害怕 I"m frightening. 嗨,我是 Theodore Hi, I"m Theodore. 嗨,我是 Theodore Hi, I"m Theodore. 老鹰 老鹰来了 - Eagle. - Go eagle! 这可不怎么好玩 That wasn"t very fun-ish. 你们一定就是新来的了 You must be our new students. 我是 Rubin 博士,这里的校长 I"m Dr Rubin, the principal. 我们是花鼠 And we are the Chipmunks. 是的,我能从你们的外表上看出来 Yeah, that will explain the fur and booshy tales. 跟我来,男士们 男士们? - Follow me, gentlemen. - Gentlemen? 我们?好的 Oh, us. Right. 还有一分钟的时候 我们还落后两分....

     There was a minute left and we were down by two ... 当时我在想:

     And I mind couch: 就算我腿断了也不要紧 让我上,我一定能赢... I don"t care if my leg is broken, put me in, I can win this... 我从没有放弃过 I never get tired of that story. 所以我自己几乎不能站立... So I hobbled out barely able to stand... 我有提到我的腿断了吗? Did I mention my leg was broken? -Ortega 女士? -是的 - Mrs. Ortega? - Yes? 祝你好运 谢谢 - Good luck. - Thanks. 男孩们,欢迎来到我们班 Well guys, welcome to home room. 我希望你在这里过得快乐 Good to be here, I hope. 这个就是教室吗 So this is a classroom? 我喜欢在早上闻奶油的味道 I love the smell of zit cream in the morning. 你好,小姐们 Hello ladies. 嗨,我是 Theodore Hi, I"m Theodore. Hi, I"m Theodore. 他是 Theodore...假如你没听见 Yes, he"s Theodore in case you missed it. 我是 Simon.. And I am Simon. 我是 Alvin Seville My name Seville, Alvin Seville. 迷人的小姐 Enchantée... mademoiselle. 找人量一下他们的身高才行 Somebody"s have to knock these guys down to size. 那十分很简单 他们最多只有 8 英寸高 That should be pretty easy, really. They are only eight inches tall. 我有 15 辆车 I had 15 cars. 有超过 5 辆都是众多人喜欢的 I mean that"s like five more cars than anybody really needs. 我雇了 7 个女工

     I had seven maids. 拥有湖人队的场边座位 Courtside seats to the Lakers. 甚至我的女仆们都坐在那儿 Even my maids had courstside seats to the Lakers. 看着我 Now, look at me. 看我 我失去了所有 Look at me. I lost everything. 除了我的尊严 .他们拿不走 Except for my dignity, they can"t take that away from me. .而这一切都是因为他们 And it"s all because of them. 咦,有饼干 Oh, hey ...crackers. 现在奔波着 只是祈祷能找到其他会 Now run around, hoping and praying that I could find other animals that can ... 唱歌♥跳舞的小动物 sing or dance. 等等,你不会唱歌♥?是吗? Wait a second, you don"t sing, do you? 嘿,这是我的松饼,给我拿回来 Hey, hey that"s my muffin. Give me my muffin! 你这该死的小老鼠 You dirty rat. 我会抓到你们的 I will get you Chimpmunks. 女孩们,我们得走了 Girls, we have to get out of here. 我看不到 I can"t see. .我的鼻子 那是我的尾巴,不好意思 - My nose. - That"s my tail! - Sorry. 挪一下你的屁♥股♥ .好,别推我 - Move your ass. - Ok. Stop pushing me. 我们成功了 唷 - We made it. - Jets Records! - Phew! 噢,我的天啊,是他 Ian Hawke Oh, my gosh. It"s him! Ian Hawke! Hawke 先生? Mr Hawke? 那个声音,我能分辨出来 That voice! I can"t get it out of my head! Mr Hawke?你好

     Hello, Mr Hawke? 好像不是做梦,是真的叫我 That not in my head, that"s really happening. 你想干嘛 我想自我介绍一下 - What do you want? - We want to introduce ourselves. 是的 我是 Brittany,这是我的姐妹 Eleanor That"s right. I"m Brittany. And this is my sister Eleanor. 先生,很高兴见到你 Hello, sir. Such a pleasure to meet you! 我是她们的姐妹 Jeanette 尽管有时我感觉起来像 Olivia.. And I"m their sister Jeanette.

