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    时间:2020-07-28 13:37:41 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

     珍 珠 港 (田纳西州

     一九二三年) 德国佬

     两点钟方向 German bandits at two o"clock! 全速前进 Increase throttle! Power dive! 你拼错了啦

     雷夫 Spell it right, Rafe. 方向舵

     应该是两个 D "Rudder" is spelled with two Ds. 谢了

     伙伴 哦

     不客气 Thanks, wingman. Yeah, sure. 敌机来袭 Whoa, bandits! 打得好

     丹尼 Crack shooting, Danny. 你也一样 Crack shooting, Rafe. 为了自♥由♥ Land of the free. 为了祖国 Home of the brave. 飞得帅呆了

     老爸 Great flying, Dad 来吧

     我教你开飞机 Come on. I"m gonna teach you how to fly. 我要坐前面 I get the front! 不

     你得坐后面 No, you take the back. 我比较高

     我应该坐前面 I"m bigger, and I should be in front. 我比你大

     我还要教你呢 I"m older, and I"m teaching, so no. 哇

     我们真像在飞一样啦! Wow. It"s like we"re really flying. 我玩过好几次了 Yeah, I did it lots of times. 你去守住机关枪

     我来减速 Come on, you man the guns. I"ll give her some throttle. 我们要打落德国飞机 We gotta get those dirty German bandits. 噢

     天啊 Oh, gosh!


     雷夫! Hang on! Make it stop, Rafe! 我看我爸开过很多次

     没事儿! I"ve seen my dad do this lots of times, don"t worry! 雷夫! Rafe! 喔

     我们飞起来了啦! Oh, my gosh! We"re flying! 我们飞起来了 We"re flying! 我老爸饶不了我!快走 My dad"s gonna kill me. Come on. 好耶 Yes! Whoohoo! 我们飞起来了!我们飞起来了! We flew! We flew! 好耶


     我知道了 Yeah! Yes! I"m a pilot! I know! 我们飞起来了 We flew. 你这个没用的东西

     爸爸 You noaccount boy! Daddy... 我说过

     别和这个笨蛋泡在一起 I done told you, you spend time playing with this stupid boy... 他不识字!你会一辈子没出息的 ...can"t read. you ain"t never going to amount to nothing! 爸

     他才不蠢 He ain"t stupid, Daddy! 爸... Daddy! 过来 Ohh! Come on! 马上回家去 Uhh! Get on back home. Now! 快点

     你还有活要干呢!走吧 Get on up. You got work to do. Come on! 快点

     给我回去 Come on, get on home! 你放开他 Uhh! You let him alone! 爸爸

     别这样 Daddy, no! 我要打扁你

     你这个臭德国佬! I will bust you open, you dirty German!

     你骂我什么? What"d you call me? 我在法国和德国人打过仗 I fought the Germans in France. 非常艰巨的阵地相持战 And I fought them in the trenches. 上帝保佑!那些可怕的事情别再发生了 And I pray to God no one ever has to see the things that I saw. 你是我最好的朋友 You"re my best friend. 爸

     等等! Daddy, wait! 爸

     等等我 Daddy, wait. 阿道夫·希♥特♥勒♥把德国变成了战争机器 Adolf Hitler builds the German military machine 整个欧洲都陷入了战火 and drags all of Europe into war. 即使希♥特♥勒♥占领了法国

     但美国仍拒绝加入战局 But even while France falls to Hitler, America still refuses to join the fighting. (米歇空军基地) (一九四一年一月

     长岛) 麦考利和沃克在哪儿? Where"s McCawley and Walker? 还在进行飞行训练 Still training, sir. 丹尼!让我们教他们什么叫开飞机 All right, Danny. Now let"s show them how to fly. 来"老鹰捉小鸡"

     准备好了吗? We"re gonna play chicken. You ready? 这可不是农场的飞机

     我不玩 This ain"t the farm, and these ain"t no cropdusters. I"m not playing chicken with you. 别当胆小鬼

     让我告诉你 Now don"t be a baby. I"ll tell you what... 我不玩儿

     雷夫 I"m not doing it, Rafe. 那我冲你来了

     你可以躲开 Well, I"m coming right at you. You can turn, 也可以和我相撞

     你看着办吧 or you can hit me. It"s up to you. 搞什么? What the... 完了 Oh, boy.


