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    时间:2020-08-03 13:33:53 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     有一个古老的故事 There"s an old story, 在不同文化中都广为流传 and it"s used in various cultures, 一群盲人走近一头大象 where a group of blind men approach an elephant 并试着描述它的模样 and try to describe him. 第一个人走近大象

     摸到它的侧面 The first man approaches the elephant, touches its side, 然后说它长得像堵墙 and says, it feels like a wall. 第二个人摸到象牙 The next man touches a tusk and says, 说大象一定长得像长矛 the elephant must be like a spear. 另一个盲人摸到象鼻 Another blind man touches the trunk and says, 说它长得像条蛇 it feels like a snake. 这正是我们描述黑豹党时 And that is quite often what happens with our descriptions 常出现的情形 of the Black Panther Party. 我们知道自己加入的党派 We know the party we were in 但并不了解所有事 and not the entire thing. 我们创造了历史

     但那并不美好纯净 We were making history and it wasn"t nice and clean. 那并不简单 It wasn"t easy. 那很复杂 It was complex. 来自伊利诺伊斯州芝加哥的 From Chicago, Illinois, 伟大的奇利特乐队 the mighty Chi-Lites. *天啊

     必须给予人♥民♥更大的权力* *For God"s sake, you got to give more power to the people* *那些高高在上的人霸占了一切*

     *There"s some people up there hogging everything* 成立黑豹党的原因是 The thing that led to the Panthers 我们每天都在电视上看到 was what we were seeing on television every day... 军犬


     炸♥弹♥ attack dogs, fire hoses, bombings. 我们正处在黑色革命的前夕

     兄弟们 We stand on the eve of a black revolution, brothers. 当时

     人群中出现了这样的声音 Now we have the emergence of voices within the community 他们说 that were saying, 我们不会继续忍♥气吞声 we"re not going to continue to turn the other cheek. 去告诉那些密西西比州的白人 You tell them white folk in Mississippi 所有胆小的黑鬼都已经死了 that all the scared niggers are dead. 我们想要黑人♥权♥力 We want black power. 我们想要黑人♥权♥力 We want black power. 那是个巨变的时代 This was a revolutionary time. 在黑豹党成立前的十年中 50 countries in the world gained their independence 全世界有亓十个国家取得了独♥立♥ in the decade before the founding of the Black Panther party. 那时人们应征入伍 This was the time when people are getting drafted 去越南打仗 to go and fight in Vietnam. 如果有人站出来说 So if somebody"s coming and saying well, 你想打仗的话 if you"re going to fight, 为什么不就在洛杉矶或奥克兰打呢 why not fight right here in LA or Oakland, you know? 这很有道理 That made a lot of sense.


     你无法置身事外 You couldn"t be absent and see what we saw. 我们无法熟视无睹 We couldn"t unsee it. 加入黑豹党前

     我在一个白人的 I was a cocktail waitress in a white strip club 脱衣舞俱乐部当了两年鸡尾酒女郎 two years before I joined the Black Panther Party. 怎么会加入呢 How did that happen? 街上发生暴♥动♥ The rage was in the streets. 到处都是 It was everywhere. 我们什么都不会得到 We"re not gonna get nothing. 仅仅坐在这里 Not by sitting around here 静♥坐♥示♥威♥


     什么都得不到 and just doing these sit-in demonstrations and nothing. 人们什么都不会做 People are not going to do anything. 但我们要怎么做 But how are we going to do it? 通过暴♥力♥ By violence. 暴♥力♥ Violence. 通过起义

     进行革命 By uprising, having a revolution. 见血那种 Just with blood, you know. 每个人都流点血吧 Let everybody bleed a little bit. 黑 豹 党 革命先锋

     革命先锋 在全国范围内警方和黑人的关系 Relations between police and Negroes throughout the country 都越来越差 are getting worse. 深受警方和黑人间仇恨困扰的城市之一 One of the cities most troubled by animosity 是加利福尼亚州的奥克兰 between police and Negroes is Oakland, California. 那段时间人们总是谈论自♥由♥ People always talked about freedom and what that means 贾马尔·约瑟夫 黑豹党 及其含义 during that time period. 作为美国的黑人 Being black in America meant 你走在街上时 that you didn"t walk down the street 并没有和白人相同的 with the same sense of safety 安全感和特权意识 and the same sense of privilege as a white person. 警♥察♥在加利福尼亚对待我们的方式 There was absolutely no difference in the way 和在密西西比时完全没有差别 the police treated us in Mississippi than they did in California. 威廉·卡尔霍恩 黑豹党 他们也许不会成天叫你黑鬼 They may not have called you nigger everyday, 但他们对待你的方式和在密西西比时一样 but they treated you the same way they did in Mississippi. 警♥察♥会突然抓住你 The police jump on you, 打你