     Although I feel more like an Olivia or sometimes.... 不管怎么样,我们是花鼠美眉 Anyway, we are the Chipmunk girls. 我们很荣幸在你面前介绍我们自己 We will be just so honored to have you to represent us. 你让 Alvin 花鼠们成为大明星 You made Alvin and the Chipmunk stars. 我们也想成为明星 We wanna be stars too, yeah! 和花鼠们一起玩耍 And hangin" out with the Chipmunks. 好了 在我们得到这些之前,告诉我一件事 Ok, now listen before we get all girly and giggly about this, just tell me one thing ... 你们会唱歌♥吗? You can sing, right? 停,不是这里 Hang on, not here. 为什么不到我的阁楼办公室去开会 Why not we take this meeting upstairs in my penthouse office? 这太激动了 This is so exciting. 噢,天啊,真令人不敢相信 Oh, my gosh, can you believe it? 我的第一个顶层办公室 My first penthouse office! 噢..好莱坞标志耶 Oh, my... the Hollywood sign! 我想你会喜欢这里的风景的 I thought you might like the view! 女士们,告诉我一些关于你们的事 Ladies, tell me little something about yourselves. 我们在一个 只有 300 人的小镇里长大的 We grew up in a small town, population 300 and ... 真的?那太棒了

     Really? That"s fascinating. Great! 好了 现在好好表现吧 All right, impress me! 一.二.三 One, two, three. 女孩们 Girls, girls, girls. 猜一下谁会成为了全世界第一的花鼠组合? Guess who just became the number one Chipmunks" band in whole dang world? Ian Hawke. 什么时候我们可以和花鼠们见面 So, when can we meet the Chipmunks? 好问题 答案是... That"s an excellent question

     and the excellent answer is... 我已经不再代表 Alvin 和花鼠们了 I don"t really represent Alvin and the Chipmunks anymore. 噢,怎么回事? - Oh, no. Wha-what happened? 很老套的故事 Oh, classic tale. 当我见他们的时候很可爱,天真 他们什么也没有 Sweet and innocent when I met them, they had nothing 之后,我尽了全力让他们成为了摇滚明星 ...and then I work my butt of to make them rock stars and... 后来他们变了 They changed. 变成坏蛋 Turned out to be like bad cheese. .不 多可怕啊 - No. - That"s terrible. 我一直把 Alvin 当成我自己的儿子一样对待 I know. I mean, I treated Alvin like my own son, you know. 而他们就这样离我而去 And he just goes and spits on me. 实际 Literally 我有的只是他们留给我的一脸口水 He filled his chipmunk"s cheeks with saliva and just had at it. 可别让我提起 Simon 了 幸好不是 Theodore - Don"t even get me started about Simon. - But not Theodore, right? 这可爱的还更需要注意 It"s the cuddly ones you have to watch for. 为什么我们要谈他们呢? But why we are talkin" about them for, c"mon?

     他们已经完蛋了,被解雇了.. They are over, fired, nobledeute (noble death)... 花鼠们的蠢说法 Chipmunks" stupid sayin". 不过... But... 笨女鼠们 Girl Chipmunks" stupid sayin"... 请系好安全带 Fasten your seat belts! 我看着的他眼睛说,Jay,Beyonce 在哪里? So I eyed Jay Z"s eyes right, and I said:

     Jay, where is Beyonce? 然后他说:

     And he says : 她正拿着一碟子的 奶酪球,我一转身 She"s holding a plate

     full of cheese balls, turn around... 猜是什么 And guess what.. 还真是她 Dave 让我看着他们 - She was. - PS, Dave left me in charge. 我们每天晚上会呆到 10 点 We stay up to ten every night. 看看我能做些什么 Look what I can do. 你真是 Theadorable You"re Theadorable. 不好意思 没事,没有伤到我 - I am so sorry. - That"s cool. No harm done. 还没完 女孩们,我想和他们私聊下 Not yet. Girls, please, private conference. 谢谢 Thank you. 听着,摇滚明星 Listen up, rock stars. 如果你们再敢和那些女孩子聊天 If you talk to those girls again 你们就死定了 you"re dead. 如果你们再看那些女孩子一眼 If you look at those girls again 你们就死定了 you"re dead. 如果你们再敢想想那些女孩儿..... If you even think about those girls...

     你有想她们吗? 有啊,我现在想着她们 - Are you thinking about them? - Well, I am now. 好 你完蛋了 - That"s it. - You are dead! 抓住他,砸死你,该死的 Get them, c"mon! Crack you, you dirty rats! 散开 Scatter! 那边,这边 我在跑 - That way. Over there! - I"m runin". 嘿,笨蛋 有本事就来抓我 Hey Dumbo, catch me if you can. 你死定了 没有 - You are dead! - Not! 加时吧 It"s stretching time! 天啊 Oh, boy. 老鹰 Eagle. 老鹰,老鹰 抓住他 - Eagle! Eagle! - Get him. 快!快!

