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    【Teaching,Plan,for,Unit,1,(Writing)】Test for Unit 4

    时间:2020-03-26 07:35:55 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

      中图分类号:G633.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2738(2011)11-0058-01       一.LEARNER NEEDS    This is a senior middle school class with students aged 16-17. Most of the students are motivated, but some of the students maybe are not interested in the lesson especially in writing. There is a mixture of learning styles in the group, including visual learners, auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners. But they respond best to the kinaesthetic activities.
       By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to give advice to others in written form.
       By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the vocabulary learnt in the lesson to write a short letter about suggestions.
       1. I will reduce unnecessary repeating and echoing.
       2.I will be more patient and wait for the students’ responses.
       3. I will give a strong beginning and a strong ending.
       五.ASSUMPTIONS (What you assume students already know)
       1.The students have already got some writing skills before, but most of the students don’t like to write, just because most writing tasks are not interesting and useful in our life.
       2. Most of the students know something about suggestions and they like to give some suggestions to others in a letter.
       (Key grammar or vocabulary involved in the lesson: model sentences, vocabulary analysis: pronunciation, collocations etc.)
       I. language points:
       1. Fall in love 2. get on/along (well) with… 3. gossip.
       E.g. Marry fell in love with Bill three years ago.
       He is a pleasant person who is easy to get on well with.
       She often gossips to others.
      (language errors / management / materials) SOLUTIONS
      1. I can not help echoing or repeating. After the instructions or eliciting the students opinions and answers, be patient and wait.
      2. Some students can’t follow my instructions. Use CCQ(concept checking questions), let other classmates offer help
      3. The students get tired of writing, especially some students who has low level of English do not do the task. Peer work and let them share other writing
      4. The time is limited because of some unexpected things happened in class. Adjust my plan quickly and cancel some less important procedure, I must give the Ss enough time to do the writing procedure.
       八.Lesson Plan - Stages
       I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But others students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry, I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate others gossiping. What should I do?
      Reading(individual work)
      (1)What happened to Lisa?
      (2)What trouble was she in?
      (3)What do you think about their friendship?
      2.Discussion (group work)
      If you were Miss Wang, what would you do?
      (1)It is right or wrong to end their friendship, why?
      (2)Why do other Ss gossip?
      (3)What is your advice about their friendship?
      To encourage the Ss to find the problems that Lisa has.
       To help her to solve the problems.
      To let the Ss be ready for writing.
      Elicit the Ss to write the outline of the composition and clear their thoughts of writing according to their discussion.
      15’ Step IV While-writing(group work)
      According to the discussion, please write a short letter to Lisa and tell her what she should do. Encourage the Ss to try to use the words, phrases and sentences that you discussed just now.
       t-Ss While the students are writing, teacher helps the students who need help about writing.
      8’ Step V Post-writing(individual work)
       Checking: Ask 2 or 3 groups to read their letters in class. t-Ss By checking, the teacher can know whether the Ss will better be able to productively use what they have learned in this lesson.

    推荐访问:Plan Teaching writing Teaching Plan for Unit 1 (Writing) teaching攻略

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