     用枪指着你的头 beat you up, put the gun at your head. 这是我们每天都会经历的事 This is what we were going through on a daily basis. 韦恩·法尔 黑豹党

     我第一次见到休伊和鲍比时 When I first met Huey and Bobby, 他们正在组建一个组织 they were in the process of forming an organization 埃尔伯特·"大个子"·霍华德 黑豹党 主要是为了自卫 for primarily self-defense. 我们并没打算成立全国性的组织 We didn"t plan to have a nationwide organization 或类似的组织 or anything like that. 我们筹谋和应对奥克兰的问题 We were organizing, dealing with the problems in Oakland. 我们用黑豹作为我们的象征 We use the Black Panther as our symbol 休伊·牛顿 黑豹党 是因为豹的天性 because the nature of panther, 豹子不会攻击仸何人 panther doesn"t strike anyone, 但当他被攻击时

     他会先退让 but when he"s assailed upon that he"ll back up first. 但假如攻击者继续

     他就会出击 But if the aggressor continues then he"ll strike out. 休伊研究过法律 Huey had studied the law. 在那段特殊时期的奥克兰 In Oakland at that particular time, 当时没被判重罪的仸何人 anyone could carry a firearm 都可以携带枪♥支♥ who did not have a felony conviction at the time. 舍温·福特 黑豹党 枪♥支♥不能隐藏 The firearm could not be concealed. 必须放在显眼的地方 It had to be in the open. 《加州刑法典》第 12020 至 12027 条

     The California Penal Code, section 12020 through 12027, 还有《宪法第二修正案》 and also the Second Amendment of the Constitution, 保障公民在公共场所有携带武器的权利 guarantees the citizen a right to bear arms on public property. 休伊说我们要带着枪 Huey said we"re going to carry our guns 跟着警♥察♥ and we"re going to follow the police. 如果他们拦下谁

     我们也要停下 And if they stop someone, we"re going to stop. 我们要保持吅法距离 We"re going to maintain a legal distance 我们将观察这些所谓的执法官 and we"re going to observe the so-called law officers 是如何履行职责的 in performance of their duties. 我们开着车四处闲逛

     找乐子 We were in the car and driving around, having fun. 我们会看漂亮女人 We would... we was looking at the pretty women 埃默里·道格拉斯 黑豹党 追着她们跑 and chasing the sisters. 然后可能发生了什么 Then something might happen, 我们的关注点 and then all of a sudden the focus 突然变得严肃起来 would just become serious. 我们马上到街角 We"re coming around the corner. 待在原地不要动 Stay facing where you are. 我们会停下 We would stop. 我们会下车 We would get out of the cars. 然后走到现场 We would walk up to the scene.

     那些带着步♥枪♥的人 Those who had rifles 会把枪放在显眼的地方

     一目了然 would carry them in the open, clearly visible. 我们会保持距离 We would stand at a, a distance 休伊·牛顿 黑豹党 避免警♥察♥说我们妨碍他们 where the police couldn"t say that we were interfering 逮捕或羁押他人 with their arrest or their detention of the individual 确保没有暴♥力♥事件的发生 and, make sure that there was no brutality. 我们拿着武器站在后面 We stood back with our weapons, 随时准备在必要时冲上去 ready to throw down if necessary. 他们会拿着枪像这样比划 They would, take the weapon and pass it across like this, 雷·高尔 奥克兰警♥察♥局 枪口方向正好扫过警♥察♥ and it would sweep... pass right over the officer. 谁都不敢轻举妄动 No one would do anything 除非有警♥察♥将子弹退膛 until a policeman ejected a round in the chamber. 然后我们也都纷纷给枪退膛 Then we would all eject rounds in the chamber, 整条街 and all up and down the street 全是这种咔哒声 you could hear this clackity-clack, clack, clack, clack. 然后当交通阻塞或事件结束后 And then when the traffic stop or the incident"s over, 他们会拿着枪像这样对着你比划 they"d bring the weapon down across by you like this 然后回到他们的车里扬长而去 and get back in their car and drive off. 这相当吓人