     这边 - Move! Move! - This way. 抓到你了 .等等..出来 - Gotcha. - Wait, wait, come up... 漩涡来了 C"mon 这可不太...... - It"s swirley time. - C"mon, c"mon guys, this is not so... 求你了,求你了 Please, please! 有让你好看的 谢谢 - That"s a good look for you! - Thank you. 我不会游泳 帮帮我 抓住 Simon - I can"t swim. Help. - Grab on Simon! 还好吗? You okay? 恩,还好,你刚刚把我从马桶里救了出来 Well, uh, considering that you just saved me

     from drowning in a toilet... 我嘛,很好 I"m, uh, pretty good. 我马上回来 I"ll be right back. Alvin, Alvin!

     我们不要用暴♥力♥解决 Alvin, Alvin!

     We"re not gonna solve anything with violence!

     这是条肥老鼠 闭嘴 - It"s the fatty ratty. - Cut it out! 这老鼠一定在树干里堆了很多垃圾 - This rat has serious junk in the trunk. 是啊,那么多脂肪 Yeah, little fatty. Simon 这样会不会让我的臀部看起来小一点 Simon, does this make my butt look smaller? Theodore,你的臀部看起来很好了 Theodore, your butt looks fine. 那些小子只是一群笨蛋 Those guys are just some jerks. 你威胁他们说要在他们体内建巢? You threatened to climb inside of him and build a nest. 有点过分了而且甚至事实上也不太可能 That was out of line and not even sure that is physically impossible. 我应该将你们三个停职 可以 - I should suspend all three of you. - Please do. 我还有更好的主意 Instead I have the better idea. 由于预算的削减 Due to budget cutbacks 我们的音乐规划可能会受到影响 we are in jeopardy of loosing our beloved music program. - 太可怕了 - 我知道 - That"s awful. - I know. 但是,我还是有一个小小的希望 But, there is one small ray of hope. 这里每年都会举办一个音乐比赛 Every year the District sponsors a music competition... 赢家将会得到 25,000 美金 And the winner school receives 25,000 dolars. 如果我们赢了,我们便可以拯救我们的音乐计划 If we win, we can save our program. 你想我们去表演 And you want us to perform? 我在想你到底是不是我们的歌♥迷了呢 I begin to think that you are a fan? 你们可以考虑一下 Why don"t you sleep on it. 等等 好极了 - Wait. - Great. 答应我什么也不要说出去 Promise me that you won"t say anything.

     校长一定会赞成的 如果让 Mr Fencle 发现了可... The principal has a certain image to uphold. If Mr Fencle ever finds out about this ta... 我真是不敢相信你们就坐在我的办公室里 I just can"t believe this, that you are actually sitting in my office. 我有你们全部的 CD 唱片 I have all of your CDs. 我甚至到丹佛去看过你们 所以我有这个 I even went to see you last year in Denver. That"s where I got this. 那是我的生日 但是我就像.... 花鼠们 It was my birthday. And I was like...Oh, the Chipmunks! 所以,如何? 你们会代表我们学校出演吗 So, what you say?

     Will you represent our school? 实话说,听起来挺不错的 Honestly suspension sounds pretty good to me. Alvin? 一个对所有,还是 3 对一 Come on Alvin? One for all, and three for one. Theodore 精辟,非常精辟 把我们算上 Well put, Theodore.Very well put. Count us in. 飞吧老鹰 Go Eagles! 老鹰,在哪里? Eagles? Where? 阁楼轿车 Ah, the penthouse limo. 真独特 Très exclusivo. 那个不是 Chihuahua 吗 电影上那个 Hey, isn"t that that Chihuahua? Ya know, from the movie? 嗯,是,当然是他 很多大牌住在这里 Uh, yeah, yeah. I mean, of course it is. Yeah, a lot of big names live here. - Oh. Como esta? 我一要他的签名 - Oh. Como esta? - I must have his autograph! 噢 噢 Brittany 你想成为明星,想要表现得像个明星 Whoa, whoa, Brittany. You wanna be a star, act like a star. 你不需要他们的签名,而是你签名给他们 - You don"t get autographs, you give "em. 噢,好的 Oh, right. 嘿,看那边,Jonas 兄弟 Hey, look over there, there"s a couple of the Jonas Brothers. 在哪里?我看不到 到了 - Where? I don"t see them. - Here we are. 快去我房♥间 Ok, let"s scootin" to my apartment ...