     雷夫? Why you always busting my ass, Rafe? 你从哪边过? Which way you going? 我想从右边



     我从左边 I guess I"ll go right. No, uh, left. I"ll go left. 我们从左边

     是吗? OK, we"re going left, right? 嗯


     右边吗? Ri... uh, right. Right? 右边是指我们从右边过

     还是指我们从左边过? Right like we"re going right, or right like we"re going left? 你把我搅糊涂了!我不知道

     你说吧 Well, now you got me all mixed up! I don"t know. Make up your mind. 上帝啊


     我们从右边!右边! God, Rafe, we"re going right! Rightytighty! 他们真是王牌飞行员 Those are some smooth aces. 你说什么? Did you say something? 我告诉你们

     这两个乡巴佬被禁飞了! "Cause let me tell you, those farm boys are grounded! 是的


     决不允许拿军用飞机冒险 Yes, sir, an entirely unacceptable use... of mmmilitary aircraft, sir. 拿我的帽子来


     长官 Get my hat. Yes, sir. 叫这些亡命徒去杜立特办公室 Get those hedgehoppers in Doolittle"s office. 已经训练两年了 After two years of training... 你们以为造价四万五千美元的战斗机 you believe that a $45,000 airplane... 是用来玩吗? is there for your amusement? 不是


     我只是磨练技巧 No, sir. I was just trying... to keep my edge, Major. 上礼拜你玩空中翻筋斗 And when you did the outside loop last week... 也是为了磨练技巧吗? what did you think that was? Honing your skills? 那不是飞行技巧!麦考利

     是哗众取宠! That"s not training, McCawley. That"s a stunt. 也是愚蠢和不负责的行为 And I personally consider it to be reckless... and irresponsible.

     少校 Major... 怎么会啊 How could that be, 你可是那招 when you"re famous for being the first man 的开山鼻祖 in the world ever to do it? 别跟我耍嘴皮子 Don"t get cute with me, son. 我没有耍嘴皮子

     长官 No, sir, I don"t mean to be disrespectful. 请恕我直言

     我只是认为 I just think that... well, I... 如果仅仅只是为了出风头

     这是愚蠢和不负责的 It is reckless and irresponsible if you"re just doing it to be a showoff. 但我这样是为了启发战友 But I was doing it to try to inspire the men, sir... 就像您当初启发我一样 in the way that you"ve inspired me. 有句成语能够用来形容我对您的钦佩 I believe the French even have a word for that... 法国人称之为 when the men get together to honor their leaders. 五体投地 They call it an homage, sir. 什么? A what? 是五体投地



     麦考利 An homage, sir. That"s bullshit, McCawley! 但它是很中听的屁话 But it"s very, very good bullshit. 谢谢你

     长官 Thank you, sir. 麦考利

     你就像十五年前的我 McCawley, you remind me of myself fifteen years ago. 我们现在讨论一下这个 Which is why we need to discuss this. 坐下

     年轻人 Have a seat, son. 英国人已经接受你加入雄鹰中队 The British have accepted you into the Eagle Squadron. 如果你愿意 You"re on your way to England tomorrow...

     明天就可以动身 if you still want to go. 飞行员是英国能否打退希♥特♥勒♥的关键 Just a few British pilots are all that stand 也决定着欧洲战场的走向 between Hitler and total victory in Europe. 他们非常需要援助 They"re gonna need all the help they can get. 我马上出发

     长官 Yes, sir. Well, I"m on my way. 按照规定

     我应该要求你再慎重考虑一下 Just for the record... I"m supposed to ask you to reconsider. 长官? Sir? 不管我们是否愿意 Sooner or later we"re gonna be in this war... ...美国参战只是时间问题 whether we like it or not. 我们也需要优秀的飞行员 And I"m gonna need all of my best pilots. 所以我应该征询你是否愿意留下来 So it"s my duty to ask you to stay. 少校

     你会怎么做? Major, what would you do? 如果是我 If it was me... 我会去 I"d go. 不会吧

     我开始谢顶了? Get out. Am I going bald right back here? 伙计

     我是个帅小伙 Man, I am one goodlooking son of a bitch. 可千万别死 Don"t you ever die. 打仗你死不了

     今晚你就要装一副快死的样子 Die. That"s exactly the concept you gotta work tonight. 往眼睛上抹点儿丁香油 You put a drop of this clove oil under your eyes... 快忍♥不住的时候就去找护士 and you let them sting and well up. 做个深呼吸 You get your nurse alone, take a breath... 然后就热泪盈眶地对她说

     宝贝 let her see your eyes listen and say,

     他们训练我去打仗 "Baby, they"re training me for war... 我生死难测 and I don"t know what"ll happen... 如果明天我一去不返 but if I die tomorrow... 我盼望今晚我俩能共度春宵 " I want to know that we lived all we could tonight." 来吧


     漂亮护士在等着咱们 Come on, guys! We got nurses waiting. 快点

     再不走比利的头就要秃光了 Come on, before the rest of his hair falls out. 你为什么要做这样的决定? How could you do this? 是杜立特点名派我去的 Well, Doolittle assigned me. 他希望我能够接受实战训练 He wanted me to get some real... real combat training in. 你想什么呢? Well, guess what? 那儿可没有训练

     只有战争 It"s not training over there. It"s war. 输家丢掉性命

     赢家也一无所获 Where the losers die, and there aren"t any winners... 大家都身心疲惫

     就像我老爸那样 just guys who turn into brokendown wrecks... like my father. 我知道


     丹尼 Yeah, I understand that, Danny. 但是我觉得我有责仁去 But I feel like I got a duty to go. 见鬼

     别和我扯什么责任 Don"t preach to me about duty, damn it. 我和你一样都是军人 I wear the same uniform you do. 如果真有必要

     我也会去 Now, if trouble wants me, I"m ready for it. 可你为什么要这样求之不得? But why go looking for it? 听我说


     我快二十五岁了 God, Danny, come on. I"m gonna be twentyfive. 已经算是个老兵 I might as well be an old man. 我很快就只能当飞行教官了 They"re gonna have me being a flight instructor.

