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    时间:2018-12-23 23:04:06 来源:雅意学习网 本文已影响 雅意学习网手机站

    以下内容是2018年12月英语四级写作解析及范文供各位考生参考!频道第一时间更新公布。同时广大考生还可随时微博及新东方网四六级微信xdfcet46,与线上老师以及考生随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生密切关注。  想知道新东方老师如何点评12月考试→_→ 【整体解析】





    The current days have witnessed the phenomenon that a mounting number of college students are showing great enthusiasm for starting a career after graduation. Despite the seemingly promising prospect in the pursuit of earning money and realizing the value of life, they may also face a variety of challenges.

    First and foremost, most students are unwilling to do fundamental jobs because they think fundamental jobs can neither bring them money nor give them benefit. Besides, some companies are too strict to students. They claim that students without practical experience are not suitable for their position. What’s more, China is a country with a large number of population, which leads to stiff competition among students.

    In view of the seriousness of the problem, graduates should improve their capacity as well adjust their vision to find new chances in the job market. Dreadful as the challenges are, it is deeply-rooted in my mind that as long as graduates can arm themselves with power and determination, the ideal jobs are awaiting them.

    本文以卷三the challenges of starting a career after graduation为例,第一段介绍了在当今社会越来越多的学生选择毕业之后工作,然而他们也面临着一些挑战,第二段从三个方面分析挑战的内容,一方面是学生自己的问题,第二个是用人单位要求严格,以及第三个形势严峻,最后第三段指出在面临这些挑战时,学生应如何应对,是一篇典型的问题解决型文章的写法,中规中矩就基本完美了。

    基本结构确立后,就是语言的雕琢,首先是一些高频词的替换,例如bad, future等。其次是句型结构的多变,熟练的词性转换、适当的倒装从句的灵活运用,都可以使得句式变化多样,而且长短句结合,也使文章看起来丰富多彩,更加具有层次性。最后是句与句、段与段之间的关联,关联词和过渡句都是必不可少的,连接词使观点清晰,过渡句也起到了每段的主题句的作用,使文章更加富有层次感。


    【考后关注】 新东方四六级估分系统,逼真还原12月试题,精准估分提早了解过没过线!具体估分规则,敬请关注!

    推荐访问:新东方 徐州 英语四级 解析 写作 2018专八答案新东方 2017年新东方专八视频

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