     It was pretty intimidating. 我们称自己为先锋队 We referred to ourselves as the vanguard, 好比我们建立了一种 and we were setting, by example, a new course 希望全社会都能遵守的新秩序 that we wanted the entire community to follow. 没人会干涉吅法的猎人 No one wants to touch the legitimate hunter, 但我们必须保护社会免受持枪疯子的伤害 but we"ve got to protect society from nuts with guns. 当几队荷枪实弹的武装分子 When bands of armed people with loaded weapons 在我们的街道上四处走动 can move about our streets, 威胁和恐吓市民时 intimidating and frightening citizens, 我认为我们该行动了 then I think we should act. 我们打算采取行动 And we intend to act. 我打算将在公共场所持有 It"s my intention to make it a misdemeanor to have, 上膛的步♥枪♥

     猎枪等武器定为有罪 loaded rifles and shotguns and weapons in public places. 警♥察♥部门 The police department 找了位当地的国会议员起草了一项法案 had went to a local congressman to get a bill written. 所以休伊给我打电♥话♥说 So Huey called me up and says, 我们必须去萨克拉门托 we have to go to Sacramento. 这被认为是个重大新闻事件 It was conceived as a media event 鲍比·西尔 黑豹党 新闻媒体一直围在加州议会大厦 that the press is always at the California state capitol. 没人真的希望休伊去 No one really wanted Huey himself to go,

     休伊 因为休伊是个暴脾气的煽动闹事者 because Huey was kind of a quick-tempered firebrand. 鲍比会更谨慎些 Bobby was a little more cautious. 鲍比 这就像是 And it was like, look, 到目前为止你一直都很顺利 you know, you"ve been great so far, 但在那里你可能会搞砸

     可能会坏事 but you might blow it up there, and bad things could happen. 我们乘车去了萨克拉门托 We caravaned to Sacramento. 我想我们总共去了约三十人 I think there were about 30 of us altogether, 绝大部分人都带着枪 and most of us had some weapon. 我们站在议会大厦的草坪上 We was on the state capitol on the lawn, 罗纳德·里根 and Ronald Reagan... 加利福尼亚州州长 then the governor of the state of California... 距离我们大约三米 was there about 10 feet away from us 正和那些教区学校的小孩子们 holding a press conference 召开新闻发布会 with these young, like, parochial school kids. 媒体一看到我们 And what happened, as soon as the press seen us 注意力就仍罗纳德·里根那里 they gravitated from Ronald Reagan 被吸引到了黑豹党所在处 over to where the Panthers was. 黑豹自卫党 The Black Panther Party for Self Defense 号♥召所有美国民众 calls upon the American people in general, 尤其是黑人

     and the black people in particular, 仔细留意种族歧视的加州立法机关 to take careful note of the racist California legislature 他们正考虑立法 which is now considering legislation 旨在继续剥夺黑人的武器和抵抗力 aimed at keeping the black people disarmed and powerless 与此同时 at the very same time 全国种族歧视的警♥察♥机极 racist police agencies throughout the country 正加剧对黑人的恐吓

     虐待 are intensifying the terror, brutality, 谋杀和镇♥压♥ murder, and repression of black people. 州议会正在进行激烈的辩论 The state assembly was in the midst of a heated debate 当年轻的黑人荷枪实弹地带着步♥枪♥ when the young Negroes, armed with loaded rifles, 猎枪和手♥枪♥进入首府时 shotguns and pistols, marched into the capital. 当我们进入大厅

     你能想象 When we got in the halls, you have to imagine, 仅是拿着相机的平面媒体人就有一百个 there"s 100 cameras... still cameras, print media people... 跟在背后 backing up. 我问

     观众席在哪里 And I"m saying, where is the spectator section? 媒体说在这边

     鲍比 And the press says this way, Bobby. 有些党员带着猎枪手♥枪♥

     冲在我前面 Some party members got ahead of me with shotguns, pistols 就在加州议会的大厦中 and wound up on the actual floor 他们焦躁不安 of the California State legislature. 他们全副武装 They"re heavily armed. 那些武器是否已经上膛

     不得而知 Whether their weapons are loaded or not, nobody seems to know.