     噢,该死的 What? Did I... Oh, darn it! Darn it to heck! 什么?怎么了? 女孩们,真不好意思.. - What? What"s wrong? - Girls, I apologise but ... 我好像把钥匙留在办公室了 I seem to left my keys back in my office. 你们其中一个能钻进去从里面把门打开吗 What if one of you shroud through that mail slot and open it up for me from the inside? 我来 I"ll do it. 我卡住了 I"m stuck. 好,我帮你,我帮你 All right, I got you, I got you! 不会很难啊 Not so hard. 不要你来了 I wanna lay off the nuts. 好,你来试下,眼镜? All right, how about you, glasses? 你身材比较好,还是你去吧 You are in better shape. Wanna go? 我不太擅长做这个... 我来 - Well I"m not that good in things like this. - I got it! 漂亮 Impressive! 哇奥. Gee, Willakers! 好极了,瞧,有史以来最好的树屋子 Great. Bingo! This is the best treehouse ever! 红色的钢琴 A red piano. 我们是在做梦吗? 跟我来 - Is this a dream? - Stand by and catch me. 这比树屋强得多了啊 我喜欢这里的景色 - It"s much better than a tree! - I just adore a penthouse view! 不错 Hawke Nice one, Hawke. 喜欢吗 当然 - You like it? - Sure, Ian. 我住在这里 这里太漂亮了 - I live here. - It"s so beautiful. 上一次我们来狐獴庄园的时候.... The last time we visited Meerkat Manor ...

     有个来的团叫指挥官的.... Arrival group called the Commanders ... 在 Whiskers 弄了个大型的室内活动 was making large indoors in to the Whiskers" teritory. Toby, 这太杂乱了 真恶心 Toby, I thought i was messy,

     but this is really disgusting. 感觉就像生活在垃圾堆一样 I feel like livin" in a dumpster. Simon 这是狐獴庄园,过来一起看 Simon, it"s Meerkat Manor on it. Watch with me. 你说对了 我是神经过敏了点 You"re right. I thik I"ll relax, feelin" my nerves little bit... 这是什么 What is this? 一定是在开玩笑,玉米卷? You got to be joking? A taco. 竟然在毯子里面 Toby! In a blanket? Toby! 先生女士们 Ladies and gentlemen Tobster 准备发球 goin" for his turkey is the Tobster. 加油 Come on baby. 容易得很 我,学着点,朋友们 No problem. Watch and learn, my friends. 哎呀,我想是时候玩我第二喜爱的游戏了 Oops, I think this is the time to play my second favorite game. 把烂电视藏起来 你想玩吗? Hide the broken TV from Dave. You wanna play? 不 对他别那么严厉 - No!!! - Go easy on him, Taco Boy. 今天已经够糟糕的了 This day has been bad enough already. 噢噢,我知道怎么回事了 Oh, I think I see what"s going on. 你们几个家伙在学校惹事了是不? You guys are having some problems at school? 不,不是的 No, not really... 除非你认为 被扔下马桶去也是个问题的话... Unless you consider, having your head

     dumped in public toilet, a problem ... 那么糟糕 Squirrelees are the worst.

     至少,我听到是这样的 At least, that"s what I heard. 因为,靠我自己不可能知道这些 Because, there is no way that I possibly know that, on a personal level. Toby,你觉得学校怎么样 Toby, what was school like for you? - Toby? Tobyyy!!! 什么? - Toby? Tobyyy!!! - What? 觉得学校怎么样?一个词? What was school like for me? In a word? 棒极了 你知道 那是因为我太 Awesome! But, you know that "cause I was like ... 受欢迎了 Extremely popular. 这就是你和你奶奶一块住的原因了吧 Is that why you are still live with your grandmother? 以 Tobster 自居? And refer to yourself as Tobster? 就只会整天哔..哔..哔 And go peeoo-peeoo-peeoo all day? 该睡觉了 Bed time. Alvin! Alvin 醒醒,把闹钟关掉 Alvin wake up and turn off the alarm. Alvin 我没开玩笑 没开玩笑 快关掉它 Alvin, I"m not kidding. I"m not kidding, buddy, turn it off! 伙计们 Guys, guys ... 小伙子们 这可不好笑 Boys, this isn"t funny. 你好,我需要你的帮助 Hello? I need help. 有个人抓住了我们 他想带我们去个地方 A man got us. He wants to take us to eternal place. 上学 发发慈悲吧 - School. - Howgh!