     我不想当教官 I don"t wanna teach loops and barrel rolls. 我要开战斗机 I wanna be a combat fighter. 快点

     护士们在等你们跳舞呢 Hey, come on! The nurses can"t dddance by themselves. 我们走吧 Let"s go. 要是每天都和一百五十个穿内♥裤♥的小伙子们打交道 If the call of duty means seeing 150 men in their underwear every day... 我们可不嫌枯燥 ...we are here to serve. 想不到能在纽约度周末 I can"t believe it. Saturday night in New York City. 在家乡太没意思了! Do you know what they"re doing where I come from? 什么都不能做

     只能逗牛玩 Nothing. Cowtipping. 所以你来当海军 Well, that"s why you joined the Navy, hong. 想开开眼界? To get out of that dusty little town and see the world. 巴巴拉


     可不是来旅游的 May I remind you, Barbara, we"re Navy nurses, not tourists. 我当海军是来尽义务

     还想找个男朋友 I joined to do my patriotic duty and to meet guys. 我也是 Me, too. 我们今晚玩个痛快! Girls, we"re gonna have so much fun tonight in the city. 给大家讲讲你的故事吧

     伊芙琳 You"ve gotta tell them the story, Evelyn. 什么? What? 说呀

     告诉我们 Oh, come on. Tell us. 噢

     说来话长 Oh, it"s such a long story. 我们时间多的是 We got time. 我亲眼目睹哦 I saw it happen. 那是四个星期前 Well, it was about four weeks ago...

     你认为怎样更好点? What do you think is bbbetter? 都打在一边

     还是分开打? All in the one cheek, or spreading them out? 好吧 OK. 福斯科·安东尼 Fusco Anthony. 你没事吧?老兄 You all right, buddy? 甜心

     真的要打♥针♥吗? Sweetie, do you really have to do this? 我在军营可不会染上黄热病 I"m not gonna get yellow fever in my barracks. 不会吗?如果你愿意

     可以让她打 No? If you"d rather, she can do it. 喔


     稍微等一下 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just give me a minute. 亲爱的


     我们就得打 Honey, the government says stick them, we stick them. 雷德

     你没事吧? Uh! Hey, Red, you allright? 四号♥

     测验视力 Eye exam number four? 医生

     我都检查过十几次啦! Listen, Doc, I have passed a dozen medical checks. 你要这样写

     我就飞不成了 You write that, they won"t let me fly. 很抱歉

     年轻人 Sorry, son. I"m gonna fail. (不合格) 糟糕

     他们会折断我的翅膀 They"re gonna take my wings away. 不会的

     放轻松 No, they won"t. Just relax. 读最后一行 Read the bottom line, please. 再背一遍最后一行

     放心 Just keep practicing the bottom line. And don"t worry. 我在后面 I"m right behind you. 谢谢 Thank 下一个

     Next. 小姐 Ma"am. J、L、M、K、P、O、E、T、X JLMKPOETX 简直像老鹰的眼睛一样 Eyes like an eagle, ma"am. 慢点儿


     别看下边的 Slow down, flyboy. And, instead of the bottom, 读最上面一行

      用双眼看 read the very top. Both eyes. "C"


     "J" Yeah. "C"...sorry, "J." "C"、"W" Ahem. "C"..."W." "W." "Q""Q""Q" 请再读一遍最后一行 Read the bottom line again, please. 这次从右向左

     而且间隔着读 But read it right to left and every other letter. "E"、"X" "E."Heh. "X." "X""E" "X""E" 护士小姐

     我看得很清楚 XE, ma"am. Ma"am, I know how this looks. 抱歉


     真的很抱歉 I"m sorry, Lieutenant, I really am. 陆军和海军的都要求视力达到二点零 But Army and Navy requires 20/20 vision. 我的眼睛没有问题

     我看得见 Oh, I... it"s... it"s not a problem with my eyes, I can see. 我的意思是

     我的眼睛棒极了 I mean, I can see. 我可以一枪打死狂奔的野兔 I mean, I can hit a running rabbit with a $3.00 pistol. 我只是阅读字母有点困难

     仅此而已 I got a problem with letters, that"s all. 那只有先去上学 Well, maybe after some schooling... 再回来复查 you could come back and take the test again. 不