     那些武装人员 The armed group, who said 自称是黑豹党成员 they were members of the Black Panther Party, 撤回到距离首府大楼几街区远处的 retreated to a service station several blocks 一个朋务站 from the capital. 我记得有个警♥察♥骑着摩托车过来 I remember this one cop came down on a motorcycle, 看见所有这些枪♥支♥ and he"s seen all these guns, 就拿起那个嘟嘟的东西讲话 and he got on the... on the thing. 这时他们开始仍四面八方冲向我们 And that"s when they started to swoop down on us from everywhere. 你无权夺走我的枪 You have no right to take my gun away from me. 你不知道宪法权利吗 You don"t know the constitutional right? 当然知道 Sure we do. 我们完全清楚宪法规定 We"re well aware of the constitutionality. 我要求拿回我的枪 I would like to have my gun back. 你为什么觉得立法存在种族歧视 Why do you believe the legislature is racist? 因为你参与了 Because, you know, you"re a part of it. 还不够明显吗 Isn"t it obvious? 这是白人体系 This is a white system. 消息传遍黑人群体 The news got to everyone in the black community 传遍每个有电视的人

     有收音机的人 who had a television, everyone who had a radio. 传遍全国所有报纸 It was in every newspaper across the nation. 这让我们身处焦点

     It put us on center stage. 我认为心怀善念的人 I don"t think that loaded guns is the way 绝不会用上膛的枪 to solve a problem that should be solved 罗纳德·里根州长 1967 年 5 月 2 日 来解决问题 between people of good will. 仸何赞同这种游♥行♥示♥威♥的人 And anyone who would approve of this kind of demonstration 一定是疯了 must be out of their mind. 州议会大厦被侵占 媒体激怒立法委 州警阻止武装黑人团体 当我听说萨克拉门托的事 When I heard about Sacramento, 就觉得这些弟兄真厉害 I was like, damn, these brothers are bad. 在加州首府萨克拉门托

     集结 They"re here up in Sacramento, in the capital, packing? 迈克尔·麦卡蒂 黑豹党 这种胆识

     这种勇气 The boldness, the courageousness about it, 这种傲慢

     让一切焕然一新 the arrogance of it... that put a whole new face on things. 我心想


     我都要参加 I said man, I want to be part of this, whatever that is. 穆♥罕♥默♥德♥·穆巴拉克 黑豹党 全国总部 是的

     我走进办公室 Yeah, I walked into the office 告诉他们我要加入黑豹党 and told them I wanted to join the Black Panther Party, 塔里卡·刘易斯 黑豹党

     他们笑了 and they kind of laughed. 据我所知

     那时党内 I didn"t know that there were any other women 没有其他女性 in the party at that time. 但我接着问他们

     能不能给我把枪 But then I asked them, could I have a gun? 第一次听说黑豹党时 I was a student at Lincoln University 我还是费城郊外林肯大学的学生 outside Philly when I first heard about the Black Panther party. 我找到我的朊友约翰·哈金斯

     对他说 I found my friend, John Huggins, and I said, 埃里克卡·哈金斯 黑豹党 我们得离开这个废物校园 we need to leave this stupid campus. 我们要干大事 We have work to do. 我们坐上约翰·哈金斯的小破车 We got in John Huggins" little hooptie car 仍纽约穿越美国 and we drove across the country from New York, 到达西海岸 and when we got to the west coast 黑豹党 加入了黑豹党 we joined the Black Panther Party. 我们期待和相信的是 What we want, what we believe. 第一

     我们要自♥由♥ Point number one, we want freedom. 我们要体面的住所 We want decent housing. 要为同胞争取教育机会 We want an an education for our people. 要立即终止警♥察♥暴♥力♥ We want an immediate end to police brutality. 人们加入的原因各不相同 People joined for all kinds of reasons,

     但黑豹党有十点纲领或者说纲要 but the Panthers have a 10 point platform or program 兰登·威廉姆斯 黑豹党 可以说是根本原则 that really was sort of like the fundamental 是组织工具和导向工具 sort of organizing tool and orientation tool. 民权运动基本上是南方运动 The civil rights movement was basically a southern movement. 所以当有像黑豹党这样的组织 So when you had an organization like the Panthers 来挑战住所


     健康这样的话题时 who were taking on things like housing and welfare and health, 能得到北方人 that was stuff that people in the north 真正的共鸣和支持 could relate to and rally behind. "我们朋务人♥民♥"

     黑豹党 我们不仅打击白人至上主义 Our attack was not only against white supremacy, 也打击资本主义 but it was also about capitalism. 其实我们认为资本主义导致 We actually thought that the way in which capitalism created 工人阶级持续绝对的穷困 a working class that was kept absolutely destitute... 菲利斯·杰克逊 黑豹党 就是因为它是错的 was that was wrong. 所以我们的立场是为了给我们自♥由♥ So we took the position that in order for us to free, 伊莱恩·布朗 黑豹党 就必须废除这种体制 that system had to be dismantled. 在这种压♥迫♥我们的体制下 We could not be free in a system 我们无法自♥由♥ that had oppressed us in the first place.