     - Have a heart. 发发慈悲吧 Dave 想让你们去上学 你们就去吧 Have a heart. Dave wants you to school, so you are goin". Toby.不要担心我们三个 我们会很好的 Don"t worry about taking us three, Toby. We gonna be all right. 如果很糟糕呢? 伙计们 快点 - If it hurts? - Guys, come on. 相信我,第二天一定比第一天要好

     Trust me, the second day is never as bad as the first. 眼镜,眼镜 你不会用眼睛打人的 对吧 Glasses! Glasses!

     You wouldn"t hit a guy with glasses, would y... 直捣黄龙 Right in the pancreas. 护士? Nurse? C"mon Alvin! 记住 5 个字,闪,趴,蹲,冲,跑 C"mon, Alvin! Remember the five D"s! Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge! 你就是下一个 毛球 You"re next, furball. 你和我说话吗? You talkin" to me? You talkin" to me? 这边只有我一个了,你一定是在跟我说话对吧 I"m the only one here, so you must be talkin" to me. 你看到了吗 哈利路亚!

     - Did you see that? - Hallelujah! .真不敢相信,他接住了 你出局了 Unbelievable, he caught it. You"re out, man. 成功接到了 And the tackle made, she got"s in. 他接得到 我想是个触地 - He got hands. - I think that"s paws actually. 我们球队需要他 We can definitely use him on the team. 嘿,小东西 你想加入足球队吗 Hey, furball, how would you like a spot in the football team? 足球队? 你身手不错 - Football? Moi? - I got to say you"re good. 我希望你和我们一起去吃个午饭 I"m gonna let you hangin" out with us at lunch. 就是说,如果你想成为我们其中一员的话 That is, if you wanna be on the team? 不错的建议 - Alvin? - Interesting proposition. - Alvin? 我考虑好再回复你 只有一次机会 - Maybe I"ll get back to you on that. - This is a one-time offer. 不要想太久 Don"t take too long and think it over . 好极了,但是我要先搞定我的兄弟们 Great, but I will dish my brothers! 我要成为花鼠历史上的第一个球员 Just to become the first chipmunk ever to

     play an actual pose on a football team. 没有机会了

     No chance. 球场是公平的 The stadium is unanimous. 出局,出局... It stots and goes, it"s out, it"s out... 他接到了 and he catches it! 观众们疯狂了 The crowd goes crazy. 我 Me? 我想那个超级冷酷的人在叫你 I think that super cool jock table is paging you. 为什么我要去? Why would I go over there? 听着,我还担心太受欢迎呢 Look, if I really need to worry about being popular. 你好 会说话的花鼠 世界知名摇滚明星 Hello, talking Chipmunk. World-famous rock star ... 伙计们 我还穿这睡衣呢 Dive with his own flesh doll. Guys, I"m on pajamas. 老是自吹 Not to toot my own horn bike. 拜托,这是件愉快的事 Come on, it"s delectable. Alvin.去吧 真的? - Just go, Alvin. - Really? You really mean it? 是的 谢谢 我很快回来 - Yeah. - Thanks. I"ll be right back. 有什么事 怎么了 - What"s up, geeks? - What"s up, man? 说吧 Bring it. 我能行 I got it, I got it I... 不 Not. - 我觉得他很可爱 - 我也觉 - I think he"s cute. - Me too. 我抛了 Toss. 打给我 Call me. 告诉你,花鼠们已经过时了 我又有新的了

     I"m tellin" you, Chipmunks are old news. I got the next big thing. 会唱歌♥的女花鼠们 Singing female Chipmunks. 为什么女花鼠就得不到他们的肯定 God, what part of singing female chipmunks some of this people do not understand... 女孩们,我们也去学校 Girls, we are goin" to school. 他会上 而且会得分 He"s up, and he scores. 嘿,我接到了 Hey, right up, ass? 为什么不给我来个击掌 Wow, don"t hate on a high five? 好 Yeah, high five. 听着,Alvin,我知道你一直在忙你的球队 Look Alvin, I know you"ve guys been busy with your sporting gathers and what not... 但我确实需要你回家帮帮我 我无能为力 - But I can really use your help at home. - Oh, no can do. Ryan 将教我怎么找个漂亮女孩子来帮我做作业 Ryan is gonna teach me how