     我上过学 No, I had schooling. I mean,

     老师也拿我没办法 I... the teachers just never knew what to make of it. 只是字母而已

     有的时候我常把 It"s just letters. 它们的顺序弄颠倒

     就是这样 I mix them up sometimes. That"s all. 我的意思是

     我只是把它们倒过来读 I mean, I just get them backward sometimes. 你看

     我的数学、航♥空♥理论 Llook here. Uh, my... my math and... 还有口试

     成绩都是优 and spacial reasoning and my verbal scores are all excellent. 但是你的写作成绩才刚及格 But you barely passed the written exam. 毕竟他及格了

     总该我了吗? Yeah, but he did pass it. So, is it my turn now? 还没有

     你再等一下 No, you"ll wait your turn. 好的

     护士小姐 Yes, ma"am. 护士小姐

     我不是来这儿教语言的 Ma"am, II"m never gonna be an English teacher. 我来这儿是为了当飞行员 But I know why I"m here. To be a pilot. 鬼才拿着课本上天打仗 And you don"t dogfight with manuals. You don"t fly with gauges. 我是说

     开飞机关键得看感觉敏锐 I mean, it"s all about feeling and speed... 反应迅速

     还有是否能够与飞机融为一体 and letting that plane become like a part... of your body. 没人说阅读能力差

     就当不了好飞行员 And that manual... says that a guy who"s a slow reader can"t be a good pilot. 档案上都说我是这儿的最棒的飞行员 That file says I"m the best pilot in this room. 护士小姐


     别让我停飞 Ma"am, please, don"t take my wings. 嗯

     我感到很为难 Well, I felt so bad. 伊芙琳

     到三号♥台去 Evelyn, rotate to station three. 我别无选择 I had no choice. 放他过关了 I passed him.


     这个飞行员又来了 So, then this cocky pilot comes back. 哎


     你是新兵? Say, fella, are you enlisted? 是的 Yeah. "是的"? 年轻人

     你在和军官说话吗? "Yeah"? Boy, you"re talking to an officer. 是



     长官 Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. 把档案给我


     长官 Give me that file. Yes, sir. 稍息 是

     长官 Parade rest. Yes, sir. 护士小姐

     我还没来得及谢谢你 Ma"am, I didn"t get a chance to thank you. 裤子脱下来 Drop your skivvies. 啊


     好吧 Ah, oh, OK. 像这样? Just like this? 很好 That"s fine. 他的屁♥股♥很翘 He did have a very cute butt. 我知道您本不该让我过关的

     但却您帮了我 You know, I know you didn"t have to pass me and you did. 我以为你不明白我的意思

     但是你却很清楚 And I just... I didn"t think you"d understand, and you did. 知道吗

     你还没感谢我呢 You know, you still haven"t said thank you. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不客气 You"re welcome. 我想知道您为什么帮我?

     我只是很好奇 Why"d you do it? I mean, I"m just curious. 您现在是我的偶像了 You"re like my hero now. 事实上


     我知道 Actually, my father was a pilot. And, um, I"ve seen firsthand what happens... 飞行员停飞的滋味 when a pilot loses his wings.


     您父亲也是我的偶像了 You know what? Your father"s my hero, then, too. 作为一名军官

     我想今晚请你 In fact, as an officer, I think it"d by my duty... 我的新偶像的女儿吃饭

     是我应该做的 ...to take my new hero"s daughter out tonight just to... 啊!

     有点儿深了吧? aah! Gosh, did I poke too deep? 您好象扎进骨头了 I think you hit the bone there. 你太过分了 You are so mean. 难道您真不愿意 What? So is... is there any chance... 给我个机会? that you might, kind of, sort of... you know, like me, or... 你想什么呢? Oh, how did you guess? 我的头儿没教我体验这种感觉 They never taught us... how to deal with this... feeling. 什么感觉? Whwhat feeling? 像是

     这样 Well, it"s kind of like... this. 他再放肆

     我还要扎他 Well, he was getting fresh, so I poked him again. 嗨


     我可不想找罪受 All right, Romeo. I want to get this over with. 等一下 Hold on a second. 我真的很想"舔"你 Miss... I really, really lick you. 他说什么? What did he mean? 喜欢你

     我舌头打结了 Like you. I didn"t mean to say that. And I just, um... 我很想请你一起"送"饭 I just want to ask you, please, if I can donate dinner. 他开始语无伦次了 He started to act very strange. 我郑重地邀请你 Or, well, buy you dinner. 这不是你的档案 This isn"t your chart.