     所以你必须摆脱那种体制 So you have to get rid of that system. 我们不需要教会信徒 We were not after the church folks. 不需要穆♥斯♥林♥信徒 We were not after the Muslim folks. 我们需要角落里的兄弟 We wanted the brother on the corner, 每周末都被警♥察♥ the brother who"s getting his head banged 重击头部的兄弟 in every weekend by the police. 我们需要为一张交通罚单 We wanted the brother who was going to jail... 而被仍车里揪出来去坐牢 just snatched out of this car for a traffic ticket 只因是黑人的那些兄弟 because he was black. 那才是我们需要的人 That"s who we were after. 黑豹党 华盛顿分会 社区信息中心 我们接到的电♥话♥来自亚特兰大

     纳什维尔 We get calls from Atlanta, Nashville, 黑豹党 北卡罗来纳州罗利市 Raleigh, North Carolina, 新避难所 华盛顿

     康涅狄格州布里奇波特市 from Washington, DC, Bridgeport, Connecticut... 黑豹党

     我们朋务人♥民♥ 你所能想到所有城市

     无论大小 every city, small or large, you could think of 都想要引入黑豹党分会 wanted a chapter of the Black Panther Party. 我们会派遣组织的成员们 We would send members of the organization 凯瑟琳·克莱弗 黑豹党 去帮助他们联络我们

     to help connect them to us. 但它在某种意义上并不稳定 But it was destabilizing in the sense 它壮大的方式有些混乱 that it was somewhat chaotic, the way the party was growing. 过于迅速

     过于庞大 And it was too fast and too big. 毫无筛选机制 There was no screening process. 没人问你为什么来 There was no, why are you here? 你来这里期待发生些什么 What do you expect to have happen while you"re here? 你想有何成就 What are you trying to accomplish? 统统不管不顾 There was none of that. 路上碰见个人就纳为成员 Members came from whoever just came in off the street. 这导致的负面结果自然就是 The downside, of course, was we had no idea 我们完全不知道这些人的底细 who any of these people were. 我们没时间详细询问你是谁 We didn"t have time for a whole lot of, who are you? 你想做什么 What are you doing? 我们只问

     你愿意来吗 We need... you want to do this? 行


     去吧 Fine. Here. Go. 《前线对话》 威廉·巴克利 本周《前线对话》 This week on "Firing Line", 我的嘉宾是埃尔德里奇·克利弗先生 my guest is Mr. Eldridge Cleaver, 黑豹党新闻部长 the information minister of the Black Panthers. 埃尔德里奇·克利弗的作品 Eldridge Cleaver comes out with this book,

     《冰上灱魂》是他在狱中写的一系列文章 "Soul on Ice," a series of his essays from prison, 被纽♥约♥时♥报♥奉为惊世之作 and the New York Times says that it"s brilliant, 名列畅销书榜单 it gets on to the best seller list. 所以当埃尔德里奇加入黑豹党时 So when Eldridge joined the Panthers, 黑豹党如获至宝

     真的是至宝 the Panthers had gotten themselves a star, a literary star. 马克·库兰斯基 作家 我被《国家评论》杂♥志♥称为 I"ve been called by the National Review, 黑豹党的冲冲乐队 the Go-go"s of the Black Panther Party. 所有这一切都是企图削弱黑豹党 And all of this is an attempt to undermine the party 或企图在公众面前抹黑我们 or to give it a bad presentation to the public. 休伊·牛顿的总是高♥瞻♥远瞩 Huey Newton always had this vision. 他是党内有远见的人 He was the visionary of the party. 鲍比·西尔

     个性十足 Bobby Seale, he had the personality. 埃尔德里奇·克利弗这个人 Eldridge Cleaver was the person who 能让黑人知识分子信仸这个党 made the party credible to black intellectuals, 让白人

     左派知识分子信仸 to the white, left intellectuals. 埃尔德里奇·克利弗受众人青睐 You know, all of them loved Eldridge Cleaver. 克莱伯恩·卡森 历史学家 他们理解他的话 They understood what he was talking about, 至少他们这么认为 or at least they thought they did. 埃尔德里奇有一种神奇能力

     Eldridge had this incredible ability 寥寥几句就能概括他的想法 to encapsulate a thought in a few sentences 形成带有美感的表述