     to get pretty girls to do my homework. Alvin,你答应过 Theodore 我们会出去约会的 Alvin, you promised Theodore we hang out. 今晚一起看狐獴庄园 没有漂亮女孩 We are watching Meerkat Manor tonight. No pretty girls. 我今天没有空 你每天都这么说 Alvin - Dude, I can"t swing it today. - That"s what you say every day, Alvin. 不要再要我提醒今天轮到你洗衣服 Not to remind you it"s your day to do the laundry. 最好你听爸爸的话 Alvin 你可不想被关禁闭 Better listen to your daddy, Alvin. You don"t wanna get grounded? 你要去捡起来吗 你想逼我吗 - Are you going to pick that up? - Are you going to make me? 好, 那让我来教教你怎么捡起来 Au contraire, mon frère! I"m just going to elegantly show you how it"s done. Off the glass. And you call yourself a jar. 他是一个爱开玩笑的人 经常这样 My brother, he"s a real jokester. Always do. 再见 I"ll see you guys around. 轮到我了 轮到我了 - That"s my play. - That"s my play. 为什么你总是想在我朋友面前让我难堪 Why are you tryin" to embarrass me in front of my friends?

     你开什么玩笑 他们才是应该感到难堪的人 Are you kidding me? They are the ones which should be embarrassed by. 比赛加油 等不及了 第一排的位置 - Good luck with the show, guys. - First row seats. Can"t wait! 我们将会唱哪一首歌♥? So, which song are we gonna sing? 没压力 不过学校就靠我们了 No pressure, but the whole school is counting on us. 放心,就像 Ryan 说的:

     Oh, relax! It"s like Ryan said: 有谁能够打败会唱歌♥的花鼠们? Who"s gonna beat singing chipmunks? 不管怎样,Simon 是个做白日梦的 Finally. Oh, Simon is dreamy. 我觉得 Theodore 好像在看着我 对 我知道 - I think Theodore was looking at me! - Yeah, I know. 你们还记得 Ian 说过什么了吗 我们不能相信他 But guys remember what Ian said? We can"t trust them. 怎么回事? 我本来不想说的,但是.. - What happened? - I never thought I"d say this but... 粉红色是我最新喜欢的颜色 Pink is my new favourite colour. 她的眼镜很迷人 Her glasses were quite fetching. 她就像是个迷人绿乳糖 She"s like a beautiful green gumdrop. 如果你们想干好 就要集中注意了 If you guys want to do this you got to pay attention. 也许,现在是我们休息一下的好时候 Maybe, this is a good time for us to take a break. 恩,好的,5 分钟 Good call,take five. 她是对的 我们要集中注意力 She"s right. We need to focus. 这是为了我的屏幕保护 This is for my screen saver. 嘿 Buzz 嘿 伙计们 准备好了吗 - Hey buzz! - Hey guys? Are you guys ready to go? 我在家还有很重要的事要做 "Cause I"ve got a lot of important staff

     to do at home. 你一定是他们的监护人了? You must be their guardian? 天啊,是的,我是 God, that I am. Yes I am.

     你好 Dr,Rubin , 我以前也在这学校念过书 Hi. How are you, Dr Rubin? I know that because I went to school here a few years ago. 不知道你是否还记得我 Toby 应该是不记得了 I don"t know if you remember me, Toby Seville probably not... Toby?嗨,是你,没有带牙套了? Toby? No way? Hi! Hey, no braces. 好看多了 我把.. - I think it"s great. - I did ... 我把牙套解了,因为... I did get the braces off,"cause they were just... 我认识一个男孩子也是打鼓的 I know a guy who actually works on drum heads. 孩子们,我在车上等你们 I"ll be in the car, guys. 有人爱上谁了 Somebody is in love. 我们将替代所有的东西 花鼠们的地位 We are going to replace everything. Chipmunks" honor. The old false modestly suck up routine. 我想我闻到了花鼠的味道 I thought I smelled a rat. Hawke 先生 有什么可以帮到你? May I help you Mr Hawke? 我在想也许我能帮助你们 I was wondering if I could help you 我刚刚听说了你们的音乐比赛 I just heard about your musical competition 我就尽快到这里来推荐我的孩子们 and I just get down here as quickly as I could

      to volunteer my girls. 谢谢你的周到 不过我已经做了决定了 That"s very thoughtful of you, but I"ve already made up my mind. 也许这会让你改变决定的 Perhaps this will change your mind...

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