     我想他落下了 Whoa. No. That"s the, uh, this, uh, fellow over here"s. I think he left. 你打过针了? Have you already had this shot? 是的


     已经打过一次了 Yeah, well, once... already. 嗯



     我可以约你出去吗? Well, I wanted... I mean, can I ask you out? 不行 No! 突然

     他一头栽到地上 And he just went wham! 噢!你对他怎么了? Oh! What"d you do to him? 可怜的家伙 Poor guy. 噢


     你没事吧? Oh, my God. Are you OK? 嗯



     很好 Yeah, I"m fine, I feel great. 这样能起保护作用 This is just standard precautionary... thing. 看


     一瓶正宗的法国香槟 Look, I got some, uh, genuine French champagne... from France. 我想

     也许我们该好好庆祝一下 I thought, you know, maybe we could celebrate. 庆祝什么? Celebrate what? 噢



     庆祝你成了我的偶像 Oh, I don"t know. Uh, well, you being my hero, for one. 好吧

     为什么不呢? OK. Why not? 我很感激你

     感谢你 So, uh, ahem... I wanted to thank you. And I just wanted to, uh... 你让我通过了体♥检♥ put your mind at ease about passing me... 因为我真的想为国家尽一份力 because I really do think you did this country a service. 我的意思是

     我是一名王牌飞行员 I mean, I"m... I am a great flier. 要说你缺点的话

     那就是骄傲 And if you have a fault, which you obviously don"t, it"s modesty 不


     那就是直率 No. If I have a fault, it"s candor.

     你真的很 You are just so... 瓶塞崩着我了 Cork just got away from me. 天啊 God 天啊


     真疼 God, oh, it hurts. 疼死啦 It hurts something fierce. 对不起 I"m sorry. 噢


     流血了 Ohh... Oh, it"s bleeding. 天啊 God. 躺下

     我总是惹事生非 Lay still. I ruined everything. 别乱动

     好痛 Lay still. Oh, it hurts. 噢!太凉啦!

     冰块能止血 Ow! It"s cold. It"ll stop the bleeding. 我无法喘气 Yeah. I can"t breathe. 躺好 Lay still. 你美得真叫人心疼 You are so beautiful it hurts. 是你的鼻子疼 It"s your nose that hurts. 不

     是我的心疼 No. I think it"s my heart. 于是我吻了他 And then I kissed him. 伊芙琳

     这是我听过最浪漫的故事 Oh, Evelyn. That"s the most romantic story I ever heard. 这也是我这辈子最浪漫的四个星期又两天 It"s been the most romantic four weeks and two days of my life. 我好羡慕你 Oh, I"m so jealous. 见到你真好

     护士小姐 Hello, Lieutenant. It"s good to see you. 我也是

     中尉 You, too, Lieutenant.

     挑一只手 Pick a hand. 真漂亮 It"s beautiful. 那只手有什么? What"s in your other hand? 是我的 Mine. 我花了六小时才折好 Well, it took me six hours to fold these. 介绍一下我的朋友

     雷夫 I want you to meet my friends. 这是玛莎、巴巴拉、桑得拉 Rafe, this is Martha, Barbara, Sandra... 嗨

     我是贝蒂 Hi. I"m Betty. Hi. 你的朋友呢? Would you happen to have any friends? 随便选吧 Huh. Take your pick. 如果仗打起来

     而我光荣负伤 We ever get in this war and something happens to me... 有你这样温柔的姑娘照顾我 I can"t tell you how good it makes me feel to know... 让我恢复健康

     那种感觉真的是太棒了 ...that someone as sweet as you will be there to nurse me back to health. 可我们还没参战呢 Good, but we"re not in the war yet. 嗨

     那都是玩笑 OK. That was a bad line. 我


     雷德 I"m... I"m Red, Red... 奇怪 Ssssstrange. 你姓奇怪吗? Your last name"s Strange? 她是你的了 Yeah. She"s all yours, soldier. 不

     我姓温 No. It... it"s Winkle. 雷德真有女人缘 Red is such a ladiesg man. 你总是结巴? Do you always stutter?


     只是在 No. Only when I"m... 她上勾了 She"s totally buying it. 紧张的时候?

     是啊 Nervous?

     Yeah. 为什么我碰不上漂亮妞? Why can"t I get something like that? Hello. Hi. 丹尼和姑娘在一起太腼腆 Danny seems kind of shy around the girls. 他不是腼腆 Tsk. It"s not that he"s shy. 他只是

     缺乏自信 He"s just, ahem... a little unsure of himself, you know. 是他老爸呵斥的结果 His old man used to run him down a lot. 一上飞机

     他就判若两人 Get him in a plane, he"s sure of himself. 他是我的好兄弟

     好朋友 He"s like my brother. He"s like my best friend. 如同我的右手 He"s my right hand. 可现在你的手滑到我的腰部以下了 Which at the moment is a long way south of my waist. 对不起

     我滑的太低了 Oh, I"m sorry. I guess I lost a little altitude. 是啊

     我想你是的 Yeah, I guess you did. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 我们得好好聊聊 You and me, we got to talk. 听说海军要派我们去珍珠港 So, the rumor is the Navy"s shipping us to Pearl Harbor. 那挺好啊 Well, won"t be so bad. 那儿离战场很远 It"s about as far from the fighting as you can get. 可以享受一下温暖的阳光 You"ll get a suntan. 也许你也会被调到那儿 So maybe the Army"ll post you guys there, too. 你是一个特别了不起的女人 You... are a super special woman.