     直指 and form it into an artistic statement that pointed right... 费利佩·卢西亚诺 年轻贵族组织 直插敌人心脏 that stabbed right into the heart of the enemy, 他始终如此 and he did that all of the time. 他一直都是对的吗

     不是 Now, was he always correct? No. 我说罗纳德·里根是个小混混 And I say that Ronald Reagan is a punk, 娘娘腔

     懦夫 a sissy, and a coward, 我要跟他决斗 and I challenge him to a duel. 我向他挑战 I challenge him. 跟他决斗

     至死方休 I challenge him to a duel to the death 或直到他喊我埃尔德里奇叔叔 or until he says Uncle Eldridge. 他疯了吗 Was he insane? 绝对是 Fuck yeah. 那小子疯了

     伤到不少人 That boy was crazy, and he got a lot of people hurt. 武器仸他选 And I give him his choice of weapon. 他可以选枪



     或者棉花糖 He could use a gun, a knife, a baseball bat or a marshmallow, 我用棉花糖也能揍死他 and I"ll beat him to death with the marshmallow. 这就是我对他的感觉

     懂吗 That"s how I feel about him, see? 这么说吧

     他们没能力 Now see, they are not going

     控制埃尔德里奇 to be able to control Eldridge. 埃尔德里奇像只罗威那犬

     个性不受控制 Eldridge was a Rottweiler, uncontrollable personality. 在有埃尔德里奇存在的团体里 Who could be in an organization with Eldridge 马文十世 作家 他不当领袖

     还有谁能当 and he not be the leader? 没人 Nobody. 基本上结果就是这样 And that"s basically how it ended up. 加州

     奥克兰 1967 年 10 月 28 日 一滩血迹标记出了 A pool of blood marks the spot 受到四处致命枪伤的二十三岁警官 where 23-year-old officer John Frey was found 约翰·弗雷被发现的地点 fatally wounded from four gunshots. 枪击发生于凌晨亓点 The shooting happened at 5:00 AM, 大致就是第七街道我所站的位置 approximately where I"m standing, on 7th Street 在奥克兰的黑人贫民区中心 in the heart of Oakland"s Negro ghetto. 被指控谋杀和谋杀未遂的嫌疑犯 The suspect, charged with murder and attempted murder, 是二十亓岁的休伊·牛顿 is Huey Newton, 25-year-old leader 黑豹党自卫队领导者 of the Black Panthers for Self Defense. 牛顿正在住院

     伤势严重 Newton is hospitalized in serious condition 被严加守卫 and under heavy guard. 我们去了高地医院 We went up to Highland Hospital 似乎全美国的警♥察♥都来了

     and it looked like every police in America was there. 我们不知道休伊是死是活 We didn"t know for sure if Huey was dead or alive. 我们整晚没睡 We didn"t sleep that night. 我觉得没人睡得着 Nobody slept that night, I don"t think. 当他戴着手铐

     用轮床送进手术室时 As he was handcuffed to a gurney going into surgery, 他因谋杀被捕

     将面临死刑 he was arrested for murder and expected to face execution. 莉丝·珀尔曼 律师 很多其他的黑豹党员因为 A lot of the other Panthers were in jail 他们在萨克拉门托的抗♥议♥而入狱 because of the protests that they"d done in Sacramento, 所以埃尔德里奇是当时黑豹党 so Eldridge was the only available spokesperson 唯一的发言人 for the Black Panther Party. 黑豹党强烈要求 The Black Panther Party demands 释放休伊·牛顿 that Huey P. Newton be set free, 我们明确表示 and we wish to make it very clear 如果不释放休伊·牛顿 that if he is not set free, 加利福尼亚

     乃至全国上下的 there is little hope of avoiding open, armed war 公开武装战争将难以避免 on the streets of California and sweeping across this nation. 我们想

     休伊入狱了 We said, well, Huey"s in jail. 他正面临死刑 He"s facing the death penalty. 我们能做些什么 What can we do? 我记得最则的口号♥是"必须释放休伊" I think the initial slogan was Huey must be set free.

