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    时间:2019-01-01 03:20:28 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      摘要: 本文针对学生常遇到的反意疑问句的问题,结合作者自己多年的教学经验,对反意疑问句的用法进行了归纳总结。   关键词: 反意疑问句用法总结      在英语教学过程中,学生对反意疑问句的用法总是比较模糊,对此,我针对学生常遇到的问题,结合自己多年的教学经验,对反意疑问句的用法进行了归纳总结。
      (1)I am as tall as your sister, aren’t I?
      (2)You’d better read it by yourself, hadn’t you?
      (3)You’d like to go there, wouldn’t you?
      (4)What a girl (she is), isn’t she?
      (5)What colors (they are), aren’t they?
      (6)That is not a nice coat, is it?
      (7)Most of the news won’t be true, will it?
      如果陈述句里包含有neither, no, none, no one, nobody, nothing, barely, hardly, scarcely, hardly ever, seldom, little, few, nowhere等否定词语,就按否定句处理。如:
      (1)You have nothing against it, have you?
      (2)You have never met each other before, have you?
      (3)He seldom plays balls, does he?
      (4)There’s little money with him, is there?
      (5)None of food was wasted, was it?
      但要注意的是,加否定前缀的词,表示相反的意思,不是否定词。如unfit, important, dislike, unpractical等,如:
      (1)He dislikes this idea, doesn’t he?
      (2)He was unpractical, wasn’t he?
      陈述句的主语是anyone和no one等指人的合成不定代词时,附加疑问句的主语用they;如果是指物的不定代词,则附加疑问句的主语用it,如:
      (1)Someone had recognized him, hadn’t they?
      (2)Neither of them complained, did they?
      (3)Nobody knows it, do they? (正式文体中常用he)
      (4)Everything is ready, isn’t it?(指物用it)
      1.陈述句的主语是none of them(或复数名词)时,附加疑问句的主语用they,如:
      None of them are busy,are they?
      2.陈述句的主语是none of us和some of you时,附加疑问句的主语分别用we和you,如:
      (1)None of us knew the way,did we?
      (2)Some of you are learning French,aren’t you?
      3.陈述句的主语是some of us时,说话人把自己包括在内用we,说话人把自己排斥在外用they,如:
      (1)Some of us wanted to stay longer,didn’t we?(包括自己在内)
      (2)On the return journey some of us lost the way,didn’t they?(把自己排斥在外)
      (1)Either Tom or he studies polities,don’t they?
      (2)Neither you nor I am an engineer,are we?
      He said she would visit Japan, didn’t he?
      (1)It’s said that he has been abroad,hasn’t he?
      (2)It’s the first time he has been here,hasn’t he?
      (3)I don’t think that he is a nice boy,is he?
      (比较:I think he is not hones,is he?)
      (4)I was told that he had been chosen as a player,hadn’t he?
      四、祈使句后可以加一个附加疑问句,使口气变得客气一些。这时,陈述部分和疑问部分就没有反意关系。一般情况下,可在祈使句后加will you或won’t you,助动词也可以用can / can’t / could / would。如:
      (1)Have a little more coffee, will you?
      (2)Take a seat, won’t you?
      (3)Don’t do that again, will you?
      但以Let, Let’s或Let us开头的祈使句要特别注意:
      (1)Let’s have a seat, shall we?
      (2)Let me know, will you / may I?
      (3)“Let us go and have a look,shall we?”he said to her.(包括对方在内。)
      (4)“Let us go in, will you?” he said to the guard. (不包括对方,助动词不用“shall”,但也可用would / won’t / can’t。)
      五、带情态动词和used to的陈述句后的附加疑问句如:
      (1)He needn’t go, must / need he?
      (比较:You need to go home, don’ t you?)
      (2)This must be yours, isn’t it?
      (3)You must start early tomorrow, needn’t / mustn’t you?
      (4)He must have been waiting for you, hasn’t he? (如有具体时间状语如yesterday, 则用wasn’t he)
      (5)It can’t have rained last night,did it?
      (6)He dare not say so,dare he?
      (比较:She doesn’t dare to go home,does she?)
      (7)He ought to go and ask the teacher,shouldn’t he(人)/ oughtn’t he?(物)
      (8)We have to listen to the talk,don’t we?
      (9)You should have come earlier,didn’t you?
      (10)I wish to go there alone,may I?
      (11)He used to take pictures there,usedn’t / didn’t he?果
      (1)――I won’t let you do it!
      ――You won’t, won’t you?
      (2)So that’s your little trick, is it?
      (3)Oh, you’ve had another accident, have you?
      (1)Your car is outside, is it?
      (2)So he likes the idea, does he?
      (3)So you don’t want to go, don’t you?
      (1)You are not going out today, are you?
      ――No, I am not.
      ――Yes, I am.
      (2)George wasn’t there that day, was he?
      ――No, he wasn’t.
      ――Yes, he was.

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