     他们把我训练成彪悍的勇士 they"re... they"re training me... to be a big bad warrior, and, well... 明天可能就去出生入死 So, I mean, you never know what might happen tomorrow 谁知道会发生什么


     所以 ... or... or any day after that, you know? So... 今晚我们应该有点特别的 God, we need to make tonight super special. 你哭什么? Why are you crying? 我怕再也见不到你了 I guess it"s the thought... that I might not ever get to see you again. 别哭啦


     今晚我是你的 Dry your eyes, toots. Tonight, you"re mine. 今晚我不想到人多的地方去

     我希望和你单独在一起 I don"t want to be with a crowd tonight. I just want to be alone with you. 去看看月光下的纽约港? How does New York Harbor by moonlight sound? 你想当坏蛋? Are you gonna be a bad influence? 干吗不当个坏蛋呢? Of course I"m a bad influence. 我们是军官 Let"s see if we can commandeer this vessel... 可以征募这艘船 "cause we"re, uh, officers of the U.S. Government. 别高兴的太早 Not for long, we won"t be. 也许将来我们能坐这艘船旅行 One day, we"ll take a trip on a boat like that. 你喜欢这艘船? Would you like that? 在大厅里参加鸡尾酒会 We"ll be dressing for cocktails and walk into the grand salon. 没有人谈论战争

     大家都随着舞曲翩翩翩翩起舞 No one"s talking about war. They"re just dancing to Cole Porter. 我要穿晚礼服 I"ll have to get a tux. 是啊 Yeah. 上来

     开船了 Come on. There you go. All aboard. 我不是这个意思 You"re out of your mind.



     坐好 Oh, yeah. Careful now. Here, sit down. 看我的 Now let"s see here. 快到了 Ah! There we go. 我要让你登上你喜欢的船 See, this is as close as I could get you to your ship. 怎么样? So, at least I tried, right? 我已经很满足了

     这太好了 Actually, you know what? This is better. 老天

     你真美啊 Yeah, it is. God, you"re pretty. (上

     下) 往后我们会怎么样?雷夫 What"s gonna become of us all, Rafe? 嗯


     对吗? Well, the future"s not exactly in our hands, is it? 是的

     你是对的 No. I guess you"re right. 天啊

     你没事儿吧? Oh, my God! Are you all right? 没事儿

     你呢? Yeah, are you? 计划中可没有这出 That was not part of the date. 小心地面


     谢谢 Watch your step. Oh, thank you. 伊芙琳 Evelyn! 伙计们

     快上来吧 Guys, come up! Come on up! 我们在 321 号♥房♥ Come up! We"re in 321. 我要跟你说一件事 There"s something I got to tell you. 你对我没有秘密可言 Well, you got no secrets from me, Lieutenant. 我看过你的体格检查表

     知道你的一切 I"ve seen your medical chart. 是坏消息?还是有难言之处? This can"t be good, or it wouldn"t be so hard to say. 是啊

     Yep. 我要被调走 I got to go away. 我们都要被调走 We"re all going away. Yeah... 没错 Yep. 但是我是去打仗

     明天就动身 but I"m going to the war... tomorrow. 我要加入飞鹰中队 I"m flying with the Eagle Squadron. 他们需要美国飞行员 It"s an outfit the British started for American pilots. 我不明白 I don"t understand. 你是为美国♥军♥队服役

     他们怎么能命令你去英国? You"re in the U.S. Army. How could they order you to go? 他们没有下命令

     是我自愿的 They didn"t order me. I volunteered. 我让你通过体♥检♥

     是我放你过关的 But I passed you. I let you through. 现在你却自愿去最危险的地方? And now you volunteer... for the most dangerous place you could go? 这和你没关系

     你没有责任 It"s not your responsibility, not your choice. 飞行曾经是我唯一的梦想 Flying"s the only thing I ever wanted to do. 对我来说


     是为了 I mean, everything in my life has led me up to this point. 能够与你相遇 Meeting you. 我爱你 I love you. 我深深地爱着你 I love you so much. 我们进去吧 Let"s go inside. 好的


     我不能这样做 All right. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 对不起

     我只是 Just... I... 我不能这样做


     我是非常渴望 See,I can"t do this. I mean, I mean, I can. I... I want to. 你知道我并不是假装高尚

     I"m not trying to be noble, you know. 或者谎称我不知道要发生什么 Or not saying I know what would happen or just... 我最好还是别说了 ... I need to stop talking. 我只是