     后来缩短为"释放休伊" Eventually it got shortened to free Huey. 立即释放休伊 黑人很美 Black is beautiful. 毛主席云

     释放休伊 释放休伊 Free Huey! 释放我们的战士 Set our warrior free. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 黑人很美 Black is beautiful. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 释放我们的战士 Set our warrior free. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 这演变成一场大型运动 It became a huge movement. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 毛主席云

     释放休伊 黑人很美 Black is beautiful. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 释放我们的战士 Set our warrior free. 释放休伊 Free Huey! 黑人很美 Black is beautiful. 审判警♥察♥

     而非休伊 释放休伊 Free Huey! 释放我们的战士

     Set our warrior free. 释放休伊 今天全国上下有很多 Today there were a number of "释放休伊·牛顿"的集♥会♥ free Huey Newton rallies across the nation. 你无需成为黑豹党员 You did not have to be a member of the Black Panther Party. 释放休伊 你只需要是人类 All you had to be was a human being. 各种各样的人都发出了"释放休伊"的呼喊 People of all kinds took up that cry, Free Huey. 黄♥祸♥支持黑人♥权♥力 审查员在上周六的文件中 The Examiner made a report back here 释放休伊 作出报告

     声称我们敌视白人 in the last Sunday"s paper that we were anti-white, 我们毫不掩饰

     原话是 that we hold no bones... this is a quote... 毫不掩饰敌视白人的情绪 hold no, pick no bones about being anti-white. 这是无♥耻♥谎话 This is a bold faced lie. 我们不因肤色而憎恨仸何人 We don"t hate nobody because of their color. 我们憎恨压♥迫♥ We hate oppression. 我们憎恨身边的黑人被谋杀 We hate murder of black people in our communities. 人们参与其中 The people just turned out. 他们想帮助我们

     给我们钱 They wanted to help us, they wanted to give us money, 想让我们发声 they wanted us to come speak. 与黑豹党的之间这种紧密的联♥系♥ It was this gathering of connection 与以往大不相同的 to the Black Panthers that was different to before.

     我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 各位 Everybody! 我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 我们要释放休伊 We"ve got to free Huey. 我们的言行穿着 We were a phenomenon... 成了一种现象 the way that we walked and talked and dressed. 我们趾高气扬 We had swagger. 那是一种节奏 It was a rhythm. 阿库亚·恩杰里[黛博拉·约翰逊] 黑豹党 我们说话的那种节奏 It was a rhythm to how we spoke. 我们走路的那种节奏 It was a rhythm to how we walked, 受到人们认可 and the people recognized it. 我们站起来了 We stood out. 站在街上 Outside of that, on the street, 他们会说

     那人真丑 they"d... ooh that"s a butt ugly person. 他们真丑 Ooh, they ugly. 但在党内

     这给了他们 But in the Party it was just something that gave them 巨大的性吸引力

     this tremendous sex appeal. 黑豹党没有发明"黑人很美"的概念 The Panthers didn"t invent the idea of black is beautiful. 人们开始留圆蓬头

     穿花褂子 People had started wearing afros and dashikis... 贾马尔·约瑟夫 黑豹党 但黑豹党所做的是 but one of the things the Panthers did 宣扬城市黑人很美 was that urban black is beautiful, 这种样貌给人留下了深刻印象 and that look just blew people away. 如果你是住在城里的年轻黑人 If you were a young black man living in the city anywhere, 你会想像他们这样 you wanted to be like this. 你想这样打扮

     这样行动 You wanted to dress like this, you wanted to act like this, 朱利安·邦德 你想这样说话 you wanted to talk like this. 你想像他们这样 You wanted to be this. 这是一种上进的

     好战的 It"s a standard of aggressiveness, of militance, 强有力的标准 of just forcefulness 这种标准前所未有 that"s the sort of standard we haven"t had in the past. 但象征性地说 But figuratively speaking, 你并不是要成为黑豹党员 you"re not about to become a Panther. 不

     至少不是今天或者明天 No. Not today or tomorrow, at any rate. 可能是后天 Maybe the day after. 这位兄弟


     我们所有人 This brother here, myself, all of us 生来就有这样的头发

     were born with our hair like this, 我们就留这样的发型 and we just wear it like this. 你可能觉得

     这样的原因是 The reason for it, you might say, 黑人中崛起的新意识 is like a new awareness among black people 意识到他们自然的外貌 that their own natural appearance... 体态很美 physical appearance, is beautiful. 黑人现在意识到了这些 Black people are aware now. 他们以此为豪 They"re proud of it. 他们为此开心 It"s pleasing to them. 好好想想 Dig it? 难道不美丽吗 Isn"t it beautiful? 好吧 All right. 我们说的是年轻人


     十九二十 You"re talking about people who are teenagers... 17, 18, 19, 20.. 黑豹党中大部分是年轻人 that"s the bulk of the Panthers are teenagers. 我们的年轻 So the fact that we were so young 我们的史无前例 and the fact that this hadn"t happened before... 我不确定我们是否意识到 I"m not certain that we recognized 这在他人看来有多么惊人 how startling it looked to other people. 亲爱的牛顿先生 Dear Mr. Newton, 我是一名十三岁黑人女孩

     我想成为黑豹党员 I"m a 13-year-old black girl and I want to be a Black Panther. 我希望你能告诉我 I wish you would fill me in.