     我只是不想 I just... I just don"t want... 我只是不想跟别人一样 I just don"t want it to be like everybody else. 今晚我不想 I don"t want you to have anything about tonight... 给你留下任何遗憾 that you regret. 今晚对我一生至关重要 I mean, it"s been the most 我不想破坏它 incredible night of my life... and I don"t want to ruin that. 你当然不会破坏它 Oh, you couldn"t ruin it. 如果我只能再活一晚

     我也要与你共度 If I had one more night to live, I"d want to spend it with you. 这也是我的期盼 See, that"s what I want to come home to. 这就是我一生的梦想 That"s what I want to have to think about and dream about. 我要回来与你共度美好的生活 I want to know that the best part of my life... is still ahead of me. 不要 Look. Don"t, um... 请你不要来送我 could you... not come see me off? 现在跟你道别已经够难过了 Because, uh... saying goodbye to you once is hard enough. 来 Here. 戴上这个 Take this. 我戴上它好看吗? You think it looks good on me? 我很快就会回来的 I will come back. 你不是叫她别来吗? I thought you said you told her not to come. 没错

     Yeah, I did. 那你干嘛还在找她? Why you looking for her then? 这是个考验 It"s my test. 我叫她别来她还是来了 If I tell her not to come, and she comes anyway... 就说明她真的非常爱我 then I... I know she loves me. 请五十七站台的乘客上车 All aboard! Track 57! 如果我发生意外 If, uh, anything happens to me... 你一定告诉她

     好吗? I want you to be the one to tell her. All right? 为了我和她 You just make sure and come back for the both of us, 你要活着回来 all right? 等我回来


     好的 See you when I get back. Yeah. 好好干

     雷夫 Good hunting, Rafe. 伊芙琳 Evelyn! 伊芙琳 Evelyn! 伊芙琳!伊芙琳!嘿 Evelyn! Evelyn! Evelyn. Hey! 她爱我 She loves me. 德国空军开始轰炸伦敦市中心 The German Luftwaffe relent lessly bombards downtown London... 英国皇家空军为了捍卫领空 while Churchill"s Royal Air Force is 陷入艰辛的苦战 in a deadly struggle to maintain control of the British skies. 简直是破铜烂铁 This is a real mess. 麦考利中尉报到

     长官 Lieutenant McCawley reporting for duty, sir. 很好

     我们先安排你住下 We"ll get you settled into your quarters. 然后带你去看看你要飞的破烂飞机

     And then introduce you to the crate you"ll be flying. 长官

     看你们都在这忙着 If you all are patching up bullet holes 我还是直接上飞机吧 here maybe we ought to skip housekeeping and get me in an airplane. 两架飞机没有返航

     只剩十一架 Two didn"t come back, sir. We counted only eleven. 象你这样的美国人都急着去送死吗? 飞行员 Are all Yanks as anxious as you to get themselves killed, Pilot Officer? 我不想送死

     我只想打仗 Not anxious to die, sir. Just anxious to matter. 这是你的战斗机 This is yours. 他是好样的 Good chap. 直到着陆关闭引擎后才闭上眼睛 Didn"t die till he"d landed and shut down his engine. 请坐

     先生们 Please be seated, gentlemen. 我的心情很沉重 I"m afraid I"m in a bad mood. 刚才邱吉尔和斯大林问我

     我也要问问你们 Churchill and Stalin are asking me what I"m asking you. 美国还要假装世界大战没有发生多久? How long is America going to pretend the world is not at war? 我们提供了大量的食品和油料


     就我所知 We"ve increased food and oil shipments, Mr. President and as far as I know 他们需要坦克、战斗机、大炮、子弹还有士兵 What they really need are tanks, planes bullets, bombs, and men to fight. 可美国人还是认为希♥特♥勒♥和 But our people think Hitler and his 他的纳粹党仅仅只是欧洲的问题 Nazi thugs are Europe"s problem. 我们必须更积极些 We have to do more. 援助英国和苏联 Send the Brits and Russians more of our ships 更多的军舰和防空武器 and antiaircraft weapons. 继续从太平洋舰队调拨? And keep cannibalizing the Pacific Fleet? 还有更好的选择吗? What choice do we have? 我们在制♥造♥冰箱


     We"re building refrigerators while our enemies build bombs. 战争已经不可避免了 掩盖事实只是失败 美军停止供应石油

     切断了我们的生命线 我们只能维持十八个月 没有别的选择

     只有战争 只有发动大规模的袭击 我们有这样的能力吗? 必须一仗消灭太平洋舰队 就在珍珠港 太令人激动了 This is so exciting. 珍珠港有大约一百多艘军舰 You know there"s about one hundred ships on Pearl. 每一艘有多少水手? How many sailors per ship? 那要看情况而定

     军舰上的水手比潜艇上的多 It depends. More on a battle ship than a sub. 平均下来

     有两千个? But say, on average... 2,000? 加上飞行员、陆战队员

     还有基地后勤 Then there"s the flyers, the marines, base personnel. 我还在算水兵人数 I"m still working on the sailors. 反正我们的机率很高 Girls, I think the odds are in your favor. 是啊

     一比四千 Yeah, like 4,000 to one. 这儿是天堂 It"s paradise. 海滩上见了

     帅哥们 See you on the beach, boys! 我们在夏威夷耶 We"re in Hawaii! 嘿!你别在我的飞机上画奶♥子♥ Hey! You"re not supposed to paint titties on the side of my airplanes. 要画也不能一大一小 And if you do, don"t make them lopsided. 真玩意儿就是这样

     厄尔 They were lopsided, Earl. 瞧


     不能在礁石和暗桩处冲浪 Look, it says right here."Never ride waves amongst rocks or submerged pilings." 看

     不能那样干 See, it says you shouldn"t do that.