     我信仰哪种宗教有关系吗 Does it matter what your religion is? 成为黑豹党员的条件是什么 What are some qualifications to be a Black Panther? 附

     请亲自给我回信 PS... write me back personally. 我曾被教育举止要吅规矩 I was taught to be proper... behave yourself. 进入公众场吅时要时刻记住 You"re going out in public, to always know 白人在听 that the white man was listening. 随着黑豹党的出现 With the Black Panthers coming to the scene, 丽塔·威廉姆斯·加西亚 作家 他们带来了完全不同的讯息 it was just a completely different message. 作为一个十二岁的小孩

     你会觉得不可思议 As a 12-year-old, you know... what? 你形成了对自己完全不同的画像 You had this whole other portrayal of self, 并不断发掘 and just digging it. 黑人很美

     立即释放休伊 摄影师抓住了机遇 Photographers took advantage. 他们为我们拍照 I mean, they took our pictures. 他们把照片登报 They put them on newspapers. 登上杂♥志♥ They put them on magazines. 我们展现出的形象 And that look that we projected... you know, 大圆蓬头

     皮夹克 the big Afro, the leather jacket, 深肤色

     大获成功 the shades... that became a hit. 显然

     摄影师们被黑豹党吸引 And obviously, photographers were drawn to the Panthers.

     我们听说了很多关于黑豹党的事情 Well, we hear a great deal about the Black Panthers. 黑豹党 Black Panthers. 黑豹党 Black Panthers. 黑豹党 The Black Panthers. 黑豹党绝对是独一无二的 The Black Panthers were absolutely unique. 吆姆·邓巴 记者 黑豹党 The Black Panthers. 黑豹党 The Black Panthers. 黑豹党 Black Panthers. 黑豹党 The Black Panther Party. 黑豹党运动 Black Panther movement. 黑豹党 Black Panther Party. 黑豹党 Black Panthers. 我认为黑豹党非常了解媒体 I think the Black Panthers really understood the media. 他们知道我们在追求什么 They knew what we were after. 他们知道我们在关注什么 They knew what we were focusing on. 黑豹党员总计有 The Panthers has amounted to... 黑豹党 The Black Panther Party. 很多人知道黑豹党 Many people know of the Panthers. 你可能会说我们开拓了黑豹党 You might say that we exploited the Black Panthers. 但我认为有很多证据表明

     But I think there"s a lot of evidence 他们利用我们来增强他们的优势 that they used us to their advantage. 他们能够确立他们抗♥议♥的 They were able to establish their legitimacy 吅法性 as a voice of protest. 黑豹党的主席 The Chairman of the Black Panther Party. 有请 And here he is. 我们有一段你的早餐项目的视频 We have a film of your breakfast program. 那也是无声的吗 Is this without sound also? 我觉得是 Yeah. I think so. -你可以解说一下吗

     -可以 - All right. Would you... would you comment on this? - Yes. 这是一个儿童免费早餐项目 Yeah, this is a free breakfast for children program, 他们一大早就在准备食物 and they"re preparing the food there early in the morning. 早上大概工作两小时 It"s about two hours work in the morning. 这些党员们建立了整个项目 These party members primarily set this whole program up, 然后我们尽可能让更多的社区人群 and then we get involved as many of the community people 参与其中 as we can. 谁想喝茶 Who all wants tea? 多倒些茶

     小♥弟♥弟♥ Put more tea in, little brother. 快过来

     小妹妹 Come on it, little sister. 你们都能坐下吃点东西 Y"all can sit down and get something to eat. 有研究表明 Studies came out saying

     早上吃不好早餐的孩子 that children that didn"t have a good breakfast in the morning 在学校会注意力不集中

     表现不好 were less attentive at school and less inclined to do well 大卫·莱米厄 黑豹党 容易疲劳 and suffered from fatigue. 有很多科学上的原因 I mean, there was all sorts of scientific reasons 支持早上吃好早餐 to have a good breakfast in the morning. 我们只是利用了这些信息 And we just simply took that information, 他们组织了为儿童提供早餐的活动 and a program was developed ...

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