     你怎么能知道哪有暗礁哪没有? How do you know they"re submerged if they"re submerged? 古斯

     你到底在干什么? Gooz, what in the hell are you doing? 为他修冲浪板 Just trying to fix this surfboard thing. 被礁石撞坏了 He keeps taking chunks off his nose on the rocks. 放假的时候还要继续搞我的新发明

     古斯水平舵 On my day off, I"m working on my new invention, the Gooz Cruise Fin. 我要发财啦! 所有的冲浪板都需要加装我的水平舵 I"m gonna be a rich fella. Every surfboard in the nation"s gonna need one. 你最好打扫干净 Yeah? Well, you"re gonna need a broom. 瞧瞧新来的菜鸟 Check out these new recruits. 嗨

     啰哈 Hi. Aloha. 你们是飞行员吗? You all pilots? 好像很复杂

     上面有不少开关和按钮 We"re working on it. It"s a lot of switches and stuff. 太平洋的骄傲 Pride of the Pacific. 你们是谁? Who are you? 空中杀手 Terrors of the skies. 欢迎

     小姐们 Welcome, ladies. 等我解决了这个黑屁♥股♥

     再带你们逛逛 I have to deal with toasty sunburnt fanny before I can show you around. 亲爱的伊芙琳 一切都出乎我的意料 Ow! Dear Evelyn. It"s different than I thought it would be here. 这儿很冷、冷得刺骨 It"s cold... so cold it goes deep into your bones. 但有一股暖流在我的胸中涌动

     那就是我们的爱情 There is one place I can go to find warmth. That is to think of you. 我祈祷能早日回到你的身旁 I just wish I could be back there with you. 在这很难交到朋友 It"s not easy making friends. 两天前


     还和我们一起喝啤酒 Two days ago, I had a beer... with a couple of the RAF pilots.

     昨天他们双双阵亡 Yesterday, both of them got killed. 亲爱的雷夫

     我对你的思念难以叙说 Dear Rafe. I miss you so much. 千山万水将我们阻隔 It"s so strange to be half a world away from you. 我咬住他了 I"m right on his tail! 打下一架 Got one! 黄昏

     我注视着斜阳 Every night I look at the sunset... 希望留住最后的余辉 and try to draw the last ounce of heat from its long day... 用我的心温暖远方的爱人 and send it from my heart to yours. 家人吗? Family? 女友


     我的意中人 Girl, sir. The girl. 许多人责怪美国人不参战 A lot of people frown on the Yanks for not being in this war yet. 我只想说

     要是每个美国♥军♥人都跟你一样 I"d just like to say... if there are many more back home like you... 谁都不敢与美国为敌 God help anyone who goes to war with America. 礼仪分队

     持枪! Attenhut! Attention on deck! 太平洋舰队总司令金梅尔上将登舰 Admiral Kimmel... CommanderinChief, Pacific Fleet, on deck. 士气很高昂

     上校 Sharp presentation, Captain. 谢谢

     将军 Thank you, Admiral Kimmel. 已经四个月了 For four months now Washington"s been 华盛顿闭口不谈日本的威胁 blowing pink smoke about the threat from Japan. 这可能会影响我们的士气

     我特别强调不能放松警惕 Could make us lose our fighting edge. I"m determined not to let that happen. 对不起



     华盛顿急电 With your permission, Captain. Admiral, urgent, from Washington. 太平洋舰队正在积极准备对抗♥日♥本人 I"m supposed to keep this fleet...

     保卫覆盖半个地球的太平洋 battleready to take on the Japanese... cover half the damn globe. 现在他们却要调十二艘驱逐舰到大西洋 Now they want me to transfer another 他们不知道我们也面临危险吗? twelve destroyers to the Atlantic. Don"t they know what we"re facing out here? 他们认为欧洲的战事是最紧要的 They feel Europe is the greater danger. 有人考虑夏威夷的危险吗? I"m assuming these risk assessments include Hawaii? 珍珠港水浅

     敌人不能实施鱼雷攻击 Pearl Harbor is too shallow for an aerial torpedo attack. 而且受到潜艇的保护 We"re surrounded by sub nets. 唯一需要担心的是敌人破坏我们的飞机 All we need worry about is...

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